Darling from Darling

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Mar 18, 2007


This story contains sex between teenaged boys, if this isn't your cup of tea then please leave now, if your underage or its illegal where you reside then its your own choise to read or not.

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The Darling from Darling, Pt 1, by justjames17.

Martin Ingham was a reserved bookish lad, he kept to himself mostly reading or studying, at 16 he was still a virgin and even though he'd passed into puberty 12 months before he still was a boy at heart. He heard other boys at school talking about wanking and jacking off but as yet he hadn't done it even though he knew, from the health and sex classes, what it was really about. He would awaken in the morning a sticky mess due to wet dreams but still he kept his hand off his 5inch cock except for washing it and holding it while taking a piss. Martin was 5'9" tall, slim, an unruly mop of blond hair on his head while his eyes were soft brown behind his reading glasses, his willowy young body was white due to his predilection with reading and studying he seldom saw much sunshine. Martin wore a pair of beige cargo shorts that reached his knees along with a lightweight dark green, long sleeved hoodie; on his feet was a pair of black Adidas and short white socks.

One Sunday Martin was taking a trip into town to go and see the new Docklands area on the western edge of the city where the old wharf area was being redeveloped into a new and exciting place. He walked to the local railway station at Mount Waverley and caught the train to the city, he had his backpack and he took out a book to read on the 25-minute trip. The train swooshed along stopping at all stations but Martin was oblivious, at Darling station the door to the carriage opened and in stepped Luke, a 17 year old skater boy with his skateboard under his arm, he was also slim but his musculature was more evident from his continual skateboarding and other sports he participated in. Luke was about the same height as Ted but his dress style was vastly different he wore the tightest pair of black stretch jeans that looked like a second skin while his size 11 feet wore a black pair of Nike trainers a red and white tight t-shirt on his slim torso while a red and white baseball cap sat on his blonde close cropped hair.

Luke stood looking around the nearly full carriage and saw the empty seat next to Martin; he moved quickly across and plonked himself next to Martin who shifted across a little giving Luke more space, he didn't even look up to see who was next to him as he continued reading. Luke looked at his travelling companion and studied the cute face beside him, he rested his knee against Martin's but Martin moved away, Luke's knee chased his and soon pressed against it once more. Martin glanced up from his book a frown on his cute face as he looked quizzically at the goog looking skater beside him, Luke beamed a smile at Martin who's lips curved up in a half smile which enchanted the skater as he said, "G'day mate, what are you reading?"

Martin smiled at the gregarious boy and said, "Lord of the Rings."

Luke grinned and replied, "I saw all the films they were grouse mate and I thought they were phat to the max."

Martin smiled back and nodded as they began animatedly talking about the films, Luke's leg was now pressed rubbing up and down on Martin's thigh as he jiggled his foot on the floor. His 6inch prick was straining in his tight denims screaming for release, Luke wriggled in his seat trying to ease the discomfort to no avail. He had to suck in his flat muscled belly and slide his fingers down inside the tight pants to ease his hard on up and across his belly. Martin saw the movement and his eyes widened behind his specs when he saw the shape of the boy's hard horn. His eyes stared at the long fat sausage shape and he felt totally weird as his own 4.5inch cock twitched and began to inflate of its own accord, he felt hot and strange as his body reacted while his mind almost seized up like his staring fixed eyes.

Luke saw the reaction and smirked sexily, he looked around and saw nobody watching them so he rubbed the bulging denim sexily while Martin began to perspire heavily beads of sweat showing on his smooth forehead as he unconsciously licked his suddenly dry lips. Martin was feeling something strange; the sight of the skater's stiff cock entranced him he had a terrible urge to touch it and feel it, to rub his hand over that so tight bulging denim. He fought within himself to regain control of this new and terrible urge, he looked away staring into space as he struggled mentally, he looked out the opposite window watching the buildings fly past as the train rocked and rolled on its air bag suspension. The movement of the carriage caused his erection to rub on the material of his briefs sending bolts of exquisite pleasure through him as he began to blush and breathe heavily.

