The Curse of Troy Fletcher

By Stu Hadley

Published on Mar 12, 2020


Chapter 11 The Curse of Troy Fletcher

Includes fucking, sucking, cum, big cocks, lactation, fisting, tattoos, group sex, domination and humiliation... Not for the faint of heart. Average reading time: 10 minutes.

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Joel's 21st was in days and everything was so, so wrong.

Joel was now open season for his half-brothers. When Troy was away finding Ethan (the 9th son) his other sons had seized the moment. They had taken Joel's cherry and realised Troy's youngest had inherited some of their father's abilities to control Maggie's curse. Sure, it was weak compared to Troy's strengths, but more than enough to justify fucking Joel's sweet ass. Repeatedly.

Oh, and the fact the brothers were all 100% sure the curse was about to fall on Joel's shoulders wasn't lost. It simply added extra spice.

Where was Troy in all of this suffering? Surely the caring and committed father wouldn't stand idly by? He didn't have a choice though. All the time he was being cunted and controlled by Ethan. His 9th son had turned out to be more dominant, cruel and fucked up than any of his other sons, and soon Ethan started enlisting the entire family in his goals. The subsequent cunt stretching took up most of Troy's time with little left over to service his other sons. He managed - just - but he walked around bowlegged and the family's gape appreciation parties simply got more extreme.

However, every so often Ethan fancied a change and he'd head off to a more regular ffuck party by himself. He would always come back rejuvenated and horny for his father. Literally.

It was in these moments that Ethan was at his most experimental and creative. Like the time he came up with the idea of using the triplet's cum as fisting lube. The boys were happy to hold off cumming for a bit (including abstaining from being sucked off by Joel) to deliver three pints of fresh cum.

Everyone was fascinated to see the boy-spunk used as lubrication and once again, sex with Troy became a spectator sport for the sons. Cum has always had a great reputation as a fisting lube but it was rare to have enough to last even a short session. But this was different, and of course there was the curse to contend with. Would using the triplet's spunk as lube have the same affect as when Troy swallowed it down? Or would it cancel out, meaning the triplet's next loads ended up even bigger?

Troy was anguished, plummeting new depths of depravity at every step. Surely Maggie hadn't meant for his life to be this fucked up? But no, there was Ethan lubing up his horny hands with fresh cum dripping from the tips. Nothing could have prepared him for this...

It turned out that as long as the spunk ended up inside Troy - whether his hole or his mouth - it did the trick. Of course, it all had to be ingested and not just recirculated. Ethan made sure of that, placing a large container underneath Troy's ass to catch any run off. At the end of the session Troy had to drink the contents, mixed in with his natural ass juices and some top-ups from the other sons. It was vile.

Vile, but that was nothing compared to the foul time Ethan came back with the bright idea of churning some milk from the twins into butter, and using the resulting fat as the basis for another sick and twisted lube. He asked Peter to use his experience of agricultural husbandry to add in some special ingredients to stop the mix going rancid and soon they'd created the perfect substitute for Crisco. There was nothing quite like it. The psychological damage of being punched out using lube literally made from your son's excretions was extreme, let alone the turbo-charging action it gave Ethan's fists.

Could Troy fall any further?

It turned out he could. As Joel became an active and immersed participant in the house's sex life everything went in a downward spiral. For a moment this bought an even stronger father-son bond as Joel now had intimate knowledge of what his father had been going though all these years (even if he didn't have Troy's mental anguish for being responsible for all this fucked-up-ness). Troy's love for Joel grew even stronger and he couldn't ever imagine doing anything to hurt or harm his youngest.

However it was a couple of days before Joel's 21st that things finally got truly personal. When the curse truly broke Troy and its affects were writ plain on his face for everyone to see.

Joel, his wistful and slight boy, came back from town with a tattoo on his bicep. He said it was because he wanted to show his true love for his father - saying it would be his forever 21 present to his Dad. Troy couldn't help but wonder whether one of Joel's twisted brothers had put him up to it though...

The ink was of a scroll saying `Daddy's Boy' surrounded by a bed of roses. Troy didn't want to say it - couldn't bear to think it - but the rosebuds painfully reminded him of the way Ethan described his cunt. Did that mean the tattoo would a dangerous provocation to the curse? Surely that couldn't be how the curse would affect Joel? No!

