The Debt

By NCfan

Published on Mar 31, 2001


Hello! Well, it was fun writing the first chapter so I'll continue. Thank you to those who have emailed me and written their thoughts. You guys rock!

Disclaimer: The usual. This is fiction. I don't know the backstreet boys or their orientations. This story contains content of an adult nature so anyone under 18 should not continue to read. You have been warned.

Nick's heart skipped a beat when he heard Brian's voice from outside the bathroom. Ever since he parted with Brian last week, he was in a constant state of sadness. He had longed for Brian's company for the whole week. Brian had kept him sane the past three years. He remembered the first time he encountered Brian and smiled to himself.

Brian had just arrived from Kentucky after getting a call from Kevin that they needed a fifth member to their group. Nick was snooping around the building in search of a vending machine, and so, missed all the introductions. Nick never found a vending machine. To top it off, he got harassed by a twenty-year old guy who he happened to stumble across while searching for the vending machine. The guy made some snide remarks before slapping Nick hard on the bottom. Worse, Nick was alone with the guy in a quiet hallway where nobody was around. He always hated being picked on. "A pretty boy like you roaming around this part of the building . . . you're one bold little sh--, aren't ya? Let little Roy here give you an experience to remember." As the guy said that, he undid the zipper of his jeans to reveal a nasty bulge. Nick's mind blanked out because he had no clue as to what was going on and why the man was unzipping his pants nor did he know what the bulge in the pants meant. He actually thought that the man was going to pull out a gun from his underwear. He was so scared he couldn't move. That was when he heard an angelic voice calling out to the man. "Hey Roy, a little rusty, aren't you? Didn't know you would want to coerce a helpless boy into your twisted, disgustingly erotic daydreams." The man turned around, his eyes reduced to slits trying to identify the owner of the voice. When he couldn't see anybody, he glared at Nick and shoved him against the wall before pulling his zipper back up and walking away from Nick and the voice. Nick had sighed in relief although he still had no clue what the heck was going on. He craned his neck only to see a guy not much taller than himself with a huge grin on his face. Nick smiled, eliciting a smile from the guy as well. "Thanks," Nick said shyly. No one had ever stood up for him before. "Thought you might have needed some help there," the guy said. "My name is Brian." "I'm Nick. I was so scared. I thought he was going to pull out a gun," Nick blurted. Brian looked puzzled for a moment before bursting into laughter, making Nick frown. "Is something funny?" Nick asked. "You! You thought that big bulge in his pants was a gun?" Brian's face was beet red by then as he tried to unsuccessfully suppress his laughter. Nick just stared at Brian strangely, afraid that Brian was a lunatic as well. Brian didn't have a chance to explain himself when Nick ran out of the hallway back to Kevin, AJ and Howie. He recounted to them the story as they too bursted into laughter to his dismay. Nick's face was flushed with anger when Brian suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Nick pointed to Brian. "That's him! He . . . he laughed at me, too!" To Nick's horror, the other guys actually smiled at Brian. None of the guys bothered to explain to him what the creep upstairs actually intended, and Nick didn't want to ask anybody else because he felt that they would laugh at his naivete as well. It took him a couple of years to decipher the big secret and every now and then, he would blush at his childish behavior. ~~~~~~~~~ Nick chuckled to himself at the memory. Brian was his closest friend. Despite all the strange things that have happened in the past few years, he always ran back to Brian when he was scared. Nick quickly finished his shower and stepped out of the tub, but jumped back in surprise when Brian's face was right next to the door, making him nearly slip. "Brian!" Nick cried out. "You're not supposed to peek!" "You sound distraught. If I'm not supposed to peek, why did you leave the door open?" Brian countered. "Because I'm scared!" Nick hastily replied before throwing his towel away and putting on his boxers. Brian had, by then, stepped out of the bathroom and sat on his bed. Nick felt his heart skipping a few beats. He didn't want to anger Brian. He didn't want to lose Brian's