The Curse of Troy Fletcher

By Stu Hadley

Published on Feb 7, 2020


Chapter 6 The Curse of Troy Fletcher

Includes fucking, giant cocks, dildos, group sex, domination and humiliation... Average reading time: 25 minutes.

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A new rhythm had established itself in the Fletcher homestead but the air was always heavy with the threat of change. The curse had been explicit in saying that 10 of Troy's sons would be affected, and so far only four had come of age. In between the fucking, sucking and humiliation all thoughts went to how the curse would show itself next. Would it be as fucked up as the twins? Or maybe even worse? There seemed to be no limits as to what was possible.

Finding the next sons wasn't going to be easy though. Troy hadn't been able to secure the surrogacy records of all the clinics he'd donated sperm at so there were huge gaps in his knowledge. The only thing Troy knew for sure was that Joel, who he'd raised from birth, had been born from his last batch of fertile sperm. He kept his fingers constantly crossed that Joel wouldn't be one of the 10.

Time moved on and Troy became increasingly frantic at not finding his fifth and next son. Then a postcard arrived in his mailbox and he was shocked to see Maggie's handwriting:

"Troy, I hope you're having a good time with your new brood. I bet they're keeping you on your toes... and nothing less than you deserve! I guess life must have changed quite a bit for you over the last few years... I knew you'd make a good father. It's just a shame you couldn't see it at the time.

Anyway, I'm worried you haven't found your next bastard yet. I guess it's just like you to leave someone in the lurch but I'd hate for you to think I'm anything like you. So Troy boy, here's my final present to you: all the directions you need to find your 5th!"

Troy read the full details of the postcard. FUCK! Rob's birthday had been over a month ago. He could only begin to imagine how far advanced the curse must be after 30 days. By now Rob could be well and truly fucked up. Thankfully he only lived a few hours drive away and Troy rushed to his pickup to find him immediately, not even telling Owen, Peter or the twins where he was going.

As he drove he fretted over what Rob's symptoms would be. He hoped it wouldn't be too serious or life changing, Troy wasn't sure he could cope with the guilt (or the punishment) if it was.

He drove as fast as he dared but it wasn't until early afternoon that he arrived. As he got closer - driving through Rob's town square - he saw a group of jocks ganging up on a guy. It was an odd thing to witness as they all seemed part of the same age group and physical appearance. Even so, one guy was being hounded by the others, a real pack mentality. The traffic lights went green before he could unpick the situation, but instinct gave him a nasty feeling about it. Was the guy Rob? Was the curse already visible to others?

He parked at the address Maggie had given him and waited. He stirred his courage and got ready to do the conversation one more time. He was almost getting good at it. Soon he saw someone walk towards the house and immediately he knew it was the young guy from the town square. The guy - who Troy had already decided must be Rob - was handsome and muscular but haunted and cowed. His shoulders were slumped, his head hanging low to not catch attention, and his rucksack was carried in front of his body, as if he was trying to hide something.

At first - the morning after his 21st birthday - Rob had been excited that his dick seemed to be slightly growing in size. However, he was quick to dismiss it as just the result of waking up with serious hangover horn. But as the week progressed he couldn't deny that his once perfectly regular-sized cock had gained some extra heft and girth.

Whether erect from his morning woods or flaccid, he could feel the difference. Every guy knows intimately the size and weight of their dick, right? He didn't stop to question what was happening to his body or why, instead revelling in some extravagant and joyous wanks as he explored his new junk - even his balls seemed to be growing in proportion. Suddenly he felt as if he had a bulge to be reckoned with and he started hooking up with guys he'd previously considered to be out of his league - his growing dick giving him an entirely new found sense of confidence.

But Rob's self-assurance and poise soon drained away. His cock kept on growing and simply would not stop. He never thought anyone could complain about having a dick that was too big, but in a couple of weeks his had got uncomfortably large. When flaccid it was now 7" long and 2" thick. A perfect tube steak, set off by balls that were the size of goose eggs. Trying to pack his oversized junk into the skinny jeans he preferred to wear was impossible. Even loose jeans were a struggle. And did he wear his cock across the top of his thigh, or straight down the leg? Either way, his bulging package was almost impossible to hide.

