The Curse of Troy Fletcher

By Stu Hadley

Published on Mar 7, 2020


Chapter 10 The Curse of Troy Fletcher

Includes fisting, leather, group sex, domination and humiliation... Average reading time: 15 minutes.

This scene picks up immediately after chapter 9.

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As soon as the tender moment had begun it was over. Ethan released Troy from his arms and pushed his father away. The bar was empty and the two men had seemingly been forgotten, though the space was still hazy with smoke and the funk of a thousand fucks. There was no natural light even though it was well past dawn, the bar still permanently bathed in soft red hues.

Troy was exhausted and ready to go home, all thoughts apart from rest long forgotten. Ethan looked at him with fire in his eyes though.

"You know, I'm very touched you came and found me... I've really enjoyed tonight, way more than I expected since finding out how much of a slut you are." The harsh words stung Troy, but the worse was yet to come.

"But now it's time for the truth... I've been lying. I've known all along how your curse has affected me."

He slowly took off his leather gloves to reveal his large and capable hands. A wicked grin grew across Ethan's face as he held them up for Troy to see up close. His hands appeared to be naturally big, but that wasn't what Troy was shocked to see. They had been cursed to become inhuman, the fists of a monster. Three rows of bony spurs - looking uncannily like miniature mountain ranges - had grown on the back of each hand. Each row had three or four peaks, each less than a centimetre high but obscenely pushing up the skin in an evil way. And that wasn't all... Ethan took off his leather wrist bands to reveal they were densely packed with concentric rings of bone. The old phrase `ribbed for your pleasure' inappropriately came to mind, but nothing looked pleasurable about these.

"Now what do you suppose we can do with these, Dad?" asked Ethan with an evil leer.

Troy looked on with shock writ large across his face. What the fuck?

"So, have you figured it out?" asked Ethan.

Troy shook his head, almost willing himself to stay in the dark.

"You've no idea why the curse has fucked my hands up?" prodded Ethan.

"No... no!" replied Troy, shaking. Surely it couldn't be true.

"That's right, old man. Everything we've done so far was just a warm-up. My real passion is fisting. Taking a tight hole and wrecking it with my own bare hands. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than looking down at a messed up cunt and knowing I've been responsible for ruining it...

Except your hole isn't tight, is it? No, Eddie told me what's between your legs. A thick trench surrounded by thick and rubbery cunt lips, a hole so worn out it couldn't hold all those loads inside.

I'm guessing from the appalled look on your face that you've never been fisted before... Well, that's about to change. When I saw my hands changing I knew that something was up. I thought for a moment that my fisting days were over - not many cunts could take these evil fuckers! - but then I remembered the man in my visions. Only one man could be sick enough, big enough, fucked up enough, to take them. You. And I am ffucking horny to get my hands on your hole!"

Troy was rigid in disbelief, his son couldn't be serious! And yet he knew Ethan's game face by now. This was deadly serious.

"Hey I know you can take it, Dad. Eddie said you've got the juiciest hole he's ever felt up and he's no slouch when it comes to these things... Besides, the way I see it, you don't have a choice. If you want to be a good father then you have to let me fist you, right?"

Troy shook his head in resigned guilt. He knew everything Ethan said was true. It was unavoidable.

Ethan explained that he had a deal with the bar's owner that he could use the club for as long as he wanted and that they wouldn't be disturbed by the bar's cleaners for another 8 hours or so. The deal was based on Ethan's design skills, something he had a bit of a gift for... his abilities meant the venue was now equipped with some very specialised furniture. Ethan opened the cupboard he'd unlocked earlier to pull out a heavy-duty leather contraption...

Months earlier, when the Anvil had first opened, Ethan had taken one look at the post-industrial space and seen opportunities at every turn. By far the biggest was using the old girder rails that were still attached to the ceiling. They'd been used for hauling heavy equipment or materials around the factory floor, but Ethan had a much more novel purpose for them: moving men. He'd immediately designed a winch on wheels that could be attached to the rails, with a heavy-duty sling hanging below.

