The Decision


Published on Sep 14, 2000


All the stories contained within portray explicit descriptions of sexual acts between the characters in it. Although the characters are teenagers who may be below the age of consent in the country or state where this is read, nothing written here should be taken as approval of, or encouragement for, sexual liaisons between people where such liaisons are either illegal, or objectionable for moral reasons. Although this story does not include safe sex practices, it is everyone's own responsibility to themselves and to each other to engage only in PROTECTED SEX. It is a story.

Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Nothing represented here is based on any fact known to the author.

Copyright Notice - This story is Copyright (c) 2000 by Marcintime, and the author retains all rights and privileges. You may distribute, copy, print, staple or spindle this story however you like, provided this copyright notice remains intact and you do not change the story in any way. Also you may not charge any fee to anyone to distribute or access this story.

The Decision By Marc....... (c) June, 12, 2000 All rights reserved. Chapter 4 "The Barn"

Five o'clock in the morning came really early. I wasn't totally sure what time we had actually fallen asleep, but it sure seemed like it was only fifteen minutes ago. Kris got up first and went into the kitchen. I could hear him clanking around and after a time began to smell fresh coffee brewing. In the meantime Kris had jumped quickly into the shower and was just finishing as the coffee maker stopped chugging. He came in and gently kissed me awake and I slowly shook the fuzz from my head.

Kris sat me up and put a hot cup of coffee in my hands and said, "Do you want any breakfast babe?"

I took another huge gulp and said, "No, it is way too early to think about eating anything." Then after another sip added, "The coffee is fine love." I smiled at the boy I was coming to think I was in love with and swung my feet out onto the floor.

I finished the last of the coffee and Kris took the cup and said, "You go jump in the shower, I'll have a fresh cup waiting for you when you come out."

I dragged my sleepy ass into the bathroom, took a nice long squirt then hopped into the shower. It didn't take me very long and in less than five minutes I was toweling off and brushing my teeth. And true to his word, there he was walking toward me with a fresh cup of coffee as soon as I opened the door.

Then as I returned to the bedroom we went about the task of getting dressed. Kris said it would be pretty cold in the mountains so I put on a nice sweater and a pair of jeans. Kris set himself up with a pair of khaki pants and a Brown University sweatshirt.

By six fifteen Kris was out warming up the car, and I was gathering up all the bags to stow away in the trunk. And soon we were on our way. We headed up route one forty six north toward Worcester, and once there followed the sighs to the Mass. Turnpike west bound.

Kris said it was a long ride to the farm, so I just made my self comfortable and snuggled against Kris. We listened to CD's and talked away the miles and in about two and one half hours time I spotted a sign that said welcome to North Adams Mass. "Well, only about five miles more to go babe." Kris said.

North Adams was a kind of a cool little town, kind of like those places you see on a cheap Christmas card or winter scene in a calendar. As we passed through town we went through the business district where there were several small boutiques then by a small junior college.

Kris made a right turn and after a few moments the buildings faded away and soon there was a thick pine forest punctuated by the occasional dairy farm or home.

As we rounded a curve I spotted a white fence ringing in broad green fields and Kris said we were here. I sat up to get a better view and from here I could see that there were about thirty cows grazing in one field, and in another there were about a dozen horses.

We passed through an arched gateway and started down a long driveway of crushed gray stone, and after about a quarter mile or so we entered a broad farmyard. There were two large barns and strewn about were several smaller buildings looking much like oversized tool sheds. At the far end of the yard there was the main house, a sprawling ranch style building . Everything was painted white with black and red trim, and all was surrounded by meticulously kept lawns punctuated by the occasional tree or flower bed.

There were several cars already parked around the yard and Kris commented, "This is going to be a great weekend babe." And he reached over and kissed me on the cheek.

I turned and greeted his attention with a wide smile, "This place is awesome, show me around." I said as I was getting out of the car. It was still only about ten thirty in the morning, and the house still seemed fast asleep.

Kris opened the front door and we entered onto a wide landing, there were a few steps leading down into the huge great room. Looking to the left there was a massive field stone fireplace and at the far end of the room three sets of glass sliding doors that opened to an enclosed patio and a pool beyond.

