The Dentist

By moc.oohay@ecnirpkapert

Published on Sep 9, 2023

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The Dentist part II

As I left Greg's office, I found my self driving aimlessly. I tried to block out every last detail of what had just happened, but like jagged nails on a chalk board images of Greg's dick began to flood my mind. What usually could have been a thirty minute drive from the office to home became a two hour trek of continuous right turns. It was as if a turn was the only soothing remedy to my sore hole. How could me, Nathan Montgomery be turned into a cock hungry faggot, surely it was a one off, I must have been caught off guard nothing more nothing less tonight I'm just going to go home, sleep with my wife and forget what had taken place.

I finally parked my car in my drive way, slowly I turned the key to my front door, and took little baby steps hoping that if I just make it to the bathroom, I could wash the filth from my body. But to my surprise my son Tim leapt on my back, screaming that he got into UCLA, in that instance I forgot about my pain and celebrated his success. As I ran through the house with him on back, I couldn't help but feel his dick pushing in the small of my back, I deleted the thought from my mind and told him that he could order whatever he wanted, that we would celebrate his day. While he looked online for what he wanted to eat I told him that I needed to go upstairs to take a long hot bath since my mouth still hurt from the procedure. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him I was proud of him. Then I leapt upstairs with new vigor awaiting those whirlpools enveloping my bruised anus.

I opened the door and to my delight laid my beautiful wife soaking in the suds, she said she could hear me from all the way up here and demanded that I get in the tub and fuck her raw. Without hesitation I peeled my suit off and briefs and leaped into the bath, splashing water everywhere. As I gazed in her eyes and peeked at the new set of tits she got last year, I looked in amazement that I was married to a girl like her. As my dick harden inside her it was if the harder I fucked her the more vivid the flashbacks became. She moaned in appreciation longing for me to keep going, saying whatever came over me she liked. But as I looked into her face I could only imagine it being Greg hoisted under me receiving it deeply like any hate fuck would go. In an instance the soreness in my ass came rushing back from the water shooting up my still gaping hole, at that moment I came like a New Orleans dam being breached (to soon?) I received kisses of gratitude in my post orgasmic state I didn't even realize that Sarah left the tub bragging about how that was the best fuck we ever had. Once I heard the door slam shut I was awaken from my trance, I decided to get a mirror and see if there was any damage to my hole. What I saw stunned me into another state of arousal, there I stood staring at my pink puffy hole. Before I would never dream of looking back there but right now it was as if my asshole was looking more at me than I was looking at it. I would clench and see if it would wink at me, that am when I heard Tim telling me the delivery guy was here. I stood shocked covering myself with the mirror saying I was just checking for hemorrhoids. He ejected this uncomfortable laugh and told me to hurry up because Steve and mom were all waiting on me.

Dinner was what could be expected, I tried to nibble my pizza fearing the numbness would wear off. I finally got into bed and let sleep wash away the day's events. I got up early for work thinking if I fully invest in the business for the day that only time would erode those flamboyant memories. I decided that I would not allow Greg to dictate my life and that I still had to live so I would go to the gym and if I saw him I would confront him there. While I drove to the gym I began to pump myself believing damn come what may I would not be a victim to Greg's sinister demands. When I arrived at my locker I began to change, for some reason whenever I'm in the gym this since of calm comes over me how that could change with a tap of the shoulder.

It was Greg; he asked "what do you think you're wearing." I looked perplexed then with a rush of anger I pulled my arm back and gave him a kiss with a fist. He fell back surprised by my rapid reaction, with a bloody mouth he laughed at me saying for that I would have to suffer the consequences. He pulled out is iphone and pressed play that is when I heard a voice moaning in what sounded like great pleasure. Then he turned it to me so I could see myself on the screen taking his giant cock begging for more. Greg asked "what would Jake Daugherty think of his rising new star if he saw this video?" Jake is my boss and from his random jokes about the gays he certainly would not approve. I lowered my head slumping to the bench muttering what do you want from me?