That had been a week ago. Now his flaccid prick was a giant 10" long and 3" thick. It was permanently on display, whether he wanted it to be or not. Everywhere he went he was taunted. His former friends couldn't stop teasing him, whilst other guys he hardly knew seemed to take umbrage at his size. Everyone seemed determined to bring him down a peg and the names never stopped, getting cruder with each passing day. Baby-Arm, Cum Gun, Custard Launcher, Donkey Dick, Dude Piston, Lap Rocket, Power Pole. Hell, he even heard someone refer to him as Satanic Dipstick! It was all too much.

None of this was attention he wanted. Especially when his cock got hard - which was incredibly easy as his sex drive seemed to be insatiable. Despite his loose clothing, when his dick got erect every detail showed up in sharp relief. The hefty column of muscle that ran along the underside of the shaft, supporting his cock like a giant tree root. The thick veins that snaked around his girth, pulsating with blood. And finally, the hugely pronounced helmet - revealed in all its glory as his foreskin uninhibitedly pulled back at the slightest provocation.

It had been just such a display that had caught the attention of the gang that Troy had seen picking on Rob. He had managed to escape physically unscathed, but hearing his cock being referred to as `Cunt Raider' had hit him hard. Growing up Rob had always thought he wanted a bigger dick, but now? He;'d give anything to go back. His new cock was not just impossible to hide, but impossible to fuck with. No one could take a dick this big, right? If it didn't completely scare guys away it would certainly fuck them up for life, leaving anyone he screwed with a hole the size of a windsock. He was doomed to be a freak. And a lonely one at that.

Rob was surprised at the sight of the older man approaching as he walked to his apartment. The guy seemed strangely familiar, though he was sure that he would have remembered the hot muscle bear if they'd met. Then the man called out, obviously trying to get his attention, and Rob half-turned, accidentally swinging his protective rucksack away from his body momentarily.

"Oh my boy" said Troy under his breath. What Troy saw was a 21-year old with a stocky and masculine figure, shorter than he was but with the same dark colouring and body hair. However, the long bulge running down the boy's right leg was something else entirely. Rob immediately saw the look of shock and disbelief as hot bear caught a glimpse, so Robe clutched his rucksack tightly to his groin and walked on fast. But Troy called out again.

Rob looked at him expectantly. He was trying to be polite but desperately wanted to escape his shame too. Troy knew that he had no time to lose. He launched into his explanation, describing the curse, his other sons, and being Rob's biological father.

It was a huge amount for Rob to take on, but equally it was a big straw for Rob to grasp. There was a reason for his cock growing? And it could it be controlled? Made more manageable? More liveable?

"The only way to get it under control it is for us to have sex, and if I know the curse by now that means you're going to have to fuck me" said Troy, his face going red with embarrassment.

Rob's reaction was entirely different though. "You want me to fuck you?! Can't you see how big my dick is?" he said, moving the backpack away from his body to fully reveal his junk. "Jesus, this fucker grows another five inches hard! There's not a man alive who could take it."

Troy shook his head. He shuddered at the thought of having to do just that. Troy was a good man, but he knew the curse had ways of making his life as painful as possible for him. Everything he had touched so far was fucked up. This was no exception. He told his new son that it was the only way, and he asked Rob to come back to Troy's house so they could work the problem out together.

His mind wandered as they went inside Rob's apartment so the boy could collect what he needed for the trip. Just how was Tory going to take Rob's dick? Sure, Owen and the twins regular fucking had loosened him up over the last year or so, but Rob was in a whole new league. He was going to have to train his hole to take more - much, much more. His eyes drifted onto a plastic ruler on Rob's desk and he suddenly had an idea.

