The Crew

Published on Jul 30, 2012


The Crew 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

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Major Wilson was a find. He looked like a gruff, old officer, but he had an incredible capacity for sexual pleasure. Out of uniform, he did not possess a shy bone in his body. He made Jack seem like a shrinking violet. He was exuberantly enthusiastic when I fucked him, but I soon discovered he possessed an analytical mind. The Major studied sex and knew how to make it better and more intense.

"You are young my boy," he explained. "That is good for me. You can get rock hard in a second and fuck like a lunatic. I love that, but I have discovered that being first in the race to the orgasm, is not always best. The orgasm is spectacular, but it marks the end of a sexual interlude. In a young man like you, the recovery time is short, but it will not always be that way."

"For me the longer it takes to reach the orgasms, the better it is," he continued. "Genital stimulation is second only to the orgasm in pleasure, but it can last up to an hour. That is wonderful."

"You can fuck for an hour?"

"I use to be able to do that, now I can take it for an hour or two," he said. "I told you about the general who did me? Well he wasn't very good at it. He would pop into my hole and thirty seconds later, he was done. The General had a birthday party for the regimental surgeon, Captain Fuller. I was the general's gift to the surgeon for the night. All the guests were like-minded, and the surgeon shared me with them. There were eight men including the general and the surgeon."

The surgeon was the Rembrandt of fuckers. He was a true artist. I'm not sure, but I think he may have trained most of his friends. The General wasn't unpleasant or bad; he was just graceless. The surgeon and his friends were artists. I discovered what real sex was like," the Major continued. "I thought they would think of me as a slut or libertine. To my surprise, it was as if they had discovered gold. I was a young man then and they were all considerably older."

"Did all of the men use you?" I asked.

"It would be more correct to say I used them. I felt as much pleasure in it as they did. Of course, at first, I was uneasy about having eight men shove their cocks in my ass. The surgeon had huge balls and an average cock. When he climaxed in my ass, I could feel his man seed spurting! I had never bee so excited. As each man took his turn, each new cock was better than the one before. The deposited their man seed in me, making it easier for the next man," Wilson said. "They were older men and it was a treat for them to be in the ass of a young officer. I enjoyed it when they lost control and pounded me until they reached their climax. It was good beyond my wildest imagining."

"The General had to leave after an hour or so, and then the remaining men went at it again," the Major continued. "Fuller told me when to tighten my sphincter so I could caress the knob. I learned how to peel back the foreskin as they thrust deep. I could do no wrong and they appreciated my willingness to learn."

"There was one quite elderly man in the group. He did not participate, until later. After the last man shot off in my ass, he came forward. The surgeon held my legs open and fed me his cock as the elderly man licked my ravaged hole. He told me to relax and let the man seed drool from my ass."

"The elderly man had a long tongue and he worked it deep into my hole. The tongue was so delicate compared to the rock hard cocks of the other men; I shot off. One of the officers took my seed with enthusiasm. After he took it all, he kissed the surgeon who was still holding me open. As they shared my seed, the surgeon had a second orgasm in my mouth this time," the major said. "I had never tasted fresh man seed before. I came close to having a second climax."

"This sounds like something from ancient Rome during its decline," I said. "It is a shocking tale."

"Andrew, it didn't seem that way to me at the time," Wilson explained. "It seemed to me that I had one the first prize at a county fair! I loved it, as did my playmates. I do not seem to be able to resist temptation. That may not be good for salvation, but it is good for pleasure." we talked a little longer and then he returned to his cabin. I told him I would contact him if I could arrange a meeting with the stokers.

I discussed the Major with Jack. He was cautious. "I'm sure the men would like some variety," he said. "Actually I like variety too, but sex with the stokers can be very vigorous. It might be too much for him." I told him about the Major's experiences with the Surgeon and his friends."

