The Curse of Thirst

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Nov 19, 2016




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


It was time for young Ame'an to run the gauntlet. When you join the Sisian Guards, it's for life, and the only way to get out is to be driven out through the gauntlet. I took up my club, I'd chosen a soft, lightweight wood, for hurting Ame'an was the last thing I truly wanted to do. It was a shame about what had happened to him, but there was nothing else to do but drive him out through the gauntlet and let him rebuild his life without the Sisian Guards.

Three mistakes happened in Ame'an's enlistment and service. The first was his, and I can understand how it happened. A young gay man in a small village with nobody to turn to, sees the Guards and how we relate to each other--our cameraderie, our friendship, our open affection for each other with arms around each other and hugs and occasional kisses, and thinks that he has found a place where he would truly belong, a gay man's haven. Which it isn't. Cameraderie isn't gayness, it is human, and the Guard had cameraderie galore. Which led to the second mistake.

The second mistake was all of ours, when Ame'an first approached one of our men for sex, he happened to attempt it some three months into his service, and after the Sisian Guard had pulled that length of service in an isolated setting, a defensive post on the fringe of the kingdom near unfriendly mountains. Give any man who hasn't had access to women for several months a willing mouth, attached to anyone, and he'll happily unfasten his fly and invite that mouth to enjoy itself. So Ame'an had engaged in sexual relations with several members of the Sisian Guard (myself included, I make no apologies for that, I needed relief and he offered it) before he was discovered.

The third mistake was that the man we had for our leader was Captain Ted'ech. We Guardsmen all had pretty much decided as I had to give Ame'an a token gauntlet, and let him leave us pretty much as he was. But Captain Ted'ech had been recently chosen as our leader, he was young for the title but noble-born and his name and connections meant better duties and better pay for the Sisian Guard with him at its head. But he was still out to prove himself. The selection of Guard Captain is for life (or retirement, most Captains retire when the duties become too onerous for them), and the powers the Captain was given over the Guards upon his selection was nothing short of absolute. We were like a small country unto ourselves, you see, traveling where we were needed and according to who would best pay us, with our own laws, our own traditions, our own laws.

Captain Ted'ech had chosen to stand at the end of the gauntlet, where a space of yet fifty feet still separated Ame'an from the end and when he saw Ame'an come through us basically only lightly bruised, he raised a substantial billy club cut from solid oak and said, "You don't get out of the Sisian Guards this easily! You made it through my men, and they were a lot of cowards in thrashing you, but I'm their leader and I'll make you pay!" Captain Ted'ech is a big man, powerfully built and handsome, but he looked like fury incarnate as he lashed out at Ame'an with the club.

What happened next to poor Ame'an is not something I wish to explain in great detail. He went down and lay still under the beating until I cried out, "Ame'an, you have to get to the red flag! He'll stop when you get past the red flag!"

So Ame'an got painfully onto all fours and crawled as best he could, falling again and again under the Captain's repeated blows, but he finally, weakly, made it past the red flag, he was now out of the Guard and the Captain snarled, threw the club at Ame'an's battered and bleeding form, and stalked off.

I ran to Ame'an and yanked a restorative potion from out of my sash. "Here, drink this! It'll heal your wounds, or most of them! Hurry!"

Ame'an could only lay on his back and moan as I poured the potion into his mouth and so he drank it. The potion wasn't all-powerful but he began to breathe easier and his wounds ceased bleeding. Others of us splinted his broken bones and bound his chest. That was all we could do, that and retain our honor with the Guards. The nearest town was some twenty miles away, so he got to his feet, staggering, and we aimed him in that direction and watched him limp painfully away.

I felt terrible about it all, honest! I'd have done anything to let some of those blows fall upon myself, but....

"So you boys happy now?" Captain Ted'ech declared next to us. I flinched and turned with my comrades to face him. "Pampering the sissy boy and kissing him goodbye!"

"He would have died if Pen'gan and I hadn't helped him!" Bod'teh said bravely. He and I were the only ones still visibly on Ame'an's side now.

"Aid and comfort to a disgraced Guard. Two weeks short rations and extra duties to both of you!" he ordered in penalty, and his word was that of both judge and jury.

We saluted in the Guards's style, a knife-like slash of our right hands' edges against our chest (to show we were willing to live and die in the service of the Guards) and accepted our penalty. We'd bent the rules and now had to pay the price (the red flag marked the symbolic edge of our "community" and so work outside of it...of any sort...was not sanctioned and had to be paid for by the Guards who'd done it.

