The Debt

By NCfan

Published on May 10, 2001


Hi! Hope everyone is doing great! Again, I hope that you enjoy the story and give me feedback or comments if you have any. You can reach me at

Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB nor do I claim to know their orientation. This is a work of fiction and in no way represents the true beliefs of the BSB. Those younger than 18 are advised not to read as this story contains content of an adult nature.

The car ride was less unnerving to Brian as time passed by. He hugged Nick's still unconscious body for dear life, savoring the smell of Nick's hair and enjoying the warmth of Nick's flesh on his own. Brian hugged Nick like he hugged the boy every night when they innocently shared a bed. He wrapped his arms around the boy as if he were clinging on to a soft pillow.

"Careful, you'll suffocate him, Brian," Frank's calm voice scolded as he stared into the rear view mirror.

"And what does it matter to you?" Brian felt a surge of courage.

Frank hissed. "Don't devalue my prize before I have a chance to enjoy it."

Brian gawked. "Nick is not a toy."

Frank seemed to ignore his statement. "On second thought, he had already been used. Cursed that stupid Frank."

Brian opened his mouth, but due to his confusion, could not find any coherent words to say. Was it not Frank who sat in the driver's seat.

"Don't tell me you're not Frank." Brian let the words hang out in the open. He wanted to know. He didn't care how stupid he sounded. He wanted to know.

"Hmmmmph. Frank! That bastard. Well yeah, you see his body before you, but I've finally found a way to separate his foolish soul from his body. I just simply need to borrow his body for a little while."

Brian was even more lost. "Frank, this isn't funny. The joke isn't funny anymore."

Brian heard a snort. "I told Frank so myself. I told him that it wasn't funny anymore. He promised me. He made a promise that he would allow me to borrow his body for a few hours a night just so I could know what it felt like to touch Nick's body. But oh no! He went back on his promise. So I had to borrow a dead body instead. And let me tell you that when a person's body is dead, their nerves no longer work. I couldn't feel Nick's flesh even when my fingers brushed over his smooth cheeks!"

Brian's mind raced, but nothing coming out of Frank's mouth was intelligible. He looked at Nick's face, hoping for some logical reason for all of this.

"What did you do to Nick?" Brian asked.

Frank's body snorted. "You'll soon find out, but I can tell you this, I don't hate you. I'm not gonna hurt you at all. I'm just gonna rearrange some things so that everyone is happy. Even Frank, that sneaky bastard will have nothing to complain about once I'm done."

Brian shivered. The plan sounded good, but the underlying currents of deception frightened him. How could everyone feel good when everything at this moment feels so wrong.

"Where are we headed?" Brian asked.

Frank's face twisted into surprise. "Back to the hotel. Where else?"

When they arrived at the hotel, the fake Frank pulled Nick's body from Brian's grasp and carried him to their hotel room. Frank gently placed Nick's body on the mattress. Brian had the chance to run and cry for help, but something held him back. He was afraid. He didn't know what exactly frightened him, whether it was the situation or the mystery about Frank. He remained quiet the whole time.

Finally, Frank looked at Brian and smiled. "Nick's one fine boy, isn't he?"

Brian refused to answer.

"I tell you what, you can keep his body," Frank continued.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Brian asked. Before he knew what hit him, Frank was by his side, pressing his fingers against Brian's forehead.

"Nothing more than what I said. You can keep his body." With one wave of his hand, Brian fell into a deep slumber, his mind wiped of his memory in the past few hours. It was as if he had a nightmare that seemed slightly more real than his other dreams.

Then, Frank's body looked down at Nick's sleeping form. He bent down and touched his fingers to Nick's body. His fingers traced Nick's lips. He slowly leaned down to kiss those rosy lips and blew into Nick's body the soul that he had held captive for the past few hours. He blew into Nick's body Frank's suppressed soul and smiled. He too pressed his fingers to the blond's forehead and wiped out the memories from Frank's soul. There, he had done it. He had successfully transferred Frank's soul to Nick's body.