Both of them could barely sleep on the eve of Joel's birthday, both nervous to find out how he would be corrupted. The curse had shown anything could be on the table. Would his dick grow big? Would his spunk production increase? Or maybe his nipples get big and stubby?

In the end, it was nothing like what they had expected. They woke to find Joel's tattoo had grown. From a discrete design on Joel's right arm, it now covered half his shoulder and upper arm. They looked at the ink in detail, seeing more roses and thorns, but it seemed benign and reasonably harmless.

However, by day two the tattoo had spread over far more of Joel's body. It extended up to his neck and onto his face, and then down onto his arms and hands. The design had grown obscene too - the roses turning into a writhing mess of naked men, big cocks and swear words. He looked like a carnal house of filth. Only a tattoo fanatic could find him attractive, and even then a fucked up one at that.

All of Troy's other sons were gleeful at the long awaited changes, laughing and finding it all hilarious. Soon they watched with perverted joy as Troy and Joel tried to find a way to `control' the tattoo.

It wasn't anything obvious. They tried every combination of fucking and sucking imaginable. They even persuaded Ethan and Owen to allow Troy's cock cage to be removed to give the father/son team more options. Nothing would normally have convinced them to release Troy's dick, but as long as all the brother's got to watch...

However, all of this had to be worked around Troy's regular duties so it took a long time to figure out just how Joel's curse could be controlled. All this time Joel's tattoo grew and grew, now covering nearly three quarters of his body. The ink had only grown more and more pornographic too. His body was an encyclopaedia of extreme gay sex, everything from bestiality to dirty-sanchezing.

The father and son team had done their best to re-enact the porn scenes but with little success. It was only when a giant scroll - just like the original tattoo - appeared above Joel's taut arse with the words `Daddy's FFuckhole' that the painful truth hit them. Troy was going to have to fist his son; his love and soul, the boy he'd looked after these last 21 years... it was the ultimate shameful vice, truly hot-wired. Troy hung his head in shame when he felt his dick rise hard at the thought.

Of course, the entire house gathered to watch and it was filmed for posterity. Troy was allowed to wear his leathers with a new red harness Ethan had bought specially for the occasion. No-one could deny that Troy looked hot, even if deeply pained. (Though, to be honest, some of that could have been down to the giant inflatable butt plug Ethan had shoved inside Troy's arse. It was inhumanely sized and Troy was sure he could feel his pussy lips tearing but Ethan was determined that Troy would have a constant reminder of what his own cunt was possible of. You know, to help spur him on...)

Joel was in the sling that Ethan had installed in the house. To `help out', Ethan had trussed Joel up, making sure the youngest son was totally vulnerable to his father's fists. Troy was determined to do this gently though - befitting both his connection to Joel and the fact that it had been a long time since he'd topped, let alone fisting someone before.

His other sons weren't having it though, throwing out increasingly vivid and disgusting shouts of encouragement. "Wreck him, punch him, stretch that cunt out!" the sons cried. Ethan finally got fed up of Troy `pussy footing' around and announced that if Troy didn't put his backbone into it he would pump the inflatable dong way past the point of no return.

Troy had no choice. Even though he knew he was pushing his son too far, too fast, and that Joel was hovering on the line between extreme pleasure and extreme pain, he was compelled to go big. It was brutal. He'd always had large hands - to go with his big dick - and his son had always been slight. Out of all of these fuckers, why had his son taken after a more effete mother and not him?!

Troy did everything he could to make his son's transition to fist-whore easy, but it was impossible. Only when he started full-arm cunt punching did his son's tattoo start reducing. And oh, so slowly. No matter how much Joel wailed and cried out, no matter how many brutal fist punches in a row, the ink withdrew at a glacial pace. It would take many, many sessions to turn Joel back into a respectable human being again.

All of the brothers watched agog. They high-fived each other as they realised it was now nine against two. They stepped up the pace of fucking Troy, all whilst delighting in knowing that gave him less time to fist Joel. In the end it took three whole days in a row of Troy brutal fist-raping Joel to get his son's ink even moderately back to normal, and a full seven days to return it to its original size (though Troy was sure the original scroll had just been surrounded by roses and not clenched fists).

