The Curse

By Jorge Jog

Published on Dec 18, 2022


Warning to my readers: this story is a fantasy and should be taken as such. In real life any domination or BDSM practice must be fully consensual. If not, it is not BDSM, it is simply abuse and can and should be prosecuted. Thank you very much for reading my story and don't forget, if possible, to donate to

A few days passed. I was forced, as David had instructed me, to take care of all the house chores myself, without being able to protest about it. The truth is that it was not a big change, since I was used to my boyfriend not doing anything, so really the only thing that was different was that I could no longer reproach him and, although that frustrated me tremendously, it was true that we had not quarreled again. On the other hand, David, no doubt feeling a little guilty, was especially affectionate with me and pointing out whenever he could how well we were getting along now. I was resentful, but I still loved him very much and tried to get along with it. What he didn't deliver at all, as expected, was his promise to help me with the chores. He didn't lift a finger and, in addition, despite his abundance of affection and affability, he began to use me for little things, such as bringing him drinks or snacks when he was studying, running errands he didn't feel like doing, or, of course, giving him the foot massages he used to give me. I noticed that he was beginning to get used to exercising his dominion over me little by little, but since in everything else, for example, in making any decision, he continued to consult me as usual, I tried to get used to it and to tell myself that everything could be fine. We had not, of course, had any news of the old man who had brought all this about, and although we had returned to the store, his granddaughter was still there, and David would not let me go near her again.

One Saturday night I was home alone watching TV. David had gone out drinking with his friend Raoul. I had excused myself by telling my boyfriend that I was tired and had not joined the party. The truth was that I couldn't stand his friend. He and David were the same age, they had known each other since school and Raoul was also a pretty posh and spoiled kid. He was used to always getting his own way and I didn't like him very much, so I preferred not to meet him. Besides, I had always suspected that Raoul liked my boyfriend, although on this point I wasn't completely sure.

At one point I heard David returning. I got up to greet him, when I saw that he was not coming alone. He had Raoul with him. I could tell right away that they had had quite a bit to drink. They were not drunk, but quite uninhibited. I said hello and they went into the living room, sitting on the sofa. I said to them:

-Well, I'll leave you guys alone. I'm going to sleep -and I leave for the bedroom.

-Wait, wait, Danny -my boyfriend stopped me-. Make us some gin and tonics, please.

I immediately felt the usual twinge in the back of my neck and, unable to control it, I went to the kitchen to do what David told me to do. As I was leaving, my blood froze in my veins when I heard Raoul say:

-Fuck, it is true that he obeys you...

Feeling like dying, I prepared the gin and tonics and went back to the living room with them. When I served them to him Raoul said to me with mockery:

-Apparently you have become very obedient, big guy.

-David -I said shyly- we had agreed that we would not tell anyone....

-That's true -my boyfriend replied cheerfully-, but the truth is that I couldn't keep it quiet any longer, and in the end I had to tell Raoul, but don't worry, he's trustworthy, hahaha -he laughed, without being aware of the effect his words were having on me. No doubt the alcohol had led him to be indiscreet.

-But I still find it hard to believe -Raoul replied -Is it true that you obey him in whatever he orders you to do, whatever it is?

-Fuck you, Raoul! -I instinctively tell him, I didn't need to explain myself to that kid!

-That was very rude! -David said to me, suddenly getting serious-. Apologize to him immediately.

-I apologize, Raoul -came immediately out of my mouth, without me having any part in the pronunciation of those words. Then I saw how Raoul approached my boyfriend and whispered a few words in his ear. David then said:

-Yes, you are right, I can do that -and addressing me he ordered: -From now on you will obey Raoul in everything, exactly as you obey me.

You can imagine the effect these words had on me, as I felt the sting on the back of my neck. Was I now going to be the servant of that insufferable prick too? I was about to find out. Raoul looked at me amused and said:

-I don't know whether to forgive you. I think you should beg me on your knees -I didn't move and for a moment I hoped it wouldn't happen, but when Raoul realized it, he added firmly: -Do it!

And then, without being able to control it, I fell to my knees on the floor and began to beg:

-Raoul, I beg you to forgive me, please, I beg you...

He laughed heartily, while David watched the scene in amusement. I couldn't understand how my boyfriend could be doing this to me. Then Raoul patted me on the head, as if I were a child, and said:

-Well, well, I forgive you, you can get up -and as he put me back on my feet, red with fury, he added addressing David: -I'd like to see how far he can go -and turning to me again he gave me a new ignominious order:

-Piss yourself!

And as I reddened to the base of my hair, I noticed how my sphincters relaxed, totally out of my control, and a stream of urine slid down my legs. Soon all my pants were soaked. I thought I was dying of embarrassment as the two boys burst out laughing. I had to watch David tell his friend how funny it was. I couldn't take it anymore and jumped up and down:

-BUT WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE YOU? I...I...I...-I couldn't go on. Raoul made a gesture telling me to shut up and the words froze in my mouth.

-That's better. Be quiet, you look better quiet -he laughed again. David, seeing my anger, even through the laughter, said to his friend:

-Fuck, I think he's going to kill me for this...

-I don't think so, but... -Raoul answered and thought for a moment, then added: -maybe it would be good if you had your back covered -and again he approached David and whispered a few words in his ear. David stopped laughing and thought for a moment:

-Yes, it's not a bad idea... Let's see, how do I say it... -he said to his friend. He meditated for a while and finally told me, in a firm tone in spite of his drunkenness:

-You will never, never hurt me or do anything that could harm me in any way, understood?

