The Decision


Published on Aug 6, 2000


All the stories contained within portray explicit descriptions of sexual acts between the characters in it. Although the characters are teenagers who may be below the age of consent in the country or state where this is read, nothing written here should be taken as approval of, or encouragement for, sexual liaisons between people where such liaisons are either illegal, or objectionable for moral reasons.

Although this story does not include safe sex practices, it is everyone's own responsibility to themselves and their partner to engage only in PROTECTED SEX. This is a story. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Nothing represented here is based on any fact known to the author.

The author retains all rights and privileges to all content contained herein. You may distribute, copy, print, staple or spindle this story however you like, provided this copyright notice remains intact and you do not change the story in any way. Also you may not charge any fee to anyone to distribute or access this story.

The Decision By Marc....... Copyright June, 12, 2000 All rights reserved. Chapter 1

I've been here for a long while now, and if I don't do something soon I'm going to loose my nerve. God, its cold for this time of year! I really wish I had the balls to just get this over with. I've been here all night long, sitting on this same fucking rock. I can't go home, and Kris doesn't want to see me. I don't know what else I can do. See that is the problem, I can never make up my own mind.

Six weeks ago there was no problem. School was more fun this year, being a Senior was definitely better than being a Junior. I was in a good job, part time at the local Video store among other things, and working on a new boyfriend, Kris, he also worked at the Video, among other things.

Well, that's right I said HE. Ya, I'm gay so get over it! Sorry, but it happens all right. I'm just sick of everybody making a big thing about my liking boys that's all! For a while things were great, and looking better every day. That was the problem, the other things or so it seemed at least.

What, oh, who am I? I'm Lin. Yes I know, it is a weird name, it is short for Lincoln. And well, you can just get the hell over that too! Fuck, everybody is a critic. All right then, I'm seventeen years old, five feet nine inches, and one hundred and forty three pounds. I have light brown hair that goes blonde in the summer, and green eyes. I don't know what else to say. I guess I am just an average teenager.

Well, an average teenager who is gay that is. Why do people have to put their two cents in where it doesn't belong anyway! I can't help the way I am any more than anybody else can!

Yup, it was about the second week of November. I was on an errand to pick up a few things at the store and there was a sign taped to the front door of the supermarket looking for an after school counter person at the Video store next door. Cool, I went right over and asked for an application, filled it out and took it to the man is charge. I told him that I really need a job and after looking me over, said he would give me a try. He took me around and showed me the store, all the places I was not supposed to go, that kind of thing. That was when I saw Kris for the first time. He took my breath away, and gave me an instant hard on. He was pushing a broom, and his butt moved in a seductive sway that only broom pushing could give it.

The Manager, his name was Don, introduced us and said I'd be working with him. I shook his hand and I think I might have held it a bit too long. Heh, oh well.

And Kris, man, the first time I saw him I got all sweaty in the palms and tingly in my crotch. I couldn't take my eyes off him, damn, he was just plain drop dead gorgeous. He is five feet eleven, with a just right build, about one hundred and fifty five pounds, raven black hair, and dark brown eyes. Man those eyes, like looking into a deep pool of water at midnight. He was seventeen years old too, just five months older than me, and was a senior also, but went to the shop area in high school. Looking at him made me think that I should have considered auto mechanics rather than advanced classes. Just looking at this hot guy made me regret what I had been missing all these years. Right from the very first time I laid eyes on him I knew I wanted to get to know him better. A lot better!

Kris and I went to the same school as I, but I had never seen him before. I guess that is no major feat in a school with more than thirty five hundred kids. The shop area was in a separate wing of the building, and I just never had any reason to go there. Until now. Well, I knew about him now and I also knew where to find him, that was all that mattered. For the first few days of my new job, I made it a point to get there early so I could get to know him better. Kris seemed to enjoy many of the same things I did, the same music, cars, movies, video games, everything. When I asked if he had a steady girlfriend I was surprised, and relieved that he mumbled a barely audible, "No." He was just too good to be true.

Well, now that I think about it I guess 'that' was more true than not. SHIT!!!