He rolled the sling out and commanded Troy to climb aboard. Although Troy had seen a sling before, he'd never used one. Ethan told his father to sit on the edge of the sling, support himself and then lie back. He did, and was immediately surprised at how comfortable it was and just how at home he felt. He had a surprising degree of flexibility too... there were stirrups to rest his heavy boots upon and some thick leather handles for his hands to grab, but other than that he was free and could jump off at any point.

To Ethan the sight was perfect. His father's muscular arse was perfectly framed by tight-fitting pair of chaps, and at the centre was a meaty hole that begged for attention. To an experienced top like Ethan seeing an ass with serious mileage was a thrill, it showed off just what it might be capable of... and right now he knew his father's hole had seen so much work that his legs were nothing more than just extended cunt flaps.

Now that Troy was settled, Ethan started slowly moving the sling along the ceiling rails. To distract his father he started asking more detailed questions about what he'd seen in his visions. "So, the son I saw with the horse cock? I also saw you being force fed some pretty big toys... what size are we talking here?"

"Well, that was tough" replied Troy, embarrassed at the details "the largest Rob's cock got was after I found him, a full month--"

"That wasn't what I asked. Just tell me the size already!"

Oh god. "The largest toy was 16" long and over 4" wide, a bit smaller than Rob's dick. But as I tried to say he hasn't been that size in ages. Now he sticks to around 12" long and only 3" across. That's the standard I keep to" said Troy, strangely proud.

"And how do the other brothers feel about that?" asked Ethan, still pulling the sling along.

"To be honest, I don't think they like it. But I can't please all of them..."


There was silence, before Ethan glared at his father and compelled him to answer.

"Because his horse cock and the big toys pretty much wreck me for regular sex. In fact, some of my other sons refuse to fuck me now. They'll only DP me with one of their other brothers, or risk my hole at the start of a session..."

"Is that so?" said Ethan giving the sling a final heavy, push.

Troy suddenly realised where he'd ended up - right in the middle of fucking nowhere! Whilst he'd been distracted talking about dildos the rail had taken the sling from running alongside the mezzanine edge to straight out over the cavernous bar space below. Right now he was hanging free with nothing underneath him, and he was easily a metre or two from the edge where Troy was standing. He tried to look below and round, his free hands and legs now a sudden liability. He called out, but all he could see was Ethan standing far away with an evil leer.

Dramatically, Ethan pressed a switch and the top started moving towards the sling. His father couldn't see it but Ethan's boots were locked onto the spears of two narrow planks that powered out from the mezzanine. A marvel of engineering, the planks supported Ethan whilst letting him stand in free space. In addition, the planks automatically followed the motion of his body, allowing the Dom to seamlessly move in any direction.

Why go to such enormous trouble one might ask?

"This is one of my best inventions... We're both effectively hanging in free air: your body supported by the sling and me by these leg supports. Why? Well I like giving guys pleasure but I also like being aggressive. Sometimes too aggressive... I got bored of having to end a session before I was satisfied. Hell, I even had a couple of guys try to escape! There was no way I could let that happen again. Sure, I tried bondage and ropes, but tying people down is such a hassle, it wastes so much valuable sling time.

Then I thought of this... No bondage, no restraints... but nowhere for you to go but down. And don't even think of trying to escape by jumping onto me - one tap of my foot and I'll be back on the mezzanine before you can blink! Right now, it's just you, me and my fists... and we're not leaving here until I've done some serious damage."

It suddenly flashed through Troy's mind that Ethan was an evil and deviant sexual madman, who the fuck created this guy?! For all his talk, for all the pointless piss drinking, ball stretching and sounding, all of it was a window into his son's soul. Now he was more fucked than he'd even been before. Never in his life would he have imagined that he'd end up being fisted, nor had he ever wanted to be. How the fuck would he ever be able to take it?

Ethan made a great show of sliming up his bony hands, dipping them into a large container attached to the side of the sling. He knew that anticipation was all part of the game and that the thick, white lube would make his fists look even more obscene and terrifying to the fist virgin. It also gave him a chance to take a proper look at his father's hole, currently quivering in anticipation. It was messy with dried cum from earlier in the day, but for Ethan that added to the appeal. It was beautiful - pre-wrecked - with all the signs that it could take a lot of work.

