Darling from Darling

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Aug 9, 2007


This story contains sex between teen aged males and if you don't like such material or you are under age or it is illegal where you reside please leave now. Any comments about this tale can be sent to juzjamie20@yahoo.com.au, all emails are answered except flames which are extinguished on arrival.

My stories mostly take place in that grand place where venereal diseases & aids are non-existent. Please remember safe sex is so important in these dangerous times, we want you all around for a long time healthy & happy.

The Darling from Darling Pt. 2 by justjames17.

Luke pulled on his helmet and skated away from Darling Station after waving goodbye to his new friend Martin, as his lithe body balanced on his board one leg pumping to propel him through the nearly empty car park while his mind relived their adventurous afternoon. His cute cock throbbed in his skin tight jeans as he envisioned Martin's thin pale but so sexy body and his sweet ever firing dick, he smiled to himself as he recalled Mart's sponies just from their close contact, the lad's cock erupted without being touched by human hand. Luke loved this and realised that Mart really got off being with him, as he skated out onto Waverley Road he leaned over to take the hard left turn as he zoomed around the boundary fence of the house on the corner. He straightened and balanced on the board grinning as it careered along the footpath, the wheels clickety clacking across the joins in the cement footpath.

Luke saw one of his mates zooming towards him from the opposite direction and he waved to him and as they neared both lads stopped in a scrape of wheels on cement. Mike, Luke's mate, looked down at Luke's bulging boner and said, "Rad man! You must have been having a grouse ride to get a hard on like that."

Luke laughed and said, "Yeah I've had the wickedest arvo ever Mike, I went into Docklands its phat as hell in there."

Mike grinned and reached down to adjust himself and said, "Wow maybe I could come with you next time you go?"

Luke glanced down and saw his mate's baggy black daks tenting and grinned saying, "Yeah maybe Mike but I don't know when I'll be going back there."

Mike nodded, "That's frigid mate, just think of me next time you are going in there will you?"

Luke smiled at the good looking black haired skater and said, "Yop mate for sure I'll think of you when I go there next time but now I'm off home for tea mate I'm bloody starving hungry after burning all those calories."

The two slapped gloved hands and skated away in opposite directions, Luke's mind returned to his daydream of Martin's lithe but skinny body as the played together on the old ferry. His cock still rigid when he reached home and he carried his board in front of him as he walked inside greeting his widowed mum who said, "Hi honey did you have a great day in the city?"

"Yes thanks mum, I had a mint arvo that Docklands is molten you should go there with Marie one day there are a heap of schmick restaurants there." He then bolted to his room as his tight balls were aching badly and needed relief urgently.

His mother smiled as only a mother can after seeing her son as happy as Luke was and went on cooking the lamb chops and vegies for their evening meal. Luke scraped off his tight t-shirt and jeans then jumped under the shower to remove the sweat and aroma of the afternoon. His hard on led the way pointing like a compass needle and once under the shower he began wanking like a mad man in an urgent need to blow his load as he pictured Mart cumming in his cargoes. His full aching balls soon erupted spewing his tasty sperm out onto the glazed wall tiles where it washed down to swirl about Luke's huge feet and disappeared down the drain, Luke leant on his left hand and rested his wet blond head on the cool tiles as he panted and shivered in the after shocks from a huge orgasm.

Martin continued on his travels to Glen Waverley, his book open on his lap but his eyes were blankly staring at the pages while in his mind he too relived the awesome afternoon with the super sexy skater. Martin loved the smooth tanned slim but muscular lad's body and his big cock, he shivered at the feelings he'd experienced lying together naked behind the machine in the ferry's engine room, their nude glabrous taut bodies pressed together feeling each other's warmth but shivering with the fear of being discovered not only nude but having trespassed on the ferry.

Martin felt his erection twitch in his stiff cum stained briefs and thought, "Oh no not again, please no don't fire off again wait till I get home please, please, please."

His cock throbbed and rubbed in his briefs as the train rocked on its suspension, Martin bit his lip hard trying to bring things under control and he succeeded, the pain seemed to ease his desire to unload spontaneously. He tried to concentrate on his book but his excited mind just wouldn't obey pictures of the cute Luke just kept popping into his brain. Martin loved the sight of Luke in those skin tight stretch jeans highlighting his long slim legs, the big penis in crotch and he smiled as he thought how the tight jeans highlighted Luke's gigantic feet. Luke's smooth happy always smiling face filled his vision the bright blond hair, the short slightly upturned nose, the straight thin almost invisible eyebrows and those stunning sparkling blue eyes with those long curved almost white eyelashes.