Now no one will know that he had kidnapped Nick's soul. No one would hear the faint wimpers of the boy's soul. No one would go out to search for him. Nick's soul was his to keep forever. And Brian and Frank would both have Nick's body to keep. Was that not a perfect plan? No one could complain. The plan was immaculate. All he had to do now was go back and retrieve Nick's soul and bring his soul to where it rightfully belonged, by his side down in the underworld.

How he had longed for this day to come. And now, he could taste the victory on his lips. The wait was finally over. And Frank's body would be properly discarded of. He had no use for it anymore. Deth smiled to himself. It was time to go back and retrieve what rightfully belonged to him. It was time to reclaim Nick's soul.

Deth's light aura quickly spotted Nick's soul by the gates. The boy looked as youthful as the day he first met him. And his soul had only become more magnificent since. The beauty radiated from within him, giving him a golden halo which everybody but himself could appreciate. Deth quickly flitted across the darkness to where the boy sat near the silver gates, lost.

"Nick," Deth's voice echoed through the darkness. Immediately, the boy's soul turned to stare at him, backing off from the gate.

"Who . . . who are you?" Nick's soul asked, the beautiful voice quavering.

Deth smiled. "You will soon find out." He instinctively reached his arm out to touch Nick's soul's cheeks. Although both were now just spirits, Deth could feel the warmth of Nick's soul. However, Nick's soul felt Deth's icy cold fingers and he immediately pulled back from the touch.

"You can't run anymore, Nick. You remember that debt you owed me," Deth pressed.

Nick gaped. "Debt?"

Deth's stare became sinister. "Your memory is rather poor, but in time, that will change."

Soon, Nick felt an amorphous invisible blanket smothering him. He tried to wrench himself free, only to be bound tighter. And Deth stood next to him, ignoring his pleas for help. The silver gates slowly opened and now, Nick could feel the burst of heat from inside the gates. It was intimidating yet familiar all at once.

That was when he noticed that his soul was bare and naked, that there was nothing for him to hide anymore. Deth smiled delightedly at the sight.

"That's how it should have always been," he said cocking his head to the side, enjoying the view. Before Nick had the chance to run, Deth grabbed him by the wrists and dragged him through the Gates of Hell. Let the Earthlings be amongst themselves. Nick remains here for all eternity because an unpaid debt is the worst sin of all. Nick would ultimately have to pay it all back with his soul. That was all Deth asked for. That was all Deth wanted. And that was all Nick had to offer. Deth quickly dragged Nick past the fire-breathing demons back to his place, where Nick would start serving him at once.

Brian woke up, groaning from the pain. He slowly opened his eyes and saw his blond crush lying on the bed across from his. He smiled sweetly. Just then, he realized that someone was banging on the door.

"Open up!" Kevin's voice boomed from the other side of the door. Brian moaned and went to open it.

"Geez, Kevin. You're gonna wake Nick up!" Brian said, agitated.

"That was my intention!" Kevin barked. "I give you guys a nice morning off and this is how you treat me! You guys totally missed our appointments for today. And this is where I find you! What did you guys do all day in the hotel room?"

Kevin's face was bright red.

Brian's eyes widened. "You mean we missed all our appointments? That's not possible." As he said that, he looked at the clock and realized their blunder. "Sorry, cuz!"

"Sorry? What kind of lame excuse is that?" Kevin lowered his voice, but he was still angry. He craned his neck to see Nick's sleeping form. He quickly ran into the room and stared at Nick. He reached out to shake Nick's shoulders gently with one hand.

"Wake up, Nick!" Kevin called out to the blond boy softly.

Brian couldn't believe it. Just a few seconds ago, Kevin was screaming at him, and now, Kevin's voice was barely louder than a whisper.

Nick immediately opened his eyes, alert and poised to fight. He quickly pushed Kevin off the bed, making both Kevin and Brian gawk.

"It's only me, Nick!" Kevin called out, massaging his leg.

Nick stared blankly at them. "Kevin? Brian? What are you guys doing here? Where's Nick?"

Brian and Kevin exchanged confused glances. "You're Nick, don't you remember?"

Nick shook his head. "Impossible. I'm Frank. Don't you guys remember?" the blond boy looked exasperatedly at Brian and Kevin.