To the right there were two arched doorways opening into a large dining room, and there was a long table with fruit and juices and a large blender with a few extra pitchers. There was also an array of yogurts, cheeses and cold meats and the aroma in the air told me the bread was fresh baked.

Further into the room there were a pair of swinging caf^Â doors and beyond was the kitchen. Kris pushed open one of the doors and we went into the kitchen to find Aunt Ruth and Edward cooking away.

Edward looked up from the bowl he was stirring and said, "Look Ruth, they finally made it."

Ruth turned from the stove and smiled warmly then said, "Kris, Lin, I was worried you would not make it."

"Well, I got a little side tracked last night." Kris answered while putting an arm around my waste.

Edward giggled saying, "Ya, I can see that. Hehehe" And he made an obvious point of giving me the once over, then added, "You look as good in clothes as you do without them."

Kris whipped back, "Ed, you are a slut."

"Yup, and that's a fact too." Edward burst into a fit of snide laughter.

Ruth cut in with, "I hope you two don't start all that up again?"

"No Ruth, I don't plan to, and he had better not either!" Kris answered, pointing at Edward with my thumb.

Throwing the spoon into the bowl he was mixing Edward countered with, "Now just what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Ruth threw down the spatula she had been stirring the eggs with and turned yelling at the two of them, "Stop it you two! This is not the time or place to hash all this out again!"

"I'm sorry Ruth, but I think someone should have a serious talk with your sound man though." Kris responded.

"Hmm. Well, ah, we'll see." Ruth rushed back to her eggs, "Would you boys mind waking the others, breakfast is almost ready."

Kris nodded and took my hand, then we went back out to the great room. There was a hallway opening to the right of the fireplace which led to the bedroom wing of the house.

"I'll get the right and you do the left, ok?" Kris asked, and he headed down the hall softly knocking on doors.

I followed suit and took care of the left side of the hall. When we finally reached the far end, I discovered the hall turned to the right where there was a fully equipped gym. There were all the latest training machines, a steam room and sauna.

And turning to the left there was a large sitting room with a fireplace, two sofas and a few comfy looking chairs. There was also a long well stocked bar, and a huge entertainment center. And at the far end, a large double set of glass sliders that, like the sliders in the great room, opened out onto the pool deck.

I went out to look at the pool and the glass paneled enclosed room was beautiful, a huge oddly shaped pool, at one end there was a sculpted waterfall splashing into the pool. There were large palm trees and all sorts of tropical looking flowers and plants. In another corner of the room, a huge sunken hot tub. Along the far wall there was a large Bar-B-Q pit which was vented up through the roof.

Kris came out to the pool also, and as he walked up from behind and put his arms around me he kissed me behind my ear. I leaned back into him and I could feel him begin to harden against my butt. He ran one hand down the front of my jeans and firmly pressed my semi-hard dick also.

"MMmmm, babe, I'd really like to take care of this now, he said giving my cock a gentle squeeze, but we should go and meet everyone." Kris said while kissing and nibbling on my ear.

"Ugggh, I want you now!" I groaned, letting my frustration getting the better of me. Then I turned around and kissed my guy deeply, then added, "All right, but I want to finish this later."

"Your on love." Kris said, returning my kiss.

We went back in through the sliding doors leading into the great room just in time to see Andy and Tommy walk through hand in hand. They came over to say hello, and as we made small talk several more boys came out yawning and rubbing their eyes.

"Come on over and meet the rest of the guys." Tommy said to me, and we all headed for the brunch Ruth and Edward prepared.

I spotted Ron and Eric and waved saying hello.

Ron came over to me and shook my hand, then said, "Lin isn't it? Ron, sorry we didn't get a chance to really meet the other night." I nodded then he went on to add, "You were really hot last night. That scene you did the other day was super, keep it up dude, you're going to do OK in this business."

Eric asked, "Did you get that little package we left for you?"

"Yes, thanks, but I, um. Well I don't really think I deserve all that." I said, a little embarrassed about the whole thing.

"Nonsense, just call it a sign on bonus." Eric chuckled, then for good measure added, "Your,,, Ahem,,, performance, was exceptional for a first timer."

"Wow! Thanks. You really think so?" I was feeling really good about all the compliments. It kind of made me feel like a celebrity.