Luke watched his travelling companion struggling to control himself a grin of delight on his cute dimpled face, he saw the boy was struggling to stop a premature ejaculation and as he watched he saw the boy go stiff and his blue eyes squeezed shut as he exploded in his underwear with an explosive gasping gurgle. Luke giggled and pressed his leg against the climaxing boy feeling the tremors of release race through his stiff skinny body, he felt a nefarious delight at the effect he had had on the boy and his own stiffy throbbed excitedly. Luke was far more experienced than Martin and he controlled his genitals and didn't cream his jeans close as he was to cumming.

Martin collapsed back like a deflating balloon as he sagged puffing his face a bright vermilion from embarrassment as he felt the wet stickiness in his briefs and his cock shrank slowly back to normal. He stared at the book open on his lap glad it hid any dampness seeping through onto his beige cargoes, Luke nudged him in the ribs and whispered, "Did that feel awesome mate? I saw what happened and I nearly cum as well."

Martin glanced at him from the corner of his eyes and blushed even more looking as if he might explode with embarrassment, Luke grinned disarmingly at him and whispered, "Don't be embarrassed mate we all have sponies like that now and then."

Martin cleared his throat and whispered, "Sponies what's a sponie?"

Luke giggled and said, "Spontaneous ejaculation hehehe, you know a sperming without pulling your pud."

Martin sat there silent as he absorbed what the happy sexy boy said he looked into Luke's eyes and saw no malice there just a happy gleam as he slowly smiled back and said, "Sponie I like that, but I've never had a sponie before, what am I going to do my pants will be stained and everyone will see I've ejaculated in my pants?"

Luke looked askance at Martin and said, "You've never creamed your pants before? Are you sure haven't you ever had a wet dream?"

Martin nodded and confided he had woken up in a mess quite often but he'd never done it while awake or felt like he had when it happened. Luke said, "What did you feel when it happened mate?"

Martin blushed once more and said, "I can't tell you you'll think I'm weird."

Luke giggled and bent closer to Martin's ear whispering, "I bet you felt sexy and wanted to play with my hard on didn't you?"

Martin felt the skater's moist breath puffing in his ear and instantly felt his cock begin to harden again, he had never ever been made feel sexy before by a boy or a girl, he turned to stare into Luke's merry twinkling eyes and nodded imperceptively whispering, "Yes I'm sorry do you think I'm queer wanting to feel your penis?"

Luke shook his head smiling and replied, "No mate I think your molten hot and sexy and I want to feel your stiffy too, what would you do if I did that?"

Martin sat there quiet while he mulled over what the skater said then he looked at him and smiled saying, "I've never had anyone touch my penis but I think I'd like you to do it."

Luke wriggled with pleasure and he grinned saying, "That's totally phat mate I think you and I can have a heap of fun together."

Martin drew back startled and whispered, "What do you mean we can have a heap of fun? I don't understand are you gay or something?"

Luke looked at Martin and wondered that he'd put his big foot in it; he started to speak, "Um-I meant-u-we could---um, oh shit I'm sorry!"

Martin saw the cute skater's confusion and mentally kicked himself for making him feel a fool, he quickly said, "Not that it matters if you are gay or not I'm not homophobic or anything mate."

Luke glanced up as he hung his head and saw the worried expression on his companion's good-looking face; he smiled hesitantly and said, "Freezing! You mean you aren't mad at me?"

Martin giggled and shook his head as he squirmed in his seat and blushed again, "No way you're far to nice to be mad at."

Luke giggled in reply as he felt a warm glow sweep through him, this cutie liked him and he'd cum in his pants because of his presence everything looked awesome. He sorted out his exuberance and asked Martin what his name was and where was he going, hanging out waiting for his reply almost holding his breath. Martin replied, "I'm Martin and I'm heading into the city to go and see Docklands the new development."

Luke gasped and smiled saying, "Awesome Mart, you don't mind if I call you Mart do you? I'm going to Docklands too there are great places to skateboard down there; I'm Luke by the way."

They chatted happily together and as the train slid into Flinders Street Station they felt like they'd known one another for ages, Martin was completely enamoured with the energetic fit skater lad he liked his outgoing personality which seemed to blend with his shyness and bring him out a little more as time passed. By the time they'd left the station they appeared as though they were long-term mates as Luke walked beside Martin with one arm draped across his shoulders as they chatted amiably. To save money they caught the City Circle tram, which was free and carried people around the outskirts of the city central with a running commentary on things to do and see.