From there things descended into total pig life. Troy was shocked at how much his son had developed extreme anal hunger in response to his hands and was appalled at just how brutal he needed to be to control the tattoo. (For the briefest of moments Troy wondered whether Joel was conspiring with Ethan to prolong the agony. Surely Joel didn't really want to see just how nasty his body would get, or how mean his father could be?! Troy was almost in tears when he was forced to punish ffuck the son he loved. How could Joel like this stuff?!)

From that point on the sex combinations became endless... starting with the first time Ethan chariot fisted Troy and Joel. The bony spurs that grew on the back of Ethan's hands had only got worse as the curse's strength grew, but reducing them by fisting both son and father at the same time was truly fucked up. Each hole controlled the curse at different speeds, giving a huge variety of possibilities for play. Troy would get used to the spurs easing up in his cunt, and then was brutally awoken by Ethan swapping hands, suddenly feeling the fresh savagery of a hand that had been barely reduced by Joel's pussy powers.

However, things got dramatically worse when Ethan started orchestrating sex sessions with the entire family. Tentatively at first and then more confidently, Ethan soon told all his brothers to abstain for a whole seven days.

Owen's PA grew huge. Over the years his baseline size had got bigger and bigger, and his piercing was no longer capable of returning to its original size. What was small for him was now giant for others. But after seven days? Ouch.

Peter, who still pumped his Dad full of hormones and supplements to increase Troy's cum production and potency so he would have a ready supply to keep his own balls in check, stopped draining and drinking his father's cum. Slowly Peter's nuts grew in size, resulting in a heavy sack that could knock someone out with its heft.

And then there were the twins, José and Ramon. Still as fit and as hairy as ever but the years of father sucking had meant their nipples were now permanently the size of thimbles. The constant filling and emptying of their breasts had meant they had sow tits rather than pert knockers. Seven days of milk production would weigh heavily on their figures...

The triplets? Daniel, Mark and Simon? As the curse had grown stronger their cum production had gone through the roof. Seven days of abstinence would mean their balls would churn and bloat with almost two pints of cum each. (It didn't help that Ethan had been slipping them some of Peter's special drugs. Who knew the true limits of the triplets spunk supply?!)

And then there was Rob and his giant cock. The passing of time and familiarity had made his fuckslab no less intimidating. The difference now was that he had the technique and finesse to be able to really use it. He could cajole a hole into taking it and ream a guy out like they would never forget. His dick had grown more veiny and more brutal, and after seven days it was a real cuntkiller. By the end of the week the tip of his cock was almost dragging on the floor and leaving a trail of fuck slime wherever he went...

Ethan? His hands, wrists and forearms only got more gnarly. In fact, Ethan was sure the curse was determined to keep his fists permanently one step ahead of Troy's hole development. No matter how big Troy's cunt got Ethan's spurs and ridges always seemed to grow bigger on each re-set.

Finally there was Joel. His body hardly ever had a chance to return to normal. He constantly looked like trash, so much so that only his father could ever find him attractive. After seven days he was pure filth... it would have to take a really fucked-up man to take any pleasure in playing with him.

Finally, seven full days passed. Ethan had every detail planned out and it would be a night to remember forever.

It all started with Troy's silver fox body immobilised face down on a fuck bench. Peter's agricultural milking machine was connected and started sucking away on Troy's dick. It wouldn't stop for the entire session, no matter how many orgasms it extracted. To give extra value for money Ethan had put Troy in a set of thick and heavy metal ball weights to constantly and painfully tug Troy's nuts as he was used during the night.

Once Troy's sack had been drained a couple of times for good measure, big dicked Rob and metal pierced Owen double dicked their father. Owen was hung at the best of times but his dick sliding alongside Rob's horse cock was like a mouse burrowing next to a moose. Still, both of them worked hard to truly punish fuck their father and then cum deep inside. It was something they'd repeat several times that night.

Up next was a veritable menu of body fluids. Everyone was welcome to take a slash over Troy whenever they wanted (including Joel), but the real focus was on the twins' milk and the triplets' cum.