But I bore up under it, put in my time on the worst camp duties of the Guards, ate the brown bread and water that was my rations while being punished, and it was soon over with. It was yet another week before Ame'an's mother (was it his grandmother or some other relative, I was never clear on that) came to us. She stood outside of the red flag and demanded to speak to "the animal that brutally beat my dear child!" (Which is why I figured she was Ame'an's mother). What gave her words power was that her anger was boiling up out of her, and the weather itself was reacting. This woman, whoever she was, had The Power!

You encounter The Power from time to time in the world. I'd purchased that restorative potion from a man who had The Power and used it to make healing potions. Others used it for other ends, and it looked like Ame'an's mother was using it for vengeance.

But Captain Ted'ech walked out like a man and stood before her. "I'm the one who gave him his thrashing, and I'd do it again!" he told her boldly. "Your child is a man who came into my Guards and dishonorably thrust his evil perversions upon them! I stand by what I did!"

"You brutal man!" Ame'an's mother screeched at Captain Ted'ech. "All my child wanted was to love in his own way and never harmed the smallest fly...."

"Another reason not to want him as a Guardsman!" Captain Ted'ech laughed in her face.

"Evil man! A curse upon you! A curse of thirst! You'll not find water enough to quench your throat any longer. Only the seed of a man drawn from him fresh will do it! I swear it by the great K'ram'a'ha'na!" And she made a sign of magic.

The clouds crackled with thunder from a hundred places at once, and lightening flashed all about, we all hid our faces from that fury, many of our men fell onto their faces (not cowardice to make oneself a small target when faced with a powerful foe). When we dared look about again, the woman was gone, the skies were again blue, and Captain Ted'ech was lying on the ground, insensible.

We took him back to his tent and sent for the Guard's doctor, who examined him and said he'd fallen into a deep sleep. We set up a constant guard beside his bed, and waited for him to awaken once again.

Captain Ted'ech was asleep for nearly twenty hours, it was in the hour before dawn when he roused from his slumber. Bod'teh and I were waiting by his bedside (we were still drawing onerous duties though fewer than before, punished Guardsmen lost seniority privileges as well so we drew the worst part of the night's duty) when Captain Ted'ech stirred, coughed. "What happened?" he asked.

"Rest, Sir, you've been struck by The Power." Bod'teh told him. "Rest."

Captain Ted'ech coughed again. "I'm thirsty."

"Here is water, Sir." Bod'teh took the cup from my hand (I had poured the cup for him soon as I saw he was awake) and held it to his lips.

Captain Ted'ech drank deeply but when Bod'teh lifted the empty cup from his mouth, he said, "I'm thirsty."

"You want more water, Sir?"

Captain Ted'ech drank again but sputtered and sprayed water halfway through. "No more, no more! I'm thirsty, I tell you!"

"Give him some wine." I suggested, and handed him a cup of wine.

Captain Ted'ech barely tasted the wine before he pushed the cup away. "No, no, I'm thirsty, I tell you!"

"Sir, we gave you water a'plenty." Bod'teh said.

"But I still thirst." Captain Ted'ech licked his lips and cast about. "I thirst greatly!" He focused upon Bod'teh's groin. We Guardsmen wore, in camp, a tunic that came down to nearly our knees, and leggings under that in colder weather. We would gird our loins in combat, but loinwraps are so uncomfortable, the way they bunch between your legs, that we mostly disdain them in camp.

So Captain Ted'ech, from his prone position, had a clear view up Bod'teh's tunic, and he moaned and his hand reached in and grasped Bod'teh's manhood.

Bod'teh gasped in shock and started to pull away but Captain Ted'ech growled, "Hold!" Bod'teh stopped and as I watched, Captain Ted'ech pulled himself over and soon had his face buried in Bod'teh's crotch beneath his tunic. He reached up and flipped up the tunic and now I had an unfettered view of Captain Ted'ech lustily sucking on Bod'teh's cock.

The sight of that handsome noble face buried in Bod'teh's hairy crotch was fascinating in the way that watching a man writhe in pain is fascinating, you know you should not stare but can not look away. Bod'teh's expression was partly horror, partly discomfort (when your commanding officer starts sucking your cock, you have no choice but to let him, for his very word is our law), and partly passion. He looked at me, helpless.

I realized then what had happened. "The Power! She has put a curse on the Captain!"

"You...think that's...what happened?" Bod'teh gasped out. "Oh, oh! His lips are moving too fast, I cannot hold back."

"That's her curse." I said fast as I could. "She said that he would thirst not for water, but for the seed of a man, freshly drawn."

"Then he...has no choice...."