He remembered the small silken patch of honey blond hairs above Luke's awesome cock, he remembered his fingers feeling those soft hairs as he played with them while Luke's log pressed hard against his hand until he'd turned his hand hesitantly and grasped that throbbing hot hard muscle. He remembered how it felt as he held it gently; it pulsed and moved of its own volition as Luke's heart thundered in his chest. The hot so sexy cock was like a live animal and seemed almost divorced from his friend's body it was out of proportion to Luke's slender fit body, it looked so huge compared to his own meagre dick, the only other penis he'd really ever seen.

Martin was in love, his whole being wanted to be with Luke, he wanted their lives to be shared in every possible way and he felt lonely sitting there on the train being dragged away from where his friend had left him. Martin checked the phone number and email address to make sure he hadn't lost them because as soon as he got home he was going to contact Luke and spend time with him even if only electronically. The train rolled into the terminus and Martin closed his bok tucking it in his back pack and almost ran from the train and all the way home. He raced in the front door calling out hi to his folks sitting in the lounge watching the news before dinner and bolted to his room, he shut the door then caught sight of himself in the full-length mirror on his wardrobe door. He saw Luke's top still tied around his waist, he undid the knot and crumpled it holding it to his nose as he inhaled seeking the scent of his new friend. A faint aroma tickled his olfactory nerves and he recognised Luke's body odour as his penis throbbed and leapt erect again in his cum stained briefs. Martin grabed hold and squeezed his cock feeling it pulsing hard he clenched his hand tightly to stop his cock spewing a third load into his underpants as he blushed and broke out into a sweat.

The pressure eased slowly and he released himself switched on his computer and began to strip off his clothes tossing them in a heap on the floor, something he never ever did, Martin was naturally neat and tidy his bedroom always was a place of tidy serenity but today things had changed. Martin's mind was aflame with sexual fire and he wasn't thinking straight, he wanted to have Luke with him naked and doing sexy things, his cock was throbbing and bouncing up and down as he watched his computer come to life. He looked at the background picture on the monitor, a peaceful scene of a yacht and a tiny atoll in an azure sea and wished it was Luke's face or even his naked body on there.

Martin smelt himself; the heat of his crotch sent the odour of his dried cum and moist sweat from his groin in waves up to his nose and he thought that he'd better take a shower before anything else, Martin was fastidious in his personal cleanliness as well as his general neatness. He walked naked across to the bathroom and began showering, he quickly finished and dried off before returning to the computer and pulled on a clean pair of briefs he sat down feeling the coolness of the leather seat on his warm bare legs. Martin opened his Messenger and added Luke's nickname to his list, he was told to wait for agreement from Luke so he opened his mailbox and typed out an email to Luke telling him he was on line and waiting for him.

Luke was eating his evening meal and was oblivious of Martin's eager contacts, as he finished his meal he was excused and left the table heading for his room and his own p.c. He sat down and switched it on then went through the start up procedure and finally opened his messenger to find Martin's request waiting for him, he immediately allowed the contact and saw Martin was online so he sent an IM but no answer. Luke frowned in disappointment not realising that Martin had been called to dinner after sending the request. Luke opened his mail and saw Martin's email at the top of his list so he eagerly opened it and read that his new friend was eager to chat but was now eating dinner but would be back in about 20 minutes. Luke grinned and squirmed as his cock stiffened in his boxers, he was thinking of the naked Martin, as they lay hidden in the engine room, feeling his body rubbing and pressed together.

Luke began answering other emails and checking the posts from his favourite Yahoo group, jamies_jottings, where he loved reading the molten hot stories posted on the group by all the great authors who were members. He began reading Miguel's latest chapter and was soon absorbed in the fascinating tale of love and family values. The chime of Martin sending him a message dragged him away and he answered the IM. They chatted on about what a molten time they had had today and laughed at their predicament when the people arrived on the ferry, Martin apologised for his premies but Luke told him not to worry about it he took it as a sign of how hot Martin was and he hoped he would continue cumming without being touched.

Luke asked Martin if he had a web camera but was sad to hear he didn't own one but he invited Martin to see him through his cam, Martin was overjoyed and typed, "Yop please."

Luke set up the cam and martin accepted the request then he cheered quietly, "Oh yes! Molten!"

Martin saw Luke sitting at his p.c. naked to the waist and he nearly ejaculated in his clean briefs at the gorgeous sight as Luke smiled that so cheeky but sweet smile, his cute dimples deepened in his smooth cheeks. Luke blew Martin a kiss and Martin felt a hot flush race through him as his penis pulsed hard and dribbled pre cum into his briefs. Luke typed away madly while Martin read his words as he asked if Martin would like to see all of him nude. Martin was hyperventilating as he typed, "Yop please."