Troy asked to see Rob's dick in the flesh so he could measure it. Rob instinctively said no - he was suddenly shy and embarrassed of his new (and kinda hot) father. Troy persisted though, and Rob silently blushed and popped his button fly. With one hand he reached deep down the length of his thigh to lift his dick out into the open. It was truly mammoth and Troy was staggered at its size, gulping in scared anticipation. He asked Rob to get it hard, saying he had to know just how much cock he was going to have to take.

By now poor Rob's hands barely encircled the massive girth and he had to use both hands to wank even half its length. It took a while for the blood to fill out the fuckslab, but Rob actually found himself turned on at the sight of the defined and strong man standing in front of him. Fuck, was that wrong? He tried to stop his mind from imagining what it would feel like to fuck the hairy muscle stud, but suddenly it was all he could think of.

Rob's dick was now painfully erect and projecting far out from his body. Troy grabbed the ruler to measure up and immediately felt intimidated. Not just by the size, but by the heat coming off the monster and it's accompanying smell of headcheese and ball sweat. Soon, Rob's one-eyed snake was glistening with precum, stimulated by the accidental touches of Troy's hands as it was measured up.

Finally it was done. "Thanks son, I'm sure that was tough but knowing your size is going to help me a lot. We better get going if we're to beat the traffic though..." said Troy.

Rob was now in a bind though - there was no way his dick was going to fit back in his jeans like this. He suddenly became brazen in his confidence. He'd always had a thing for older men, especially those with broad shoulders and big arms. Everything about Troy - from his stubble to his dark skin - was painfully turning the 21-year old on. It was his father's fault he was in this predicament, right? That meant it was his duty to help.

"Dad--" he paused (it felt weird saying it for the first time) "I need you to take care of my erection. It's not going to go down by itself" said Rob.

And so began Troy being in hock to his fifth son.

Troy was shocked at the request, but his son was insistent. There was no way Rob could get his dick back into his trousers whilst it was hard, and if Troy wanted to make haste then the least he could do was help out. Troy couldn't believe what he was doing. Trance like, he positioned himself behind his son's body and then reached round to firmly grasp the long and thick prick in his hands. The touch was electric to both of them. Troy's hands were big and grabbed more of the warm flesh than Rob had been able to so far. There was something about the position too - it was almost as if Troy was holding a giant cock of his own and that his was no longer painfully trapped in its cage. Both were lost in lust and soon Troy was riding his hands up and down the length of the giant dick sending waves of pleasure through Rob. Rob could feel his balls rise in their sack as his father stroked faster. Seconds later ropes of jizz splashed onto the floor in an earth-shattering orgasm. It was especially epic for Troy, as feeling his son's big dick so intimately in his hands was almost making him look forward to getting fucked by it. Damn, that was so wrong! He quickly released Rob's cock and told him to clean up and meet him by his pick-up.

Rob bundled himself into the passenger seat and they started the long drive to Troy's house. Troy had an important stop to make first though. He knew there was a large gay sex shop on the interstate just up the road. He'd never been in but he knew they would have what he needed: dildos. Lots of them. Enough to be able to stretch his hole to fit his son's meat. He could think of no other way of taking it.

He pulled into the car park and told Rob he wouldn't be long. However, once inside he was shocked at how much choice there was - this wasn't going to be a quick trip at all. He didn't know where to start, so he used the only guide he had: the measurements of Rob's hard dick. He got the ruler out of his pocket and started sizing the dildos up. Soon he found an evil looking one that was about the same size as Rob, although modelled in hard, black rubber it looked shockingly big.

From there he started working downwards, assembling a collection of realistic looking dildos that progressed in size from Rob to only slightly bigger than Owen. It was an awesome collection of dick and he could barely carry them all in his arms. He walked to the service desk and they tumbled on to the counter.

"Jesus, what the fuck are you trying to do, wreck yourself?!" said the young guy behind the counter. He was dressed in rubber and was a bit of a fetish freak. He thought he had seen everything, but never anyone buying this many dildos in one go!

He started running the rubber dicks through the till, throwing out shade as he went. Oh yeah, this is one of my favourites - such a big head, you're going to feel it big time', this one only the pro holes can take' and `this will ream you out good, I wish I was there to see it..."