Don said I could start on Saturday at 9:00am and to be here a here a few minutes early to fill out some papers. He seemed like a nice enough person and I could tell this was going to be an ok place to work. Hell, all I had to do was think about Kris to know that this was going to be fun.

The next day in school I did manage to cross paths with Kris. Well, I did kind of go the long way around from American history to my biology lab. I saw him in the hall and said hello and he was in fact kind of friendly, when the other motor heads started ragging on me for being the brain on their 'turf', Kris told them all to get fucked. They all grumbled but didn't say another word to me. It was a long way to my next class I couldn't stay long, but I did get a chance to at least say hello. Kris smiled and said 'hi' and all the way to biology I kept thinking that he was in reality a pretty cool guy.

Later in the afternoon, as I was sorting out books and note pads in my locker and getting ready to head for home, I spotted Kris walking my way. You never saw any of the kids from the trade wing over here in the academic part of the school. And as he walked up to me everybody, and I mean everybody turned to see what was going on. Maybe they thought he was going to pound my ass, HEH, I wish.

Kris walked right up to me and said, "Dude, I'm heading out and I thought you might want to ride along?" All of a sudden the kids near by fell silent and just stared. I felt like I should have told them all to mind their own freaking business, but for some reason my mouth went dry and I couldn't choke out the words.

I felt like a million dollars. I looked at Kris, God he looked good, wearing khaki pants and a tight tee shirt under an opened zip front sweatshirt. All I could manage to squeak out was, "Sure." And I hurried to get the rest of my things. Then as I slammed my locker closed and turned to leave I looked into his eyes for a second but he wasn't making eye contact, if he was holding what he was looking at, I think I would have had a hand on my ass.

Kris turned to make eye contact with me and he smiled, and I returned the friendly gesture. Then, as we headed out to the parking lot, I got to thinking, how did he know where to find me, he had to have asked someone. I got into the car, a pretty nice Camaro for a seventeen year old. We headed off and cruised the main street for a while. I had never been in another kids car before, and never been this close to a guy so beautiful. It was a good thing I had my books on my lap, the hard on I had at that moment was a record breaker.

Kris looked at me and said, "I need a burger, want one."

"Err, uh, ya sure." There I go, always the brilliant conversationalist. Why the hell do I do stupid shit like that? After an oratory of such epic proportion, the only thing I could do was to turn my attention to the sights out the window.

Kris pulled into the Mc whatever and into a parking slot, then said, "Come on, I'm so freaking hungry I could eat you." For a second I thought I was hearing things, but the big smile on Kris' face told me otherwise.

And that didn't exactly help the problem in my pants, and as I got out of the car I had to adjust my self quickly or risk breaking it. I stuck my hand down my pants and hauled the monster upright and rigid.

As I turned around there were three girls sitting in the car right next to us, looking at me with their mouths hanging open. I looked at them looking at me and they burst into huge a fit of giggles.

I must have turned ten shades of red, and Kris looked at me and broke into laughter. I was sure he was checking me out and as we walked into the restaurant he said, "For a minute there I thought you were going to whack off right there."

"Heh, ya, well it happens." I answered.

"Ya, I know, it happens all the time." And he grinned widely.

Kris was hard for me to figure out, I couldn't tell if he was just joking around with me, or coming on to me. I figured I'd give him a little bit of what he was giving me back. "I guess when the mood hits, there aint too much else we can do, and it is always better to go for it than not."

That struck a chord. Kris stopped and looked straight at me and said. "Ya that's true, and can I see really you're in the mood now." As his gaze zeroed in on my dick.

"Well, you know I am after all a growing boy, and any chance I can get?" And I opened the door and held it for Kris to go in. The place was filling up fast with kids from school, and when we walked in I noticed every girl in the place turned to look at Kris. Then I noticed also, about half of the boys did too.

We walked up to the order counter and each got a burger, small fries, and a small drink. Following Kris to a booth I couldn't help but notice hearing the girls say shit like, "there goes that Kris" or "I wish he would ask me out". And as I passed through the dining room I couldn't help but notice his terrific ass. The way it curved from his back, two perfectly matched butt cheeks, the hint of a crack, those strong muscles flexing as he walked. Damn he looked good!

