The Delivery Man

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Dec 5, 2013


Delivery man -3 JAS

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them

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Delivery Man -3 -Afterwards

The next 2 days were the usual hectic, hot summer deliveries. On the third day I returned to the office after my last delivery. When I walked in I saw Marcy and my boss waiting for me, smiling. The other employees had gathered around. My boss handed me an envelope. It had the logo of the Warriors in the upper corner. "This was hand delivered this afternoon." he said loud enough for all to hear. I took it and went into the corner to open it. Inside was a season ticket for all the home games. I knew it was difficult to get these tickets. My company had a dozen that they spread among the employees.

With the ticket was a small note-"from the guys." I showed the ticket but not the note to the other employees and was congratulated by everyone. My boss took me into his office, closing the door behind him. "Oliver, it looks like you made quite an impression on the team" he said. I had to laugh to myself at that comment. "This is not the first time you have been spoken highly of." he continued, "I think it is time we re-evaluated your positon with the firm". I was stunned. I like my job and the human contact it gives me. He went on, "We think your skills are under used andwould like to promote you to our customer relations office, if you would accept it would be substantial increase in salary and make me very proud." Too stunned to speak I just smiled and nodded acceptance.

I went out to my rig to get some personal things when my cell began to buzz. I didn't recognize the number but answered it anyway. "Hey, buddy did you get our present?". It was Donte deep voice. "Yes, thank you for the ticket. It was a surprise." I replied. He continued almost with a whisper, "We wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed ourselves." I told him how much I had enjoyed the company.

There was a long silence then Donte continued in a whisper, "I don't want to crowd you but can I see you again? This time one on one." Ok, I'm no fool and I know how these guys get traded around and that any relationship is going to be casual and temporary. But inside I knew that my life now was very empty. I told him yes and we made a date for lunch that next weekend. It was to be the last free weekend before the formal traing camp and pre-season games started.

Saturday arrived and Donte picked me up in his hot sports car. I commented on how it must be a chick magnet. He just laughed. We drove for 45 minutes to a nearby, larger city. Donte seemed to know where he was going. I just sat back and enjoyed his company.

Lunch was one long conversation. I told him about growing up in my small town. He related his tough story growing up in the urban ghetto. We relaxed into each other's company. I told him about my recent promotion and thanked him for his part. In our conversation I discovered Donte was 4 years older and had completed college on a scholarship. He suggested that I might want to consider taking some business classes at the local community college to back up my new job.

After lunch we toured around the city seeing the local sights. It seemed that we just didn't want to part and go back to our lives. During the day there had been no talk of anything sexual. It was the elephant in the room. On the drive back Donte finally questioned me about my sex life. I had to admit to him that it was pretty limited in my small town. In fact I had only had three gay experiences before meeting the team. Donte was silent for a while before speaking again. He pulled over to a highway rest stop. He turned to look at me shyly. " Would you consider me as a partner for whatever you want?" he quietly asked. I thought for a long moment before speaking. "Yes, I would like that but I have some reservations about a relationship" I said softly. "Ok, hit me with them! I'm a big boy and sure I can answer them", he joked.

I hesitated then spoke up.First, where would this lead? I know the history behind pro-atheletes and that they are often moved from city to city in trades. Second thing is your size! You are a pretty big boy down there and I doubt I could be able to handle it and satisfy you. Thirdly, I'm looking for a long term relationship at this point in my life." Donte looked thoughtful for a few minutes then smiled before speaking "First, I know that my football career is time limited. Too many bad things can happen so I've set up my own trust fund. It's pretty large and I've put all my endorsement money and salary in it. I've also put out feelers for a college coaching job or even a high school job."

"As for your second idea, I can be gentle and would always respect my partner's wishes. I'm not that rough sex machine you saw the other night. Yes, it's big and takes some getting used to but I'm willing to wait for the right man. I'm also versatile in bed."

"And now for the third thing-I am also looking for a long term lover-yes, a long, a one on one relationship with no sharing. I'd like to share that with you if you'll have me. I've seen too many guys ruined by a quick fuck. It's not my scene. Can we try?"

We drove on, as I thought about it all. we were taking a round about way to my house. Finally, I said "Ok let's try it. But I don't want our friends on the team to know." He looked thoughtful for a few minutes and said, "Well, there's a problem with that. You see Derek and Jason got all your contact info and then encouraged me to ask you out. Brent and Jason like to play match maker. I think that they will know just from the smile on my face on Monday". I laughed! I had been set up.

The season went well for the team, making the playoffs. Donte did not sign a new contract. Instead he signed on as a defensive coach with a local college and as a sports announcer for a local TV station. My job went well and after another 5 years I was a vice-president of the company. At the end of the season Donte said farewll to his team mates and quietly moved into my house. In time he gained a full time position as an administrator at the college. We never had to share each because we were a well oiled machine. The community accepted us as part of the town.

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