The Curse

By Jorge Jog

Published on Dec 22, 2022


I thought long and hard about it. I had to get David to listen to me, but how could I do that if all I could do was bark in front of him? I would write him a note, would that work? I had to at least try. That afternoon I wrote it before I left work, it was the only time I could live and behave like a person. I knew that when I got home Raoul wouldn't be there, he had gone to visit his parents. When I arrived, I put the note in my mouth, praying that I wouldn't drop it. I went inside and, as usual, I was forced to strip completely naked and get on all fours. Fortunately, the note remained in my mouth. So, I walked over to where David was sitting, playing video games. As soon as he saw me, he smiled and noticed the paper:

-Hello doggy. What do you bring me here? Let's see...

He took the note and read it. On it I had written the following:

"Please, Sir, let me talk to you. It will only take a minute. I won't say anything that might hurt or upset you, I swear. I beg you, Sir, for the love you once had for me, let me say a few words. A thousand thanks".

He became serious. He looked at me and seemed to think about it. Finally, however, he ordered me:


As soon as my voice responded again, I pleaded with him in agitation:

-Sir, thank you for letting me speak. Please allow me to make a plea to you. Since my life is over, since I have no more to do in the world, put an end to my suffering. Please use the power you have over my mind to make me happy, to make me enjoy this life, serving you and your boyfriend. Do it, I beg you. If not at least let me die....

My voice trailed off in that plea. David was completely shocked to hear me and, after a few moments of hesitation, he spoke to me in a rush:

-My God, I don't want you to die, of course not. And, of course, I will do as you ask -he thought a little and continued in his solemn, authoritative tone: -From now on, being our dog will make you feel fulfilled. You will derive great pleasure from doing whatever we command you, and you will live a full and happy life in our service.

I waited for a while. Nothing changed, I didn't even feel the usual twinge in the back of my neck. David looked at me with intensely:

-Well? -he asked. I shook my head, dejected. He said: -Let's see, roll around on the floor a bit.

I did so for a minute. David asked me again:

-Do you feel good, does it give you pleasure?

-No, Sir -I replied sadly.

-Well, I guess I don't have that much power over you. Sorry -he shrugged, turned and again in his usual light tone ordered me: -Go make dinner, go on.

I crawled out of there on all fours, shattered. My last hope had been extinguished. I was so distressed that I couldn't even cry anymore. And I couldn't explain to myself how it was possible that there didn't seem to be anything left of the sweet, good boy I had fallen in love with. I had lost him completely.

However, I was wrong. Over the next few days David's attitude changed. I noticed that he avoided me, tried not to interact with me and more than once I caught him looking at me with a regretful expression. When my eyes met his, he would immediately look away and look embarrassed. And when Raoul was with him and ordered me around or teased me, David would squirm uncomfortably and, although he didn't say anything, he didn't participate in the teasing either, and his expression was sad. I understood that my request had really affected him. I think he had become fully aware, perhaps for the first time, of what he had done and what he had turned my life into, and there was still a remnant of humanity left in him that led him to feel guilty, at least to some extent.

Meanwhile, Raoul's sadism reached its limit one day. They were watching TV and, in the meantime, they were playing with me, throwing a ball as far as they could for me to bring it back to them, when Raoul commented casually:

-I think we should castrate him. That's what you do with dogs, isn't it?

-Can you do that? -David asked-. I don't think you can just take him to a hospital and have him neutered.

-Of course not -replied Raoul-, but I'm sure there are people on the deep web who could do the job of cutting off his cock and balls...

-Don't you think that would be going a bit too far? -asked David. He seemed horrified at the idea.

-Not at all, he's a dog and that's what he's entitled to -said his boyfriend calmly. Besides, I don't see why he should have the right to have sexual pleasure. It will be much better this way. I'll take care of it tomorrow...

David looked at me with a deep expression of regret on his face. However, he did not reply. As for me, I was already so broken that I almost didn't care. I had little feeling left. Still, I was surprised by what happened the next morning....

It was Saturday and Raoul said, after breakfast, that he was going to the gym. Normally they went together, but that day David excused himself, saying he had a headache and preferred to stay. I started to wash up the breakfast dishes, but as soon as Raoul walked out the door, David called out to me:

-Danny, come here!

I was very surprised that he used my name, he hadn't done that in ages. But I was even more surprised by what he said next. After making me get up from the floor, he looked me in the eye and said hurriedly:

-Listen Danny, I don't understand how we got into this situation and I don't know at what point this all got completely out of hand, but I'm certainly not going to allow you to be mutilated. This is going to cost me a huge fight with Raoul, but it's time to put an end to this situation. You're leaving. Go to your room and pack your suitcase. Take everything you need. Come on, hurry up!