Kris found a booth far apart from the after school crowd and slid into one of the seats. I followed close behind and took a place across from him. He even looked sexy when stuffing a fry into his mouth. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, and every once and a while he would dart his eyes up into mine catching me staring at him. Each time I would quickly turn away, trying to act like I wasn't staring.

But I was, and I knew he knew I was, but those eyes were just so captivating.

Kris, catching me staring once more said, "I hope you like what you're looking at?" And he flashed that killer smile of his.

I could feel the sweat forming on my forehead. Damn, was he making a pass at me? I answered into my fries, "Ya, I guess I do."

"Well all right!" He laughed and popped another fry into his mouth. Then I looked up to find Kris looking dead straight into my eyes and when I caught his gaze he smiled.

I answered again, slowly, "Ya, all right." And this time I didn't turn away.

We finished our food and cleaned our mess then headed out back to the car. As we pulled out of the parking lot Kris said he had to get to the store and asked where he could drop me off. I said he could drop me off at home and I sat back and got comfortable. It only took Kris about five minutes to get to my house, and as he pulled into the drive I gathered up my books.

When I reached for the handle to open the door I felt his hand on my arm. I turned quickly to see what he wanted and he was again drilling into me with those eyes. He held my arm for a moment and I felt him caress it gently. Taking a deep breath, he bit his lower lip then said, "If you want I can pick you up for work in the morning?" He held my arm for just a moment more then lowered his hand. I felt that he wanted to say more, but he didn't. He just bit his lip again and arched his eyebrows obviously waiting for an answer.

"Sure, that would be great." I said happily. And why not I thought to my self. There was the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen asking me if he can pick me up. Was there any question at all that I would say yes?

I was way more than happy, this fine Friday I was walking on air. I think I said good bye three times, and then as I got to the front door I turned to see him slowly drive off. Kris was still watching me as he slowly rolled by the house then as he was just about out of sight he turned and sped off.

I went into the house made a trip to the fridge for a can of Pepsi and then headed for my room. I threw the stack of books on the desk and threw me on the bed. Reaching over I grabbed the remote for the CD player and set it to random, there was no CD in the player so I got up and just grabbed something to throw in. It was one of my Mariah Carey discs. Perfect. I leaned back on the pillow, and hit the play button and listening to the music, closed my eyes and thought about my first afternoon with Kris.

Well, I didn't do much that Friday night other than think the same question over and over to myself, "Damn, what just happened?"

I put my hands behind my head, and was thinking about what Kris said in the restaurant. And also I was thinking about what just happened in the car, I was convinced he was definitely coming on to me. Seeing him smile at me the way he did, and then that touch, his caressing my arm, there was no mistake there. I was feeling really good about the whole thing, but I just couldn't help wondering if it was all too good to be true.

Thinking about Kris, his sexy smile and piercing eyes, that jet black hair. I couldn't get that image out of my mind and it wasn't long before I could feel a tightening in my jeans. Reaching down, I slid my left hand inside my pants to adjust my self. I kept wondering if he knew what he was doing to me? I spent most of that night wondering, mostly with my left hand.

The next morning Kris was here bright and early, pounding away at the front door. I wasn't quite ready yet, so I asked if he would wait a minute and I offered him some breakfast while I finished getting ready. Kris helped himself to some orange juice and a pop tart and then he made him self at home in front of the TV. I was going as fast as I could and made quick work of washing and fixing my hair the way I liked it. I did not want to be late for my first day at the store, but I also was going to look my best for Kris.

Kris was sitting in front of the tube watching cartoons and finishing the last of the juice and as I came into the front room he got up and asked, "Ready?"

"Yup, lets go." And we headed out to my first day at my new job. When we got to the store, Don had not even arrived yet to open the store, so we decided to walk over to the Dunkin Donuts and get a coffee and bag of munchkins. As we entered the shop the air was filled sweet smell of freshly made donuts and coffee.