"Well, I guess he's wouldn't have a problem with vigorous fucking," Jack said with a smile. "He is an officer. Do you think he would have a problem with playing ordinary men? Truthfully, the stokers may be a few steps below ordinary men."

I told him Wilson had seen the men and there was nothing to indicate he was anything but excited by them. I said, "I actually felt some unease with the stokers. This may sound silly, but I didn't expect Kevin's innards to be so soft and warm. I don't know what I expected. He was so soft, so accommodating."

"Kevin told me you were nice," Jack said. "Your predecessor treated him and the other stokers like animals. He appreciated you. By the way, your innards are soft and warm too. Nigel would like to get in you."

"I'm not sure about that," I said.

"Andrew, you might as well admit that eventually every man in the boiler room is going to get in your ass," Jack said. "You are a natural."

"He's a black man."

"All sperm is white," Jack said. "You like cock too much to resist the inevitable. Don't worry and take whatever comes your way.

At that moment, I wasn't sure what would come my way. It had been hot and muggy on deck. I didn't know that since it was always hot a muggy in the boiler room. At dinner, the ship began to roll on high waves. The captain ordered everyone to prepare for a storm. By midnight we were in a gale. It was a hurricane the next morning.

It is important to try to maintain control of the ship in a storm. While a sailing ship is entirely at the mercy of the storm, a steam ship can adjust to the winds. Keeping the boilers operating is a difficult job. It was hard to maintain you footing in the boiler room, not to mention get the coal into the boilers.

Those of us in the boiler rooms were the least likely to survive should the ship sink. It was almost impossible for us to escape from the bowels of the ship. My men worked as hard as they could. Several men collapsed from the heat. We managed to get them, to the showers and under water. I had to fill in for one of the men for a half hour until; the Captain could get another crewman to take his place.

My half hour as a stoker gave me a clear sense of what my men do every day for hours. I was shocked at how tired I was after only that brief period. Jack should have done this, but he had a firmer grip on the immediate requirements of keeping the boilers operating. I was not as skilled as he was.

The Captain more than justified my belief in his skills as a seaman. He steered the ship in the direction of the prevailing winds, with a bias towards getting out of the wind field. If he steered too directly out of the wind, the ship would be hit broadside. To say it was rough understates the case. After eight hours, the storm began to abate slightly. After twelve hours, we were out of the worst of the storm. We reduced speed and resumed a normal pace.

Twelve hours may not seem like such a long time, but it seemed like days to me. The violent rolling and other movements of the ship, disrupted our instruments, and I had reset them regularly. Normally I am on duty for six to eight hours. By the time, we were out of danger I had been working for a full twenty-four hours.

That was easier than it might seem, since the alternative was death and a watery grave. The Captain visited the boiler room and ordered me off duty. I took a shower in the stokers' quarters and went for a nap in my cabin. The nap lasted twelve hours. When I work, the First Mate was running the boiler room with several of the crew taking the places of the stokers who had collapsed. Jack was asleep.

"You are to report to the Captain," the First Mate said. "You do not need to wear your dress uniform. I figured my career on the sea was over. I was literally asleep on the job. I went to the bridge.

I saluted as I approached the Captain. "Mr. White, I must commend you for your service in the boiler room. You maintained steam throughout the storm. During the last storm I weathered, we lost steam and thus control of the ship near the end of the storm. Mr. Williams believes your adjustments to the gauges allowed us to continue without lost of steam. You are to write a report of your observations of the effects of the storm on the gauges. Then explain how you reset the defective instruments. This would be useful for other Engineers."

"Mr. Williams also reported you replaced a stoker at the boiler. He said this had a most beneficial impact on the moral of the crew. In dire situations, everyone must work together without respect to rank. You set a good example. Again, I commend you. I wish I could offer you some time to rest, but I need a damages assessment for the boiler room. You may return to your post." We saluted and I went back to the boiler room.