"Not going to deny that this is going to be tough on you. I doubt there's a single guy I play with who would enjoy taking my fists in this condition... but that just means I'm going to enjoy giving you a new cunt even more, help me make up for lost play time. I have an insatiable need for stretching cunt - I can never have enough... I may only be 21 but I've been doing this since I was 16. There's just something about a blown-out pussy that drives me wild! And these fists? These are going to fast-track your cunt development like no other!

Anyway, enough talk! Here we go, Dad. I'm going to enjoy wrecking your hole. It's never going to come back from today."

Of course, Ethan was a pro. He knew that a hole would take years of work before it was fully wrecked. Out of all of the sons, he instinctively knew he was the one who was going to have a long-term sexual relationship with his father. Not because he needed to for the curse, but because he wanted to fuck his Dad up as much as possible. Today was just the beginning...

Ethan started manipulating the puffy cuntlips and pushing lube inside. Already Ethan was delighted at just how slack Troy's hole was: all those dildos and continual attention from Rob's monster cock had prepared him well. Seconds later Ethan conned his hand and was pushing in, teasing and taunting the meaty hole in front of him. Instinct told him that his father could take it...

And take it Troy did. He went from fearing Ethan's fists to gobbling them up. At first he was terrified and felt he was being invaded, but Ethan's dexterous fingers loosened him up in no time. The entire evening had completely fucked up with Troy's head and the sight of his leathered son - so eagerly and determinedly focusing on his hole - deeply confused him. Was he feeling vulnerable right now - unable to escape - or was he more turned on than he'd ever been in his life? His distended hole spoke the truth, for he could feel it willingly dilate, suddenly hungry for his son to be fully inside of him, no matter the cost to his pussy.

Ethan could sense that hunger and in moments his fist was pushed inside to his knuckles, holding the hole open for the worse to come. The stretch was extreme but actually smaller than the toys Troy had taken. Troy suddenly realised that he was feeling more pleasure from his sex than he'd felt in years... he felt in tune with it - not just connected to his cunt, but connected to his son. Bring it on!

"Push down, Dad!" said Ethan with a wry grin. He knew this moment was one neither would ever forget, and he was already feeling great pride and joy in the ass wrecking to come: his evil hand looked fantastic forcing its way inside the leather framed trench.

Feeling his father bare down on him was all the invitation he needed. He pushed his hand forward with brutal intensity. Boom, boom, boom, boom! The taut ring enveloped each and every vicious bump on Ethan's hand, whilst Troy wailed in beautiful agony. He didn't know what was worse, the epic stretch, the feeling of each raised and evil bump, or the feeling of his hole being held open by Ethan's strong wrists! All that was certain - all that was true - was that he was feeling more pleasure than he'd ever experienced in his life. He wanted more, more! and cried out in joy. He looked up and saw Ethan gazing at him intently, his son's fist inside of him and still. Suddenly he realised the truth, that Ethan controlled his pleasure. When Ethan was ready to take pleasure, he would too.

"This is just the beginning, Dad. We're really going to have to work your hole a whole lot more before my hands fit you like a glove." If anything Troy's hold on Ethan's wrist was so tight that it was actually painful. He couldn't have that.

He started twisting his hand inside Troy's pussy, the bony spurs sending waves of erotic pain through Troy's body. It was a testament to just how much mileage his hole had seen that this was even possible, as even for an experienced top like Ethan this was next level fisting. Ethan loved the sounds that his father was making - as if he was connecting to the universe in a hole new way - and he started working his fist in and out of the willing hole, filling it up with even more lube as he went.

"Don't get too comfortable old man, we've a long way to go yet! But I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that all those ridges are really puffing up your cunt, doing some good damage now!" cried Ethan, sweat on his brow.

And it was true, they were. Ethan had fisted a lot of cunt, but he'd never seen one blossom out so quickly. It was crazy. He was now able to slide his entire hand inside in one smooth motion - each spur swallowed up one by one, and then deep down his wrist - each ridge rippling his father's cunt out. He was now swapping hands, making his Dad feel a completely new set of spurs.

Ethan decided he needed to know whether it was speed, violence of attack or depth that controlled the curse. He started flipping between punching and then depth work. This was a different level of brutality, as Ethan played Troy's hole like a rubber band in the sun, waiting for it to be stretched out of all recognition so it would never come back. Ethan loved a sloppy hole!