Kevin jumped at Nick, pulling him off the bed. The boy resisted vehemently. "What are you doing, Kevin? Take your hands off me!" The blond cried out only to be plucked out of his bed towards the mirror. Kevin shoved the boy into his reflection.

Frank's soul gazed, stunned at his reflection. He looked like Nick! But how? How did that happen? How could it be? Deth? It had to be him! That wretched bastard! Was this some nasty joke?

Frank's hands glided to his face, feeling the fine contours of those cheeks that he had always longed to kiss day and night. Then he looked down to his pants and smiled to himself. Does that mean that he could basically see Nick in the nude whenever he wanted?

He quickly was brought back to reality by Brian's voice. He looked at Brian with a sideways glance, making is irritation obvious.

Brian was taken back. "Nick? You okay?"

The boy smiled, his face radiating with innocence, although Frank's soul was smiling a devious smile. "Sorry. Too many dreams could do that to me."

Kevin sighed. "All right, kid. Let's get ready."

"What?" Brian asked. "You said we missed everything!"

"It's called rescheduling, cousin," Kevin replied with disbelief.

As Kevin and Brian quickly got dressed, they didn't notice as the blond boy gazed at his reflection in the mirror. "If I'm Nick, then . . . " Frank's soul thought hard. "Then I have Nick's body to touch whenever I want to . . . and I can get any other man I want to as well." He smiled playfully. Tonight? Naw, he has forever to toy around with Nick's body. He was starting to feel hot for some sweet love tonight. And he knew of some local bars with men to his liking that had always been second to Nick, but now seemed rather appetizing. After the photo shoot, Frank's soul thought mischievously. The only thing was to separate himself from Brian and Kevin. That would be tough. He hated to admit it, but sometimes, Brian and Kevin were the sharpest of them all.

The photo shoot had gone well. After sweating beads trying to create a good story, he had convinced Kevin and Brian that he was going to buy some jewelry for his mother, but that he wanted to be alone. That got him out of their realm of supervision. He sat at the bar gazing at his cup. As expected, a guy immediately approached him.

"Hey good-lookin', what's up?" the man asked, cocking his head to one side.

Frank's soul cried out in joy. That man was handsome. "Nothing," he said, although he looked shyly at his cup. The man immediately took that as his cue.

"Wanna dance?" The man didn't wait for the blond boy's reply. He grabbed him at the waist and pulled him to the dance floor. Frank's soul felt rejuvenated in some odd way. It was like Nick was by his side all night long. He had no problem hugging himself all night. And then Frank controlled the youthful body to come home with the men he had danced with. For one moment, he did feel bad taking advantage of Nick's body. But he talked himself into going home with the men anyways. Nick's body had already been broken into by him so many times. What's the harm in letting it be ravaged over and over and over again?

The house that the men led the blond boy to was big. Frank's soul was in awe. These men were wealthy. He didn't show any fear though. He had been to many magnificent places. This was no different. He quickly allowed Nick's body to be led up to the bedroom.

And then, like a rocket, another pang of guilt hit him. He squirmed a bit.

"What's the matter, boy? Getting cold feet?" the three men snarled lustfully, blocking the entrance so that he couldn't get away.

Frank maneuvered Nick's body back against the wall, closer to the window. He no longer wanted to play the sex game with these people. That pang of guilt was feeding on his pain. He wanted to go back to Brian and Kevin.

Too late though, as the three men closed in on him and pulled him down onto the bed. Normally, these three would be no match for Frank. But he was still not comfortable settling into Nick's body so he wasn't able to maneuver as well as he liked to. Pretty soon, Nick's body which he so poorly controlled was on the bed, the clothes being ripped off of him by three ravaging wolves, drooling over the beautiful body without shame. Each man found an exotic piece of Nick's body and began sucking and kissing. Soon, Frank was lost in a balance between shear ecstasy and complete oblivion. He let them ravage the body reluctantly at first, but then, he began to feel the erotic sensations shoot down his entire body.

Maybe, just maybe, he had done the right thing. He wouldn't blame these men. They exhibited pretty much the same feelings that he would have had he flirted with Nick the whole night. Pure, unbridled lust.

I'm glad you guys made it to the end of this chapter! I'm surprised I even got this far!

Next: Chapter 7

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