The Curse

By Jorge Jog

Published on Dec 21, 2022


Once again I have to insist that this story is a fantasy and has to be taken as such. We are nearing the end. Don't forget to donate to

While this was going on at work, my relationship with David was slowly deteriorating. He was not bossy and made a moderate use of the absolute power he had over me, our life had not really undergone a profound change, but I resented him very much and found it increasingly difficult to respond to his caresses and displays of affection.

In fact, I felt like, if not severing our relationship, at least separating for a while, but when I thought of proposing it, again the voice in my head told me that it would hurt David and I was completely unable to do so. That made me feel even more trapped in our relationship. As for him, he tried his best to give the appearance of absolute normality to our life and to show me at every step that he loved me, but his affection clashed with my coldness, if not directly with my rejection, which I could not remedy, and little by little he gave up and a deep rift opened up between us. We spent less and less time together and at one point we even stopped sharing a bed and I moved into the guest room.

If I had known what the consequences would be, I would have tried harder to maintain the affection and intimacy between us, but how was I to know? In fact, David, feeling lonely and no longer counting on me, began to meet more and more frequently with his friend Raoul. They went out together almost every day and Raoul often spent time at home. At these times, two things could happen: I would stay in my room and they would leave me alone, or it would be like the other time and they would send me humiliating things and make fun of me. The latter was frequent when they drank, and while the first time had been fortuitous, I was sure that many of the following times Raoul got David drunk on purpose, so that he would become uninhibited and participate enthusiastically in the task of dominating and humiliating me. Unlike my boyfriend, whose nature was good-natured, it was clear that Raoul had a considerable sadistic streak, and he took great pleasure in hurting me. Moreover, he had quite an imagination for degrading games: one day they had me on all fours while they rested their feet on my back, quietly watching TV, another day they forced me to swallow food they had previously chewed or stepped on, they made me say humiliating phrases like "I'm nothing but shit, I'm good for nothing", while they laughed loudly... One evening, I was serving them drinks, when Raoul said:

-I'm pissing myself, but I don't feel like going to the toilet -and turning to David he asked: -What do you think I could do?

My boyfriend looked at him expectantly. Raoul looked at me and ordered me to get down on my knees in front of him. I waited, resigned, for the inevitable. Raoul stood up, unzipped his fly and pulling out his beautiful cock, he held it close to me and ordered me to open my mouth. He then relaxed and sighing ostensibly began to fill my mouth with disgusting urine, commanding me not to let a drop escape. I did so without too much trouble. Despite my deep distaste for it I was used to it, Robert did it to me in the office all the time. But what really brought me down was what Raoul did next. He put his cock away and said to David, who was watching the scene, quite drunk, between exhilarated and fascinated:

-Don't you have to pee, David?

Then, to my desolation, my beloved boyfriend stood up, smiling and without saying anything, he put his powerful cock in my mouth. I swallowed it all, in tears, in disbelief - my sweet boyfriend was pissing in my mouth and clearly enjoying it! I thought I could never recover from that.

And, of course, it led to the inevitable. One night they both got horny watching a porn movie and decided to use me for their pleasure. It was my turn to suck one guy's cock while the other one was shoving it up my ass, changing positions from time to time, until they filled both my holes with cum several times. They had a great time, but that wasn't the worst of it. At one point Raoul grabbed David's head and they began to snog passionately, which confirmed my suspicions about my boyfriend's friend.

From that point on, everything went downhill. Although they were a bit restrained at first, being sober (I guess David was feeling guilty about what he was doing to me), they soon mellowed down and began to openly display their relationship in front of me. I had to put up with them making out day after day in my presence, without even being able to object or make the slightest reproach. By then my boyfriend hardly spoke to me and, when he did, it was almost always to give me orders.

