The Debt

By NCfan

Published on Apr 17, 2001


Hello Everyone. I'm glad you guys all made it this far. Hopefully, you'll still like the story after this chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB nor do I know their orientations. This story is pure fiction and anybody under the age of 18 is advised to not read on as this contains material of an adult nature.

Brian was able to convince a wary Nick back to the photo shoot, but even Brian had to admit that he had to be excruciatingly cautious with the words that he used. He knew that any wrong word would shove Nick the other way, and to be honest, he didn't know how he did it, but Nick had followed him back to the photo shoot.

He had led the fragile boy step by step, with Frank's help, back to the building where they had left Kevin. He didn't know how Kevin would take it. And if Kevin did say one more strong word to Nick, he was afraid that they would further shatter Nick's already broken heart.

"It's okay," Brian said soothingly into Nick's ears. "I'm still here. No one's gonna heart you!" Brian smiled honestly at Nick. He felt Nick's tremor slow down and Nick's muscles slowly relax. Brian smiled. It was a start. No one could have the same effect on Nick as he did, except maybe Frank.

Brian looked at Frank oddly. He still didn't understand how it was that he had gotten to Nick before Frank did. He figured Frank sometimes actually understood Nick better and had a better idea of how to calm Nick down. But Brian was the one that found Nick.

Brian even wondered whether Frank purposely allowed him to get to Nick first, helping Brian and Nick seal their already tight relationship. If anything, Brian was grateful. He had always felt that Frank was different from the other body guards. The man was more attentive to Nick's needs, never leaving Nick alone to dwell on his sorrows.

And Brian knew that Nick's emotions were in turmoil. He had felt the blond boy's sadness for a long time, although he didn't know what was the cause for the soulful look in Nick's beautiful blue eyes.

Brian sighed contentedly as Nick put his weight on Brian's body. He was nearly enjoying the pleasure of Nick's soft skin on his when AJ had come out from nowhere to join him and Nick.

"Nick? Ya okay, ya big boy?" AJ called out.

Brian smiled in relief, sensing that AJ's voice lightened Nick's mood. Sometimes, it was good to have someone seemingly oblivious yet extremely perceptive as AJ around. They needed him in the group.

Nick nodded weakly. Brian sighed. The photo shoot would be a long one. Thankfully, Kevin made amends for his attitude earlier that day and Nick surprisingly accepted it pretty quickly, making Brian reconsider what it was that was actually bothering Nick.

Nick walked back with Brian and Frank flanking his sides. They arrived at the hotel after dinner. Nick had clung to Brian all night long, making the other Boys look at them wondrously. Brian had ignored them all and sat next to Nick at the dinner table, feeding him. Brian felt so happy with just simple things like spooning food for Nick. And when the others didn't seem to notice, he placed his hand on Nick's thigh.

He knew that it was inappropriate, but Nick never seemed to mind. That night, Brian reluctantly left Nick's side to talk to Kevin. There were unresolved issues that were left untouched. So after tucking Nick into bed, Brian left his side, whispering promises that he would return before dawn, although he didn't know how intense his talk with Kevin would be. But he promised himself that if nothing was resolved before dawn, he would just give up and come back to Nick and spend at least a few hours with him.

As Brian stepped outside of the room that he shared with Nick, he saw Frank walk down the hallway towards him. "Brian?" Frank called out uncertainly.

"Yeah?" Brian replied. Although Frank had nearly punched the daylights out of him that morning, he knew that the reason was because the man thought of Nick as his own and would do anything for Nick. Because of that, Brian didn't make a fuss out of the issue that he punched him. Nevertheless, Brian instinctively brushed the bruise on his abdomen with a little frown.

"I . . . I wanted to say sorry . . . about this morning. Strange things have been happening and I didn't want Nick to get hurt. Someone . . . tried to hurt him last night, and that person seemed to have been an imposter. I just . . . "

Brian waved his hand impatiently. "You have nothing to apologize about. I'm actually happy that you were around. No hard feelings, right?"

Frank smiled gratefully. "No hard feelings."

Brian smiled. "I just want to talk to Kevin about a few things. I'll be back hopefully before dawn. You keep an eye out for Nick, okay?"

Frank smiled gratefully. "I'll definitely keep an eye out for him. He's like my own."

Brian nodded, understanding the feeling well. "I know."

With that said, Brian left for Kevin's room as Frank walked back down the hallway towards Nick's room.

Frank took out the spare key that only a bodyguard could have access to and quietly opened the door to Nick's room. As he stepped inside, he saw the blond boy sleeping comfortably in the bed. Strangely, the windows were wide open, the winds blowing the curtains wildly.

Frank sighed and went to close the windows so that the air inside the room wouldn't be too chilly. Once done, he walked over to Nick's bed and brushed a few blond locks from Nick's beautiful face. He sighed and continued to stare. He smiled at the innocent face and tickled Nick's cheeks, making the boy pull his hand to scratch his cheeks.

Frank smiled again at Nick's reaction. "You're getting a little antsy, aren't ya?"

Nick lay in his bed, still asleep.

Slowly, Frank's fingers kneaded their way down Nick's jawline, settling on his neck. As his hand lay on Nick's neck, he slowly began to massage it with his fingertips, making Nick once again pull his hand to his neck to scratch.

