The Dentist

By moc.oohay@ecnirpkapert

Published on Sep 12, 2023


I drove home silently, no radio, phone calls, or even a chat with myself. I was stoic, praying that everyone would be asleep. I walked into the door and my wife was standing there with this livid look on her face. I immediately apologized to her saying that I had to go to the dentist because a certain pain had suddenly appeared out of no where and that I had lost my phone somewhere in the car. She was satisfied with my excuse and gave me a hug telling me that she wouldn't know what to do if she ever lost me. I chuckled and reached I for a kiss, she turned her cheek saying that I was not going to giver her what ever I had. We went to bed as she discussed the boys and making sure I took Steve somewhere so he wouldn't feel like a shadow following his older brother around, I agreed and fell to sleep.

When I woke up, the morning wood was intense; I went to the bathroom to relieve myself. Once urine began to flow, I noticed this slight itch from my crack; it was as if my buns were almost glued together. I finished up and headed to the mirror, as I turned around I was shocked to see my ass looked as if it had taken world war three. There were bruises from the paddling; around my asshole was dry cum that had turned into spackle. I decided that I would take an Epsom salt bath hoping that it would relieve some of the tension. I stuck a couple fingers in my tender ass; Greg really did a number on me. I began to get hard thinking of that thick cock plugging my desperate hole. The more I thought about it the harder I became. I added two more fingers to my ass, picturing Greg taking it one more time. Is this what I have become, a cock hungry slut working his hole for his next fix? With my other hand I would pinch my nipples, languishing the thought of him biting and teasing my engorged areoles. I pushed my last finger in my ass fisting myself to an intense orgasm. Scooping the cum up from off my chest, I began to feast on it really enjoying the taste of my creamy cum.

I got out of the bath and put a fresh new pair of briefs on hoping my wife wouldn't notice the bruises on my lower back. Luckily she was cooking breakfast, Tim had to leave early for practice but Steve just slumped there staring at his eggs and sausage. I told him I would take him to school, we talked and he complained that he was happy that Tim got into the school he wanted and was the star pitcher but what about him. You see at his school tennis was not as important to the student body like baseball, everyday he worked hard. In that moment I never realized how much of a sexy man he was becoming, his legs were strong and hairy, and his chest had become very developed. I padded him on the shoulder and told him just think if he continued to train the way he was doing the pros would be a piece of cake. He kissed me on the cheek and thanked me for the support, as I parked the car I told him to start looking for what type of car he wanted because I was not going to hesitate. He yelled in gratitude, ran out the car, and told some random teacher that I was getting him a car.

That really made my day; it was as if nothing could slow me down. I sent my boss the new numbers schedule a couple new clients for a day of golf and overall was really content. Then my blackberry rang, "hello Nate I want you to drive by office for your lunch today don't be late." The phone went silent I almost dropped my phone standing in disbelief. My cock had begun to rise from his sultry voice this man had a power over me that I could not shake off. I sped over to his office, driving through red lights fearing what the punishment could be if I was late. I actually made it in time with two minutes to spare. The girl from the front desk smiled and told me Dr. McAllister would like to see me now.

"Strip" those were the only words that came out Greg's mouth. I began to take my suit off, forgetting that my shoes were still on, I hooked the sides of my briefs and my cock bounced out enjoying the view. Crawl to me were his next orders, I crawled underneath his desk and was bet by him not wearing any pants just a black shear jockstrap. His scent permeated my nose; I began to drip all over the floor. "I want you to suck my cock through my underwear right now" Greg said in this demanding tone. I'm going to teach you once and for all how to suck a cock properly. Once I was granted permission my mouth grappled the fabric like a chew toy. I licked the head which still had a musk of dried pee; I was being intoxicated by his lovely cock. "Pull them down" I unleashed his great totem from the confines of his jockstrap. He covered my face with it covering my nose like a gas mask; his dick was wet from my spit and his precum. I tentatively licked the slit, relishing the sensuous tip covering his dick lip. In the distance there was this moan as I began to chew on his foreskin. "Sink your mouth on it", this time without abandon my mouth traveled down his cock reaching the sixth inch. Then there was this pressure on my head as Greg began to force feed me the next four inches. I was suffocating from his undies that were still wrapped around my nose, but this time I was determined to bottom out and like a marathoner reaching the finish line my nose reached his soft pubes. I had defeated his dick; every last inch was now resting in my mouth and throat. My teeth were no longer scathing this beauty; I traveled back to the head sparing no liquid to be wasted. I was blowing him like my life depended on it, touring every curve of that solid dick. As I made my destination back to his pubes, I decided to be a little inventive sticking my tongue out to swipe his ball sack along the way. "Congratulations you just earned an A in cock sucking," bellowed Greg.