Naturally I hurried to comply with his order, stunned and not knowing what to think. It didn't take long, and as soon as I returned to the living room with my suitcase, I saw that David was holding something in his hands. He held it out to me:

-Here, I'll give you back your credit cards and I'll give you the passwords we used. Change them immediately and all your money will be yours again. We won't have access to it anymore. Go, Danny, but first listen... -he became very serious, took me by the arm and, looking me intensely in the eyes, said very slowly: -As soon as you walk out of that door, you will no longer have to obey anyone's orders, not even mine. Even if I repent and try to dominate you again, the order I am giving you now will always prevail. You will be completely free, understood?

At his words I felt a pang on the back of my neck, but I sensed that it was somewhat different from other times, and somehow, I sensed that it was going to be the last one I felt. Could it be possible to get rid of the curse so easily? But if so, why hadn't David done it from the beginning? My resentment towards him grew at that moment even more. He let go of my arm and finally said:

-Go now, Danny. Live your life and be happy....

Without saying anything I walked towards the door. I could feel an expression of infinite sadness on his face as I walked away from him.

I went out, and when I reached the street I sighed in relief. However, I was still broken inside, the trauma was too much and for a while I wandered the streets not knowing what to do. I still felt my mind empty of feelings, like a robot. I thought that if I was really free now, I could go back and make David and Raoul pay properly for what they had done to me. However, I didn't dare, I still wasn't sure that I wasn't still under their power, and besides, I didn't even feel anger or resentment anymore. I was completely apathetic.

In the end I went to my brother Michael's house. He was the only one of my siblings who was single and lived alone in a fairly large flat. When I arrived, I threw myself into his arms and couldn't help crying. He, alarmed, asked me what was wrong. I realized at that moment that I could talk, that I could tell him what had happened, but I was too embarrassed, and that, together with the fact that he was going to think that I was crazy, caused me to simply tell him that David and I had broken up and I asked him if I could stay with him for a few days. He agreed immediately and, apart from being very supportive, didn't ask me many questions. He was a smart guy and realized that I didn't feel like talking about it.

That evening I checked my accounts and saw that all my savings were gone. It wasn't much, about 20,000 $, but it was gone. It was probably now in David's or Raoul's account or had been spent on God knows what. I would have to find a modest place to live until I recovered a bit. But I decided I would think about it another day. I was still in a completely apathetic mood.

However, there was one thing I did do. When I arrived at work on Monday, I immediately noticed that Robert was avoiding my gaze. I was certain that David had warned him of the new situation and, as soon as I got to my office, I sent him an email: "Go to the disabled toilet, right now!" He replied: "I don't want to. Leave me alone!". I assumed he still had hope of having power over me. I smiled with satisfaction that he didn't and sent him another email: "Go if you know what's good for you."

I went to the bathroom and shortly afterwards he came in, trembling. As soon as I closed the door ,I went towards him, looking threatening. He then behaved like what he was, a cowardly, spoiled brat, broke down completely and began to whine:

-Please don't hurt me Danny, please... I... I'm sorry, I really am... I... - evidently he couldn't think of anything to justify himself with, as there was none. I walked up and stood an inch away from his face, glaring intimidatingly at him from my height:

-Look, asshole, I should smash your useless head against the sink right now or beat the shit out of your balls -he had started to cry, terrified-. But you're lucky and I'm not going to do it. But I want you to go to the boss's office right now and hand in your resignation. And, of course, don't even think of mentioning me at all, see what you can come up with. But I certainly don't want to see you here again.

-But... but... but... I need this job... I...

-Okay, don't do it -I said, turning away from him-, but I'm warning you, you little piece of shit: if you stay here, I'm going to make your life here such hell that what you did with me will seem like a walk in the country.

I left the cubicle. Half an hour later I received an email from my boss, informing me that Robert had resigned from his post, and asking me if I knew anything about it. I replied cynically that I had no idea, that I hadn't had any problems with him, and there was no further comment. A few minutes later I came out into the common room and saw him packing up his things. He didn't even dare to look at me on the way out. That was the last I heard from him.

A couple of weeks later, while checking my account, I got a surprise. I had received a transfer for 20,000 $, and I saw that the sender was David. He had given me back my savings! Where had he got the money? That evening I heard my cell phone ring and saw that it was him. My heart skipped a beat. All my nightmares came back to my mind. I didn't answer, obviously. After two more tries, I got a message:

"Danny, answer the phone, please. Let me talk to you, I beg you".

I realized, with the greatest relief in the world, that his request/command no longer had any effect on me. I ignored the message and subsequent calls. The next day, when I left work, I found him waiting for me. Instinctively I wanted to turn away from him, but he approached me and pleaded:

-Danny, please listen to me, I just want to repair the damage. I've made an appointment with the notary. I'm going to give you back your house. Please come with me... -he was thinner and deep circles under his eyes. He was still an extremely handsome boy.

-Are you? -I found it strange to be able to talk to him. And I added, ironically: -And where are you and your dear Raoul going to live?

-Raoul and I broke up -he said, ducking his head-. I don't think I ever really loved him. I've gone back to my parents' house. Will you come with me, please? -he added in a pleading voice.