"Listen, of course we do, you don't think I would hand out heavy cash if you weren't worth it do you?" Eric then turned to the rest of the guys and announced, "Hey everybody, listen up for a second, this here is Lin, he's going to be part of our little family from now on."

I could feel my face getting warm and I knew I was blushing. I had a good family, but all of a sudden I felt really good. It was like I was being made a member of an exclusive club. It kind of felt good.

Kris was talking with some of the other boys and after a hearing Eric waved he me over, saying. "Lin, I want you to meet some of the other guys." And he made the rounds introducing me to everyone.

Erylk, Phil, and Evan looked to be about our age and the other three boys, Wayne, Sean, and Nikki were just a little bit older.

There were a few more older guys that I did not know as well, Will, Sam, and Ramon. They all did sound and video.

Everyone made quick work of the breakfast buffet and after a while Kris said to me, "Lets go and get our bags so we can get settled into our room."

The other guys caught wind of that last comment and they quickly responded with volleys of feigned disappointment that I was spoken for.

Kris and I had a good laugh about that as we made our way out to the car. We carried our bags to one of the bedrooms facing the pool and went about putting our things away.

The room was large and comfortable; a king sized bed, a dresser and a desk and chair, entertainment center with TV, VCR and stereo. Opposite the door that opened from the hall, there was a pair of glass sliders that opened to the pool deck. There was a bathroom with a shower large enough for two people comfortably. It looked more like a hotel room than a room in a house.

Kris was just finishing up with his unpacking when I asked, "Now what are we going to do?"

"Well, what would you like to do, we could go for a ride, or into the pool, go into town, or even just do nothing at all and hang out. It is up to you babe." Kris said, then he kissed me on the tip of my nose.

"We have all weekend. I don't know, right now I just want to spend some time with you." I answered. Then I gave Kris a soft loving kiss on the lips.

Kris looked at me and said, "I think we should go and have a talk with Aunt Ruth and Eric soon too." Then added, "I hope they can manage to understand how I feel about this."

"I hope they understand too babe, but I will go along with what ever you want." I wrapped my arms around him and pushed my tongue deep into his mouth for a nice long kiss, then after a minute our lips parted and I went on to say. "I have been thinking about this for a while, what ever you decide will be fine with me." And I kissed him again.

We finally decided on going to the pool so we quickly stripped down and put on our swim wear. Kris grabbed a towel for each of us and we headed for the pool. Walking out through the sliders Kris asked if I wanted something to drink.

"Sure, that sounds good babe." And we walked into the lounge. We found Nikki and Wayne sitting close to each other on a sofa listening to music.

Edward was fixing a drink for himself and Ramon who was sitting at the bar. They all said hello and also all looked at me like I was on the evening's menu. I smiled and said hello to everyone and Ed and asked if we wanted anything.

Kris said, "Sure Ed, a couple of beers would be fine." And we stopped and made small talk for a moment while Ed opened two cold ones.

"Here you go. And Lin, I'm sorry about this morning. I didn't mean anything by what I said." Ed said by way of an apology.

I took the beers and replied, "Oh, it's Ok Ed, really." And I shook his hand.

Kris also said, "Thanks Ed, and lets just forget about what happened before Ok?" Then he took one of the beers from me and took a long drink, then said to me, "Come on babe, and let's go find a quiet place to get comfortable." And we walked onto the pool deck and found a pair of comfy deck chairs over by the hot tub and made our selves at home.

I sat there and slowly sipped my beer and let my eyes eventually wander over to Kris. How he managed to look so good all the time was a mystery to me. Every inch of him was perfect, nothing out of proportion. I leaned over and kissed him sweetly on the cheek. Then rested back on my side and moved as close as I could get without actually falling between the chairs.

I reached over and absently traced a finger up his side and back down to his thigh. Kris let out a soft sweet sigh, barely noticeable, but I heard it. And he turned his head and looked into my eyes. He moved toward me and leaned in kissing me on my lips.

Kris could be so sweet, so gentle. His presence invaded every thought. Every time he came close I wanted him even closer. And the closer we got, the less I wanted to let him go.

"I dunno, Lin, I've been thinking about it a lot." Kris said absently, then went on to add, "There is so much at stake here, I think we should go along with them."