As he heard those words Troy was suddenly filled with a future vision. His other sons were all going to want to participate in his hole's destruction. Even with their `help' the stretching was going to take time, and Rob's cock would only grow bigger before he was ready. Fuck! He went back to get some toys even bigger than Rob's 15 by 4 pole.

The cocky assistant whistled in admiration. "Wow, you really are glutton for punishment aren't you? You better take some lube as well, on the house" he said with a smirk. "Oh, and maybe you should buy a few plugs to help keep you open...?" he said, leaving the question hanging.

Minutes later Troy walked out of the store with over 2Ks worth of rubber cock. Jesus, his hole was never going to be the same again, let alone his mind. Just how far was Maggie forcing him to fall? Not for the last time he considered running away, but he could never abandon his sons. What would their bodies be like without him? He had to see this through.

Troy and his new charge arrived back at the farmstead and created quite a stir. Troy introduced Rob and immediately Owen, Peter, José, Ramon and even Joel wanted to see his package. Initially Rob was hesitant, but the volume of appreciation at his bulge made him feel comfortable and eager to show off. The room went deadly quiet when he unfurled his meat though - none of them had ever seen a dick that brutally big before. Peter was the first to break the silence, boldly asking whether he could cop a feel. The trance was broken and in seconds all the brothers had their hands on the heavy shaft. Except Joel, who Troy had quietly ordered to go back to their shared quarters. Troy said he had no place here, and Joel left in a sulk. He'd wanted to see more...

It didn't take long before the conversation naturally moved on to just how Troy was going to be able to take the huge cuntstuffer (and there was no doubt that after taking Rob's dick, a cunt is exactly what their father was going to possess). Rob mentioned Troy's shopping expedition and the group purred in anticipation.

It then became a race against time. How quickly could Troy stretch his ass to accommodate Rob before Rob simply got too big to be taken? The speed of his growth was a huge incentive for Troy to act fast and everyone wanted to help out. The twins - who were experienced in dildo play from their BDSM films - devised a comprehensive and evil training plan for their father.

All the while, Owen quietly seethed with anger. Impressed as he was by the size of Rob's dick he had wanted to keep Troy's hole for himself. He hadn't exactly minded sharing it with the twins, not least because they were smaller than him but also because they always came up with great ideas for sex acts to further humiliate Troy. Rob though? Rob was an entirely new proposition and was going to stretch Troy's hole beyond belief... What would be left for him to fuck?!

He thought about it long and hard and then decided to firmly embrace it all. After all, Troy was the one being fucked up, not him. He had always been a cruel bastard and realised he loved the idea of his father being even more degraded. He would still have a hole to fuck, even if was trashed...

The training started immediately - that evening - and began with Owen force fucking his father hard. None of the brothers begrudged him taking the time because they all knew that this was the last time Troy's eldest would get to experience his father's hole as a tight snatch. Owen was brutal, determined to get one last heavy fuck in before everything changed. Hell, the more he ravaged his father's arse now the looser it would be for Rob, right?

Then the dildos came out. Some Troy rode himself, others were forcefully plunged into his hole by the twins. If he resisted then the twins painfully pulled his thick nipple rings or yanked his balls hard. The punishment was needed as they were determined to keep him on track - the size difference he had to make up really was huge.

From that moment on Troy literally had something inside of him at all time, ensuring his hole could never recover or close up. (Despite his progress, Troy did sometimes wonder whether the twins were always completely straight with his training. They were moments when he felt they were deliberately going slow. Was it possible that they wanted to see just how big Rob's cock would get before Troy was ready to be fucked? Surely not!)

Finally, five long days later, it was time. Rob had taken careful interest in his father's progress. Since Troy had taken hold of his dick back at his apartment Rob hadn't been able to get the thought of fucking his hot muscle bear father out of his head. It consumed all his thoughts.