That is when Greg looked into his bag and pulled out some clothes and a box, he handed me the items and told me to switch my clothes for these and for now on that would be my workout uniform. I grabbed the crap and walked to a stall, deciding that I would not give him the satisfaction of seeing me undress again. I took off my clothes and began to dress in the clothes he gave me. First came my shirt if you could call it that, it was more of a sleeveless, spandex midriff. Most of my abs were out for display and my nipples were could be seen through the shear fabric. Then came the shorts, they were like biker shorts except you could completely see the top of my crack. Finally I opened the box which contained a plastic butt plug and a note stating;

"From now on you will workout every body part including your asshole. I know in time you will appreciate what I'm doing for you and there will come a time when I have no use for you and I will let you free but be warned I can screw you over more than you could ever think about doing to me. You are my bitch, when you eat you will be thinking of me, when you take a piss you will be thinking of me, and when you are fucking your wife you will be thinking of me. So take it in stride and get some pleasure out of it because I am.

Dr. Greg

I couldn't believe I was being resigned to some cheap whore that some guy wanted to get his rocks off to. I waited thinking of how I was going to get out of this mess, minutes passed by and I still had no idea how to get out of this predicament. That's when I heard Greg command me to get out of the stall and get ready to workout. I opened the door and meekly walked through, he told me to stop so he could examine me. I felt his eyes leer over my frame; he began to tweak my nipples and slap my nuts as he walked around me. Once he was behind me he spanked my ass and wanted to see the butt plug, I told him that I couldn't get it up my ass. He gave me a sinister grin and grabbed the plug, he lubed it with his own spit and made me squat down on it, as he would twist it in and out he gave it one good push, I felt my ass snap around it. I have never felt so full; he pulled my shorts up barely giving me wedgies and directed me to follow him. As we started our routine, I started with a light jog to get my heart pumping. Every stride I took, I could feel the plug stirring my bowels. I began to harden, a stream of precum escaped my slit this sense of exhilaration yet sluttiness came over my body. My heart rate was increasing my palms were sweaty; I've never felt this way. We continued on to bench press, he had me lay down and place three 45 weights on each side of the bar. Every rep I would do Greg would bend his knees to the point that his cock would hit my lips. His muskiness began to intoxicate me the sweat dripping from his balls gave me this lightheaded feeling. On the last set my arms began to burn, I felt like I was being suffocated when he would spread his clothed taint over my mouth and nose saying if I didn't push up I would die there. Panic flooded my muscles and I finally finished my last rep. We switched places and he told me to not even think about doing anything funny, I bowed my head in agreement. As he lifted the waits he would take quick swipes of his tongue to my balls. The black shorts became wet and shiny from the amount of precum I was spilling. At last he was done, we took a quick break. I felt a little ashamed at the looks people were giving me but then a couple girls came up to me admiring my muscles. They thought I was one of the sexiest guys they had ever seen. That is when Greg decided I needed to face my punishment for the punch I had given him. He told me to show the girls my ass, I told him no, but the girls overheard him and started egging me on. I was flattered but declined knowing full well what they would find if I did it, so Greg whispered "if I didn't do it the video would be sent to my mother." I relented, I turned around making sure no one else could see us and mooned the girls. They broke out in a little laugh saying they couldn't believe I was gay, I told them I wasn't it and that's when one said that's not what that thing in your ass is telling us. I couldn't fight it; here I was this Adonis being reduced to a child by some date rape loving whores.

After that humiliation all I wanted to do was go home, but Greg had other desires. Next we hit the weights to do squats. Again he put more weight than I usually place and told me to assume position. The first two sets weren't as bad as I had anticipated but the third almost got the better of me. My ass was on fire my legs were goo, Greg would place his dick between my cheeks tapping the plug through all that fabric. I wanted him to quit, the last thing I wanted was to be around him, but there was this gravitational pull and in some way I did appreciate him building my body up. Eventually we finished and went back to the locker room, I was about to take a quick shower when Greg said that the fun has only just begun. He told me to get my shit and get in his car. There I jumped in his range rover as he began to come out of the parking lot, he told me to pull his dick out and start sucking. My mouth suddenly dropped, in no way have I ever thought of sucking a cock. He laughed at my reaction and pulled his shorts a little down just enough for his cock and balls could be free, then he grabbed the back of my head and lowered it to meat his cock. "You know our arrangement so disappoint me" said Greg. As we passed a speed bump I was almost blinded by his steel dick hitting me in the eye. I gave in to his demands and lightly swiped my tongue around his head, I was surprised by how salty he tasted but I guess everyone is after an intense workout. I began to bob my head up and down trying not to let it the back of my throat, there was some cheese around his foreskin that flooded my sinuses. When he noticed my reaction he said that "he hadn't washed his dick since the last time he fucked me." That is when he began to push down on the back of head to take more of his cock; my senses were overwhelmed by his scent. The texture of his dick and the coarseness of his pubes became my aphrodisiac, it was as if there was this little button that went off in my mind and I became something I shouldn't. I licked and stroked his balls, coercing some more of his precum to leak in my mouth. It had a flavor of raw country honey; I pulled some of his pubes with my teeth. I went to touch my dick and had forgotten that he had shaved mine off; I wondered did my wife notice surely she would have said something. I began to accept that my masculinity was dissipating and when that became a reality we had reached our destination. I continued to suck Greg's cock but he pulled me off saying there is more of that to be given once we go inside.