friendship. Quickly, before putting on any other clothes, Nick walked over to Brian's bed ands at on it. "I'm sorry Brian. I didn't mean to sound angry," Nick began to apologize. "Naw. You're sexy when you're angry," Brian smiled in return. Nick gaped. Brian had never called him sexy before. Their relationship had always been pure. Brian never used any language that would make them uncomfortable. Brian sensed the shock in Nick's face. "What?" he asked defensively. "Did you have too much to drink or something?" Nick asked suspiciously. That was when Brian realized his blunder. "Uh, no. So what were you scared of?" Brian asked, trying to change the subject. That seemed to have worked because Nick suddenly pulled back and shuddered. "I saw a . . . a dead body today. And . . . and it talked to me! Do I sound like I'm nuts?" Brian didn't reveal any surprise as Nick said that. "Really?" he asked although the tone in his voice was dull. He turned to face Nick, but his eyes fixated on Nick's smooth flesh instead, sparkling from their closeness. His fingers were just inches away. He could . . . But Nick had stood up and walked to the other bed. "I was so scared," Nick whispered to himself. "He said that I owed him a debt." "Oh?" Brian replied absentmindedly. His eyes never left Nick's body. So alluring . . . Nick's body that was. Brian stood up and walked over to where Nick sat. He placed his arms around Nick's chest and hugged it as he sat down. Nick was too busy thinking about what had happened earlier in the night to realize that Brian's touch was more sensual than supportive. "I don't know what debt I owed him," Nick sighed, his eyes beginning to water. "Shhhhhhh. It's okay. I'm here," Brian responded soothingly as he rubbed his hands against Nick's chest. He slowly pulled Nick into his own chest and let Nick's head rest on his shoulders. By now, Nick was hysterical. "I'm so scared. I don't know what's going on!" Nick sobbed. This was his chance. Nick's defenses were all crumbling. Brian's fingers deftly sifted through Nick's abdomen and reached their destination at the top of Nick's boxers. His index finger glowed a bright hue of red as it effortlessly moved through the fabric of the boxers, tearing it with ease. He made sure that Nick didn't even feel as one side of the boxers came off. "It's okay, Nick. I'm here now. No one's gonna hurt you." Brian's soothing voice veiled his malice. Brian lifted his fingers back up to trace Nick's chest. Nick violently pushed his hand away and turned around to face the bed, throwing his face into the pillows. At that moment, Brian thought that Nick had figured something out, but to his pleasure, Nick did not show any recognition. "Come on, what's my Nick doing so upset?" Brian said smoothly. "What are you afraid of? If you owe someone a debt, then just repay it. What's the need for all the hysterics?" "You wouldn't understand. I don't know what debt I owe!" Nick sobbed from his pillow. And all these strange things keep happening. I'm scared. What does the guy or whatever he is want?" Brian's eyes seemed to flash with red for a few seconds before he calmed himself down. "You don't know what you owe? That's odd. Maybe that person wants you." Nick suddenly stopped sobbing and started to shake. Brian could see that goosebumps form on his back and smiled as he saw the change in Nick's features. "What did I do that he would want me?" Nick's voice became strained. He had lifted his head, but did not turn to face Brian. "Maybe it's not one thing that you did. Maybe it's not you that promised to repay the debt. Maybe it was someone else who had promised you as a reward for something they received." Brian fingers gently stroked Nick's back. Nick wanted to cower from the cold touch. Brian's fingers were cold and gritty as they traced his back. The beautiful voice sounded shrill and slurred. He was afraid to turn around. That was when he noticed that one half of his boxers seemed to be coming off. He tried to swallow but was too afraid to even try. "Brian?" Nick asked weakly. "Why do you wish Brian here?" the voice replied. There was no way mistaking that voice--the voice of death that Nick had run into earlier that night, a voice that was so chilling Nick's muscles simply weakened. "What is it that you want from me?" Nick wavered. "Do you like Brian a lot?" the voice whispered, ignoring Nick's question. Nick could feel the cold air against the back of his neck. Nick froze, not trusting that his body would support him any longer. "It's a pity, then," the voice whispered to Nick's ears. Before Nick knew any more fear, he turned around slowly. His