I nodded helplessly. Even with the desolation that my dear boyfriend's behavior produced in me, at that moment I was not really aware of how far the implication of that order was going to go. David again adopted a light tone and said to Raoul:

-Do you want a foot massage? He's very good at it...

Of course his friend agreed and it was only a matter of time before I had to kneel down and carry out the order my boyfriend gave me. To increase my infamy, at one point Raoul ordered me to lick his feet, something that David found fascinating and was also quick to try. They spent the whole evening like this, drinking and humiliating me. Raoul made me undress, imitate a chicken, used my face as a footrest for a while... At each humiliation they laughed their heads off. I watched David and couldn't believe that my sweet boy, the man I adored, could be doing this to me. Finally, Raoul announced that he was leaving and David sent me to walk him out the door. Before leaving, Raoul said to me:

-I had a great time with you big guy. I'm sure it won't be the last time, hahaha... -and, giving me a slap, he left. When I returned to the living room, David had fallen asleep on the sofa. I was going to wake him up to unload all my indignation on him, but suddenly a voice said inside my head: "You can't harm him in any way. That would be hurting him". And, unable to do anything, I picked up the glasses, put the living room in order and went to sleep with death in my soul.

The next morning I was in front of a coffee in the kitchen, deep in my thoughts, when David appeared with red eyes and clearly with a considerable hangover.

-Good morning -he greeted me with a weak smile-. Damn, what a headache, I didn't even go to sleep, did I?

The rage I felt at seeing that again nothing seemed to have happened for him was too much to contain and I started:

-David, how could you? -I said in a restrained voice, red with fury.

-How could I what? -He seemed to struggle to remember-. Oh yeah, I think we went a little overboard with you last night, didn't we? Fuck, I'm sorry -he said cheerfully, and without the slightest remorse.

-David, I can't believe you could let... -I started to raise my voice. He interrupted me:

-Come on, come on... there you go again with your tragedies... we just had a little fun. The truth is that we had a good laugh, hahaha... Ah! -he hurt. He had started to laugh, but it seems that the laughter accentuated his headache, he stopped, touched his forehead and said: -Wow, how I am....

-GOD, SO AGAIN IT SEEMS TO YOU THAT LAST NIGHT WAS NOTHING, AFTER THAT... -out of me, I started to rant. David clutched his head in his hands and rudely interrupted me:

-Stop fucking screaming, I'm in terrible pain. I don't know why you're getting like this, we were just playing a little, nothing serious. Sometimes you're so boring...

-Listen David, I really... -I was immediately forced to lower my voice, after my boyfriend's command. However, I wasn't going to shut up, or so I thought. Again he interrupted me:

-Shut up! I'm sick of your nagging! If you're too old to have fun, it's not my fault. You're always irritated...

Naturally, I could no longer speak. However, my face must have been so expressive that David continued angrily:

-I don't know why I always have to put up with your nagging, and besides, we've never got along so well now that we're in such a great relationship. But you're determined to spoil it -he was silent for a moment, seemed to meditate and continued with words that chilled my soul: -Well, it's time to put an end to this. No more bickering, no more criticism. From now on I don't want to hear a single reproach come out of your mouth, understood?

I nodded helplessly as my heart shattered. From that moment on I was doomed to never be able to protest again, no matter how unfairly I was treated by my boyfriend.

We were silent for a long time, while David ate something. I was so dejected that I couldn't even cry. My boyfriend calmed down and seemed to regret his attitude somewhat, because at one point he took me by the hand and said:

-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get so pissed off. But it's just that you insist on making me angry -my face of desolation must have been such that he continued softly: -Come on, come on, don't be like that... you'll see how everything will be fine. We love each other and I assure you that we are going to get along much better from now on, without so much bickering -I couldn't believe what I was hearing. To mute any criticism on my part seemed to him to be something great and legitimate! My disbelief was even greater when he let go of my hand and asked me casually:

-Well, tell me how the work is going, we haven't talked much lately...

So that was the end of it for him and he was moving on. However, I didn't have time to rage any more about it, his last sentence could pass for an order and that's how my mind took it, so I hurried to answer:

-Well, I'm having problems with your friend Robert.

Robert was another friend of his, also a schoolmate, who had recently lost his job. Then David had asked me to get him a position in my company, which was dedicated to financial research and reports. I had agreed and Robert had come to work doing administrative work under my supervision. I immediately realized that Robert was like David, a lazy and spoiled child who was not used to work or to taking orders from anyone. I was trying to be patient with him, but he was driving me crazy.

-Why? What's the matter? -asked my boyfriend.

-He's very lazy, very undisciplined and very inefficient. I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep him in the company. I have already received complaints about his work. I think if it weren't for me he would have been fired by now.

-I'm so sorry -said David-. But don't worry, I'm going to lie down for a while -he grabbed his aching head again-. I'll talk to him later and sort it out, I promise. Then if I'm better we can go to the movies or something like that if you want.

He got up and walked out of the kitchen quietly, as if our earlier conversation hadn't happened. There he left me, demoted one more step in that downward spiral that seemed to have no end. I was also unaware at that moment of the huge mistake I had just made by talking to him about his friend Robert...

To be continued?...

Next: Chapter 4

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