The Crazy Vengeful Salesman

By Z

Published on May 18, 2019



by: Z

Author's Note: Thank you for reading, please donate to nifty if able.

Blake had been loaded into the trunk of Matt's car and listened intently as Matt said goodbye to Tom, got into he driver's seat and sped away. On his way out to wherever they were headed, Matt made some business calls, picked up some drive thru, and essentially made it apparent that he was in no hurry to release Blake from his prison in the back.

All in all, Blake guessed Matt may have driven around for about an hour before the car came to a halt and the engine shut off.

The trunk flew open. Blake felt fresh air rush all around him. He still couldn't see his surroundings at all. Matt had made sure the canvas sack he sealed Blake in obscured his vision. Rather than release Blake right then and there, Blake felt himself being picked up in Matt's strong arms and carried out into the night.

They walked for only a short distance before Blake felt Matt laying him down, or rather, leaning him up against a hard surface.

"You fall over slave, it'll be your own fault. Stay put." Matt ordered.

Blake heard heavy pounding on what he guessed was a door. He had assumed Matt had left him at someone's house based on the conversation he had had with Tom earlier. He heard footsteps trail off, a car being started, and what he guessed was Matt driving away.

Blake now felt very aware of his vulnerability. He was chained up and locked in a canvas sack. He had no idea where he was and no ability to communicate (as he was tightly gagged). He struggled a big but the sack was unforgiving. He would not be able to wriggle out of it and the chain shackles attached to his collar, wrists and ankles were also tightly secured.

Before long he heard another car drive up. Or maybe Matt was coming back to get him? Was this a trick? Blake listened closely in hopes of figuring out just what was going on. This didn't sound like a car. As it got closer, Blake recognized the familiar humming of a diesel truck slowly pull into the area close to him. The engine stopped, a squeaky car door flew open, and Blake heard footsteps approaching him.

"Well...well...welll," a deep, unfamiliar voice sighed, "Looks like someone delivered a dumb cocksucking faggot to my door."

Blake quickly felt his sack being lifted up and thrown over what he guessed was the shoulders of a big, bulking man.

"Let's get you inside, bitch," the voice continued, "You've got a lot of work to do."

Once Blake was carried inside, he heard the man slam the door and lock it. Blake was dropped on the floor and the man busied himself fumbling with keys and, most likely, the padlock holding Blake trapped in his canvas prison. Soon enough, light was flooding into the sack as Blake stared up into the face of a gruff, bearded man who looked to be in his late 30's early 40's, with dark peircing eyes that seemed to show immediate disdain for Blake.

The man poured Blake out of the sack onto the hard, poorly carpeted floor of what Blake was guessing was an incredibly cheap motel somewhere off the beaten path. He just laid there, naked on the floor. Blake was unsure of what to do. Matt hadn't really given him a briefing. So he just sat on his knees, naked in chains while the man towered over him and circled around him.

"Seems passable," the man sighed, "You a good cocksucker bitch?"

"Mhmmffph," Blake said into his disgusting jock gag.

"Nahh," the man smiled, "Faggots like you think they are. But let me tell you something, most of you ain't got shit when it comes to dick sucking skills. So that is what we will be working on today. Along with whatever the fuck I want you to do. Understood, faggot?"

Blake nodded.

"Actually faggot," the man interrupted, "I like hearing your pathetic moans behind that gag so I'm going to need you to actually try and vocalize with me."

"Mefff murrr," Blake said into his gag, much to the man's immediate delight.

The man kicked over an ottoman towards Blake, "Lay on this on your stomach, eyes forward. In a minute I will be removing your gag and some of your restraints. Take my advice, don't interpret this as an invitation to initiate conversation. You are basically nothing but an object to me and I have no problem punishing you severely for failing to follow orders.

"Meff murr," Blake repeated, hoping to not upset the hulking beast of a man who held him.

"Ok then," the man replied, "Get up on the ottoman, lie on your stomach, spread your fag knees so they are touching the legs of the ottoman."

Blake meekly complied. The chains around his ankles made it difficult for him to position his knees but that didn't matter for long. The man had no interest in keeping Blake chained up. He took the keys, most likely provided by Matt, and unlocked Blake from his shackles. He instructed Blake to put his hands behind his back, which then his wrists were recuffed. The man used zip ties to bind Blake's legs to the ottoman, so he was trapped in a doggy style-like position.

"Much better and much more helpless, faggot," the man smiled as he grabbed an end of tape and started unwinding Blake's gag.

Once the gag was released, Blake held the jock tightly in his mouth still and looked up at the man for permission to spit it out.