Another thing we found there was Don. He was sitting on the corner stool and looked like he had a rough night. We went over and sat by him and Kris asked, "You going to open the store? It is getting late."

"Whoa, not so loud, here you two go ahead and open up." Don dug his keys out of his pocket and handed them to Kris, then added, "The papers to fill out are on the desk. I'll be there when I can see." And he took a huge gulp of hot coffee.

"Ok, we'll get going then." Kris said, and we got our coffee and snacks then headed over to unlock the video store. On the way there Kris continued, "Man, he must have been shit faced last night."

"Ya I guess, does he do that often?" I asked.

"First time I've seen it, but I haven't been working here that long myself." Kris informed me, then said, "My aunt got me the job, it was all her idea."

I thought about it for a second, but not too much, I had more important things on my mind. Kris opened the doors and flipped on the lights. After we pulled all the returns from the night drop-off slot he showed me where to go to fill out all the paperwork.

The video store really was a fun place and working here was great too. I knew most of the customers, people from the neighborhood, or school. It was the weekend before Thanksgiving and it was pretty busy. Don showed up in about one hour and a half and looking a lot better too. He said this week was about the busiest time of the year for shopping and said he was going to stay open till ten o'clock.

I managed to make it through the entire day without any major mishaps and when it was time to leave Kris asked once again, "Want a lift?" "Sure, I'd love one." I answered, and with that we said our farewells and headed for Kris' car.

As we sat in the car letting the engine warm up a bit Kris asked, "Got any plans tonight?" And he licked his lips seductively while cracking a wide smile.

"I was just going to stay home. Why?" I queried.

"Well, um, ah, I was, um, thinking of catching, um, a movie, wanna come with me?" This was the first time I heard Kris say something with less than total confidence.

"Ya, I'd love it. What did you want to see?" I swung my left knee up on the seat and leaned against the door and smiled at Kris.

His eyes immediately zeroed straight in on my crotch and once again he ran his tongue over his lips seductively, and said, "Well, I'll check out anything you want."

"Good I was hoping you'd say that." And I smiled the best 'I want you' smile I could manage, and then added, "Just let me go back in and call home." I ran back into the store and quickly called home and told my mom I would eat out and see a movie. Mom, as Mom's do, just had to run through the don't be out too late thing. I agreed in all the right places, and masterfully convinced her I was going to be fine. I finished my call and thanked Don, then headed back to the car.

When I got back into the car, I sat once again with my knee up on the seat. Kris was looking at a paper and when I settled in the seat he laid it on my lap and he dragged his hand across my lap as he moved back to the steering wheel.

I asked, "Well, what do you really want to see?" This time I was licking my lips.

Kris smiled at me and said, "Lets see Sleepy Hollow, I hear it's a good movie."

"Ok, sounds good to me." I agreed, then added, "If that's really what you want to see that is."

Kris reached over and rested his hand in my leg, just north of my knee, and whispered, "For a start." And he gave my inner thigh a little squeeze, and then added, "Come on lets go."

There was a forty minutes wait before the next start of the movie so we passed through the drive-thru window at Mcwhatever and we each got a little something to eat. Then we drove up the street to the Cineplex. There was no line yet so I went in and purchased our tickets, then walked back to the car to eat my nuggets. As I got close enough to see Kris I noticed him staring at me. I smiled to my self and mentally said a resounding 'YES!'

We just sat there making small talk and munching on our dinner. Kris threw a CD into the player, Christina Aguilera, sweet. Then he turned to me and said totally out of the blue, "Are you straight dude?" I nearly choked on a piece of chicken, and I thought to my self 'this is it', I looked at him and said, "Whadaya mean?" After saying that I couldn't help but thinking I had just made I mistake.

"Oh never mind, I don't know what I mean." And he turned his attention to his drink.

"No, really what did you mean?" And I slid slightly closer to him and rested my hand on his forearm, "Please, it's alright, tell me."

Kris turned in his seat a bit, leaned towards me and quickly kissed me on the lips. It didn't last more than one second, but in that moment, time stood still.

