The Dentist

By moc.oohay@ecnirpkapert

Published on Sep 12, 2023


Mike and Jake began to stare each other down waiting for the other to concede. Two headstrong stags being led by the will of their virile cocks. In a way to break the tension Sam had the idea of playing thumb war for dibs on my addictive cunt. Best out of three Jake was the agile champion, deep down I wanted him to win so I could go another round with Mike's uncut cock. Yuri lifted himself off my face and gave Mike permission to face fuck me. They then negotiated on which position could they perform in that would give off the best feeling and reverse cowboy it is. Jake sat on a bench and I sat on his cock, my muscles were on fire after all two hours had passed by and we were barely half way through. Mike saw the sleepiness settle in my eyes, "we have a crasher where the poppers?" Greg pulled them out marveling how long it took just to use them, up each nostril a small amount went and like a starburst my senses were bursting with flavor, the sweat pouring down my forehead had a sexual taste to it. Mike jumped up onto two benches and presented his thick cock to me. I stuck my nose inside his foreskin and was delighted to find his funky dick cheese. I would pull his skin with my lips, stretching it as far as it could go. God I was so horny for cock that it sort of scared me, by this time I really wasn't thinking of what I was doing but once I sat on Jake's purple headed soldier the blood flowed right back to my brain.

I began to rotate my hips like I was doing the samba on his pole, the poppers had me in another world. The tension in my jaw had dissipated and my sore hole was invigorated. I stayed in a catcher's position, so Jake could really hand it to my ass. All you could hear was me slurping on Mike's chode and Jake's balls slapping against my gooch. I massaged his ball sack because if felt like a whip was striking my taint, I rested eight inches of Mike's cock down my throat grasping the remaining inches with my other hand. It felt like I was a tennis ball being whacked to each side of the court. As I made my dissent on Jake's cock I would leave the tip of Mike's in my mouth, when I went all the way down on Mike my pucker would French kiss the head of Jake's. Then I got the idea of sticking a finger into Mike's hole. My heart began to race fearing what his reaction would he pull off, either bitch slap the hell out of me or take it like a man. Luckily it was the latter, he sighed in approval as my finger hit his love nut, and a spurt of juice hit my tongue. I added another and he began to rock back on my fingers, this man's ass was insatiable it stood high and was more bubbly than mine. I got even braver and added another finger, he whelped, I settled there wanting it to be as enjoyable for him as it was for me. While I fingered this studly bear he would pinch his nipples, obviously that was a sensitive area for the big boy. Jake peering at the scene in front of him, began to really pile drive in me, my mussy dilated in appreciation, the jizz leaking from my dick mixed with Jake's cock. The pheromones from my seed, seeped into his skin severely succumbing him to my anal pressure. He bit my back leaving a mark that was surely going to be there tomorrow morning. I took my hand off Mike's cock and decided to do what Greg had done to me that afternoon, I stuck a finger along side the cock that was wreaking havoc on my anus. Jake could not believe what I was doing, my laxed hole began to awaken from the new sensation. I was now showing my bottom slut skills off to everyone, Greg stood back proud at what I was doing and gave me more poppers to push me to another level of thrills. Everyone else stood there looking in disbelief at little O me taking a nine inch dick and adding two finger to my worn out hole. Mike was grousing from my striations to his willing hole, he was bouncing off my fingers and pushing further into my mouth. It was as if was speaking another language, I think this guy was like me, he never knew what pleasures that could be given from playing with a perky ass. I pressed my lips on the head of his dick and just concentrated on that, then in a quick move I would go fully down licking his ball sack on the way. I never did the same move back to back, I wanted to confuse him right before I added my fourth finger. I was turning this seasoned gentleman into a bottom slut with just my fingers. Mike was one of the second row forwards on his rugby team, he had arms the size of my head and there he was tweaking his nipples and riding my fingers.

A smile crossed his face as he said that he was on his way to busting a nut, no one had ever forced an orgasm on this dude, and this would be the first time that he got off on some one blowing him. His cock expanded inside my mouth and wave after wave of cum burped from his man stick, I loved the potent flavor, and it tasted like Jimmy Dean sausages and a loaded baked potato. My mouth was full of his cum, he yanked his over sensitive dick out of my mouth, convulsing from the shear pleasure I had bestowed upon him, But before I could even swallow it he began to make out with me, sucking some of his come out of my mouth, and sword fighting my tongue. His lips were so strong yet he held my face with care like a Faberge egg, then he moved to Jake who was still driving his cock in me and shared the fruit of his labor. Jake had this surprised look on his face once he realized he was tasting Mike's cum, never in a million years could he ever expect a guy like Mike to enjoy snowballing. When he swallowed some of Mike's cum that was all it took to get him over the moon, he rocketed eleven shots of cum in my ass. I'm sure that the insides of my anal cavity must have looked like a sea of Elmer's glue pasting my anus in revelry. Jake flipped me over and we share this three way kiss each enjoying the taste of Mike's wonderful sperm. Basking in the afterglow the twins had made a deal with Cristiano to go before him because they had a little surprise in store for me.