The infamy was consummated a few days later. Raoul appeared one afternoon with a suitcase, entered the living room with David and sent for me:

-Big boy -he said-, as you know, David and I are now boyfriends and I'm coming to live in his house -his house? it was MY house-. But don't worry, you'll be able to continue living here too, but with some rules, which I'm going to tell you now. I want you to engrave them well in that big head of yours, because if you don't obey them you will be punished - he took out a piece of paper, I was surprised that he had bothered to write them down, and he read:

-First: you will never speak unless asked, and you will always address us as 'Sir'. Naturally, we will no longer call you Danny, you will be slave, dog, shit... whatever we can think of at any given moment.

-Second: you will have to ask us for permission to do absolutely anything, of course to masturbate, but also for the most basic things like eating, getting dressed to go to work, even to go to the toilet... We will grant it to you or not, depending on the mood we are in at any given moment.

-Third: you will be our private servant and you will carry out all our orders -he looked up from the paper and said: -well, you were already doing this, but from now on I want you to make an effort to keep us always happy and to think about what you can do to make us feel better.

-Fourth: when you are at home you will always be completely naked. Exceptionally we will allow you to wear an apron when you cook. Your natural position when you are in our presence will be on your knees. You may only stand up when it is necessary to do a task. You will eat on the floor, at our feet, whatever we are pleased to allow you to eat.

Fifth: you will be our sex toy and you will always be ready for us to use you, in any way we want, for our pleasure.

Sixth: you will not leave the house except to go to the office, which will be the only time you will be able to dress like a normal person. You will come immediately after work, you will not see anyone outside work, and in your strictly necessary interactions with other people you will never reveal anything about your situation.

He folded the paper and added: "Seventh rule: you will obey every other rule we can think of from now on. You will have no say in anything and you will accept everything we say.

For each of the rules, I felt a twinge in the back of my neck and felt them burned into my head. I didn't understand how a boy as young as Raoul could be so methodical about it all. I thought he must be a fan of BDSM or have looked it up on the Internet, because it all seemed like something out of a slave and master manual. Faced with that bleak future, I could only fix my gaze on David. He looked away and it was clear to me that he was uncomfortable with it. But it was clear too that he had always been a beta male, and at that moment he was totally subjugated by the personality of his friend, now boyfriend. Raoul took in the gesture of the two of us and said to me seriously, perhaps showing a trace of pity for me and my lost love:

-I want you to know that David wanted to let you go and get on with your life. However, I persuaded him at once, making him see that he didn't have to give up having an all-purpose butler and sex slave at home, or having a substantial source of income to support him without having to lift a finger. Because, of course, right now you're going to give us your credit cards and account passwords. From now on all your money belongs to us and you will never have access to it again.

I immediately complied with his order, handed him my wallet with my cards and wrote down my passwords on a piece of paper. He handed it all to David, as if it were a gift for the start of their new life together. My ex-boyfriend took it and smiled tenderly at him, although it was clear that he was uncomfortable with the whole thing, because he lowered his head and avoided my gaze. Nevertheless, he did nothing to stop the infamy. Raoul turned to me again:

-Slave, I don't know what you're waiting for to get undressed. But don't get down on your knees, you have a job to do, unpack my suitcase and put my things in the bedroom cupboard -he snapped his fingers-. Now!

And, unable to help myself, I hurried to do all his orders and plunged into what was to be my new life from then on...

The next few weeks were hell for me. I only left the house to go to work and the rest of the time was spent serving David and his new boyfriend. I couldn't speak a word to them, and they would only address me to give me orders, insult me or laugh at me. David, after the initial shock and discomfort, settled comfortably into his role as master of the house and had no problem treating me like a slave all the time. But the worst thing was that I could no longer relax for a moment outside of sleeping hours. Even when I didn't have any household chores to do or any orders from my masters to carry out, my head was all the time scheming ways to please them and make their life easier, as Raoul had ordered me to do. So I found myself in the humiliating position of suggesting to them, without any intervention of my own free will, things like using my face as a footrest while they watched TV or played video games, peeing in my mouth so they wouldn't have to go to the bathroom, even sitting on my face to be more comfortable. They, naturally, made use of all my suggestions with great glee on their part and thoroughly enjoying the humiliation they were subjecting me to.