I couldn't refuse and went with him to the notary. When we left there, my property recovered, David handed me the keys to my house and said to me:

-Danny... I'm so sorry for everything that happened, I know I have no forgiveness or justification whatsoever, but I want you to know that I'm devastated, that I can't bear the remorse, that at no time did I want to hurt you as I did... I would give my life to be able to repair the damage I have done to you....

-You could have put an end to all that from the beginning -I reproached him bitterly-, and you didn't do it.

-No, Danny -he said anxiously-. I swear on my life that it only occurred to me the day I decided you had to leave. If I'd known it was that easy to end the curse, I would have done it the next day, really. You have to believe me...

-I believe you -I said slowly. That could very well be true. In fact, it hadn't occurred to me either, I would have suggested it-. But, anyway, it doesn't change things, David....

-I know -he said, completely dejected-, but I just wanted to at least apologize to you... and tell you... -he looked down in shame, his voice cracked and tears began to roll down his face-, that I still love you and I miss you terribly.

Seeing him cry like that moved me deeply, I admit, but I did the only thing I could do at that moment. I looked him in the eye and said:

-Goodbye, David...

I turned and walked away without looking back. I was very sad, and it was hard to get his crying image out of my mind. But what could I do? My resentment was still, of course, tremendous. He could be thankful that I hadn't smashed his face in when I met him.

One afternoon, a short time later, I was sitting on a park bench, looking at the ground and absorbed in my thoughts, when I felt someone sit down next to me. I didn't look at him, but I was startled to hear:

-Hello, Daniel.

I turned immediately and got the surprise of my life: it was the old man from the esoteric shop! I was so shocked that I could only say:

-What are you doing here? How do you know my name?

-I know everything about you -he replied with a smile-. In fact, I've been keeping track of everything that's happened to you in the last few months....

-How? Have you been spying on us?

-No, I haven't needed to. Listen, it doesn't matter who or what I am, or why I can do what I do. What matters is that I've come to tell you that I made a big mistake a long time ago and I'm sorry. I wanted to teach you a lesson, and I thought you deserved it, but you know perfectly well that I was wrong, and very wrong....

I nodded bitterly, looking away. I thought I should punch him, but at that point I didn't care anymore. He continued:

-I assure you I thought I was doing good, but unfortunately, I proved once again that no matter how good a person is, if you give them a certain amount of power they will sooner or later abuse it, and David was no exception... -he said bitterly-. I was about to intervene when he finally reacted and I didn't need to.

I looked at him with a reproachful face, how much more did he need to intervene, would he have waited for Raoul to castrate me?

-What I can tell you -he continued-, is that David is paying for it in spades. He literally can't live. Guilt and remorse have him in shambles. He barely eats or sleeps, and I'm beginning to really fear for his life....

I felt a knot in my stomach when I heard that. The old man continued, looking at me bitterly:

-I would like to somehow make amends for what I have done to you. Listen, I can't make you love him again, nobody has that power, but I can make you think, I can make you look inside yourself... I think you still have some love for him left. If that's so, things can still work out - and coming closer to my face he made that strange circular gesture with his hand again and said looking me in the eyes: -Think Daniel... think about David... don't forget him... think about him...

He kept repeating these words in a hypnotic voice, until I suddenly woke up in my bed with a start. It had all been a dream. Or it hadn't? The truth is that for the next few days I couldn't stop thinking about David, and I was overcome with grief. You know how selective the mind is when it comes to memories. Suddenly, I don't know if it was because of the influence of that old man, my head only remembered all the good times I had spent with David. All the infamy of his behavior seemed to have vanished. Still I resisted, but my mind kept telling me: "it's true, he was the cause of your enslavement, but also of your liberation", and my confusion increased.

Finally, following an impulse, a few days later I went to David's house. I waited for his parents to leave for work and knocked on the door. He opened the door and was completely shocked:

-Danny... what are you doing here? Listen, I...

I walked in and, without saying anything, just held out my arms to him. He came and hugged me and began to cry inconsolably, repeating over and over again:

-I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...

I held him like this for a while, stroking his head, until finally he let go of my embrace and said expectantly:

-So, do you forgive me?

-I don't know, David -I said honestly-. I don't even know why I came here. But I wanted to see you and... well, I don't know, maybe I'd be willing again to....

-Yes, please, please, Danny... -he begged-. I'll be the best boyfriend in the world, I assure you. You won't have a complaint about me this time. I'll be your slave if you take me back by your side....

-Nobody's going to be anybody's slave -I cut him off-. Listen, I'm not promising anything, but... let's give it a try, okay? Let's see what happens...

And he, with a huge smile through his tears, hugged me again and kissed me passionately. The contact of his skin and his lips made me shudder, and, without thinking about it, I said to him:

-Let's go home, my boy...


Guys, I know this is not the ending that many of you were expecting and I'm really sorry to disappoint you, but... I guess I have a romantic side that I can't help it. Thank you all very much for your criticisms and comments, they really help me a lot. Greetings to all of you and don't forget to donate to!

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