The next day, I discovered a mechanical problem in several gauges. When they were 20 degrees out of vertical due to the ships rolling, they could become stuck in place, thus giving a false reading. Needless to say, false readings in a boiler are dangerous. These readings could have triggered a safety valve that would have released the steam, resulting in a loss of power. I had discovered the bad gauges and corrected them before that happened. My report on the problem and my proposal for correcting the problem were well received.

The storm and the associated work made it impossible to reconnect with Major Wilson, so the remaining days of voyage were void of sexual event. We were in New York for less than a week and then we went to Columbia with cargo from the Edison Company. They sent several engineers and a mechanic to install the equipment. These affable men seemed to enjoy the ship.

I tend to talk shop, as did the engineers so the conversation at dinner was good. The head engineer associated with the Captain. I think he was unwilling to talk with junior officers. I got along well with one of the junior engineers, Tommy Faraday, and the chief mechanic, Dick Wells. Tom was my age, thin and rather small. He was a bit timid, but was smart and had a sense of humor. Dick was a red hair bruiser with an out-going personality. He was one of those men who could get things done. I took Tom on a tour of the boiler room.

The naked stokers excited him. Since he was wearing lightweight tropical trousers, I could see he was erect, and well endowed. We went to my cabin and we talked. I mentioned that while the stokers were crude and uneducated, they were fine specimens of manhood. "The heavy work has given them well developed musculature."

"Every muscle was on display!" Tommy said. "I didn't expect them to be naked. The heat in the room is extraordinary. Nudity makes sense from that sense."

"There are only men on the ship," I observed. "There is no need to be modest here. It also reduces the laundry. The men smelled to high heaven when I came here. Now, I require a shower after every rotation at the boilers. That, combined with the informal dress code, has had beneficial effect on the men's health and morale."

"You didn't show me the showers," Tommy said. I knew he wanted to see the showers badly.

"That is not on the regular tour," I said. "It is in the stokers' private quarters. Sometimes the men get playful in the showers, and I don't want to interrupt their games." Tommy looked disappointed. "When I do visit, it is to shower with them."

"Oh, I see. Do you observe their games?" he asked.

"Never, they are not on duty in the showers," I said. Then I lowered my voice. "When I visit, I join in their games. It would be wrong just to watch."

"The games are of an intimate nature?" he asked. His voice was a little unsteady. I knew he was excited.

"Intimate is not the right word," I replied. "To be direct, the games are sexual and objective is to achieve sexual release. That helps the men to relax and makes it easier to sleep."

"I could use some release myself," Tommy said quietly. "I would love to join them."

"I think I may have already told you too much. Most people would find what I have told you to be shocking," I said.

Tommy lowered his voice. "You are right, it is a bit shocking. Let me confess it was much more exciting than shocking," he said. "It was exciting just to see them. I have had a most conventional life. I some of my tastes aren't conventional at all."

"They do like to meet new men," I said. "You know, should we visit the showers, it will involve contact with their genitals? Is that a problem?" He said no, it wasn't a problem. "Some of that contact may involve their cocks and your ass." Tommy licked his lips.

"I've had some experience with that," Tommy admitted. "I would like much more. It was very exciting." The next shift change was in a quarter of an hour. We went to the stokers' quarters. We were naked in the shower when the stokers arrived. Kevin was there. He was with Don and David, two men who said they were brothers, and Juan, a Cuban. Tommy was fully erect and that was all the men needed to see to realize he was a good man. I was quite surprised when Dick Wells, the mechanic, came in with the stokers. He was incredibly attractive naked. He looked at me, winked and went to Kevin.

Tommy went to Juan, the smallest of the men. I went to the brothers. The brothers were a mystery. They didn't look alike at all, but they were always together. The Brothers were hard workers, but they rarely talked. David was stocky and hairy; Don was thin and wiry. David had a scruffy beard; Don had a massive beard the size of a raccoon. I began to wash Don as David washed me. As seemed to be typical in the showers, David was most attentive to my privates and ass. Don had an almost invisible cock when soft. Erect it was long and thin.