It finally arrived at the Docklands and the boys dismounted, Martin's cargoes had dried as the weather was warm and only a faint stain showed where his cum had dried, they hustled across the road and stood looking about them at the amazing scene of the huge building development around the once busy old wharves. The modern skyscraper residential towers reflected on the blue still waters and the Huge 50,000 seat Telstra Dome football arena dominated the city side of the site. Martin was awe struck by what he was seeing and they wandered along to stand gawping at a grey, rust stained ship, the Robert Hunter belonging to the Sea Shepherd organization, a whale protection group. They had a second ship in dock nearby the Farley Mowat and both lads had a good look at the ships.

Luke was feeling so sexy as he watched and walked with Martin and on the way back from the Farley Mowat they walked along a line of deserted ferries and party boats, Luke slipped his arm around Martin's slim waist and said, "Come on we can slip onto this ferry and get out of sight if you'd like to spend some time together."

Martin was shaking with suppressed excitement at Luke's suggestion, were they going to have some sexy fun together, he was getting a hard on just thinking about being alone with the sexy Luke, Luke's hand slipped slowly down from his waist to cup his taut arse cheek. Martin jerked as he felt Luke's fingers dip into his pants covered crack, this feeling of naughtiness surged through him as he pulled away hissing, "Stop Luke someone might see us."

Luke giggled as Martin turned his head frowning deliciously and wrinkling his freckled button nose, Luke looked up and down the dock and seeing no one was watching he jumped down onto the old ferry followed quickly by Martin who nearly slipped and fell over the side between the boat and the wharf piles. Luke grabbed his new friend about his slender tight waist and grasped his fingers on the sharp hardness of the prominent pelvic bones. Martin swayed and threw his thin arms around Luke's broader shoulders and hugged to his sexy body as he regained his balance.

Luke looked deep into Martin's eyes then smiled and kissed him on the nose making the lad gasp loudly and kiss him back with a fast peck on the lips. Luke sighed as Martin pulled back blushing profusely, he took the boy's hand and led him along the deck till they were on the far side from the wharf and out of sight of the people walking up to the ferries. The boys found a door that was not closed and opened it the hinges creaking from lack of maintenance and the corrosive salt laden air, they crept inside the cabin and found a nice padded seat to sit on as they hugged each other gazing into each other's eyes.

Luke was bursting to get Martin stripped and he whispered, "Mart take off your hoodie and I'll take of my t-shirt."

Martin giggled and began tugging the top over his head while Luke quickly removed his t-shirt and then watched as his mate's slim untanned torso came slowly into view, the top caught on Martin's chin and he tugged harder struggling to get it over his head and as it did so his glasses were dislodged and clattered to the wooden deck. Martin tossed his hoodie aside and said blinking short sightedly, "Crikey I hope they aren't broken."

Luke quickly reached down picking them up and checked them saying, "No Mart they are ok not a scratch on them." Luke handed the glasses to Martin and said, "Leave them off for a while bubs you look even sexier without them."

He bent closer and kissed his friend on the mouth, a long lingering kiss that had both lads' hearts pounding as they smooched, Luke ran his tongue tip across Martin's lips but the boy didn't respond, he didn't know of the French kiss. They sat hugging together their warm smooth chests pressed together nipple against nipple and thudding heart to pounding heart as their hands wandered up and down each other's backs. Martin's skin broke out I goose bumps as Luke's fingers stroked up and down the knobs of his spine as his slender body shivered to Luke's tender touch.

The two boys sat there just hugging each other until Luke decided to move on to the next step, he pulled back and looked at Martin's pale translucent flesh with the fine tracery of blood vessels like a road map, his nipples a pale pink just slightly darker than the white skin the tiny nubs pointed slightly standing up from the flat aureoles. Luke had the urge to lick the nubs and bent to do so as Martin gasped, Luke's lips surrounded the nipple sucking the flesh into his mouth as his teeth nibbled on the nub. Martin groaned arched into Luke's mouth clutching Luke's ears as he sucked and nibbled on the tender flesh, in no time Martin was hyperventilating gasping and shivering.

