The Curse

By Jorge Jog

Published on Dec 19, 2022


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After lunch, while I was doing the dishes, I heard David talking to his friend Robert on the phone. An uneasy feeling came over me. I was already expecting anything from my boyfriend, and I knew I could not reproach him for anything from now on. My fears were confirmed when David returned to the kitchen and said to me angrily:

-Robert says that you are a bully, that you demand too much of him and that you are always nagging him...

I started to tremble, sensing that this was not going to end well. I timidly tried to defend myself:

-I scold him because he doesn't do anything I tell him, and I don't demand too much. Only what he has to do. He's just too lazy...

-Well, knowing you, I can already imagine how inflexible you are with him. And I'm sure you're being tremendously rude. Robert is very hurt, he's a nice guy and he's always been a good friend of mine -my boyfriend cut me off harshly.

-David, really, you have to believe me, I don't... -I tried to plead desperately.

-Well, stop it, shut up! -he interrupted me. I immediately fell silent, and he continued: -Since it's obvious that you don't learn how to treat people well, I wanted to settle this matter with him. I told him that starting tomorrow you will obey him in everything he tells you. And you'd better do it, okay? So you can understand each other...

-Yes, David -I agreed, while my heart broke. I didn't understand how my boyfriend, usually so kind and sweet, could be getting so severe with me, and, above all, how he wasn't aware of the consequences of what he had just ordered me to do. I guessed it was partly due to the effect of the hangover. Without further ado David left the kitchen and returned to the living room, where he was napping for part of the afternoon. For my part, when I finished in the kitchen I headed for our bedroom. At that moment I didn't want to be with my boyfriend.

For a long time I was not able to do anything, no reading, no playing... I could only think in terror of what my life was becoming. In the middle of the afternoon I heard David getting up, he soon came to find me in our room.

-Hey Danny, I feel a little better. Do you want to go to the movies? -He came in and said to me.

-I don't feel like it, David... -I answered without looking at him, sitting on the bed.

-Well, we can take a walk or go for a drink if you want -he replied.

-Well... I don't think so, David -I continued with my head down-. I'd rather stay here - at that moment I didn't feel like going for a walk with my boyfriend at all, as if nothing had happened. I knew he could make me, but I wouldn't do it willingly. He was smart and immediately realized what was going on. He approached me, put his hand lovingly under my chin and made me look him in the eye:

-Hey -he said warmly-, you're not upset about Robert, are you? Don't worry, I've warned him not to go too far with you and I've also made him promise that no one else in your office will know about this. You have nothing to worry about.

I had nothing to worry about? He had put me completely in the hands of an obnoxious, spoiled brat. I was going to respond, but I realized that David had already clearly taken Robert's side and that it would be completely futile to try to convince him to reverse his decision. Nevertheless, I insisted on my refusal to pretend nothing had happened:

-I hope so, David, but, well, in any case, I don't feel like going out. I'm sorry -I said, pulling my face away from his fingers.

-Okay. As you wish -his beautiful face took on a sad expression and he left the room. Believe it or not, it hurt me to see him saddened. I still loved him and very much, but I couldn't understand what he was becoming. Tears welled up in my eyes and I lay down, devastated.

The next morning I walked into my office in terrible fear of what might happen. I headed straight to my office, as I greeted my colleagues who were at their computers in the large common room. Among them was Robert, who greeted me with an intense stare and a slight smile on his lips. I shivered, I would have liked not to have to interact with him at all, but I had no choice but to call him into my office right away. I was his direct boss and it was up to me to assign him his tasks for the day. He came in and I told him to stand next to me, both of us in front of the computer, and I began to explain the work he had to do. Robert was a boy of David's age, blond, quite handsome and with a considerably worked out body, although I was much bigger and stronger than him.

-You see -I said-. The client sends the reports in this format, which is not compatible with our databases. You have to transform it and then enter it into our database...

I realized that he wasn't paying much attention to me, something I was used to. However, all my fears were realized when, interrupting me rudely, he blurted out:

-Is it true that you will obey me in everything I command you?

Feeling a knot forming in the pit of my stomach, I was forced to answer in the affirmative, avoiding looking at him.

-Wow, how can that be? Do you obey everything David sends you too? Do you have a 50 Shades of Grey kind of master and slave relationship?

-I can't tell you why. I'm sorry -remember that David had ordered me not to tell anyone about the curse. And I desperately tried to keep up a semblance of normalcy as I pointed to the computer again:

-You transform each file with this program and enter it into the database. It's a bit tedious, since you have to do it file by file, but it's easy... see?

-Yes, it looks pretty tedious -he said, bent over looking at the computer and looking bored-. You could do it for me...

-Robert, please -I tried to avoid the inevitable-, it's your job....

-I know, but I don't feel like doing it, and as you are now going to be so helpful... -as I could still avoid the direct order, I tried desperately to make him reason:

-If I do it for you I won't be able to do my own work, I need time for it...

-Well, that's not my problem. Maybe you have to do some free overtime, hahaha... -he laughed cruelly as he stood up, and as he went back to his post he added: -Do it! And remember you told me I have to deliver it by noon. If I were you I would start as soon as possible, hahaha....

And, obviously, I could no longer shake off the order he had given me. I immediately started to do his work, deeply hating that cruel and insensitive kid. However, I still did not know how far he could go.

In fact, in the middle of the morning I received a message from him in my e-mail. In it, he said tersely:

-Go to the disabled toilet, now!