When I looked up to see where he had taken me, I became all too aware that he wanted me back in his office. This time he took me to his private room, where he had an array of equipment waiting for me. There on a bench laid a couple dildos, a paddle, and a cock ring. As I stood staring at the objects I heard a shower turn on. Greg waved me over, he told me to get on all fours, and then I felt the butt plug being pulled out my ass with a hose replacing the feeling. Water poured into my intestines feeling me to the brim, Greg then told me to lie on my back. He began to pet my stomach like a dog and clasped a collar around my neck, as I felt the water leaking from my hole, he told me to clench my ass and hold the water inside. I obeyed even when he pulled his dick out and began pissing over my naked body. I felt so violated, like a fraternity cum dump. He ordered me to sit on the toilet and let loose, then we repeated the hose. This time while the hose was inside of me he began to wash my body getting behind my ears and such forth. After he rinsed and dried me, I was told to walk on all fours while he held the leash and crawl to his office.

It was this room that my demise had started, he made me get in the chair and open my mouth. "You know people pay me a lot of money to clean there teeth but since you have been such a good boy I'm going to comp it" said Greg. As he brushed my teeth he began to gag me with the head of it telling me that I have to work on my gag reflex if I want to take his full cock. I had half the mind to spit in his face but I feared what would come of it. After he rinsed my mouth he presented his cock asking if I was ready for the mouth wash. Greg began to lower his cock on my lips giving me his personal lip gloss. He pushed further and I relented letting his knob go in and out of my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the head enjoying the lovely texture, he began teasing me by pulling all the way out so I would have to chase his dick to get back in my mouth. I begin the decent slurping only a quarter of his dick into my mouth, but I am determined to get more. He pushes forward and then two more inches are crammed in my mouth. He asks me if I want it all, I nod my head in approval like a catholic school boy and he plugs my nose making me gasp for air and shove four more inches down my throat. I am drowning on a dick, I begin to almost black out and yet he is determined to get that last inch down my throat. My entire body is craving for air I begin to think that this is how I will die, Death by Dick. Then Greg stops he resigns himself to take his entire penis out my mouth saying why rush it sooner or later I will be taking the whole thing with out any effort on his part. In a small way I am disappointed in myself by displeasing Greg, here this guy is trying to teach me and I'm blowing it and not him.

Greg decided that we would continue this lesson on another day; next he wanted me to give him a rim job. The thought repulsed me but before I could attest Greg had flipped over and his hole was covering my mouth. I decided to just do it and began licking his ass pretending it was my wife's pussy. Greg had me in a sixty nine position and was sucking my cock as he fingered my hole. Surprisingly his hole was prettier than mine, like it had never been deflowered. It was a light brown ring that would kiss my lips when it felt my breath. I became mesmerized with giving it pleasure, I attacked it like a ravenous wolf sucking and mauling on his hole and taint, he became enthralled with my striations begging for me to stop but I ignored him. He tried slapping my face but his lightly tanned ass was my addiction, in my mind he was asking for it. I began licking from the tip of his dick to his hole, stroking that snake until it moaned. Once I felt those tell tale signs a man gives off I placed his cock right back into my mouth, then like an earthquake his cum rocked my throat. Load after load began to fill my stomach. I shifted his cock so I could get a taste of his cum out of curiosity, which is when I became hooked. It was delightful and pungent, his cum flooded my senses. All of Greg's cries flew out the window he was slouching over me like a dead lift as he maintained composure he told me that was one of the best rim/blowjobs he had ever received but he was going to have to punish me since he told me to stop and rules are rules.