Martin's brain was incandescent as fireworks exploded in his head, he surrendered to the exquisite feelings surging through his young body, his penis was hard, so hard it ached, his head rolled on his slender neck, eyes closed and pink lips parted as he panted excitedly. Luke was ravishing his nipples switching from left to right stimulating the nerves in those sweet little nubs, he enjoyed Mart's reaction and it stirred him on further his hand slipped down grasping the steel hardness tenting Martin's cargoes. Martin reacted as if electricity surged into his tensed body he squealed and bucked as Luke grasped his tumescent tool.

Luke played his new friend like a musical instrument, taking him to the very edge of exploding then easing back while the lad groaned and cried out in disappointment, again and again he coaxed the squirming youth to that pinnacle, glad Martin had cum on the train because he surely would have erupted prematurely now. Martin was lost and completely under Luke's direction as he was gently pressed back and down to lie quivering and sweating on the vinyl cushion of the bench seat. He lay there his narrow glabrous chest heaving as he gasped for air, his heart visibly pounding in his chest, Luke raised on his arms above him hands on the bench each side of his head looked down at his excited trembling mate then he eased back and sat beside him to grasp the waist band of Mart's cargoes as he began undoing the top fastening then he began sliding the zipper slowly down rubbing his fingers on the hard bulge hidden inside.

Martin felt Luke's hand but had no resistance left and he just groaned loudly and squirmed on the cushion, his zipper reached rock bottom and his fly gaped open exposing his tight white y fronts stained from his earlier ejaculation. Luke could smell the heavy scent of cum and inhaled heavily as he stroked Martin's throbbing hard on through the slightly stiff cotton where the sperm had dried. He lingered there gazing at Martin's smooth bone and muscle torso and the straining white cotton hiding that cute stiffy pulsing at his gaze. Martin lay back one arm across his eyes embarrassed by what was happening, knowing his underpants were soiled with his cum, a tear escaped his eye and trickled down his smooth red glowing cheek as he sobbed.

Luke glanced up as he felt Martin sobbing and saw the thin rivulet glisten on the boys cheek as the tear slipped slowly down followed by several more, he asked softly, "Martin are you ok with what I'm doing?"

Martin sobbed and replied, "No, I'm so embarrassed my underpants are dirty from when I spermed on the train."

Luke smiled sweetly and bent down kissing Mart's navel and said, "Mart its ok. I really think it adds to your being so innocent, cute and very sexy, I love the fact that you spermed without touching yourself, that was so molten hot bubs so cheer up and don't be embarrassed."

Martin dropped his arm and looked down his naked torso at Luke to see if he was taking the piss out of him but saw the sweet genuine smile on the gorgeous skater's face and a tremulous smile graced his pink lips as he said, "Really Luke you find my stained underies sexy? You sure you're not just saying that to make me feel better?"

Luke giggled and groped the hard muscle through the grungy underpants and waggled Martin's rigid rod, "Yop Mart I find it very sexy just like you mate, I love how you look and I love you as a person too."

Martin stiffened and stared at the cute skater before gasping in reply, "OOH! You said love Luke do you mean that or is it love as in like a lot or what?"

Luke replied, "Love as in I love you and want to be your boy friend if you'll have me."

Martin sat up threw his thin arms around Luke's neck and nuzzled into his neck as tears flooded out onto Luke's smooth skin, Luke felt as if the tears were scalding hot as he clutched the sobbing lad to his chest. They sat there rocking back and forth together enjoying the warm closeness until Martin regained his composure; they kissed softly lingeringly looking deep into each other's eyes as they breathed as one. Luke saw the emotions welling in Martin's eyes and he gently licked Mart's lips, Martin's lips parted exposing his teeth then slowly opened to the questing member as Luke slid his warm moist tongue into his mouth. Martin sucked on the visitor tasting Luke's saliva and he moaned in pleasure as his own tongue caressed Luke's, their members entwined like pythons coiling in lust.