Luke stood up and pulled off his plaid boxers showing Martin his hard on and swaying his hips and tightening his muscles making his erection bounce and sway from side to side while it oozed juice in clear drips from his satin smooth knob. Martin was almost fainting from excitement as he perved on his gyrating horny mate, his eyes wide as he watched Luke begin to wank himself, Martin was swallowing hard and fast as his mouth swamped with saliva. Luke put on one hell of an erotic act to impress Martin and by the time his penis spurted cum all over the desk and keyboard his friend was lying sprawled out panting, his thin legs splayed wide and sperm all over his torso and face.

Luke flopped heavily into his chair panting and flushed in the face, a sheen of perspiration glistening over his naked body along with the last dripped dregs from his drained balls. Both lads were drained and exhausted as they regained their composure and cleaned up the terrible mess they'd made. Martin still wasn't completely enamoured with eating his own semen while Luke revelled in the bitter sweetness of ball juice either his own or his partner's. Luke ate all the baby batter he could find while Martin watched his fingers transfer the pearly nectar into his sexy mouth; Martin laid back, eyes locked on his LCD screen playing with his still stiff dick. Luke suddenly typed, "Got to go Mart bye." Martin sat there sadly staring at the last message as the message Luke has signed off appeared on the IM, he felt deserted and miserable not knowing why Luke had vanished. He waited a while to see if he returned but after half an hour he switched off the computer and threw himself on his bed face down and sobbed into his pillow. Martin looked at the time and saw it was nearly bedtime so he went and cleaned his teeth, pissed and returned to the bed flopped down and pulled the sheet over him and hugging his pillow and after tossing and turning dropped off to a disturbed sleep.

Luke had heard his dad clumping up the stairs and had switched off his p.c. and pulled on his boxers as the door opened and his father came in sipping on a beer, he looked at Luke who had a text book open on his desk and smiled at his son then ruffled his blond hair and began chatting to him about his day, Luke was desperate to get back to Martin on the computer but by the time his dad had wandered off to get himself another tinnie. Luke immediately switched back on but found Martin was gone, he swore under his breath and grabbed his mobile texting Martin's phone asking him to come back on line, no answer returned Luke tossed his mobile onto his desk and went to bed feeling bad for leaving Martin the way he had.

Martin awoke next morning stretched the kinks from his body then lay on his back studying the tent in his bedding where his morning monster stood. He realised he was dry and hadn't had a wet dream and smiled to himself as he touched the bone through the sheet, he felt his fingers stroke his hard on and closed his brown eyes imagining it was luscious Luke. His cock throbbed and he felt his full bladder needing to empty but the combination of sexy finger feels and tight bladder added to his excitement. He threw back the sheet and stared at his straining briefs in amazement, it looked like his penis had grown overnight. It certainly was harder than he could remember and Martin felt amazingly good as he began his first wank remembering how Luke's hand felt stroking him and what that hot wet mouth did when Luke sucked and licked him to a shattering climax. Martin's hand flew up and down as he arched up off the bed tightening his buttocks and groin muscles as he tugged on his pulsing pud. In no time he experienced that wondrous sensation as his balls tightened and tingled before sending voluminous jets of pearly pud juice spraying out all over his tensed trembling torso, face and hair. Martin collapsed back onto the bed and lay panting, cock throbbing and still drooling as he slowly returned from orbit. He lay there chest still heaving and opened his eyes to gaze down his cum spattered chest to watch his crimson tipped tool bounce up and down slowly.

Idly he toyed with a large pearly puddle on his belly and absentmindedly lifted his hand and studied the glistening goo, then he sniffed it before touching his tongue to it before opening his mouth and sucking the sperm from his fingers. Martin lay rolling the spunk in his mouth before swallowing it and searching for more, Martin had acquired the taste and now knew he wanted to eat every drop he could before it dried on his hot still quivering flesh. Once the lad had cleaned up all he could he struggled off the bed to his feet knees still a little wobbly he made his way to the bathroom to carry out his morning ablutions before going to breakfast and heading off to school.

He came back clean and fully awake after his shower and picked up his mobile phone to see if Luke had replied, there was the message saying that he was sorry he'd had to go and explaining why, Martin sent a message back telling Luke he was happy n that he would catch him later on the computer after school. He felt overjoyed that all was well and almost skipped to breakfast, his mum saw him come bouncing into the kitchen and she smiled to see her usually quiet son looking so happy and frisky, she asked, "Good morning honey, you seem very happy this morning what's happened?"

Martin beamed at her his cheeks flushed and said, "I just got a message from Luke and it made me happy mum."

Jean his mother looked quizzically at him and asked, "Luke who Marty I don't remember you mentioning a Luke before?" Martin realised he'd said something he didn't mean to now he'd have to explain who Luke was, he fell silent and thoughtful for a minute then told his mum about meeting Luke on the train and how they had really liked one another and they were going to be friends. Jean smiled at him and ruffled his hair saying, "That's great honey I'm so glad you made a new friend, you'll have to invite him around for a meal soon so I can meet him."