I glanced over at Tommy and Juan. Tommy wasn't as shy as I thought. I saw Dick was fully erect and impressive as was Kevin.

"Donnie likes to fuck, but I'm all top. Can you help him?" David asked. I had never heard him talk before. I guessed he just needed something to say. I felt his cock. It was good.

"I'd be pleased to help both of you," I replied.

"Do him, Donnie," he ordered. I bent over to suck David as Donnie eased his cock into my ass. It slid in effortlessly. I had a cock in my ass and a cock in my throat. That was as exciting as I could have hoped.

"It's smooth as silk in there Davie, warm and smooth too," Donnie said.

"You take your time, Donnie. Make it last," David said as he spurted some precum into my mouth. The two men seemed happy, but not as happy as I was. Donnie seemed like a kid with a new toy. He liked it when I squeezed my sphincter. He pulled his cock out most of the way so my sphincter could massage his cock head. Of course he didn't last that long. He had a spectacular orgasm and then he pulled out.

I stood up and looked at Dave. "Have you ever used your friend's seed as lubricant?" it took him a little while to understand what I was suggesting, but he was willing. His cock was thicker and shorter than Don's was but it worked fine. He may well have had a shorter fuse than his friend. He shot off quickly.

By that time, Kevin had also shot off. Dick pulled out and saw David as he pulled his still dripping cock from my ass.

"I love a well filled ass," Dick said and then he asked me. "Do you mind?" I bent over and Dick was in.

"Damn, you're juicy, did those boys seed you?"

"Both did," I said as I felt the full impact of his impressive organ. "You're good." I squeezed my ass.

"You can do that any time you want too," Dick said. He was a forceful man. Don held me steady and fed me his cock. David slipped to the floor so he could suck my cock. He would deep throat me when Dick pulled out. I almost was overwhelmed by the sensations. Juan fucked Tommy and as Tommy approached a climax, he began to moan. Dick and I had a joint orgasm as Tommy sot off. Dick shot his load into me as I fed David my load. It was perfectly coordinated. We all broke apart. The stokers returned to their quarters, Tommy Dick and I went to my cabin.

"Thank you Ducky," Dick exclaimed. "My balls were so full of cream they were weighing me down. I haven't fucked an ass like yours in years. How are you doing, Tommy? Did you get some of that Cuban man cream in your hole?"

"We traded the contents of our balls," Tommy said. "I've never done anything that this before. It was wonderful." Tommy already was becoming erect again. It looked good to me. I was on my berth and I moved my legs to expose my hole. Tommy eased his organ in to my ass. Of course, I was open and it was easy, but enjoyable too. We all had climaxed earlier, so it was relaxed, pleasant and enjoyable.

Dick was most knowledgeable about man sex and ways to make it better and last longer. Tommy and I were comparative novices. He was matter of fact about the subject. H put a pillow under my ass to adjust my position. That intensified Tommy's thrusting greatly.

"Do you top often, Tommy?" Dick asked.

"Not at all," he replied. "I only have done it once before. This was much better. Several men have fucked me."

"Did you like that?"

"It was not that bad, but nowhere near as good as fucking."

"I'd love to fuck you," Dick said.

"You are awfully big." Tommy replied.

"Well, I like fucking small men, they excite me. I have some ways to get into your ass and I can almost guarantee you will enjoy it," Dick said. "I watched Juan fuck you. I think your ass would have no problem taking me."

Tommy smiled. "You must be experienced."

"I think of man sex as a hobby," Dick said. "I go on projects to out of the way places, most of the time. Mostly it's in all male construction camps or mines. It's good to have a way to make the nights go faster."

"I wouldn't have thought so many men share our tastes," Tommy observed.

"Some men whine about the girls they left behind," Dick explained. "A cunt a thousand miles away had a hard time competing with a cock in the next bunk. I think many men like sex any way they can it.

Next: Chapter 4

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