At work things were no better. Robert continued to dominate me and whore me as much as he could. Besides, knowing about my new situation, he didn't hold back in his humiliations, knowing that David didn't give a shit about my wellbeing. One day he even came home, got drunk with David and Raoul and they had a great time subjecting me to unimaginable humiliations, including, of course, using me as a sex toy in a thousand different ways. Fortunately, the only thing that David forced Robert to maintain were the two red lines he had maintained until then: he could not force me to do his work, because that would force me to leave late and lose hours of serving them at home, and he would not allow anyone in the office to know about it, because he feared that it could provoke some violent situation that could ultimately lead to my dismissal. And they certainly weren't going to give up living on my salary.

I lost all my social life. I wasn't allowed to leave the house except to go to work. I couldn't even have a drink with colleagues at the end of the day, something I had always loved to do. Exceptionally, I suppose so as not to arouse suspicion, I was allowed to visit my family on occasion, of course with an absolute ban on talking about what was going on at home. So I found myself in the position of being with my parents and siblings, smiling and enjoying with them, all the while completely heartbroken and unable to tell them how I had become the slave of two brat kids in my own home.

That too soon changed. One morning, when I was serving my owners breakfast, Raoul said to me:

-Slave, we've been thinking and there's something David wants to tell you.

-Yes -my ex-boyfriend replied-, you see, since you are really my property, it's only natural that everything you own is mine, isn't it?

-Yes, sir -I agreed, not knowing where this was going.

-You're going to put your house in my name -David continued-. Your car too. We have an appointment today with the notary. And, of course, you'll tell him you're doing it voluntarily and won't object in the slightest.

And so it was. I had to endure the humiliation of being taken to the notary and, once there, agreeing to hand over all my property to David. I was surprised that they didn't make me put them in both their names. Perhaps Raoul, who was very clever, did not want to force things too much in his favour, fearing a possible negative reaction from David. In any case, behind my dignity went my poor patrimony.

However, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it always did. A few days later, I was eating with my owners in the kitchen, with the leftovers in a bowl on the floor, when Raoul commented:

-How funny! You look like a dog -and he ordered me: -Eat without using your hands!

I immediately had to use only my mouth to eat, which provoked laughter from the two kids.

-He looks like a dog, it's true -laughed David. His boyfriend thought for a moment and then added:

-Well, yes, and if it looks like a dog, it might as well be... Look at me, slave! -I looked him in the eye.

-From today in this house you will be our dog. You will walk only on all fours, you will communicate only by barking, and you will behave at all times like a dog. Understood?

I wanted to say, "Yes, Sir," but only barks came out of my mouth. David and Raoul burst out laughing.

So began a new nightmare. When I was at home I could only bark and crawl on all fours. Not content with that, they told me that a dog didn't need a bed to sleep in or food for a person. From then on, I was made to sleep on a carpet in the living room, which made me wake up every morning aching all over my bones. And I was only allowed to eat dog food. As if that wasn't enough, when I was served my dog food in a bowl, they used to step on it, or spit in it or pee on it before they would let me eat it. It became a regular occurrence for them to play with me like a pet, throwing things at me and making me fetch them, over and over again, to exhaustion. David was particularly delighted with the situation, and I got the impression that it was because he could now go back to petting and cuddling me, with the excuse of doing it to the family pet. Maybe he missed it? I couldn't tell, because he was as inflexible as ever in giving me orders and enforcing them. So one day he said to me as he stroked my chin:

-Who's my doggy? Do you like being my doggy?

I shook my head and gave a sad bark. He replied:

-Well, too bad! Because I love it when you are.

Overwhelmed and devastated by the situation, all I could think about was taking my own life. But then my inner voice told me that I couldn't do that, I couldn't harm David. And my only hope was to lose my mind in such a way that those kids would no longer have power over me.

However, David's last conversation had given me an idea, if not to free myself, then at least to stop suffering. I began to turn it over in my head with a last glimmer of hope... would it work?

To be continued?...

Next: Chapter 6

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