"Well babe, it would be much easier for me if I were just with you." I replied.

"I will talk to them about it this afternoon." Kris said.

"Thanks babe, after all I'm pretty new to all this, lets start off slow, then who knows." I added.

Kris gave me another wide smile and supposed, "Well, if we play our cards right, we will be able to make ourselves a ton of money in no time."

"Ya, that part of it is not too hard to handle." I remarked.

"Man, I'd really like to just take off, maybe go to Florida." Kris mussed. "Start up some kind of business."

"I'm going to get another beer, you want one love?" I asked, not realizing when I said it, I said the "L" word.

Kris sat up half way and squinted at me saying, "What was that you just said?" And he slowly started advancing, stalking like a cat.

"Uh, um, ah, I,, um,, I asked if you wanted a beer." I was surprised by Kris' reaction then I thought more about what I had just said. And all at once it hit me! I slowly realized I had tossed the "L" word into that question and now I asked, "What do you mean?" And then I started giggling, "What did I say?" And I rolled away from and escaped by running around the hot tub.

Kris was hot on my heels and I made the only safe move I could think of, I dove into the pool. And he was right behind me. I was a fast swimmer, but Kris caught me in no time at all. Damn!

I felt Kris get a hold of my ankle and his strong hand locked on tight and he pulled me in. Next there was a hand on the waste band of my trunks and then, there was a second hand. I no sooner broke water and gulped a fresh lung full of air when I was jerked back under. And in a flash, Kris pealed my shorts off and I was skinny-dipping.

When we came up for air again I roared with laughter and pleads for him not to dunk me again. Kris then spun me around and stopped me with a quick kiss, then settled on my lips again for a long deep lingering one. His tongue probed every reach of my mouth, and I did my best to make him feel as welcome as I could.

Kris slid one leg between mine and ground fiercely into me. I immediately felt a surge in my dick and started doing a dirty dance on his leg also.

Kris was kissing me with such passion, that when he reached down and took my dick into his hand I let out a moan into his mouth. Kris moved slightly away and looking straight into my eyes said, "I love you too." And he kissed me yet again.

"MMmmm." I couldn't get a word in edgewise. Kris was amazing. How he could pour himself into me with a kiss. Even in the cool water I could feel that warm churning in the pit of my stomach. I wrapped my arms around him and slid my hands to his Speedos and promptly pushed them down to his knees.

Kris' dick sprang instantly to life and he started doing a slow grind into mine. Our tongues clashed back and forth each trying its best to conquer the other. His skin felt like fine silk and his wet hair fell slightly into his eyes. He just looked and felt so damn good.

All of a sudden there was a great splash, then another and another still. Erylk, Andy, Phil and Tommy decided that we had had enough time to ourselves and stripped out of their clothes and deluged us with cannonballs.

Kris and I did our best to fend off the attack, but there were just too many of them. After a minute we gave up then each and every one of us broke into a fit of laughter.

Tommy was laughing just a bit harder than the others and I said, laughing, "You were behind this, weren't you?"

"What do you mean?" Tommy pleaded with mock indignation.

"Don't give me that crap, hehehe, you know exactly what I mean." And I looked at Kris the same time as he looked at me and we both said in unison, "Lets get him!"

"No! Come on, guys, hehehe, I didn't do anything." Tommy begged. "It wasn't me, no, hehehe."

We both dove at Tommy, totally ignoring his pleas for mercy. And as he made a valiant attempt to evade us, he was blind sided by both Andy and Phil.

They pounced on him from either side pushing him under and Kris and I joined in on the fun.

Erylk hung back, away from the fray, but the Cheshire cat grin on his face betrayed his posture of innocence.

All at once we stopped and Tommy said, "It was Erylk's idea damn it! Why do I always get blamed for everything?"

"You little bastard! Hehehe, it wasn't my idea, hehehe." And with that Erylk beat a hasty retreat buck ass naked and dripping wet into the great room.

After a minute Eric came out to the pool, and asked, half laughing, "What was that all about?" Then he took a long look at us and busted out laughing and he remarked, "You boys look like you are ready for some fun."

Kris swam over to the edge of the pool and said, "Eric, Lin and I have to talk to you and Ruth today, Ok?"