However, as he watched the twins work part of him wondered whether he should be repulsed at what he was seeing. He hadn't fucked that many guys, but the few he had dicked in the magic window between his cock growing and then getting outlandish had been pretty tight. Corrugated little asses that had a lot of clutch. Troy's hole though? It was being turned into a sloppy mess. What had been puckered was now loose, surrounded by battered cuntlips that stayed open in anticipation of the next big toy...

The realisation that soon it would be his giant dick that would be broaching that hole quickly dismissed any lingering doubts he had though. He now couldn't wait to feel just what it would be like to slide his cock into his father's cunt. And the fact that it had been specially wrecked to fit his pussyrammer? It made him tingle all over and spurt fresh pre.

Soon Troy's hole had been used so continuously that Troy felt empty and incomplete if his arse wasn't stuffed. It didn't help that throughout the training his dick had stayed painfully locked in its cage, even though the unrelenting stimulation of his prostate had forced out seemingly gallons of dickslop. Taking their cue from Owen, the twins often used it as lube, telling Troy how good it was that he was helping out with his training so much. He must be hungry for Rob dick, eh?

Troy didn't like to admit it but they were right. No matter how painful, tough or humiliating the training was, the thought of being fucked by Rob was a powerful aphrodisiac. Yes, he knew that Rob's cock had only got bigger since he had found him, but he couldn't wait to have real flesh and blood inside of him after all the cruel and inhuman dildo imitations he'd been forced to endure.

Despite that, the true size of Rob's cock was kept carefully hidden from Troy so as not to freak him out. It had outgrown even the largest toy Troy had bought from the sex shop. The twins briefly considered buying more but decided it was a race that couldn't be won. The first fuck couldn't be put off any longer.

Owen fed Rob two Viagra; nobody wanted to risk his monster dick going soft before the job was done. It didn't take an expert to know that a dick that big took a lot of blood to get going and the twins knew from their own porn experience that super hung guys often never got fully hard, or if they did only for a few minutes before they got light-headed. Thankfully, Rob didn't seem to have any problems in that area (the curse took care of that) but Owen still insisted on the pills. He was convinced that the harder Rob's dick was the smoother it would slide into Troy's cunt...

Owen had the house's giant living room set up specially for the big event. Some specialised fuck furniture had been bought in from the twin's dungeon and the sofas and chairs arranged around it to give the audience the best possible view.

Rob stood naked to one side and in front of his brothers. Under normal circumstances he would have been painfully shy, but having a dick this big changes your confidence levels pretty quick. Right now his erect dick was an obscene 18" long and almost 5" wide. It was steadily dripping fuckslop in anticipation of the act ahead. He wiggled it slightly, flinging big slugs of pre across the room to the delight of audience. They looked on in wonder. Surely the shaft's thick veins alone would tear Troy a new hole? And wouldn't the headcheese under the rim of the sheathed helmet send Troy punchdrunk in seconds? Of course, that was only if the thought of the baseball sized helmet cunt stretching Troy's hole past the point of no return didn't make him faint. Not that that would stop the fuck! Hell no, even Rob's grapefruit sized balls had an unstoppable art to play. They were tumbling excitedly in their sack, poised to painfully slap any flesh put in their way.

Rob was ready. He no longer cared that his oversized fuckstick was a holewrecker. After all, he wasn't here to fuck a `normal' hole. He was here to fuck his hot muscle bear of a father. By now all of his original cares and worries had faded away. Like being scared that his big dick would ruin his Dad's puss for anyone else. Five long days of snatched glances and a constant frisson of sexual heat told him that his Dad wanted this just as much as he did.

To cheers, his naked father was led in by José. Despite the curse, Troy still had it. On the outside that is. His body was as stacked as ever but his mind? That was warped forever. It used to be that he knew for sure that his powerful body and impressive dick was built to fuck. Now he was only sure that he was there to be fucked up... However, four years of the curse and servicing his sons had made him proud to be a bottom. He was changed man.

Troy slightly hobbled as he made his way to the fuck furniture. The twins had left the largest toy they had deep inside of him, keeping him open till the last possible moment. However, this meant Troy's hole kept spasming painfully and the inflexible rubber donkey dong meant his movement was severely restricted.