Luke slowly sank back onto the seat pulling Martin with him till the lad was prone on top of him their hard ons rubbing together through their clothing. Martin feeling secure now and wanting desperately to explore Luke's fantastic body fumbled excitedly with the skintight jeans trying to open the straining fly. He watched Luke's muscular but slender torso as the skater panted and caressed Martin's shoulders and arms, Martin caught sight of the sparse silken golden hairs in Luke's pits and he loved the sight of them as his were still barren. Martin was a late bloomer and had only in the last few months grown a small straggly patch of dark pubes above his cock.

He unzipped the tight denims and the fly burst apart under the strain of Luke's raging hardness, his erection stood up making his colourful satin boxers look like a psychedelic circus tent. Martin grasped the sexy shaft feeling the heat through the slippery material and marvelling at how hard and strong it felt as he rubbed up and down the throbbing pole. He revelled in the sensation of playing with another lad's dick a pleasure he'd never experienced before and he loved Luke's long tool, it was much bigger than his own and felt so unbelievably hot and sexy. Luke was moaning and encouraging him to wank him, "Come on Mart stroke me, wank me, pull my cock out of my boxers and play with it."

Martin excitedly worked the tall tossle out the gaping fly and was amazed to see Luke was circumcised; his own cock was untouched and still had its magic skin hood. Martin was fascinated as he studied the long smooth shaft ending in the flared pinkish purple shiny knob, as he stroked his hand up and down a misty droplet formed at the tiny lips on the cock head's slit. He squeezed the throbbing shaft and ran his hand up watching the drop grow then slip down dangling on a long slim thread until it touched Luke's wiry pubes and disappeared into his neat bush.

Luke was arching up off the bench as he groaned loudly while Martin stroked him avidly watching the superb tautness of his friend's abdomen as he tensed and humped up into his hand. Martin had a driving urge to kiss Luke's dick but resisted and just watched closely as drop after bubbling drop of pre cum flowed from the excited dick soon saturating and darkening Luke's honey blond pubes. Martin still stroking the sweet stick moved up and kissed Luke on the parted lips, Luke moaned and kissed him back asking him to wank faster so he could cum.

Martin did as asked and sped up his stroking twisting hand and began playing with Luke's swollen squirming balls in their lightly fuzzy sack. Luke groaned, gasped and arched up as his cum raced up his cock to spurt string after string all over his taut torso, finally the flood slowed and drooled down onto Martin's hand. Their lips still locked together Luke was snorting loudly through his nose as he breathed fast and furiously while his body wilted back onto the cushion. Martin slowly stroked the still hard horn watching the dregs of Luke's sperm drool out onto his heaving belly pooling in the depression of his belly button.

The lads lay together sprawled side by side on the bench cushion Martin trailing his fingers back and forth across Luke's smooth chest as they looked dreamily into each other's eyes. Their reverie was shattered when they heard a vehicle pull up o the dock alongside of the old ferry and voices were heard as people began stepping out onto the dock. Luke sat up and hissed, "Quick let's get dressed I think they are coming on board this ferry."

The two lads raced to collect their discarded attire as they heard footsteps on the deck outside the cabin, a voice said, "Yeah the ferry is for sale. The owner has to offload it as his health has taken a turn for the worst and he has to sell her after ten years building up a good business."

The lads scurried about pulling on their clothes and searched for somewhere to hide out as the footsteps approached the door they had come through earlier. The voice said, "Hello this is weird this door is unlocked it looks as though someone has broken in I hope they haven't done any damage to the old girl."

The boys fled down a set of stairs into the hull and found themselves in a dark place that stank of oil and diesel fumes, the faint light through a porthole illuminated a huge engine that took up a large percentage of the cavernous area, other machinery was seen bolted to the grimy deck. The lads crept behind one of the machines and they crouched down in the narrow space between it and the curved timbers of the ferry's hull as feet moved about above their heads up on the main cabin's deck.

Martin and Luke lay pressed together hardly daring to breath as the people moved about the ferry and suddenly the engine room lights blazed on as someone flicked the lighting switch up on the bridge. The lads froze in position, they were petrified, surely now they would be discovered if the people came below to look at the engines. Feet clumped down the steps and they heard a voice close by say, "The engine looks in pretty good condition has she had a new one fitted recently?"