eyes narrowed a little when he realized that there was no one in the room, but himself. He took in a deep breath before shrinking back into the covers. That was when he looked down. His boxers were indeed dangling from one of his hips. He jumped out of bed and ran towards the dresser pulling on a decent set of pants before rushing for the door, back out into the hallway in search of Frank. ********************* Kevin had no idea what happened as he felt a powerful momentum knock the winds out of him. The next thing he knew, he was sprawled on the floor, and a blond mop of hair in his mouth. He spat disgustedly as he yanked the hair out of his face, only to recognize the tearful blue eyes. "Nick?" Kevin croaked. "What's going on, kid?" That was Kevin's pet name for Nick since their age difference seemed wider that most people imagined. Nick's breathing was erratic as he stared at Kevin with fear. "Brian . . . Brian . . . in my room . . . " Nick's voice was broken as he tried to recount the events of the night. He failed miserably as the incoherent words slipped out of his mouth. Kevin raised an eyebrow. "Brian's not here, Nick. He just called me a while ago. He's getting ready to board the plane to Chicago." Nick's big eyes gazed in confusion, as if it were a hassle to decipher what Kevin just said. "What?" Kevin sighed. "Brian missed the plane, remember? So his next flight isn't coming until a few hours from now." Kevin reached out to pat Nick on the head. "What's wrong, kid? You look pale." Nick grabbed Kevin's arm. "I saw Brian in my room, except he wasn't Brian. He was someone else, an impostor. He pretended to be Brian. I . . . " Kevin shook Nick hard, sensing that Nick's panic was going beyond reason. "Stop it! You're being childish." With that, Kevin pulled Nick's arms towards him as he forced Nick back towards his room. "No!" Nick countered, trying to free his arm from Kevin's firm grasp. He wasn't strong enough so Kevin pulled him back towards his room. "No! Stop!" Nick cried out again, but his words were ignored. "Nick, you have to stop being so childish. Come, we're gonna go back to your room and stop this charade. Okay?" Kevin said confidently. Within minutes, Kevin dragged Nick back into his room, forcing him onto the bed. "Sleep!" Kevin demanded roughly. "Or we'll never get tomorrow's photo shoot done. You need your rest." Nick knew that Kevin's expression only meant trouble. He slowly pulled the blanket over his now shivering body. He wanted Kevin to believe him so much, but Kevin always thought that he was too childish to be trusted. Still, he eventually fell asleep and never knew at what point in time Kevin actually left his bedroom. Strangely, he did not have nightmares as he drifted into a deep sleep. ******************** Nick was awoken the next morning by a loud thunderous knock on the door. He jerked awake without hesitation and ran to the door, peaking into the peephole. He half hoped that it would be Frank, but at the other side of the door stood Brian, eyes dark and hair ruffled. Nick shivered a little before opening the door slowly. "Yes?" Nick's voice sounded small, but he couldn't help it. The memories of last night were still replaying in his fragile mind. "Nick!" Brian smiled grumpily, making Nick ease a little. This was more like the Brian he knew. Brian made his way to the bed without further greetings. He dropped his bags quickly and looked at the two beds. One was messed up, and Brian figured that it belonged to Nick so he plopped onto that bed and made himself comfortable. Nick gazed at Brian, easing a little. "Brian, are you tired?" Brian snorted before falling asleep. Nick relaxed even more. This was Brian, no doubt. Last night's impostor was too smoothe, too erotic to be Brian. His real Frick was always blunt and rather unappealing after a long plane ride. Nick smiled to himself as he slid into the unmade bed and fell asleep again. At least it was an impostor and not really Brian yesterday. **************************** It was another thunderous knock on the door that made Nick jump off his bed and fall head first onto the ground. Nick groaned in pain as he looked over at Brian's limp form. Neither were morning people, but Brian was actually worse when it came to waking up in the morning. But since he took the red eye last night, Nick didn't blame him. Quickly, Nick waddled over to the door, his blond mop of hair flying in every direction. He stared through the peep hole and was relieved to see Frank at the other end. "Frank!" Nick beamed and hugged his bodyguard firmly. But Nick wasn't able to squeeze in an explanation