The Curse

By Jorge Jog

Published on Dec 17, 2022


Second chapter of the story. Sorry for the mistakes and don't forget to make a donation to!

We returned home. David, seeing my fear and frustration, comforted me by telling me not to worry, that we would be able to find the old man and solve the matter. He also told me not to tell anyone about it, that people would think we were crazy. I agreed with him completely.

After dinner we sat down, as usual, to watch TV for a while on the sofa. As I was very tense I put one of my feet on David's lap, as a hint. He usually massaged my feet after a hard day's work while we watched TV. He pushed my foot away and laughingly said to me:

-You've got some nerve, always wanting me to give you a massage! You could give me one for a change sometime.

-I thought you liked to do it -I replied contritely. As I said, I had always been the dominant one in the relationship and this kind of little details in which David served me were usual between us.

-I'm not saying I don't like it. I'm just saying that sometimes it could be the other way around -and without thinking too much he added cheerfully: -Come on, be a lamb and do it to me today.

I immediately felt the usual twinge in the back of my neck and, unable to help myself, I knelt down in front of David and began to take off his shoes. However, as a knot formed in the pit of my stomach, I said to him:

-David, please don't do this to me!

-What? You're so dramatic! I just asked you for a little foot massage... -I was sure he was aware of what I was referring to, so I insisted:

-Please, David, don't....

-All right -he said, pulling his foot away from my hand grumpily-, Don't do it if you don't want to! I just thought it would be fair for you to do it to me sometime. But I'm not going to force you, of course not!

At that moment I regained control of my hands. However, I didn't want to upset David and it wasn't that far-fetched what he was saying either, so I took his foot again, took it off his shoe and began to massage it gently. I stayed like that for a long time, while he moaned with pleasure. At one point I heard him mutter to himself:

-I could definitely get used to this...

And I didn't know if he was referring to the foot massage or to his newfound absolute dominance over me. After a while of massaging him I noticed a considerable bulge in his shorts. Then he caressed my face and said:

-Ummmmm, honey, you have made me horny, let's go to the bedroom...

When I got there a surprise was waiting for me. David told me that he wanted to fuck my ass. I was very surprised, as I had always been the top and he the bottom in our relationship. It is true that he had frequently asked me to let him fuck me, but I had always refused and David seemed to have quit it up. Sensing what might happen under the present circumstances, my heart raced:

-But David, you know I don't like it, besides I'm a virgin out there...

-Well, but it has to be the first time, doesn't it? I've been asking you for a long time. You'll like it, you'll see.

-No, please, David, I don't want to do it... -I begged him, but I realized that this time he was determined and he wasn't going to let the opportunity pass him by.

-Come on, don't be a pussy. You'll have a good time. Come on, get down on all fours, I'm going to fuck you.

Like a spring my body, no longer obeying my head, got into position on the bed, while my heart was racing, for fear of penetration, for fear of my boyfriend, and above all for fear of the future that could await me if everything started to be like that.

David acted very delicately, he began by inserting one finger, then two, lubricating me abundantly. Finally, he put the tip of his cock in my hole and began to squeeze. He had a cock that was not too long, but of considerable girth. Then what happened to all first-time bottom guys happened to me. As I began to feel pain, instead of relaxing and trying to dilate, my hole contracted and the pain increased much more. I began to moan. David asked me to hold on, that it would soon pass, and this time he rammed it in with all his might. I howled in pain and began to beg him loudly to get it out of me, to please get it out.

-Shut the fuck up, they'll hear us in the whole building. Relax, it'll pass -my boyfriend told me, as he started pumping rhythmically and moaning with pleasure. It didn't pass, naturally, as I was unable to relax and kept squeezing, making the pain unbearable. However, after David's command I could no longer utter another sound. I had become completely mute. I had to get through the ordeal without a complaint.

On the contrary, David seemed in ecstasy:

-Oh, yes!.... God, God... I never imagined you were so tight... what a fucking pleasure....

He kept violently entering my poor hole again and again while tears of pain and helplessness came to my eyes. My heart felt like it was going to burst. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, David gave a huge howl of pleasure and spilled completely inside my ass. I felt immense relief as he pulled that huge bar of flesh out of my punished hole. David dropped exhausted on the bed, as he said:

-God, that was incredible. It certainly won't be the last time....

And, without further ado, he turned around and without even wiping himself, even though his cock was full of cum and blood from my asshole (yes, despite the lubrication, that brute had made me bleed with his violence), he fell asleep in a few minutes. I was pretty messed up, not only because of the intense pain from my bleeding ass, but mostly because I felt like a total rape victim. I cleaned David's cock a bit, washed and healed as best I could my wounded ass and, crying with pain, rage and helplessness, lay down next to my boyfriend, who was snoring with a huge smile on his handsome face.