Ramon joined his brother José on the impromptu stage as Troy appeared. They had an important job to do: tying the old man down to the fuck furniture. It was an over engineered fuck bench, solid and industrial in its construction. Owen had chosen it because of it's combination of heavy weight and the heavy duty leather restraints meant there was no way Troy (or the bench!) would be able to escape or pull back from the fuck.

Troy lent forward onto the padded bench. As the twins secured the many, many leather cuffs and belts, Rob and Troy exchanged glances. To outsiders the shared looks would have been confusing but to them it was a deep-seated combination of lust, tenderness, willingness and determination. Seconds later the last restraint was tied and locked in place. Rob took his cue and walked around to his father's perfectly positioned arse.

Ramon then took great pleasure in yanking out Troy's hole plugger. A gasp of appreciation followed at the sheer size and girth of the heavy dildo. It bounced as it landed on the floor, spraying ass juices and lube everywhere.

Rob and the audience's attention was already elsewhere though: Troy's hole. Bereft of its cuntstuffer, it gaped and pulsated in desire to be filled again. The sight of the distended hole was simply too much for Rob. The mashed up pussy caused his dick to expand to its limits. The extra blood pushed it higher and forwards, retracting the thick foreskin back. All eyes were on the show as it retreated, so gracefully that it looked to be in slow motion. In its place was left a giant, angry helmet with a fat dollop of pre ready at the tip.

The twins final act was to lube up the monster cock. All four hands were needed to properly cover the immense dick and load it up for the intense fuck ahead. Finally they were done and they left the stage.

Rob gave his dick was one last swing for the benefit of his brothers and then approached his father's gaping fuck trench. As he lined himself up each one of the sons cried out their own encouragement.

"Make him feel it!" cried Peter.

"If you feel any resistance, just force it in! Forget the pain, it's his fault you're in this situation" said Ramon with an evil sneer.

"His cunt is ready so don't hold back Rob" said José, in total agreement with his brother.

"And don't stop until you blow your load... Whatever happens, you need to cum inside of him to get your dick to go down! You don't want to be that big for the rest of your life, right?" asked Owen (man, he couldn't wait to see this!).

We will never know what Joel - keenly looking from the shadows of an open doorway behind the watching audience - would have said if he was in the room...

Rob heard all his brothers but didn't listen. This moment was just about him and his Dad. As he pressed his dick forward he took in the magnificent V-shaped body that lead down to Troy's perfectly round and hairy arse cheeks. Rob couldn't imagine a hotter guy to fuck than Troy.

Suddenly his dick made contact. The juicy flesh felt amazing on his dick so he kept on pressing. His penis was so hard and engorged that it made short work of pushing past the swollen and puffy ass lips. The helmet's tip easily penetrated his father's innermost sanctum and Rob cried out in delight at the feeling of the warm, velvety flesh. His father's pussy was so eager that it seemed to be sucking his dick inside. Christ, was his old man hungry for dick!

It was then that things got tough. Despite all the stretching, Troy's hole was still fucking tight for Rob's giant dick. Owen was watching intently. He could see Troy's eyes going wide in pain and disbelief at the stretch. (Fortunately the twins had tightly ball-gagged Troy so he couldn't make a sound. They knew that the cries of a cunt being wrecked could easily throw a guy off his stride, even one as horny as Rob!) Owen could also see that after the first couple of easy inches Rob was meeting resistance. It was as he feared, Troy's hole simple wasn't yet developed enough to allow the mighty dick any further inside.

It was time to lend a hand.

Oblivious to his brother's cheers and somewhat useless shouts of encouragement to Rob, he stood up and positioned himself behind the father fucker on stage. He placed two strong hands on Rob's meaty arse and then started pushing. Surely the strength of two men could do it!