"Sure, let me see if I can find her, you boys wait here I don't want any more water tracked through the house." And he disappeared back into the great room.

Kris and I got out of the pool and we dried off and wrapped our towels around us then sat by one of the tables, I asked, "What about that beer babe?"

"Ya, sounds good, thanks." And I jogged off to get four beers.

As I went into the lounge I met up with Erylk, still naked, just walking through back to the pool.

Nikki and Wayne were laughing loudly and Edward could not seem to take his eyes off him. Ramon turned and almost spilled his drink, then said, "Erylk, do you know you have nothing on?" And that brilliant observation caused us all to double over with laughter.

Erylk just stopped right there and said, "What is the problem, ya'think ya'never saw a bare ass before?" And he turned with a seductive flair that caused everyone to stifle their laughter. He did have a great body, and the sexiest bedroom eyes. All that, and the fact that he did not look like he was a day over fifteen made him a prize well worth winning.

All of a sudden I felt a surge in my dick, and the thought of having Erylk and Kris at the same time was running through my mind. He was looking better to me all the time.

I got the beers and followed Erylk out to the pool, his butt seemed to be calling to me with every step, and I could not take my eyes off of him. And as I absently sat back down I handed Kris a beer I let out a deep sigh, then I opened one for myself and took a long drink.

Kris took a drink also and said, "What's the matter with you?"

I took another drink and finished the beer off, then looked at Kris and said, "Did you ever do it with Erylk?"

Kris almost bit the end of the bottle off and said, "WHAT!" And he sat straight upright and looked dead into my eyes and, "Would you mind repeating that?"

I said, "Did you and Erylk ever, you know, ah, do it, you know, for them I mean?"

Kris looked at Erylk and then back at me, than told me, "Well, yes I did now that you mention it. Why do you bring it up now?"

My attention wandered to Erylk for a moment, and while still looking at him, I said, "Well, maybe we should just go along with them, as long as it goes easy to start."

"You shit! You want to do him don't you? Kris asked.

"What do you mean?" I returned innocently.

"I just saw that look! You want to fuck him." Kris intoned.

"I didn't say that." I didn't know why I was becoming so defensive. I guess I was feeling a little guilty.

"Bull shit! I saw you watching him." Kris admonished.

Erylk was on my mind, that was for certain. And it was true I was attracted to his youthful features. I thought about it for a few moments and said, "Well, shit Kris, don't take this wrong, but I wouldn't put up too much of a fight." I looked at Kris again and he was giving me that intense smile of his. I added, "He is hot."

Eric and Aunt Ruth strolled out to the pool talking about the upcoming shoot and sat down with us. It was strange that sitting there with just a towel wrapped around me, I felt perfectly at home around Ruth. Eric started the conversation with, "Ok, here we are guys, what is on your minds?"

Kris started off with, "Well, it is like this, Lin and I are a couple. And seeing that he is pretty new to all this, he wants to kind of take it easy to start."

Ruth looked to Lin and asked, "Are you sure you want to be doing this darling?"

I thought about it for a second and said, "Yes Ma'am, I'm sure, I just want it to be slow at first, and I wont do it with just anyone."

"Well, yes dear I see. That's understandable, and nobody here would ever ask you to go with anyone you are not totally comfortable with." Ruth added, then she looked to Kris and asked, "Where does this leave you?"

Kris looked at me and took my hand in his, and said, "I think I want to be with Lin. What I mean is, I want to at least be there with him."

"I don't really see any problem with this. Do you?" Ruth asked Eric, who really hadn't said anything this whole time.

"Well, not as far as I can see, but let's just agree that if there is a problem, we'll talk about it. Ok?" Eric responded.

"Yes, lets not let it become a situation no one is aware of. Come to us right away dear. Ok?" Ruth added.

Lin and I both agreed that we would listen to any concerns from Eric or Ruth as well. I could tell from the smiles on their faces they were pleased. And I felt very much relieved as well.

"Now, what will it be for today?" Eric asked.

Kris looked at me and I could tell from the grin he had plastered on his face that he was up to something. Then he said to Eric, "How about Erylk, Lin wants to do him. Right babe?" Kris asked me.

I did not move a muscle other than to turn my head and look at Erylk.

And after a moments thought, Eric said, "Erylk, come here would you love?"