Naturally, my body immediately got up, without any control on my part, while I felt the usual twinge in the back of my neck. I reached the bathroom in question, which was a wheelchair-friendly cubicle and therefore quite spacious. I closed the door, though without locking it. A couple of minutes later Robert appeared, entered and locked the door. Then he leaned against the sink and looked me straight in the eye.

-I want to check how true it is that you are going to obey everything I told you -he said seriously-. I was going to tell you to bring me a coffee at my table, but I promised David that no one would know about this, and that's why I told you to come here.

He took out a cigarette, lit it and began to smoke. Of course, it was forbidden to smoke in the office bathrooms, but that boy was ignoring it all. As he exhaled the smoke in a very masculine gesture, which I have to admit stimulated my desire, he suddenly ordered me:

-Kiss my feet!

I immediately prostrated myself on the floor and reverently kissed both of his shoes. Not satisfied with that, Robert told me mischievously:

-I think they are a bit dirty. Clean them with your tongue!

And without being able to help myself I stuck out my tongue and started to lick the rough leather of those dress shoes, feeling humiliated as never before. He kept me like that for a long time, while he smoked his cigarette, adding shortly after:

  • You know, I'm not a faggot like you or David - "Great. In addition to being repellent and conceited, homophobic," I thought-. But I'm always horny and in need of unloading. It wouldn't be bad if you could help me with that. You faggots are usually very good at sucking cock, how are you at it?

-I guess I'm good, Robert -I was forced to answer. Immediately his next order came to me:

-Take my cock out and start sucking! I hope you're really good, but you better be careful, if I even notice your teeth I'll kick you in the balls so hard they'll burst!

I raised myself off the floor until I was kneeling, carefully unbuttoned the pants of his suit and pulled out his cock. It was of considerable size and thick. It was clean, but still had that unmistakable smell of a man's crotch that drives me crazy. The truth is that in other circumstances I would have found it delicious. It was already half erect when I put it in my mouth and began to suck gently while caressing its glans with my tongue. It immediately reacted to my lips, grew considerably and became full hard. I heard him moan with pleasure:

-Ummmmmmmm... you sure are good, yes. That's what I like about faggots, I don't have to be polite or beg. You love a good cock and you don't make no fuss... ummmm... yessssss....

As soon as my mouth was completely filled with his cock, he grabbed the back of my neck and began to set the pace of the blowjob. At one point he began to violently fuck my mouth. I couldn't breathe, I was choking. I felt his strong thrusts in my throat and it felt like he was going to blow me. However, he didn't let go of me at any moment until, giving a restrained moan (we were still in a public place), I felt my mouth fill with his seed. Spurt after spurt, in what seemed to me an incredible amount, his cum slammed down my throat.

-Swallow it, faggot! -he ordered me between spasms of pleasure.

When he finished I went to pull away, but his hand, still on the back of my neck, prevented me.

-Wait, wait, you cocksucker, I still have a little present for you....

I knew what was coming next. In a few seconds I felt faint salty drops in my mouth that quickly turned into a powerful smelly stream.

-Hahahaha... -laughed Robert-. If I were you I would swallow all my piss. If you stain your suit I don't know how you are going to explain it to your colleagues....

And indeed, although I was literally choking, I made an effort to quickly swallow his disgusting urine, which seemed to have no end either. I was about to pass out when at last the stream of filthy liquid was extinguished and he let me go. I fell to the floor, dejected and infinitely humiliated by that perfidious boy. Robert relaxed and finished his cigarette. Then he remained a little thoughtful and ordered me:

-Undress! You are now going to walk around the office naked.

Trembling with anger and helplessness, still on the floor, I couldn't help but start taking off my clothes, thinking that I would die of shame in front of my colleagues with what he was about to force me to do. However, Robert stopped me immediately with a serious expression:

-Stop, stop, man... Put your clothes back on. Remember I promised David that no one would know about this in the office. I was just testing you, to see how well you would obey me... -the sigh of relief I breathed must have been heard for miles around. Finally, he buttoned his pants, gave me a kick and said:

-I hope you enjoyed it, faggot, because you're going to have to do it many times from now on, hahaha....

He left the cubicle. It still took me a while to recover from the violence and humiliation suffered, but, remembering all the work I still had to do, I hurried back to my office, with my throat and my dignity destroyed. But what was wrong with those guys? How could they be so inhuman?

I had to do all of Robert's work and, since I obviously had to do my own work as well if I didn't want to get into trouble, I couldn't leave at the usual departure time. When Robert was leaving he came to my office and said:

-That's the way I like it, that you are well occupied, hahaha... Listen, I promised David that I wouldn't go too far with you. I guess he would consider what I did to you as really going too far, hahaha... -and he added getting serious and in a threatening tone: -so don't even think about telling him what happened, do you understand? If you do it tomorrow I'll really make you walk naked all over the office, or something worse I can think of.

-Yes, Robert -I agreed dejectedly. He gave me a little slap on the face, smiling condescendingly and left. I had to stay almost another three hours to finish my work. It went on like that for three days, until David, surprised that I came home so late, asked me why. I told him it was because Robert was forcing me to do his work, although I could not tell him the rest of the humiliations he was subjecting me to. He immediately called his friend and from then on, reluctantly, Robert agreed to do his chores, although he continued to use me for his sexual pleasure and humiliate me whenever he could.

To be continued?

Next: Chapter 5

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