Again I hardly slept a wink all night, and got up before David did, which was normal. In fact, many mornings I would leave for work before he got up. This time, however, that was not the case and he appeared in the kitchen while I was eating breakfast. He smiled at me, sleepily, and said good morning, as he sat down at the breakfast table. He began to eat quietly, sleepily, but soon realized that something was wrong with me.

-Something wrong, Dani? -he asked.

-What do you think, David? Yesterday you raped me!

-I raped you! -He exclaimed-, What are you talking about? This is because I fucked you? I'm your boyfriend. Boyfriends don't rape.

-Don't they? Don't you know how many women are raped every day by their partners? That's what you did to me yesterday.

-Come on! You love to be dramatic -he continued eating calmly-. This whole story because I fucked your ass... As if you hadn't fucked mine a thousand times before!

-But you forced me to do it. You did it by force!

-By force, by force... -he repeated, taking the matter with the frivolity that characterized him-. Sooner or later I would have done it. I really wanted to taste your ass. And you would have let me. What I did yesterday was just... give you the little push you needed, that's all.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. To him what he had done was completely normal. I turned red with fury and burst out:


I could not continue, he cut me off with a gesture and, calmly said:

-Well, that's enough, I don't want to hear another word about it. I can't stand shouting in the morning and I have a lot of studying to do today -he looked around and said, just as calmly: -I need a coffee...

And without further ado he got up to make his coffee. Naturally I couldn't add another word. The immense rage that invaded me I had to swallow it in silence. My voice was simply no longer responding to me, but to my boyfriend's command. When he finished his coffee, he got up and, as if nothing had happened, said goodbye to me with a smile, wished me a good day, and went to the shower. I sat there, full of fury and fear, feeling like the victim of an absolute infamy. Poor me that it seemed so terrible to me! I had no idea what was yet to come in my life!

I spent a terrible day at work, overwhelmed by my thoughts. I tried not to let anyone notice, but I don't know if I succeeded. When I returned home I found all the dishes in the kitchen again without scrubbing. In spite of everything that had happened, I could not help but go to David's study room and tell him:

-Fuck, David, you left all the dishes unwashed again....

-Yeah, yeah, well, I wanted to concentrate on my studies, you're a pain in the ass with these things, really!

I was going to answer him in a bad way, but I saw that he seemed irritated and, frankly, I didn't dare. I didn't want to be silenced again by an order from him. I went to prepare dinner and called him when it was ready.

We ate in silence. He looked serious and I didn't really feel like talking to him, to tell the truth. But I didn't expect at all what came next. When we finished dinner, he told me very seriously:

-Listen Danny, I think we should talk.

-Sure -I said, surprised. It was unusual for him to be so serious. And, stupid me, I thought he was going to apologize for the night before or something. Instead he continued:

-You know we're always arguing about housework crap - he interrupted himself and looked at me, waiting to see what effect his words were having on me. I nodded in fright, not knowing where that was leading.

-I know I'm not the best partner in the world in that respect, but I don't think I'm going to change, and I'm certainly never going to be a neat freak like you -he said. And pausing for a long moment, he continued:

-So I think you should take care of everything around the house. I don't think it would be too burdensome for you and we would avoid so many arguments. We would be much happier.

I was surprised that he used words similar to those of the old man who had cursed me in the store, it seems that they had made more of an impression on him than I had thought. I naturally went to protest loudly, but he simply stopped me with a gesture and said:

-Listen, I've been thinking it over and it's decided. From now on you will be in charge of all the house chores -at the direct order, the twinge in the back of my neck told me clearly that from then on I could not evade any housework. My expression of panic must have been so great that David tried to soften it:

-This doesn't mean you're going to do it all, I'm not that unfair. I'll help you, of course, but being your job we won't argue and we'll live much happier -I was about to protest again, but he cut me off sharply, saying: -There will be no more discussion on this matter, understood?

I nodded dejectedly. I couldn't refuse any of his orders. Seeing my desolation David smiled and stroked my face:

-Don't be angry. I know this seems wrong to you now, but, believe me, it's for the good of both of us and you'll realize it yourself in no time -he stood up and, patting me on the thigh, added cheerfully: -Come on, let's go watch TV for a while.

When I followed him into the living room I was perfectly aware that I had just become my boyfriend's servant in my own house...

To be continued?

Next: Chapter 3

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