Ron felt the extra help and started leaning forward even more firmly. There was no way he was going to stop the fuck just because he didn't fit - it just needed a little bit more effort! The two were quickly rewarded when Rob's full helmet finally popped into Troy's arse. The feeling of the hard ridge burying itself inside must have been tremendous as thick ropes of salvia started drooling from Troy's gag.

Were there tears too? Probably. Troy was experiencing a fullness and stretch that couldn't be comprehended by anyone else in the room. No man deserved to be opened up by a dick this big, let alone a man who had been 100% top just a few short years ago.

The room had fallen silent in hushed anticipation, everyone willing the mighty dick to bottom out. Rob and Owen kept the pressure on but there was still a long way to go... However, as Rob saw his father's cunt slowly swallow his giant shaft he became if anything more determined. Troy's anal ring and arse canal - even destroyed as they were by the barrage of toys - were clamping around Rob's meat. It felt amazing to the inexperienced young fucker. He suddenly realised he had found his purpose: fucking!

The thought gave him the resolve to push forward with all his might. Fuck the resistance, fuck the pushing back, fuck the state of his father's hole! He wanted it and nothing was gong to stop it.

By now Troy's immense pain was so great that he had almost transcended and escaped to deep inside his head. Almost. He was shockingly bought out of his safe place by the room erupting in cheers as his hole soaring to unspeakable levels of pain: Rob had finally bottomed out his 18" dick!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! started baying the watching brothers as one.

This was the moment. Rob put his heart and soul into his first true power fuck. He started by pulled out a few inches - it was just as tight going back as it was forwards - and then hammered forward with all his might. The motion was slow and controlled but he knew that he could rely on his girth, helmet flange and punishing shaft veins to forge a new hole for his father.

And so it was to be. Steadily the stroke length and speed got greater. Neither one of them would ever be the same again. At the point when Rob was almost fully long-dicking his father he lent forward to use his hands to steady his motion on his father's restrained body. Or at least that's what he would have said if anyone asked him. In truth it was because he wanted to touch his muscle bear, to feel his heat and strength. To reassure and bring them closer together...

Troy really appreciated the feeling. The firm but erotic hands gave him something to focus on as his hole was ravaged. In fact, the touch gave Troy all the motivation he needed: he was determined to be a good lover. He rippled as many of his cunt muscles as he could control, even managing to grip his ring piece around Rob's thick meat.

Despite Rob currently only having one purpose in life - stretching his father's hole out until his dick fitted like a glove - the extra tightness made for an extremely pleasurable ride. He didn't want it to stop, but the feelings in his dick meant he couldn't hold out for much longer. He so wanted to do more damage - oh so much more - but it was all too much. He came with an animalistic cry, stabbing his dick further inside his father than ever before to shoot his boy batter deep. It was the sweetest relief he'd ever experienced and his entire body seemed to be a part of pumping his rich cum out of his giant balls.

Finally, the orgasm was over and he breathed a deep sigh of excited contentment. He let his hands linger for a few more tender moments on his father's powerful back before slowly withdrawing his dick. To the audience the slow retreat seemed to take a lifetime, but the cock had a long way to travel! But for Troy, Rob's passage out was distressingly quick. He suddenly felt empty and incomplete, immediately missing the immense heat Rob's dick gave off and the satisfying feeling of being full.

Rob's fuckslab finally fully emerged, covered in cum, lube and ass slime. The brothers rushed to the stage to watch Owen wrestle a tape measure around the column of hard flesh. Everyone was keen to see the results of the fuck (and to discover just how many more shags it would take for Rob's dick to return to a more manageable size, not least as several big bets and juicy forfeits had been placed on the outcome!).

The results were in: it had shrunk by about two inches. Not much in the scheme of things, but it was a start. Thankfully Rob had inherited the family's quick turnaround time and he was able to fuck his father at least three more times that night.