A voice from above replied, "Yes she had her original diesel replaced two years ago when she was refitted and refurbished by the current owner, she hasn't run for six months except for maintenance."

The lads peered through a small gap under the machine they were hiding behind and saw the legs and feet of the man checking out the engine, he moved out of their sight and they held their breaths in case he came to where they cringed terrified of being caught. They could hear the man moving about as he moved levers and did unseen things to the engine then they heard the starter motor turning over as it tried to start the cold engine. There were a few coughs and splutters then the diesel seemed to fire up running raggedly and shaking the floor under the boys bodies as they hugged each other tightly.

The engine began to even out as it warmed up and then the invisible man switched it off and it clattered to a stop, the man's footsteps sounded on the deck as he walked back around the engine and made his way back to the ladder climbing up to the main deck out of sight as the boys breathed a huge sigh of relief. The lights turned off and the engine room was dark once again lit only by the feeble light coming through the dirty glass porthole. The people above were still moving about the decks checking out the fittings and the galley where the meals were prepared when the ferry was operating as a party boat.

The boy's relaxed and muffled giggles of nervous relief escaped their lips Martin's cock was once again stiff and throbbing as he lay there pressed against Luke's fit body, he wriggled and moaned softly in Luke's ear as his dick throbbed with the excitement suddenly he stiffened and whimpered as his balls once again erupted spewing forth his delicious teen sperm into his stained stiff briefs. Luke felt the throbbing pulses against his arse and giggled softly saying, "Bubs you've just creamed your undies again haven't you?"

Martin embarrassed as all heck groaned and nodded too disconcerted to speak as the spoog soaked clammily into his pants, Luke twisted his head around and kissed Martin on his forehead showing Martin he wasn't upset with him ejaculating spontaneously a second time. Martin whimpered and hugged Luke tightly kissing him back then whispered, "I'm sorry Luke I just get so excited being with you I can't control myself, it just bursts out."

Luke grinned in the gloom and replied, "Don't be embarrassed bubs it's really kinda cute that you cum so spontaneously, it shows how innocent and special you are."

Martin blushed in the darkness and felt a warm glow pervade him, a feeling of friendship and even more filled his skinny frame, he felt a surge of love for the sexy skater fill him as he snuggled against his new friend. The time crawled past and the lads' bodies were beginning to ache lying on the deck cramped behind the machine and they were praying for the people to leave so they could escape from the ferry. Martin's cum dried slowly as his body pressed against Luke's tight hot arse, they finally heard the footsteps move across the deck above them and then along the outer deck as the people discussed the price and terms of the sale. The boys heard the car start up and move away breathing a huge sigh of relief they climbed to their unsteady feet and crept out from behind the machine to make their hesitant way to the stair leading up to the main deck.

The boys' heads cleared the deck and they peered about making sure the deck was empty then they crept out onto the passenger area, they looked about and out onto the wharf making sure they were unobserved. They stretched their cramped bodies and Luke saw the still slightly damp patch on Martin's cargoes, he reached out a hand and rubbed the boy's crotch feeling Martin's penis leap erect in an instant at his touch. Martin shivered and a moan escaped his lips at the feel of Luke's hand, he pushed against the touch, Luke grasped his stiffy and giggled saying, "You ready to cum again you super sexy stud? Don't you dare! I've got something special I want to do for you."

Martin quivered as he tightened his arse and crotch muscles trying to control himself as Luke dropped to his knees unzipping his fly on the way down. Luke's hand grasped the hard pulsing prick pulling it out through the fly and he rubbed it across his lips as he inhaled the aroma of Mart's sperm, Martin quivered and groaned loudly his cock pouring pre cum like a river as Luke licked the leaking lips of the glistening crimson cock head. Mart punched forward driving his spike into Luke's mouth in a fury of lust he knew he was going to erupt and he knew Luke wanted to eat his cock.

Luke swallowed the sweet tasting muscle rolling his agile tongue all about the pulsating prick driving the innocent Martin insane with desire, he was lost in a whirling maelstrom of erotic thoughts and emotions as he thrust hard bruisingly into Luke's mouth crushing his nose into the fragrant cummy pubes. In a flash his embedded cock swelled and throbbed, his excited young balls tightened achingly before firing off their regenerated but smaller load into Luke's caressing gulping gullet. Luke swallowed the slimy sweetness but pulled back to catch the last dregs on his tongue to revel in the taste of Martin's essence.