Troy only had one mouth and a protein sequence was forced upon him that was beyond his darkest dreams. First Joel's left tit, then Danny's cock... and then Ramon's right tit and Simon's spunk... it kept on going! So much cum, so much cream! It was inhuman. Then, Mark wanked almost to completion and thrust his dick into his father's sloppy pussy, meaning he got the rare pleasure of unloading inside his Dad, watching his giant load blowback against his crotch...

Ethan was carefully watching and seconds later painfully plugged Troy's gaping cunt, wanting to keep as much of that cum inside of him as possible. It was all grist to the mill. From that point on the squirts of lube and cum that fell on Troy's face were just bonus humiliations... the inevitable moment was here.

Joel - kept in reserve till now - was manoeuvred into place, railed in just like the slings at the Anvil. However, this sling was fully equipped for bondage and Joel was restrained to within an inch of his life. His body was bound down and his legs tied up, leaving no chance for Joel to escape.

Meanwhile, Troy's arms were set free from his fuck bench milking stand and his body raised to give him a better angle: better to fist his son, and better to be fisted by a son.

The reams of dick Troy had been forced to take, the brutal milking of his cock, and the massive influx of two types of protein had left Troy in a daze. He'd almost been able to zone out, to function on auto-pilot. But his position shifting and the appearance of his youngest son bought him back to full attention. He looked up to realise he was staring straight between Joel's open legs. His son's cunt was beautifully laid out in front of him, except only a father could love what he saw.

Joel was obscene. Thick and dirty ink covered his entire body, making him look like a hybrid sex-punk-pig. What made it worse was that all of Joel's tattoos seemed to beat a path to his son's cunt, to make it a potent target of use and abuse. Right now, a barrage of giant red arrows swarmed towards his son's arse cheeks, each one curving and pointing at Joel's hole. Each thick arrow was printed with phrases at the head or along the shaft, from simple obscenities to more complex phrases. FFUCK HERE was as straightforward as it got, SLOT MACHINE FOR HIRE more elaborate, whilst JUICY TRENCH was pure filth.

But there was no denying that Joel's cunt was juicy. Was that because he'd been warmed-up by one of his brothers, or because he was juicing up from the thought of his Dad attacking his hole... who will ever knew? All Troy understood was that he was looking at his beautiful youngest son with a hole that was disgustingly sloppy and distended. Jesus, how could he possible be expected to trash it anymore? Hadn't the curse done enough already?!

Ethan was the first to get going. He used his bony spurs with maximum brutality and to maximum effect... and he fully expected Troy to match his actions punch for punch on Joel, even though that was impossible: Joel's boyhole was nowhere near as developed as Troy's own obscenely stretched out anus. Ethan didn't care though, forcing Troy on.

"Both of you, quit your mewling! You don't have a choice, right Dad?"

A particular savage punch to Troy's hole ended up having the required reciprocal effect on Joel that Ethan demanded. Troy knew that he couldn't protect his son's pussy anymore, or at least not if he didn't want his own cunt to be wrecked beyond all recognition.

Joel sensed his father's demeanour change. He felt it in his cunt too. Up till now he could tell his Dad had been holding back and if he hadn't of been ball-gagged then he'd have told Troy to stop being such a pussy. Now he wasn't so sure... His father was laying in to him without mercy and he could feel his anal lips giving way, and then more and more of his inner assflesh being pulled out with each of his father's outward punches. He knew his precious boyhole was being stretched into oblivion, receiving more love than one boy could ever possibly take.

Ethan directed his father further, the other brothers all spurring them both on.

"We're going to turn Joel into a bitch you barely recognise. Give it time and his cunt could be even bigger than yours! Incapable of closing, oozing ass juices every minute, corrupted to depravity, begging to be used by each and every one of us. Hell, we'll fuck his mind up so much that he'll never turn a fist down! How about it, bitch? Wouldn't that be something?!"

As Joel's rosebud blossomed, Trent was shocked to see his son beginning to prolapse. It was a circle that could only keep going. There was never going to be an end in sight. If only Troy had said yes to Maggie...

The End.

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