The man grinned, "I guess Matt has you trained pretty well, bitch. Go on, spit it out. This ain't my floor so I don't give a shit about it."

Blake let the saliva covered gob of jock fall onto the carpet with a plop. The man chuckled a bit and resumed inspecting his slave. Blake felt the man's hands run all over his body, even up and around his face. Soon, he felt the hands massaging his asscheeks and Blake could not help but moan in response to the way the man was expertly manipulating his body.

"Ooooh faggot are we going to have fun with you tonight," the man said ominously, "you like games?"

"Yesss...sir...uhh," Blake replied, still moaning from the way the man was teasing his overly horny ass.

"I'm guessing Matt hasn't allowed you to cum since he locked you up. Am I right?" the man asked.

"Yes, that's correct Sir," Blake answered.

"Good. Faggots like you don't have the right to cum when you want," the man replied coldly, "however I'll make you a deal. You win the game. And I'll let you cum. Sound good?"

Blake's eyes perked up at the thought of being able to cum, "Yes Sir, PLEASE!"

"Shut up, faggot," the man said, "your job is to service alpha men's cocks. and you are going to need training. So here's what we're going to do. Right now I'm sure you can tell your conveniently positioned facing the door to this shitty motel room..."

The man moved a comfortable lounge chair right in front of Blake, obstructing his view of the door.

"So we're going to put your oral skills to the test today. Don't worry, I'll be testing out your ass skills as well you fucking greedy whore, but the way this game works is I have a steady stream of men that want their dicks sucked. Your job is to get them off and swallow their seed. I promise, it will get more difficult as the game progresses but that's the basics. Your first client is on his way here. This one should be easy, faggot, you've blown him before apparently," the man finished before taking position behind Blake.

"Now, the way you win the game is based on a score. On your right butt cheek I'll keep a tally of the men you satisfied. On the left I'll keep a tally of demerits. Every demerit will result in both immediate punishment from me and a follow-up punishment from your master. So I suggest you do a good job, slut" the man said.

Blake pulled at his cuffs, he couldn't move very well. He knew how to suck cock though. So he was wondering just what cheap trick this man was going to use to work against him. It couldn't be as simple as just sucking dick, could it?

Then...there was a knock at the door.

"It's open," the man called out.

The door flew open and in walked a younger college guy, who Blake did indeed recognize. He used to suck him off pretty regularly. But in the end Blake stopped because of one reason...

"Well look what we have here," the guy smiled, "remember me Blake? you said my body odor was too intense to keep sucking me off. I guess now you see that a real whore slave like you should't get a saw in how a man like me takes care of his body."

Brody, as the guy had instructed, sat in the chair. He was wearing his dirty basketball shirts and what Blake was sure of, a dirty, well worn jock of his own. He had thick black hair was a mess, probably because he hadn't showered in over a day. His confident smirk combined with his bushy black eyebrows would be enough to make Blake weak in the knees were he not bound the way he was.

Brody slid his basketball shorts down in front of Blake, revealing that he indeed was wearing a dirty jock that definitely used to be white, but now was a discolored yellow. Brody was clearly proud of himself though. Judging by the grin on his face. Blake had sworn he'd never suck Brody off again. Just because he seemed to delight in Blake serving his cock as sweaty as possible; which Blake wasn't exactly into.

"Aren't you going to beg?" Brody asked.

Blake realized that even now he was inching towards a demerit. He didn't want to be punished, and he DEFINITELY wanted to earn the right from his master to cum. So he set to work and tried his best.

"Please sir..." Blake begged looking up into Brody's face, "can you please let me have your big cock again?"

Brody scooted the chair a bit forward and spread his hairy, musky thighs between Blake's head so they too were resting on the ottoman. Blake now had front row seats to Brody and his musky jock.

"oh fuck, I'm sorry." Brody chuckled, "I guess I haven't cleaned my jock in two weeks. Smells pretty rank. Would you mind cleaning it off for me baby? Use your tongue. Come on, make daddy feel good."

Blake swallowed his pride, stretched out his tongue, and as enthusiastically as possible, began licking Brody's disgusting piss-stained jock while maintaining eye contact with the arrogant college boy.

"ohhh yea," Brody egged him on, "feels so good, damn bitch you are so fucking dirty." Blake was getting very much accustomed to the taste of old jock courtesy of his master. But this was a new level of gross. The musk was pungent and invided his senses and made his eyes water. Blake kept licking and slobbering away at the boy's crotch, driven by an absolute need to ejaculate.

"Mhmm," Brody said, "I knew you liked this shit. I knew you did."

