The Debt

By NCfan

Published on Jul 6, 2001


Hi! I hope everyone is having a great summer! I sure am. But I never have enough time to write, but I'll keep trying.

Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB nor do I know anything about their management or orientation. This is purely a work of fiction. All under 18 are advised not to read as this contains material of an adult nature.

Brian stepped into his and Nick's hotel room and smiled brightly at the sleeping blond. He quickly ran over to Nick's bed and plopped onto a spot next to Nick, who still rested in a peaceful slumber.

"How ya doing today, Nick?" Brian beamed as he looked at the youthful face. Three years had passed, and still, Nick looked just as youthful as he did three years ago. Brian would always take him wherever the BSB went because he would feel empty without Nick's presence whether Nick was conscious or not.

Brian continued. "Well, that concert was so fun today. I still think the fans scream the loudest for me, though!" Brian giggled as he brushed his fingers against Nick's youthful face.

"What do you think?" Brian continued. "I know you want to disagree with me! You always have an opinion about this matter, don't you?" Brian nudged Nick's cheeks with his nose.

Brian heard the door open and shut behind him as Kevin walked into the room. "He can't hear you," Kevin said gently to his cousin.

Brian shook his head. "He can, too. He just can't verbalize it, but he can hear me!" Brian said determinedly. Then, as if thinking hard, he continued, "Plus, every night, when I sleep in bed with him, I can feel him move closer to me. I can hear him whisper my name."

Kevin looked at Brian, exasperated. "Cuz, I'm worried about you. Do you know what management is saying? They're saying you're becoming crazy!"

Brian simply gazed at Nick's soft face and cuddled closer, smiling widely. "Why am I crazy when Nick's here with me?"

"That's exactly what I'm talking about!" Kevin blurted out. "Management is taking Nick away from you so that you can become sane again! Your parents have requested that."

At that, Brian immediately jerked off the bed. "What did you say? No one's taking Nick away from me! NO ONE!!!!!" Brian screamed frantically as he held Nick even tighter.

Kevin backed off a little, trying to gauge the situation. "Look, Nick will be in a safe place. You can always visit him!"

Brian started to cry out. "No! Don't you see? If I'm not here to talk to him everyday, he will be lonely. He needs someone to keep him alive! I can do it. I promise I won't slack off! I promise. Don't take him away from me! Please?"

Kevin sighed and quietly left the room. Brian buried his face in Nick's chest. "We never even had the chance to have a relationship," he whispered to Nick.

Slowly, but ever so gently, Brian brushed his lips against Nick's. Those lips were so soft, so gentle, but so lifeless. Brian tasted his salty tears. Still, Nick remained in his trance. Nothing ever woke him up.

Soon, Brian fell asleep on Nick's body. It wasn't until Frank barged into the room that Brian woke up, startled.

"Hey, Brian!" Frank called out loudly. "I have awesome news. I just received a message from the heavens!"

Brian immediately perked up at this message. "What?"

Frank beamed even brighter. "They will send someone down to reverse the trance, claiming that it was uncalled for that the Lord of Hell dare place Nick in a trance. Plus, the people of the underworld had broke the pact about Nick's servitude. He's free! Brian, he's free!"

Brian couldn't register a single thing that he just heard. "You mean, he'll awaken?"

Frank smiled widely. "Yes!!!"

Brian couldn't help but hug Frank. "You sure? You're not pulling my strings are you?"

Frank smiled. "No! It's all true!"

Brian cried from happiness. "Thank you! Thank you! Oh . . . I can't think straight. So what will happen? When will this person reverse the trance."

Frank's smile dimmed a little. "Well, that's where we come in. Supposedly, once Nick is awaken, the heavens want him sent back up there! They don't want him to endure anymore nasty stuff on Earth."

Brian's smile faded. "What? That's not fair. I spent a freakin' three years talking to him everyday and everyone wants to take him away from me!"

Frank paused. "Well . . . there is one way . . . if Nick agrees to stay down here with you . . . they'll probably let him."

Brian smiled brightly. "They will?" He asked, almost like a school boy, his blue eyes widening with hope.

Frank sighed. "The heavens want him back, though."

Brian felt himself go cold. "I won't give him back."

Frank looked at Brian nervously. "Is it really your decision?"

Brian pushed his cheeks against Nick's. "It's Nick's, but I have my own opinions! And I don't want him to leave me. We've never really had the chance to have a relationship. People are always getting in the way."

"Yeah? But you had so many years to profess your love during this lifetime. Why didn't you?"

Brian looked exasperated. "He was sixteen, for crying out loud! He didn't even know the meaning of love yet. He didn't even know what it meant when other men were staring at him with lust in their eyes! How could I possibly court him?"

Frank backed off. "Okay? Geez. Don't act all hostile on me now. I just came to give you the news."

Brian paused. "Sorry. I just . . . I don't want this to end so soon. I haven't gotten the chance to do anything with Nick before all this happens. I mean, I'm not getting any younger. But I want Nick so desperately. I want to be by his side. I want to have him cuddle up to me and show me his love."

Frank nodded. "Tonight, they'll send an angel down to reverse the trance. You can ask him then what his choice would be."

Brian nodded quietly before turning around to only face Nick. With that, he fell into a gentle sleep, his head cushioned by Nick's chest.