I just sat there for a minute and thought about it, then I said, "I have been dreaming about that for days now." Then I tightened my grip on his arm and pulled Kris slowly toward me. This time it was I that kissed him, and this time it wasn't just a quick smooch on the lips either.

It only lasted a few seconds. But when it was over, there was little doubt that we both understood exactly what each wanted. I moved back a bit; just enough to look clearly into his eyes and said; "Now you know how I feel too."

Kris smiled from ear to ear and said, "We had better finish eating this, and there is a line for tickets, the movie will be getting out soon." And we made quick work of the rest of our snacks.

It wasn't long before people started filing out so we made our way to the entrance, I handed the tickets to the kid that took tickets and went in to get a bucket of popcorn and drinks. You just can't walk past the popcorn without walking away with some. The doors to the theater swung open and we went in.

We chose seats in a rear corner and each took one and left an empty seat between us for the popcorn. We sat there, waiting for the start or the movie and just making small talk, eating popcorn and taking note of who was dating who.

About fifteen minutes went by and as the stream of people trickled down to a few lone drips, and then it stopped altogether. There were a full five rows between us and the next closest people, two couples from our school. One of the girls was Kim from my chemistry class, I didn't know the guy she was with. And the other two were Jason and Stephanie; they have been going together forever.

The movie hadn't even started and they were already all over each other. Kris nudged my arm and nodded his head toward the two couples a few rows away, and he grinned with a come hither look and I said, "Don't you dare!" Kris then made a sad disappointed face and we both roared with laughter.

As the lights went dim, and the movie finally started, Kris reached over and took my hand in his. There was a wave of sweet warmth that started in my hand and quickly spread throughout my entire body, a feeling of peace.

When sitting there with his hand over mine, every few seconds Kris would give it a squeeze or gently caress it. There was no way I would be able to concentrate on the movie now. I could just barely make out his perfect features in the dark, and every time the room brightened, I could see him smiling.

Kris got up for a moment and moved the popcorn and drinks, and sat in the seat next to me. He leaned toward me and whispered in my ear, "There, that's better."

All I could say was a soft, "MMmmm." And we cuddled close, well, as close as we dared in a public movie theater. It felt great, I felt great, I had never realized how alone I was until this moment. Because I had never known until this moment what is was like to have someone.

The movie droned on the way movies do when you are totally absorbed in doing something else. And right now there was a deep down burning in my balls that needed attention. And the fact that I was no way I way I was going to be able do anything about it right here was foremost on my mind.

I thought about the kiss I gave Kris back in the car, it made me want to kiss him again, but I couldn't, not now, not here. After just more than an hour of this I had had all I could take. I leaned over and said into Kris' ear, "What do you say we get out of here? I want to, um, ah, I want to......"

"Ya, I know how you feel. I want to too." Kris said, and then added, "Come on, lets go somewhere private." And without further delay he stood up, pulled me to my feet and nudged me out of the aisle.

We were practically running to get back out to the car, and when we got in Kris started it up and let it idle to warm up. As we waited Kris reached for me, pulling me close to him.

I reached around his neck and softly stroked it, running my fingers through the hair at the back of his neck, and as I did I gently kissed him. I could taste mint and popcorn and Kris. I breathed in deeply and savored the scent of him. I could feel his heart beating, I could hear mine pounding like a jackhammer. I felt a surge in my belly, and I was feeling light headed.

Then I felt Kris' hand slide onto the inner thigh of my left leg, and as he leaned in to return my kiss he stretched forward pressing his hand against my balls. As he made contact I moaned softly and he responded by sliding his tongue into my mouth. I had never been kissed with such intensity, and the surge in my belly redoubled its force.

The kiss ended, our lips parted, and we both moved back to look into each others eyes. Kris slowly smiled and reached forward just an inch more and raked his fingers across my rapidly hardening cock. I smiled also and reached up again to pull him to me for another kiss.

Kris allowed himself to be drawn to me, and as our lips met once again he slid his hand full on my dick slowly stroking it through my jeans. I had never really had someone want me this way and the warm feeling it gave me was intoxicating. My balls were aching and I wanted to relieve the pressure. More to the point, I wanted Kris to relieve it.