"None, nor do we." I said, for my own organ was swelling quickly at the sight. I knew that the Captain's eyes were shifting my way as Bod'teh's passion grew, he was sizing me up for his next "drink." "For if he must drink our seed, we must allow him to drink. The curse has struck us as well."

"I are...aright! Ah-ah-AH-GAHHH-HUHHHH!" Bod'teh threw his head back and his chest heaved. Captain Ted'ech sucked greedily at Bod'teh's cock as Bod'teh climaxed, drinking him all down, and as soon as Bod'teh finished and slumped back in the chair, Captain Ted'ech raised up and turned to me.

"You next." he said to me.

Slowly, deliberately, I got onto the bed, kneeling above Captain Ted'ech as I raised my tunic and exposed my now-hard-and-pounding dong.

As he sank on me, I said to Bod'teh, "Quick as you can, round up others for the Captain. We must find out how many of us it will take to slake his thirst!"

Captain Ted'ech's face was buried in my groin, his black hair disarranged but still a glossy man of masculine curls and waves, his noble straight nose diving like a ship's prow through the seas of my pubic hairs, his blue eyes were sparkling in the way that a woman's eyes sparkle when she's with the man she loves. I hadn't had that look shining up at me since I was a teenager back in my home village, the loss of her had caused me to join the Guard. I groaned as that memory surged into me and translated itself into passion that joined with the physical pleasure of the Captain's mouth on my cock, and I groaned, reached down and caught hold of that head and began to thrust my crotch at his face. The Captain only grunted and sucked me the harder as I used my combat-hardened muscles to thrust my manhood deep into him rapidly.

With such a lustful pair of lips milking at me and my need which had been building for some four weeks (and that time before had been Ame'an's attentions), I was caught up in full passion's grip when my comrades entered the tent at the head of Bod'teh. They surged inside like they were out to view a beautiful courtesan...or a freak show attraction, which was more like what they were seeing.

They were on time to see me hit my climax, I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and sprayed into Captain Ted'ech's mouth as the men watching got an eyeful, from gasps of surprise to cackling laughter and whispered jokes (far more of the latter than the former), and that penetrated my joy and twisted it into a surreal, vaguely malevolent experience. Imagine a surge of pure pleasure punctuated with unkind laughter! But I finished, gasping, and Captain Ted'ech sat up in the bed and said, "Now I'm ready for the rest of you. I'm thirsty, damn it, and every one of you can only give me a single mouthful of liquid to quench my thirst!"

There was a shocked silence and then the first man, young Fri'el, stepped forward. Captain Ted'ech sat on the edge of his bed and with Fri'el standing before him, he suctioned another mouthful from the youthful recruit. Captain Ted'ech performed oral sex on some twenty of the Guards before he announced his need quenched. We Guardsmen dispersed, to start the daily camp duties and to discuss this new development.

That was not the end of it, not by a long shot. A half dozen times a day, Captain Ted'ech would suddenly proclaim himself thirsty and again it would take a double dozen of us to allay his thirst once again. There were only a hundred and seventy-six members of the Sisian Guard and the playing of Captain Ted'ech's lips on our dong was enough to drain us each for a day or more. We were more than worn out, we were dispirited and demoralized.

A meeting of the full Guard was called and a solution was reached. We would use a man with The Power (the same one from whom I had purchased the potion) to summon Are'an's mother and bargain with her to lift the curse.

So that was what we did and the price was stiff. Twelve thousand pieces of gold, it was enough to deplete all of our personal hoards and some of us had to borrow from the others for their share.

But it was paid over to her and a surge of The Power visited us betimes and again Captain Ted'ech was stricken senseless.

I was again at his bedside when he awoke, this time by pure coincidence, for it was the middle of the afternoon and not a punishment shift.

He roused with a groan and I stood by his bedside, he was on his side near the edge and he opened his eyes and looked up at me. "Ahh, Pen'gan, so the thirst is gone from me."

"Yes, sir." I said.

"You're a good man, Pen'gan. You stood by me, all of you. I am more grateful than I can say, more than I can...."

His hand came up and fished under my tunic. I stared as he again guided my cock to his mouth and sucked it in.

"But...but the curse was to be lifted!" I babbled as he plied his skill upon me. "Your thirst should be gone."

"It is not the curse that moves me." Captain Ted'ech said. "I find that I enjoy sucking a good man's hard tool. Now let me finish you, then go out and find me some more cock to suck. I feel a real thirst coming on!"

I felt a slow, wonderfully blissful climax slowly building up as Captain Ted'ech sucked on me. He wasn't hurrying at all this time, but giving me all the pleasure of his talented mouth in slow, measured stages.

If this was a curse of thirst, may we all be as cursed as this!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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