when Frank charged for the bed in which Brian was lying on comfortably. He pounced like a predator on Brian's body punching him hard on the abdomen, making Brian squeal in pain. "Ow!" Brian yelped. "What was that for?" Frank hissed. "What are you? Why are you here, you demon?" Brian's eyes widened within less that a second as he tried to dart another ferocious blow by Frank. "What on earth did you call me? A demon?" That made Brian furious as Brian latched on to Frank and the two started throwing punches at each other. Nick stared in awe at the situation before realizing what was happening. "STOP!" Nick bellowed, only to deaf ears. Within seconds, Nick ran up to the duo and plucked them apart with difficulty. "Frank, stop! Brian's not a monster! He's not!" Brian paused a moment, making sense of Nick's word. "Me? A monster?" Brian was hysterical. "How dare you!" Brian glared at Nick. "Nickolas Gene Carter, after all these years . . . How dare you!" Nick knew that it was a bad sign when Brian emphasized his full name. And when Brian's face turned beet red from anger and he wasn't able to vocalize his anger, that was a really bad sign. "Ummm, sorry, Brian. It's just that . . . " All of a sudden, Nick thought he sounded silly. He debated with himself whether to recount the story, but one look at Brian's face and he knew that he'd better spend the next few minutes calming Brian down instead. "You're not a monster! I was having these nightmares last night . . . and in that scary dream, you turned into one." Nick sneaked a glance at Brian only to see Brian's face twist into amusement. Nick continued. "Uhhh, you were . . . uh. . . pretty scary." Brian looked at Nick wondrously. "Was I?" Frank rolled his eyes. "Yep, you were." Brian's eyes darted over to Frank suspiciously. "Uhhh. . . Frank . . . was actually here yesterday while I was having the nightmare so . . . " Nick tried to explain. Brian frowned. "If you say so . . . " Nick turned to Frank, his eyes pleading for some privacy. Quickly, Frank nodded and turned around. "I'll be outside your room waiting." As a second thought, Frank added, "Just holler if you need me." Nick sighed in relief as Frank left. When he turned to face Brian, he was met with a goofy stare. "Monster, huh? Nick, I don't want to tell you this, but you daydream too much. That's your problem. That's why you see all these things in your dream. If you would be more focused on reality, you could be like me. I haven't had a dream in five years!" Brian snorted. "That's because you have a short memory!" Nick countered playfully. It always ended like that. They would always fall into the trap of poking fun of each other like this. That's what made them best friends in the first place. "Not short enough to not remember my name in front of a cute boy!" Brian laughed, making Nick's cheeks flush. Brian was referring to the time that Nick had a crush on this guy, and when the guy asked Nick for his name, Nick was dumbstruck and mute as he couldn't recall his name. "That's not fair!" Nick pouted before pulling the sheets over him. Brian smiled and jumped onto Nick's bed, making Nick's body bobble on the mattress. "All right, I won't tease you anymore!" Brian laughed. "You won't let it go!" Nick turned his face away from Brian. Brian smirked. "That's because you're so easy to tease. Come on, ya big lug, stop it." Nick cringed. "I don't even know why I told you in the first place!" "Because I'm your Frick, remember?" Brian offered. He laughed as Nick tried to make sense of what he just said. He loved making Nick confused. "That doesn't make sense!" Nick said after a few moments of ponderance. Brian laughed again as he recalled the time Nick had blurted out that he was attracted to guys. The funny thing was . . . Nick had no clue about love or romance. He didn't have an inkling about the differences between the genders since he never had a health class. And he had no clue what to do in a kiss. Worse, he didn't know any of the dirty vocabulary that AJ and Howie were throwing around. And Brian had no intention of teaching him. He liked Nick that way . . . ignorant, but cute. He made it his purpose in life to keep Nick away from the bars and from AJ's porno tapes that were meticulously hidden under his hotel bed. Nick grunted before pulling the sheets over him. Brian laughed before he too dove under the covers. Together, the two cuddled up comfortably and waited for sleep to once again overcome them both. ******************** There it is. I ended on a happier note. Hoped you liked it!

Next: Chapter 3

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