I kissed Kris with everything I had, and I knew I wanted this more than I had ever wanted anything before. We were quickly being carried away by the heat of the moment. I reached down and touched Kris' most prized possession and I felt it flex in response. There was a moist spot of pre cum soaking through his jeans and I could sense an urgency in him too.

Kris urged me back against the passenger door and he went to work on my rock solid boyhood. He bent down and warmly kissed the thick shaft through my jeans and......

BANG! BANG! BANG! There were three loud raps in the bumper! We immediately both shot upright! And tried to cover our swollen evidence as the cinema's security guard came to the window and rapped on the glass, saying, "What is going on in there!?"

Kris rolled down the window and asked, "I'm sorry, did we do something?" Just a bit sarcastically.

The security guard poked his head into the car and declared, "I don't put up with any loitering in my lot!"

"Oh, I'm sorry I thought this was the lot for the theater."

The security guard stammered, "W, w, well it does belong to the theater."

"Well you said it was your lot." Kris snapped.

"It's not my lot, but I watch it." The guard mumbled.

Kris was getting pissed off, I could hear an edge sharpen in his voice and he was gripping the wheel tight. It was starting to be kind of funny too, at least to me it was, I was trying very hard not to burst into a fit of the giggles.

Kris turned half way and I could tell just from the way he started he had enough. He looked at the rent a cop and said, "Just get the hell out of the way!" And he put the car into reverse, and tore out of the parking space.

The security guard threw himself against the car next to us as we backed out of the space, and I just busted up laughing. And as soon as I started Kris couldn't resist any more and exploded in a fit of laughter too.

I slid over and kissed him on the cheek and said, "That was so weird! I thought he had seen us for sure."

"Ah, he didn't see a thing. And even if he did there's nothing he could do about it anyway." Kris said.

"Well, that may be, but I don't think I'm ready for my family to know." I declared.

"Don't worry about that, we're cool."

"Ya, I know, but we still have to be careful. I don't know how the rents are going to take the good news." I added.

Kris pulled into the strip mall where the video store was and backed into a space in a dark corner of the parking lot. He turned the lights off but left the engine running, then turned to me and said, "You know I would never do anything to get you into trouble." Then he reached over and put his hand on my arm.

I put my free hand over his and held on tight then Kris tugged, urging me to him. And as I obliged he put his other hand behind my neck and kissed me, hard. I opened my lips and accepted him willingly. And his hot probing tongue wrestled with mine. All of a sudden, I had that nice warm feeling again, and my belly was full of butterflies.

Kris reached up and started unbuttoning my shirt, and as he slid his hand under the soft fabric my entire body quaked with anticipation. Then, as I was being carried off to a place new and wonderful, my attention was drawn to the lights of a car driving across the parking lot.

"Kris,,, I can't do this here,,,, please I can't risk being caught. I want to, honest,,, I want It, you,,, so much,,,, but I can't,,,, not like this." I said.

I could tell I had disappointed him; I could feel it as he touched me. That sense of urgency was gone, and I also knew the desire was still there.

But clearly the moment had passed. Kris reluctantly withdrew his hand and kissed me again. Not a deep probing kiss, but a sweet, caring kiss. The kind that tells a person, 'it's alright, I understand', without having to use the voice of disappointment.

We stayed there and kissed, and even enjoyed some light petting, but that is as far as it went that first night. And after not too long, Kris drove me home, and I gave him one more quick kiss goodnight as I got out of the car. I watched him as he reversed out of the driveway, and I waved as he drove out of sight.

This ends chapter 1 of "The Decision" If you liked it, please let me know, if you didn't like it, let me know too.

If you liked this chapter, If you like the story, find more at my website at, and from there also link to the Teenage Gay Boy Love Stories Web ring where we have gathered authors who write fact and fiction about teenage male romance. Check there also for links to other great sites, lots of helpful resources, and funs stuff too. Your comments are the only way I have of knowing if I am doing something right, or wrong. So please let me know.

Thanks Marc......

Next: Chapter 2

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