Frank chuckled and pushed Nick's hand aside. Still the boy did not wake up. Frank continued, his hand roaming Nick's arms gently until he traced them all the way down to Nick's bottom. He squeezed Nick's bottom gently, making Nick wake up.

Nick's eyes opened wide as he registered Frank's face. "Frank? What are you doing in here? Is something wrong?"

Frank smiled generously. "Nothing's wrong. Brian told me to look after you while he's out doing a few chores."

Nick loosened when Frank said that. "What's he doing?" Nick asked curiously as he absently repositioned himself in the bed to a more comfortable position.

"I don't know," Frank replied. Just as Frank thought that Nick was going to lay back down on the bed, Nick got up and walked to the kitchen. Frank gazed at the boy's back as Nick walked to the refridgerator in his pajamas.

As Nick was about to open the fridge to grab the milk carton, Frank quickly stood up as well and stepped behind Nick. Suddenly, Nick's body froze as the boy felt a strange weakness through every muscle. His body just seemed to be paralyzed, despite the fact that he could still feel the cool breezes brush against his skin, despite the fact that he could still feel as Frank's arms cupped his knees and back and slowly carried him back towards the bed.

Nick tried to cry out, but none of the muscles in his body worked. His arms and legs were limp. As Frank slowly carried him back to the bed, Nick looked up to see Frank grinning widely. Nick's hands dangled by his side as Frank made the little trek back to the bed.

Nick felt the bedsheets brush against his skin as Frank gently placed him on the bed. He wanted to scream at the man, to ask what he was doing, but he didn't need to ask.

Frank straddled Nick and deftly unbuttoned his pajamas as Nick stared helplessly up into the bodyguard's face. His eyes tried to plead for mercy, but he knew that the muscles weren't working. Frank did not seem to notice as he savagely threw Nick's pajamas beside the bed.

There was only one article of clothing left on Nick's body, but Frank decided to stop the process of stripping Nick and started to plant kisses on the boy's lips. Nick felt Frank's rough skin brush against his and wanted to bite the man's lips so bad. Unfortunately, he couldn't. All he could do was stare. He couldn't even close his eyes as his paralyzed body lay there waiting to be used.

Frank smiled the usual generous smile and used his hands to massage Nick's body. The sensations ran down his spine like a big chill as he tried hard to ignore them.

Frank once again smiled at Nick, stroking his cheeks with his fingers. "You're so beautiful." As he said that, he backed off a little to admire Nick's near naked body. "I don't know why he wants you to repay the debt, but as far as I'm concerned, you're not going to repay any debt until I'm satisfied."

With that, Frank's eyes focused on Nick's boxers and on what laid beneath them. His eyes sparkled lustfully as he licked his lips. Quickly, he let his hands rest on Nick's groin as he began to rub sensuously. Nick felt his body betray him as strangely pleasant sensations ran from his groins to his belly. It was as if his body was reflexively responding, but strangely, he had never thought that he would ever respond to such lustful advances on Frank's part. He was a virgin, wasn't he?

He knew that sexual activity was based on sensual pleasures and touches, but he himself had never really explored that area. Then why did he feel like Frank's touches were welcoming?

When Nick's mind drifted back to reality, he realized the Frank had ripped his boxers off and flung them to the floor beside his pajamas. Nick saw Frank's head disappear as the man bent down. Before long, Nick felt something warm and wet around his penis as his entire body shuddered from the erotic feeling. His mind begged for Brian's return.

Nick was conscious the entire two hours that Frank had enjoyed. Frank did everything that Nick had learned about from AJ and Howie's conversations and a few other things that even AJ and Howie had never mentioned. In the end, Frank didn't hold back on anything. He had even thrusted into Nick's mouth and orgasmed within minutes while Nick stared spitefully at him.

Finally, when all was done, Frank smiled sweetly at Nick. "You're a good f---, you know that? I always thought that your naked body was worth millions. I like you perky when you're awake in the morning, but I actually prefer you like this--dumb, mute and easily accessible in bed. I think you should consider a career in professional sex. You'd be good. You don't even have to move a muscle and people would be crazy for your sex."

With that said, Frank place his hands on Nick's head and closed his eyes. He wiped his hands over Nick's face and gently put Nick into a deep trance. Not soon after, Nick fell asleep, the events of the previous three hours forgotten, as if what had happened was simply a subconscious memory, as if what happened were a bad dream. As with all the last times, Nick would wake up without the memory of the rape and the boy would continue to talk to Frank the next day as if nothing had happened that night, just like every night.

Frank smiled. Being Nick's bodyguard was wonderful. The pay was good, but the benefits were even better. With that, he left the room as he suspected Brian would be back soon.

Brian came back after five rueful hours with Kevin, arguing his cause. He managed to succeed, and in the end, Kevin had promised to be less aggressive with Nick. He also found out that Kevin's anger towards Nick was based on an intense concern for the well-being of the boy so Brian did not press any further. After all, they both had one thing in mind--Nick's well-being.

Brian quietly opened the door to Nick's room to see the boy sleeping comfortably in his bed, just as when Brian had left him. Brian smiled and quickly changed and got under the covers with Nick. After placing his arms around Nick's slender body, he too fell asleep immediately.

hope you guys liked this chapter!

Next: Chapter 5

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