Suddenly Greg started taking control; he treated my mouth like a used pussy tunneling to my throat with long strokes. My mouth was now his, and then he picked me up and flipped me on top of his desk. Without any warning he stuck his long dick in my ass in one sadistic move, but before I could even scream my prostate had been touched by an angel. I began to push back, ensuring that every inch landed in my tight asshole. I feared touching myself knowing I was ready to blow. Then I heard my pucker pop, as Greg disengaged his might dick from my hole. It was as if the entrance of my hole had tiny hands reaching for his dick, seconds went by that felt like hours, and I whimpered begging for anything. Whether it is a stroke or a tease but nothing, I looked back showering him with my puppy dog eyes that are when I felt his fingers enter me. I patted my tongue in approval, then instead of adding another finger he placed his dick right back in me, I was stuffed with three of his large digits and that wonderful cock. He alternated between twisting his fingers and pummeling my ass with that posh prick. With his other hand he began to stroke my cock, my senses were in overload, I began to hyperventilate. "Just breathe, you little slut, you want this so badly you can't even think straight," snarled Greg. He was right as I started to take deep breaths I felt even more pressure around my asshole. Greg had decided to stick his two remaining fingers along side his cock. Could this be happening? Is this even possible? How much can my hole take? All these questions were swimming in my overcharged head, but I was going to ride this wave to ecstasy. Like making the last turn home, those tingling sensations began to set in right before you have an intense orgasm. This was going to be it I was on the verge of cumming. Just before I came this sharp pain yanked me form heaven, Greg was squeezing my testicles with in seconds my erection had deflated. I heard a few clicks and looked down; a weird device had been wrapped around my cock and balls. I couldn't believe it there would be no release for me I was resigned to stimulating the cock in my ass but no sexual freedom for me. Once the lock was in place, Greg's cock as if it could got harder in my ass, like a steel pipe he began to carve a new home for his dick in my ass. As he pushed on my prostate I began to leak again even without an erection I was a leaking whore. Finally he came inside of me, but the normal sensation wasn't there, there was no even trade for my butt. Normally I would be the first to cum and he would soon be next, this time it was all about him. As he slumped over my back I was so disappointed. He kissed my neck and slowly dislodged his cock from my gaping hole, but before fully leaving he stuffed the butt plug back into my wanton ass.

"Get dressed," ordered Greg, "don't worry tonight will be your turn." In a last ditch effort I pleaded with him to take the contraption off my cock telling him that my wife would know there is something wrong if she sees what he did. But to no avail, Greg said that my wife and kids were at her sister's house since someone tried to burglarize the place. My mouth had fallen open wondering what he could have done. He noticed my expressions and blithely commented that he had nothing to do with it, that it was shear coincidence but I better hurry back to work because people are going to start to be suspicious of my extended lunch. Before I left his office Greg took out a tampax and placed it in the front of my briefs. "I don't want you to be leaking everywhere and tonight when we work these glutes you will never forget it." That's when he kissed me and sent me on my depressing way. The drive back to work was incredibly frustrating with the butt plug vibrating in my ass and the cock lock surrounding by knob I wanted to die. It was as if I was Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde when I walked into the office. From the cheery well liked guy this morning to a moody bitch passing by the time during the day. I worked diligently ensuring that my work would not suffer from my misfortunes.

Once I left the office, I sped toward the gym. I called my wife; she gave me the news and said that she and the kids would probably stay up there for the weekend. When I entered the parking lot to the gym, I was a little surprised that there were only may be ten cars there. I walked in and it was as if everyone's eyes were fixed on me, I made it to my locker and there was Greg chatting with the stranger. Apparently the random guy was Jessie the gym owner's son. He was in great shape and looked to be in his late twenties, I shook his hand and he gave me this little smirk. "Here put this on" spoke Greg; in my hand was the same jock that Greg had worn when he forced it around my head. I would have grown an instant boner if my cock wasn't bound. I slowly took off suit and began to take my briefs off, but I hesitated remembering that I still had the pad on. "Holy shit you got him to wear that" exclaimed Jessie placing a hand around my snared penis. "We are really going to have some fun tonight" as he pinched my bubble butt. "Okay tonight you are going to have to prove yourself, out there are eight hungry cocks not including mine, that are waiting to have a piece of you, make me proud and you will be rewarded," whispered Greg. But I don't want any cock, seething with hatred I could have killed him I spat on the floor instead and asked what would happen if I refused to be treated like a cum bucket. He told me it was not a request and good luck on trying to get the lock off my dick without his help. Before I could give an answer he moved in close to me are bodies touching and kissed me, I pulled back he moved forward. Our tongues began to fight for dominance but I knew my place, I relented and swallowed his tongue like it was a dick penetrating my mouth. It felt like a miniature version of his dick, long and thick, he placed a hand around the butt plug lodged in my ass, and began swirling it around my butt like a spoon stirring cake batter. We walked out of the locker hand in hand, resigned to my fate I began to look everyone up and down checking out my dominators.