As Mike and Jake got off me, there stood Paul and Peter the Abercrombie twins. I was wondering which one was going to fuck which part of me, when they explained that they always do things in unison. I looked perplexed, wondering what they meant by that. That's when Peter laid on the ground and told me to climb aboard, I sat on his dick and felt that is was quite comfortable. I began to take short strokes getting acclimated to the new position. " You're going to want to take some more poppers now" said Paul, not passing a free lunch I gladly accepted the offer. My mind was back to sixty again, I knelt down and began to suck on Peter's nipples and traveled to his neck thinking he was only a couple years older than my son. Then a knock came to my back door, it was Paul, I began to get scared wondering what the hell he was doing. He gripped his brother's cock and began to pry my ass open with both of their love muscles. The preparation with the dick and the fingers in my ass had led me to this point. Here I was taking two dicks at the same time, the poppers attempted to deaden the pain but could not succeed. It felt like the first time Greg had made me his bitch, but this time I was driving the pace. I slowly descended onto their cocks muttering every curse word I could think of under my breath. Finally I bottomed out and could feel the stubbles of where there pubes should have been scraping my ass and ball sack. I moved up and down in short blows which gradually became larger, when all of a sudden like someone snapping their fingers the twins had clapped onto my love nut. Then like a locomotive one would pull out and one would push in, I was in heaven yet remembering the cock lock more like purgatory. These guys were fucking nuts like any twenty something year old, they were a mass of energy channeling it all into my chute. Nothing could describe what they were putting me through, I leaned forward and began to kiss Peter, and then Paul would pull me back and almost twist my head off to make out with me. My lips were much bigger now from all the cock I had to endure and it showed from the kisses each tried to get from me. We switched positions, to where Paul was on the bottom and Peter on top of me. I looked into Paul's eyes as he told me I was pretty hot for an old guy, I chuckled and said he was pretty cute for a tween. He pinched my nipples and jabbed his cock further into my luxurious hole. I bit his neck and tightened my glutes forcing their prongs to be even closer than before. This set them off, I don't know if its twin ESP but it surprised me that both could cum at the same exact time. My cup was now running over, the walls of my ass could absorb no more cum, even when I tried closing my hole nothing could stop it, little did I know what could remedy the situation.

"My turn" said Cristiano in that sexy Italian accent. He aimed his cock at my hole and plugged it better than BP. The leak had been prevented, the girth of the monster inside me was unimaginable. After all the cocks that had found there way inside me, none could prepare me for the assault that I was experiencing. To say Cristiano knew how to fuck would be the understatement of the year. He picked me up and really drove home, I wrapped my legs around his waist fearing that I would be thrown off this bull. He pushed me up against one of the gym's mirrors and fucked my brains out. In his eyes I was a cum towel, he laughed when I began to hyperventilate, the sensations coming from my cum bucket were incomprehensible. For thirty long minutes Cristiano fucked me, on my stomach with my ass in the air was his favorite, he was really able to impale me on his stick. That dick was going places no one else had ever one before, I became a blabbering fool no comprehendible word came out of my mouth it was all mumbled jargon. That's when he flipped me over and placed one of my legs on his shoulder using it as an anchor to get more of his dick in my rectum. As he would push in he would scoot us around the rubber floors giving me and his knees an intense rug burn. The way he fucked sent shivers down everyone else's spine. They all began to stroke their dicks to full mass, Jessie came up to me and splashed cum all over my face, I was like a baby bird being fed by its mother, opening my mouth basking in my reward. Then Mike and Jake came forward spilling another load, I was drowning in cum and loving it. Sam stuck his dick down my throat and gagged me with another load obscuring my wind pipes from moving. The twins got on either side of me and see sawed their pricks inside my mouth, the culmination of all that cum became apparent on their dicks and my lips. And like Mt. Vesuvius erupting on Pompeii, Cristiano blew his load all over my tunnel. He tried to plunge his cock deeper into me, but all the cum inside of me began to fight him, the added sensations caused him to erupt into another orgasm. He leaned forward and licked my frosted covered face, surprised by the taste he licked my face clean and forced his tongue down my throat. We must have made out like that for a good fifteen minutes when I felt his cock began to get hard once again. This time he fucked me with more of a tender passion, his lips never leaving mine. He hoisted me up and let me sink right back down on that mammoth dick. His piercing was unlocking some gate within the walls of my ass that revealed the openness to my now bisexuality. With a final gust of strength, Cristiano came one more time. We laid there giggling like catholic school boys letting the waves of passion drift us back to shore.