Martin nodded smiling and began to eat while Jean watched him lovingly seeing the change in her lonely son and hoping that this Luke was a nice boy who would bring Marty out of his shell. She had been worried about Martin since his dad ran off with another woman a couple of years ago, because since that day her son had become almost reclusive and had no real friends. This new friend seemed to have made a huge change and made Martin happy and as far as Jean was concerned that was fine with her. Martin finished his breakfast and kissed his mum on the cheek grabbed his backpack and headed out the door to school.

Luke was in a similarly euphoric state as he got ready to go to school and he dressed in his usual skintight jeans and t-shirt checking himself out in the mirror and flexing his muscles as he turned about looking at himself from all sides. Luke liked what he saw and grabbed the gel put some on his fingers then running his fingers through his hair spiking it up and adding to his molten appearance. He was feeling on top of the world this morning because he'd seen Mart's reply to his text message and was looking forward to this afternoon when they could chat together.

Luke grabbed his backpack and shrugged it on picked up his helmet and board heading for the front door where his mum waited with his cut lunch, he kissed her as she stowed his sangers in the pack then pulled on his helmet and skated down the drive. He headed for school and Mike zoomed up beside him high fiveing the two lads then powered off towards the school side by side, their Ipod buds in their ears listening to their favourite music as the boards clattered and raced along the footpath.

Martin caught the bus to school and sat quietly reading but his eyes kept flicking up as he studied the other kids on the bus, checking them out but found none came close to his new friend Luke. Most were ok some were quite sexy and good looking there were a few fit ones who he thought were as plain as himself a couple even uglier but he felt so happy that Luke thought him boyfriend potential. Martin loved school but today he was impatient and wanted the lessons to finish so he could get home and contact Luke again. School over Martin headed almost running to the bus stop and waited impatiently for the bus to arrive, it snorted to a stop and he bounced up the steps flashed his travel pass and hopped into a vacant seat. The bus arrived at his stop and he literally ran from the bus racing home to yell hi to his mum as he grabbed an apple before hurrying to his room and turning on his p.c.

School droned and dragged by for Luke, but eventually the day finished and the students headed home. Luke raced back home grabbed a snack and a Pepsi from the fridge kissed his mum and headed to his room turning on his computer then stripped down to his boxers. He saw Martin was on line and sent him a message, "Hi Mart u there bubs?"

Martin nearly had a heart attack when he saw Luke's IM appear, his heart raced and a hot flush surged through his thin body and he had an instant erection, he typed, "Hi Luke I'm so glad u there I missed u all day."

The lads chatted until Martin was called to dinner and he signed of saying, "Bye Luke, dinner time, cya later mate, luv you, Mart."

Luke at there boned to the max thinking of Mart and stroking his hard on slowly as it protruded from his boxers fly, shortly after Martin left Luke exploded spattered his keyboard and screen with a huge load of steaming teen cum. He cleaned up the sperm eating most and wiping up the remnants before pulling on a t-shirt and heading down to have his evening meal thinking what a great appetizer sperm made to a meal, he giggled and joined his parents at the table watching the evening news on the TV.

After both lads had eaten it was homework time so they didn't chat again until just before bed time when they again IM'd one another Luke started talking sexy with Mart who was completely innocent as far as cybering went. Luke started telling the lad how he wanted to creep up to his window and tap on it so Mart could let him in then he would slowly strip Mart's clothes off until he stood naked and showing his rock hard dick. Martin was sweating and both breathing hard and toying with his hard on as Luke continued.

I want to kneel on the floor and lick your tummy and make love to your navel before sucking your rigid rod. Martin was trembling and his brain was swimming in his head as he sprawled out at his desk wanking hard, Luke was doing the same as he thought of what Mart was doing. "Mart wot u doing bubs?" Luke typed. A few seconds dragged past and, "Oh Luke I'm wanking n nearly passing out, I'm so wicked hot."

Luke sniggered imagining Martin's thin body tensed up, every muscle rigid as he gasped and tugged on his hard horn, this was so phat and molten sexy fun. In no time Luke had Martin spewing sperm that sent him off and both lads came to a shattering conclusion as their boiling overheated nuts exploded. The two sat drained at their desks then as they calmed down both ate the evidence and cleaned up. Martin heard his mum call out, "Time to go to bed honey don't forget to clean your teeth."

Martin told Luke he had to go and he'd be in touch tomorrow, he signed off shut down his computer and went to wash up and clean his teeth before dropping on his bed and daydreaming of Luke until he fell asleep.

To be cumtinued.

I have a story group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jamies_jottings/ if you'd like to join please ensure that your yahoo public profile contains your age as 18 or over as it is an adult only group.

Next: Chapter 3

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