As I looked around the room there stood eight beefcakes, each guy looked like he could have played some sport professionally. There was one who looked like a member of the KGB, his name was Yuri, and he had a short cropped hair cut with a chiseled face that emanated no feeling whatsoever. Then I saw these gorgeous twins Paul and Peter, they could have been on the cover of an Abercrombie quarterly. There shaggy hair, thick biceps and long legs made my cock twitch underneath my jock. Cristiano was this sexy Italian whose hairy chest could not be tamed by his tight shirt. Jake, Mike, and Sam were closer to my age, they were friends of Greg and also members of the same local rugby league later they would invite me to check them out some other time. Once again Jessie had that devilish grin and asked if I was going to stare all day or suck some cock. My face blushed, as they began to take their shirts off, a short gasp leaked from my lips.

I decided to start with the co-ring leader Jessie; I knelt before him and slid his shorts off his legs. There stood a beer can dick, frothing precum from his tight Calvin Klein trunks restricting him from being fully free. I sucked some of his pungent apple sauce before liberating his cock from his confines. His dick wasn't long but what it had in length it surely made up in girth, I could barely wrap a hand around it.

I moved on to Sam, where he had already taken his shorts off revealing his grey bikini briefs. I peeled them off halfway, just enough so that I could see have of is cock. He had very fine hairs around his penis; they had a dirty blond look that in a certain light became translucent against the back drop of his tan skin. Then I yanked his bikini down to his knees and out plopped a nine inch dick with a little beauty mark on the tip of the head. I kissed it and let some of his slime run across my cheek.

Like a conveyor belt I moved between Jake and Mike when I felt this tug at my asshole, it was Greg relieving me form the butt plug and filling me with his fingers. I looped my fingers around Mike and Jake's shorts and the fell to the floor at the same time. Each were wearing white jockstraps, I snaked those off and held each dick in the palm of my hands. Jake was a lovely nine incher but Mike was ten and a half with a long foreskin that draped another two inches. I lifted Mike's and began to play leggos by connecting there two dicks together by using his skin. "Oh shit he's docking them" cheered Jessie. I had no clue what he was talking about but I just concentrated on the task at hand, once Mike's foreskin was wrapped around Jake's cock, I stroked the two in unison using my spit for lube. When Jake saw that my mouth was getting dry he pulled my lips from their connected cocks and made me open my mouth, there he spat dead straight into my awaiting lips, getting the picture Mike did the same. With a mouth full of foreign spit, that was all the lube I needed. Mike and Jake looked at each other in approval then going with the flow began to kiss each other. I was the conduit that they used to unravel that sexual barrier that had been set in stone for years.

I moved onto Crisitiano who was harder than a stick of dynamite, he was wearing these long tracksuit pants, he was a little nervous but once my mouth touched the polyester, he was a lost puppy that found its home. I took off his pants and stifled a laugh when I saw that he was wearing this yellow laced thong. When everyone heard my yelp they looked over and the room began to roar with laughter. Cristiano just said something in Italian, grabbed my skull, and stuffed my face in his underwear. I relished in his hairiness, as his pubes began to peak through the lace. I hooked his fat dick through one of the sides of the panties, to where his dick was standing through the side of his leg. I left his undies on because in a way I was turned on that a guy would even want to wear women's panties. Now if I was shocked by that you could imagine my face when I saw the head of his dick, there standing proud was not only twelve inches of power but a large piercing looping through the slit of his urethra. And on top of that was a tattoo on his dick, I sucked his cock to get it at full mast. There the tattoo read in one inch lettering ASTRONOMICAL, and that is what it was indeed. I feared what damage this baby's arm could do to me, my eyes were about to pop out of my head when he tried stuffing half of it in my mouth. "Oh GOD I'm going to cum!" Greg had erupted all over my back from watching the festivities. He scooped up his love batter and began feeding it to my asshole; I almost heard my ass slurping up the concoction. "Look at the faggot his holes can't get enough," snickered Sam. I told him to tell you the truth I thought you already left, Jessie he hollered "Burn." I continued feasting on Cristiano's middle leg, worshipping his masculinity, I adjusted my mouth and ten inches began burrowing its way down my throat. I feared that he could have chipped my tooth when his dick began to ascend from my mouth clattering on my front teeth.