Hours and hours later, Ethan had worked out that it was a combination of all three that would reduce his fists to a more regular size. The bumps were still there, but nowhere near as prominent. By now he was completely lost though, completely lost in his pleasure and the wanton destruction. "You know I'm doing this for your benefit, right?" cried Ethan. "If I don't open you up now then how will you take the double?"

The words were out without thinking. He hadn't planned on it, but deep down a part of Ethan was unsatisfied. Troy's hole was too hungry - his father was taking too much pleasure - and Ethan needed to know with each session that he'd broken a limit, something that would make the bottom remember it for all time. For his father it could only be the double!

For the first time in hours, Troy came crashing back to reality, saying he couldn't take that, that he wasn't ready for the double. He'd taken so much, come so far, surely that was enough! he pleaded. His eyes desperately looked over the sides of the sling, knowing he couldn't escape. There was nothing he could do, not even pull back from his son.

Ah, what the hell... Ethan thought Troy was ready (or at the very least, Ethan was ready!). Ethan braced his legs and pushed one monster fist inside his father's mashed up hole before forcibly starting to slide his other in alongside it. The stretch was extreme and Troy begged him to stop! Begged for mercy but Ethan wasn't going to take no for an answer. His father was going to take it!

Troy's eyes went wild as he felt ripped apart. He could feel the full weight of his son's body behind those powerful fists, inexorably pushing forward, stretching him beyond all limits known to man! He cried out in agony as white light blinded his eyes. And then! Then! Then he felt a hunger inside of him that redefined him forever! Both his son's giant and bony fists forced their way inside and he finally felt at peace - all other sensations were forgotten - and all he knew was the hunger inside his cunt. He wanted more, so much more!

Of course, it couldn't last. All too quickly the moment was over and Troy felt the extreme pain in his overstretched cunt and the remains of the bony spurs sticking into his tender pussy walls. Not even the sight of the double column of his son's strong and muscular forearms plundering his hole was enough to distract him.

Feeling he had broached his father's limits - and had been satisfied himself (however temporarily) - Ethan slowly and tenderly withdrew his fists, one by one. Troy was relieved, but shocked to feel how empty he felt. Like he was about to start a whole new cycle of hunger... like he'd been transformed.

"You did good Dad... it's going to take some real work before my fists go totally back to normal though. And we're going to have to build up your stamina, this has been nowhere near long enough, it's only been 6 hours! Going to want to go double that time at least.

Let's just hope that you recover enough to take my fists again real quick, otherwise I bet my hands will grow even bigger than before we started and I'm sure you don't want that... still, from the amount of cum covering your junk right now I'd said you enjoyed it. After all, it takes a real man to take a fist!"

The first time was finally over. But so much more was to come.

They travelled back to Troy's farmstead together, Ethan bringing new gear (including a copy of his favourite sling), toys and gallons of lube. Ethan never wanted to be caught short: he had a new hobby and passion - transforming his Dad into a true ffuckcunt.

All of this meant a new pecking order in the house. Previously Owen (the eldest son) had taken the role of top dog, but now it was inescapably Ethan. The two brothers hadn't even needed to square up over it: leather and fist trumped all, and now the entire house had to work around Ethan's schedule.

However, none of that mattered in quite the same way as before. Whilst Troy had been away the entire brotherhood had ganged up on Joel. The brothers had woken up after Troy's Friday gangbang still horny and needing a fuck. They didn't know where Troy had gone so they decided to seize the moment...

It was the most brutal cherry taking you could imagine. In one night Joel was hooked up to the milking machine to dry him out, removing any pleasure he would subsequently get from what was to come. He was then uncomfortably filled with milk from the twins and cum from the triplets (all direct from the source). Gagging and vomiting, his stomach now uncomfortably tight, his hole was then brutally split open. Owen first and then the supersized Rob. Joel would never be the same again... not least as the brother's realised that Joel (being Troy's closest son by DNA) seemed to exert a small degree of control over their curse afflictions. Sure, Joel had only half his father's DNA so there was less than a quarter of the effect, but that just meant they fucked twice as hard, twice as often.

Troy came back to a broken home with a broken hole.

Next: The full compliment of ten sons come together. Maggie's curse is finally complete!

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Next: Chapter 11

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