All the guys applauded us, I didn't know we were a show but I took it in stride. "I think some congratulations are in order," cheered Greg, "I have a special gift for you." There Paul and Peter walked out carrying some guy with a nap sack covering his head and handcuffs around his wrist. The guy was moderately muscular and was sitting in just his boxers. "Now go over there and suck his cock," whispered Greg. I went over to the random guy and snaked his cock from the piss slit of his boxers. I began to get him hard through my ministrations, he was a little above average length maybe closer to eight than seven inches. Something looked very familiar about the guy, then Greg unlocked me from the confines of that evil lock. I grew an instant boner, then Paul took the nap sack off the guys head. I was flabbergasted as it felt like someone had punched me in my stomach. There in the chair sat my boss Jake Daugherty cursing me behind the tie that was around his mouth. Peter unfasten my boss's very own tie that had kept him so quiet, he spat in my face and told me I was fucking fired. I couldn't believe it my life was about to be ruined, my fag hating boss cock was still in my hand. That's when Greg came up to him and smacked him across the cheek, leaving his hand print behind. "Nate I want you to fuck this guy like he has been doing you for years. I saw the emails of him taking full credit of your work and how he has been manipulating the partners at the company you work for into leaving you at your current position." Rage built up inside of me as Jake's face had turned pale.

I knew Greg was telling the truth from Jake's scared expressions. Fuck him, Fuck him, FUCK HIM the guys began to chant. I was so angry that I threw Jake to the floor, he began to beg and plead for me to stop what I was about to do and think rationally about the punishment for raping another male. I ignored him, I thought if I could get him to take me willingly then he would have no case. I began sucking on his dick, I fingered his hole, and little by little his defenses began to wane. I stuck two fingers up his hole using the cum from my own ass as lube. Mr. Daugherty began to purr like a kitten, Greg came by and unlocked the handcuffs that had bound Jake. With the sensations that were going through his head, I don't think leaving was one of them. Then I moved up his body kissing his pubes, his belly, biting his nipples, blowing on his neck he was mine for the taking. I lifted his face and stared directly into his eyes and what I saw astonished me, there in his eyes was the look of true remorse. I snaked my tongue inside his mouth and pushed my fingers deeper inside his hole. He moaned in delight, then I placed his legs on my shoulders, and inserted just the tip of my dick at his virgin hole. I asked him to tell me what he wanted, he fought the urge to say anything and I pushed a little further inside of him. Tell me what you want me to do, and like a wild mare being broken he whispered "fuck me." I acted like I couldn't hear him wanting everyone in that room to hear what I had just heard. "I want you to stick that big dick up my ass and fuck the shit out of me," yelled Jake. Your wish is my command, and without pretenses I introduced the entire length of my cock to his little sphincter.

He grit his teeth in pain not expecting there to be so much pain, pleading for me to take it out, that it hurt to much. I obviously ignored him and claimed my prize, this was not supposed to be something he was to enjoy. This was his punishment. I sped up my pace working his hole in every way, something snapped in him because he was trying to meet my strokes with movement of his own. He began to suck on my nipple pleading for my forgiveness wanting me to take him to new heights of pleasure. I knelt down and sank my teeth in his shoulder, this pulled him to an illuminating orgasm. Our stomachs began to be slippery with his cum, that tingle began to take me to my boiling point. I dislodged my cock from his ass and presented it to his face. I told him to suck it, he took tentative lips tasting the ripeness of his own ass and the cum I had used for lube from my ass. I jerked my cock off in his face and erupted sixteen volleys of cum to his face. It was like a deluge of semen had poured all over his face. I was water boarding him with my own cum, he choked and gagged but it just kept on cumming. It was as if everything that was in me, came crashing down on Jake's face. I got up and began to walk towards the locker room telling the other guys they could take a whack at him. The guys high fived me and finally considered me to be a man. There in the locker room I saw Yuri laying out my clothes. I asked him how long he had been in there, he replied not long. I slumped over and he caught me, I must have been crashing from the intense high I was on. Yuri tentatively dressed me and decided that he was going to drive me home. We waved bye to the guys and laughed at Jake D waving bye with two dicks in his mouth and one in his ass.

We got in the car and my body finally compressed all that had happened today into shear exhaustion. I directed Yuri to where I lived and we made it to my house. I was too tired to walk to the front door so he carried me to my door, then I directed him o where my bed was. You know Yuri I would love if you stayed the night, and stayed the night he did...

To Be Continued...

Hey thanks for all the feedback keep it coming, hope you guys like the change in events. Again feel free to email me feedback or testimonials at Thanks All!!

Next: Chapter 5

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