"Our turn" said the twins in unison. It was like looking into a mirror when you're standing behind someone. They were so identical, they dropped their shorts sparing pleasantries and stood there in neon blue Speedos. The front of their packages were transparent, I lifted there dicks from their prisons and smiled. The only difference between the two was that one hung to the right and the other hung to the left. Each looked like mine in a way; both were around eight in a half inches, with a mushroom head. After inhaling Cristiano's pipe, these two seemed like a piece of cake. But like twins they wanted to enjoy my mouth together so in went two cocks in different directions. My mouth looked like a stuffed squirrel carrying acorns in its cheeks. "I can't take this anymore" Jessie exclaimed as he stuck his dick up my ass to the hilt. His beer can dick laid waste to my tiny hole, he held it in for a couple of minutes either to let me get adjusted or prevent him from cumming to soon. As I pushed out the Brooklyn subway traveled up my chute, I focused on the two cocks in front of me. Nipping at their balls as they slapped my chin, when one would pull their dick out the other would push in battering my lips. Then they both stopped, they were too close to cumming and wanted to try my ass out first. Finally I moved down the line to Yuri, he was wearing these bicycle shorts that did nothing to hide his massive cock. It was like going through the red scare all over again, when he shed the shorts there in all its glory stood eleven inches of Sputnik missile. He had waited so patiently for his turn and now I was going to reward him. I slipped all of his cock down my throat and looked in his green eyes for approval. We became one person, by me being attached to his horse cock every lick of my tongue would illicit some reaction further intensifying my desire to please him. I then started to stroke his cock while I kissed his beautiful six pack, licking his navel made his cock ooze in my hand. I sucked his honey dick and savored the tanginess of his cream. It became irrelevant to me that Jessie was still pounding my asshole. He had a large cock but he didn't know how to use it like Greg did. With Greg it was a journey with winding turns the line to a and b was never straightforward but more like a maze, each time his dick would find new angles. I squeezed Jessie's one eyed snake with all my might, making him moan out of delight. Yuri lay on the ground and fed me his dick, we had an instant connection. A few days ago I couldn't brush my teeth with out gagging, at this moment I had an eleven inch dick banging its way down my throat. All of a sudden I felt a punch to my gut, Jessie wanted me to tighten my sphincter again, and like a good bitch I obeyed. Not a minute went by before I heard Jessie panting shriek to everyone in the room that he was about to cum. All I could feel were my insides being bathed with thirteen volleys of cum, jet after jet, man it felt like a power washer had gone off in my ass. What this boy lacked in technique turned into a deluge of gooey pale cum, I didn't even notice him pulling out because my pucker was trying to stop the dam from flowing out of my ass. Before Jessie got up he almost slipped on the puddle of my prejizz complaining that I'm a safety hazard.

Jake, Mike, and Sam decided to play paper rock scissors for my ass. Sam came out the victor; he decided he wanted to see me in missionary. I laid on my back and rested my legs on his shoulders, and with a soft plop he began to enter me. I still had Yuri's cock in my throat; he took it out and just sat on my face. His hole was beautiful, I felt like I was looking at the Mona Lisa, his ass and taint was almost hairless, but his pucker was like a bronze copper. I swiped a few licks and bit his iron curtain ass; he flinched then rested his sweet ass lips on my lips. Sam finally had his whole cock in my mine, then he struck gold by hitting my prostate, tonight I was learning so much about cocks, that if one had a forty five degree angle like Sam's, it could really hit a nerve. I damned the contraption that was locking my cock into place; I knew if it wasn't there I could have cum at least three times by now. In my frustration I didn't realize that I had Sam in a headlock, I relieved my constriction but he seemed disappointed. Apparently he was getting off on being asphyxiated, so I wrapped my legs tightly around his neck. His mighty schlong harden in the confines of my asshole. "Oh yeah squeeze your legs together I'm almost there," howled Sam, I gripped his neck as hard as I could that's when his cum hit my g-spot , but all I could do was ooze some more. I was learning so much about these guys, I mean you would have never known that a guy like Sam like such kinky sex. He knelt down to rim me but there was nothing, my ass took his gift and absorbed it in my hole. The other guys looked at Sam in repulse but he had sold them on me having the best ass he had ever tasted. He had exclaimed that it tasted like pineapple lemonade, once he said that one by one all the guys began to eat me out. My mussy would be the talk of the town, they all feasted on it as if it was the last supper. Even Greg knelt down and gave it a taste. My ass was liquid diabetes. "Alright enough with the foreplay I want that ass on my dick," sneered Mike.

Okay this chapter is running a little long, so I'm going to split it up just to keep the momentum going... Feel free to email me at I will definitely respond!!

Next: Chapter 4

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