Erylk pulled his slim naked muscular body up out of the pool, and he walked over to the table we were sitting at. "Sure, what is it?"

"It seems Lin here wants to do a threesome with Kris and yourself." Eric informed him.

"Really? How cool." And Erylk turned and locked his eyes with mine. And he added, "When do we start? I'm ready right now."

I let my eyes wander down to his package and saw that it was starting to swell slightly. I let my tongue slide over my lips and his tool flexed in response. I could feel a tickle starting up too, and I knew this was going to be fun.

For some reason Erylk bent over and kissed me on the lips. Not a quick friendly kiss, but a slow kiss, the kind that wants more. That wants to go on and on. His tongue pushed deep into my mouth, and I did not at all retreat from his kiss either.

Eric said, "Hey! You guys, save it for the camera." He turned to Aunt Ruth and continued, "Get me Jake, Ramon, Edward and Ron, and have them set things up in the barn."

Aunt Ruth got up and disappeared into the great room. And Eric said, "Lets meet in the barn in ten minutes, Ok?" And he got up to make his arrangements for the shoot.

I turned to Kris and was about to ask him something. But with one look at him I had forgotten all about what I wanted to ask. I found him sitting slouched back, his arms were folded in front of him and a cold scowl was pasted across his face.

I went over to him and kneeled by his chair and put my arms around him. I pulled him close and whispered into his ear, "Come on babe, you were the one to bring it up." Then I moved back and looked into his eyes, and added, "If you don't feel right about this, we can put a stop to it right here and now."

Kris put his arms around me and kissed me lightly on the nose and said, "It's alright, and it's just that Erylk just kind of caught me by surprise, that's all."

I kissed him sweetly and said, "What is all this about in the barn? I'm not into any of that animal farm shit."

"No, it is nothing like that! It is fixed up into a studio." Kris laughed.

Kris got up and pulled me to my feet as well, and said, "Come on, lets get ready." And he took me by the hand and led me through the sliders leading back into our room. He went straight for the closet and returned with a pair of nice warm robes.

As we each put one on, Erylk returned from the room next to ours with a robe on as well. We walked to the lounge and each got a couple of beers and as we walked back to the great room Erylk said to Kris, "I'm sorry dude, that kiss, I didn't mean to, well, you know, it was..."

"It's ok, really. Let's just forget it alright?" Kris answered. And we went out the front door and turned toward the smaller of the two barns.

As we entered the massive building, we passed through a smaller room looking much like a dentists reception area, with leather chairs arranged along the walls, and here and there, the odd artificial potted plant. We continued on through the waiting area and entered a huge dimly lit room.

Along one side of the room there were long sections of walls, all set up on wheels and ready to be rolled into place when needed. There were two sections of each obviously meant to join together to form the corner of a room. To the left of them there was a short hall with two doors to either side.

On the other wall there was an array of heavy shelving, filled with all the small stuff you would expect to find in a room. There were also several dozen pieces of furniture, included were sofas, beds, and big overstuffed chairs and tables. You know, all the stuff you expect to see guys screwing in, on, under or over in a fuck flick.

Above, there were several rows of light fixtures hanging from frames, most with white bulbs, but there were also colored lights here and there. In the center of the wide room Edward and Ron were busy putting together and tricking out a dormitory room that would be at home on any college campus.

Ed was busy checking bundles of wires and plugging them into a large electrical panel. There was also a second, smaller panel with a series of toggle switches and dimmers for the lights. Beyond the 'room' that was set up in the middle of the floor, and off to one side, there was a pair of sofas, a couple of small tables and a fridge. And in the far corner there was a large walk in shower.

Don was busy putting the sheets on the two twin beds in the 'dorm' room and was constantly talking to himself the entire time. As he talked on Edward had on a set of head phones and started flipping switches and turning dials. It was then I realized Don was doing a sound check while doing the bed.

We went over and made ourselves comfortable on one of the sofas, Kris and I on one end and Erylk on the other. After a minute I noticed Erylk looking at us and for some reason I felt like he was all alone. I held out my hand to him and when he hesitatingly took it I pulled him to us. The smile on his face told me I had read him right, in that he was indeed lonely. He slid over to us and snuggled right into my arms, burying his head into my chest. Kris reached past me and stroked his hair as I held him tight.