Brian was awoken that night by a gentle rustling of the curtains. The moment he was waiting for had arrived. He quickly sat up and rearranged Nick's pajamas.

Then, a golden hue pretty much blinded his vision.

"I'm here to claim Nick," Brian called out to the light.


Brian felt a breeze brushing against his elbow and he turned around, shocked when Nick's body was surrounded by a golden hue as well.

"No! Nick, don't leave me!!!" Brian cried out even more desperately.

Nick's hair was blown every which direction as his body floated in the air. Within seconds, he started to yawn, his arms slowly stretching until his body once again drifted back to the bed. He let his body stretch for a few minutes, still drowsy from the long sleep.

"MMmmmmmph," Nick uttered, his eyes still closed. The golden hue was disappearing.

Brian stepped up to the bed wondrously. "Nick?"

Nick's eyes popped open as he stared into Brian's. Brian was amazed by the shock of blue eyes staring up at him. "Nick?"

Nick smiled sweetly, but didn't reply.

"Nick?" Brian repeated dumbly, hoping for a response.

Again, Nick smiled. "You look like you just came out of the jungle!" Nick finally commented.

Brian smiled, the tears falling down his cheeks. "You know who I am, right?"

Nick looked up at Brian strangely. "Of course. You're B-Rok, the second most popular of the BSB."

Brian couldn't help but grin widely. "All right! That does it! Still that cocky, arrogant little butthead you are!"

Nick laughed softly. "You're getting so nasty. Whatever happened to you!"

Brian dipped his head down and tasted Nick's lips. "You happened to me!" Brian's seductive voice became ever so soft.

Nick paused, thinking about Brian's last statement thoughtfully. "Or was it the other way around?"

Brian's jaw snapped open within seconds. When had Nick become so enticing? Did something happened during the sleep? Whatever happened to that innocent, almost naive Nick that he knew?

Nick beamed at Brian. "You have the silliest face. It's almost like you don't recognize me!"

Brian stuttered. "Well . . . ye yeah. You're di- different. You never were so in- intimate wi- with me."

Nick blushed. "That's because I never heard a more beautiful voice in my sleep, coaxing me every night, making jokes to me. Only you can be that silly . . . and adorable." Nick blushed a second time.

Brian blinked a few times. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Then he smirked. "No one's as adorable as me!"

Nick smiled shyly. "Did I pretty much inflate your ego there? That wasn't my intention."

Brian smiled brightly. "Too late!"

Nick suddenly looked more seriously at Brian. "I . . . I heard lots of voices in my sleep. I didn't want to follow them up to the heavens. I would never leave you!"

Brian stared blankly. "Seriously? You would stay with me?"

Nick nodded eagerly. "This is where I belong. I mean we've been through so much, were separated for so long. And never did we get the chance to share our love. I always thought about you, even when Deth was near. I guess he always sensed that I wasn't there. I ran away from Hell because of you! I never once stopped thinking that one day we could be together. I knew that we would be together one day!"

Brian felt the tears streaming down his face. "Seriously?"

Nick nodded. "I did all that I could to preserve your soul."

Then Brian remembered something. "But in the medieval times, Kevin and you . . . you had an affair!"

Nick blushed. "Kevin's not such a bad guy. We . . . he knew about my love for you. He just wanted to escort me to find you . . . but then I . . . was indebted to him for saving my life and for trying to help me find you. I wanted to repay his kindness! I never thought that you would hold it against him and . . . and kill him."

Brian's cheeks flushed. "Was I that bad? Was I always that jealous?"

Nick smiled. "You had strong . . . ummmm . . . opinions. I think he's okay with it, isn't he?"

Brian blushed. "I think he took his death by my hands rather well when he found out about it, don't you?"

Nick grinned. "You're still in one piece, aren't ya?"

"Saving myself for you, kiddo!" Brian answered smartly. Then, after a long pause, he continued, "Shall we go out tonight to catch up."

Nick nodded eagerly. "But there's still a problem."

Brian lifted his eyebrows in anticipation.

"Frank . . . "

Brian smiled widely. "He can continue to pretend to be you. You can just sit back and enjoy. I don't mind sharing him with all the girls. But you? I want you to be by my side every time. Besides, it will occupy his mind. He's found newfound joy with the female population after an endless stream of girls seem to be bugging him for any time he could give to them. He'll be our decoy. So that no girls try to run you over!"

Nick smiled. "He's changed."

Brian nodded. "I don't think I can really ever forgive him for what he did to you."

Nick suddenly looked at the ground, feeling rather sad. "Those days have passed. He wasn't the only one that hurt me. And he wasn't the one who hurt me the most. I just want to forget it all happened."

Brian hugged Nick tightly, feeling the tears slowly slipping one by one. "It's done for, Nick. We've gotten through everything. Everything's gonna be all right."

Nick buried his head into Brian's chest even more. "Will it?"

"Once you say that you'll be mine, it will be all right," Brian said sweetly.

Nick laughed weakly. "You're a devious person!"

"What's so devious about getting you to agree to be my boyfriend?" Brian answered.

Nick hugged Brian even harder. "Only if you agree to be mine, too."

Brian nudged Nick's chin up and gazed into his eyes. "I had . . . centuries ago!"

Nick smiled, until Brian leaned forward and sealed Nick's love for him with a gentle kiss.

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