Martin's legs gave way and he collapsed onto the padded bench his heart drumming hard in his chest as he gasped a huge intake of air into his depleted lungs, Luke sat back on his haunches swirling the tasty sperm in his mouth savouring the bitter sweetness of his new friend. Martin regained some semblance of composure and moaned, "Ooooh jeez Luke, that was totally wicked awesome, I never knew a cum could feel like that."

Luke grinned at him and bent up and over his still semi hard cock and kissed Martin, who opened his mouth to him and for the first time tasted his own sperm mingled with Luke's saliva, he lay back as Luke pulled back watching his face as rolled the tasty brew in his mouth then swallowed it and licked his lips. Luke smiled down at him as he nodded dreamily saying, "That was ace Luke, I never knew sperm could be so nice I thought it would be yucky and horrible but that tasted great."

Luke nodded and said, "Yop Mart, your cum is so nice I want to eat it for ever mate."

Martin blushed and smiled shyly as Luke's words settled in his brain, his brain raced with thoughts, "Did this mean the hunky skater wanted to see him again? Was it possible he had found a guy who really wanted to be with him? Who wanted to be sexy and do stuff he'd only dreamed about? Wow this day was getting to be molten and so incredible."

Martin regained enough strength to sit up resting back on his hands as he stared at the blond spunky skater kneeling between his knees with his hands gently rubbing his skinny thighs he said, "Luke?"

Luke looking into his brown eyes smiled sweetly and asked, "Yes Mart what is it bubs?"

Martin cleared his throat and whispered uncertainly, "Ahem. Did you just say you wanted to eat my sperm forever? Does this mean you want to be with me more?"

Luke giggled at the amazed tone in Martin's voice and kissed each bare knee then said, "Yop mate I think your totally phat n molten hot and I want you to be my boy friend if you want to that is."

Martin sat there tears welling in his eyes and croakily replied, "Want to? Want to? Luke that is the best thing anybody ever said to me I feel like I just won the lottery."

Luke moved forward on his knees and threw his arms around the crying lad and kissed each teary eye, his cute nose and lastly a long lingering French kiss before saying happily, "No bubs I won the lottery when I got on that train today and saw you sitting there reading. I wanted you there and then and I had to control myself just to stop kissing you in front of everyone."

The two lads kissed and hugged for some minutes then Martin whispered, "I think we'd better try to get off the boat don't you? We might be locked in then what do we do?"

Luke said, "I'd rather stay here with you so we can make love together, but your right its getting late so come on Mart, there will be some way we can get out. There must be a window or something we can open and crawl out, lets get dressed and we'll go look bubs."

The two lovers got to their feet and gathered up their clothes dressed and began searching for a way to get out of the old ferry, they tried the door they entered by then numerous windows without success before they found one that was easily opened and they climbed out after checking nobody was nearby. They jumped onto the wharf and arm in arm made their way back to the shore, Martin looked down at himself and said in a horrified voice, "Struth Luke look at my cargoes they are stained like crazy I cant walk around like this it looks terrible."

Luke said, "Hang on bubs, I think I've got a hoodie in my back pack you can tie it round your waist and let the arms dangle in front that should disguise your problem."

He pulled out the top and handed it to Martin who smiled gratefully at him and tied it around his narrow waist and the arms hid his crotch from view. The boys waited for the City Circle tram and boarded it travelling to Flinders Street station where they got off to catch the train home. The trip home was uneventful but they made arrangements to meet again and swapped phone numbers and email addresses before Luke got off at Darling waving goodbye as the train sped away. Luke almost skipped his way home as he whistled happily thinking of Martin his new boy friend and what fun there was to come.

To be continued.

If you like this tale you can visit my story group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jamies_jottings/ but if you wish to join please make sure your age is showing in your YAHOO PUBLIC PROFILE not just in your account page as we cannot access that information & as its an adult group you must show 18 or over to join.

Hugs, James x

Next: Chapter 2

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