As I laid on all fours with a sash tied around my eyes I began to freak out wondering what my punishment was going to be. That's when I felt a paddle being slammed against my ass. "Now I want you to count how many strikes I give you and if you don't we can start over." My mind began to snap...ONE sir, TWO sir, THREEEE sir, this was the worst pain I had ever experienced it brought me back to memories of my father when he caught me stealing some baseball cards. TWENTY SEVEN sir, TWENTY EIGHT sir, TWENTY NINE sir, THIRTY sir, my ass was glowing embers. Then as an act of mercy Greg caressed my butt and put some healing ointment on it. "I hate punishing you but if I don't you will never learn." He whispered in my ear. He took the sash off my eyes and kissed me on the lips, my dick instantly became hard; he asked if I was ready to get fucked.

Now this time he lay on the ground and told me to sit on it, in my mind I thought surely that butt plug couldn't have made me loose enough to take his full cock. Seeing my dilemma he grabbed a bottle of astroglide, greasing my entire hole as well as his cock, and then another bottle. He placed it under my nose and told me to breathe in deeply, I knew what I was taking since college I was a big time party animal. As my head became free courage began to set in, I lowered my butt on that dick feeling his precum entice my asshole. In an act of desperation I fell on the sword, not resting until the whole thing was inside of me. I tried to jump off feeling the searing pain traveling to my brain but he held be still telling me to breathe out slowly and take another hit. Once I took another hit the feeling in my hole changed from a pain of a freight train running through my entrance to this dull thud. I slowly shifted my hips when suddenly his dick hit my prostate. My cock shot back up like a steel rod, while I was soaking in the pleasure; Greg had grabbed some floss and began wrapping it around my cock. He didn't want me to cum just yet, I looked down and I had never seen my cock look so big, it had grown to an impressive 9.5 inches. I began to rise up and down that stick, panting like a bitch in heat; I wanted this feeling to last forever. I rotated my hips making sure that on all sides of my prostate were being hit. The coolness of Greg's cock ring began to heat up from all the friction taking place on the outskirts of my hole.

All of a sudden I felt myself being raised like Lazarus, Greg began to pin me against the wall my legs wrapped around his sturdy waist. I opened my eyes and met his stare as he pecked my lips. His sensual lips exhausted a sigh of relief from me, I was his to command. I opened my mouth and let his tongue travel past my lips. He was by far the best kisser I had ever met, I bit his lower lip just enough to give him the message that I was thoroughly enjoying myself. Finally he lay be back on the table and unraveled the floss around my dick. I felt free, so unrestricted, as he began to really drive into me, the flood of emotions really began to rise with in me. I knew when the time came I was going to cum greater than at any other time. I place my hands around my dick and Greg slapped them away saying that a bitch should never touch their dick. I was dying from frustration especially when he began to long dick me. He would pull it all the way out and sink right back in carving my hole to his desire. I began to squirm under the pressure; my body was Chernobyl waiting to explode. With one deep push I came rivers, I clenched my hole to for Greg, I had his cock in a vice grip. "You cheeky bastard" yelled Greg as he belched a mound of cum in my ass. The mixture of cum and lube became a piston and I came another time. Never would I have imagined a way for me to come without touching myself. "Good boy you're on your way to becoming a grade A bitch boy little Nate."

Sadly it came to an end and he pulled his gargantuan dick out my ass. My hole was begging to be filled; the only thing that sufficed was the warm cum that was trapped within my anal walls. I clenched my cheeks making sure I would keep this load, we showered and to prevent me from bending over, Greg washed my lower body. As he moved up to my bubble butt his dick began to rise again. There he fucked me for another thirty minutes. To say that I was on cloud nine would have been an understatement. When we drove to pick up my car I knelt down and savored the flavor emanating from his lovely dick. As I sauntered to my car with a butt full of cum Dr. Greg McAllister DDS, yelled that it would be same place same time tomorrow and that he had another surprise in store for me...

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 3

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