By the end he was an exhausted and sweaty mess. Of course, that was nothing compared to his father's cunt, or what was left of it. Even though Rob's dick went down in size, it had felt to Rob as if his father's hole had got slacker with each fuck, slowly losing any semblance of clutch. Knowing he was therefore responsible for his father's transition to full cunt status kept Rob's dick hard all night. Even the imbalance between act and action turned him on. With his dick he was ploughing his father a new hole, but he did it because he wanted his father to grow, to be a better fuck. The thought meant that his later fucks were almost more brutal than the first, so determined was Rob to make a difference. It helped that after he'd taken his father's big dick cherry, Rob knew his Dad could take it again. Not a word was exchanged between the two of them all night, but the way Troy's body reacted to Rob's roving hands (for balance and grip!) meant he knew he Dad also wanted it. That turned him on more than virtually anything else.

Meanwhile everyone in the room took great pleasure in how mashed up Troy's pussy looked as the night progressed. Of course, Rob wasn't the only one who had a piece of the action. Both the twins and Owen took their turns too, relishing the sweet wet velvet that was Troy's new cunt. It didn't so much grip their smaller cocks as softly kiss them. It was delightful, and the slackness meant they could fuck as hard as they wanted.

In the end it took another four whole days of action before Rob's cock returned to a more normal size. In that time they abandoned the fuck bench - there was no need to tie Troy up anymore as nothing could pull him away from taking Rob's dick.

The slowest progress was made on the last day though. After three fucks in a row where his dick had barely changed, Rob came to the conclusion that his dick had shrunk as far as it was going to go. Not even pile-driving Troy constantly for 30 minutes in the last fuck made a difference. This was it. His cock was stuck at 11" or more for the rest of his life. The brothers could only wonder whether this was because it had taken Troy so long to find Rob. They would never know.

It made no difference to Rob. He had now developed an appetite for fucking and wanted to make full use of the curse for his advantage. He knew there were plenty of size queens out there who would relish his dick. He moved into the house and started living off the dwindling proceeds of Troy's estate. He used it as a base to travel around the county, fucking as many bottoms as he could until his dick got too big for even the most worn-out rent boys. He would then return with an engorged cock, ready to start the process all over again.

However, the best moments came when he got alone time with Troy and he didn't need to put up a show for the other brothers. These one-on-one sessions were precious to both of them. Sure, Rob was still defiling his father's cunt, but it was done with such tender and loving passion that it was something truly special.

However, Rob's extracurricular activities were tough on Troy. He never knew when Rob would be around so he always had to be ready to be fucked by monster cock. Sure, Rob never let it get as big as those first fucknights, but that still meant Troy needed to stay plugged to keep his pussy willing and in good shape. The plugs only got fatter and longer over time.

Unfortunately this meant that Owen truly was locked out from ever enjoying a tight father-fuck ever again. Yes, Owen got off on his father's continued degradation, but his own sex sessions with his father had slowly turned into grudge fucks, only one step up from being purely transactional.

The rest of the family couldn't have been more delighted though. The state of Troy's cunt had nothing to do with his ability to be machine milked for Peter, or his ability to drain the twin's milky udders. In fact, Rob and the other brothers took insane pride in just how big Troy's hole was getting. They had regular gape appreciation parties where the goal was to get Troy's pussy as open and inviting as possible. His progress was meticulously recorded by Rob. He kept a detailed log of his dick size and the size of his dick-sleeve of a father.

The crazy stretching seemed to drive both of them onwards to new heights, but to keep up appearances Rob would often berate Troy for his lack of progress. Invariably this was just an excuse to visit the sex store for more and more dildos in ever inventive shapes and sizes.

No matter how many bursts of pleasure, for Troy his life was becoming unbearable. His life was now non-stop sex. His only breaks were to exercise, eat and sleep. He was finally beginning to understand the full impact of Maggie's curse. It had not only corrupted him - hot-wiring his desires and feelings to the most extreme sex acts possible - but also each of his sons that the curse came into contact with. Owen, Peter, José, Ramon and now Rob had all become the worst versions of themselves, just like he'd been before meeting Maggie. Selfish fuck brutes in name and nature.

Next: Owen goes on a mission to find the curse's next victim. Who'd thought that Troy's sperm was capable of breeding triplets?

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Next: Chapter 7

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