After a few minutes the other guys arrived and as Jake walked over he said, "Don't move!" And he ran for his cameras.

We just sat there, each entangled with the other, nothing special, but Jake apparently saw something we didn't and thought we looked great. He must have burned off a hundred shots all the time saying things like, perfect, now a little kiss, great, now move a little this way, or touch him here, turn a little this way or that way. Super! Great! Ya, that's it!

After fifteen minutes of this, Eric came over and asked, "So are you guys ready to get started?"

Kris kissed me on the back of the head and I answered, "Ya, I'm ready." And I hugged Erylk warmly.

Erylk looked up dreamily into my eyes, he smiled, and then said, "Ya, I'm more than ready."

We extricated our selves from the warm tangle of arms and legs and made our way onto the set. Ruth was there with some clothes and handed some to each of us. We quickly put on the new things and made ready to start.

Then we sat down on the bed and opened some beers and started leafing through a stack of porn magazines. I looked up and noticed Kris rubbing himself through his pants and could see a spot of pre cum forming.

Erylk was sitting on the floor, and he had his eyes riveted to my dick, and I reached down and rubbed it until it was fully hard. I leaned back on my elbows and Erylk moved in to run his hands over my boner and balls.

Next he unbuckled my belt and unfastened the button of my jeans and slid down the zipper. I lifted my butt up off the bed a bit and Erylk eased them down to my ankles, and then he slowly removed them. My cock was bouncing with every beat of my heart. I had not realized it until then, but I really wanted Erylk to suck me off.

Kris came over to my bed and slipped out of his shirt, then knelt beside me and unfastened his jeans. I reached up and pulled the zipper down and Kris' tool sprang to life. I took it in my hand and slowly stroked its silky smooth length, as I did a huge drop of pre cum formed and I moved to allow it to slowly drop onto my tongue.

Both Ramon and Ron cheered as the drop fell, slowly, clinging to the head by a long thread if teen pre cum. And as I stretched my tongue out to catch the shiny drop they both gave accolades for a great shot. I cupped Kris' balls and gently squeezed them rolling the nuggets between my fingers. Kris used his thumb to angle his pole down and into my hungry mouth.

Erylk moved in close and worked over my balls with his tongue, then he made his way up the shaft to the head of my tool. And as his tongue rounded the head for the third time, he let my dick slide all the way down his throat to the hilt. As Erylk started giving me a royally good blow job I started working a long slow suck on Kris' rock hard cock.

I reached around and ran a finger into the crack of Kris' ass and as I found his hot little hole he moaned loudly. A shiver racked his frame and I could taste more of his sweet pre cum flowing over my tongue.

Eric told me to hold my hand out and he smeared K-Y all over my fingers. And once all slicked up I returned to probing his most secret place. As I spread a bit of the slippery liquid over Kris' bum I slowly massaged the outer ring.

Kris was humping my mouth slowly and I worked over his bum. I slid a finger around the hole and with each pass I felt it give way a little bit more.

After a couple of minutes of this I could feel him really begin to loosen up, and I let a finger slide in a little way. Kris spread his legs a bit to give me better access and I followed his lead and pushed in another inch.

Erylk was doing a fine job as well, he kneaded my balls and sucked my boyhood like it was the last dick on earth. Ramon, kept moving in for the close up shots while Ron just kept moving to get what he could, extreme facial close ups, and he worked hard to keep himself out of the other cameras field of view.

I loved the feeling of keeping the attention of two boys at once. I had always known I liked boys and I was beginning to understand just what that meant. I loved being with Kris and I loved making him feel as good as I possibly could. Erylk just did something entirely different for me, that feeling of anonymous sex, of choosing a guy to be with.

And just as Erylk started bringing me close to the edge I heard Eric say, "CUT!"The cameras stopped taping and both boys ceased their exotic attentions on me.

Erylk retreated from my dick and it was aching for relief. And Kris left me wanting more of his tasty treasure too. I laid back on the bed and let out a loud, "Arggghhh!!!"

Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope you enjoyed my story.......... This ends Chapter four of The Decision. "The Barn" If you like it let me know at If not, well, I still want to know.

Next: Chapter 5

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