He slowly began to inch his way out of the dirty jock. After it passed his ankles, he balled it up and took a big whif of it.

"Mmm, that's what a man smells like, bitch," Brody said before holding it under Blake's nose. Restrained the way he was and wanting to make a good impression, he inhaled deeply. The direct scent of the well worn jock almost sent him into another world and he felt his imprisoned cock suddenly press against its inescapable prison.

Blake was now staring down Brody's nicely sized cock. Eight inches, nice and thick, and were it not obviously coated in Brody's typical unwashed musk, it would be an honor to please.

"Go on, bitch," Brody commanded, "I don't have all fucking night!"

Blake started by licking up and down Brody's thick shaft. Of course, Brody refused to even trim his pubic hair, so Blake almost got lost in his thick, musky bush as Brody held him down and commanded him to sniff the source of his manhood.

Blake worked his way down to Brody's generously proportioned balls and started robotically tonguing away. The plus side of having sucked Brody off previously been that he knew how to please him. He started working the balls while Brody's big cock began to pulse and throb. Brody, lost in the pleasure, now was just a moaning puddle of ecstasy as Blake licked away.

Soon Blake was easily deepthroating Brody's cock and young Brody's balls were tensing up and ready to fire a decent sized load into Blake's guts.

"Ohhhh fucking shit I'm cumminnnnn!" Brody shouted out, firing four decent bursts directly into Blake's throat.

Brody picked up his stuff, got dressed and left fairly quickly. As he slammed the door, Blake's trainer fell over laughing.

"Oh fuck you dumb bitch that dude stank like nothing other!" the man bellowed, "You licked those dirty nuts and swallowed that fucker's load with a smile on your face.'re a faggot, but you've earned this."

Blake felt a mark on his right butt cheek. One customer was satisfied.

"Let's see what the next dude has to offer," the man said.

About fifteen minutes later the next man walked in. He looked to be in his early forties, with short grey hair and a well-manicured grey beard. He was actually dressed up fairly nice, wearing tight dress pants, a button up, and shoes that Blake wouldn't have minded trying on. The man was slim but seemed to have a lean muscular frame.

"This the place?" he came in and asked.

"Yep, here's your cocksucker," the man replied on Blake's behalf.

"Excellent," the new customer replied back with a grin, rubbing his crotch and walking in with a renewed confidence.

He sat in the chair, looking down at Blake with contempt.

"Fuck boy," he started, "it's been a full week and I haven't cum at all. I really need to get off. So, you do a good job on my dick you'll be fed well. Real well."

He fumbled with his designer belt a bit before pulling his tight pants to reveal his slightly pale, hairy legs and tight black boxer briefs.

Blake stared hungrily at the impressive bulge that was sitting before him. The man's slender hands rubbing it and teasing at the big cock springing to life from underneath the thin fabric.

"Oh yea, I think you want my cock. Don't you boy?" the man teased.

"Mhmm" Blake begged.

" hungry for cock...if only you weren' t handcuffed you could reach out and touch it," the man teased, slowly revealing his pulsing, thick 8 inch monster from underneath his briefs.

The man's cock was truly beautiful to Blake. It was the perfect thickness and length supported by big balls that looked like they worked up a huge load of cum for this mighty dick to squirt out. It even had a glistening pearl of precum right at the tip that was just begging to land on Blake's wagging tongue.

"Mmm look at how hungry he is dude," the man went on, "He really wants this cock." Blake's trainer snorted, "Man, he'll be just as hungry for the next feeder that comes in after you. He's a cock hungry faggot. That's all he's good for, pleasing men like us. You going to feed him?"

Blake's new customer didn't need much more encouragement. He took his throbbing cock in one hand and guided Blake's hungry mouth to his with his other hand. The huge invading cock worked it's way into Blake's hungry throat with ease. Blake was hungry to please this cock and quickly pulled out all of his best tricks to ensure this man was satisfied. Fuck, Blake was hoping he'd be a repeat customer.

"Oh yea," the man growled, "just like that boy. You know how to work a big dick like mine, don't you?"

"Mhmm," Blake moaned on the man's cock, trying to take it down to his salt and pepper pubes but gagging just before he could quite make it, which made the man's cock throb even harder.

Blake was getting a full helping of the man's precum now. It seemed like every few licks he felt another pearl slide down the back of his throat. He wished he wasn't in handcuffs, he'd grip this stud's cock and let it unleash all down his throat.

"Getting close boy," the man said, "I can feel my balls start to tense up. You going to swallow my cum like a good slut?"

"Mhmm!" Blake enthusiastically replied.

"Be careful what you wish for, bitch," he snickered, "I cum alot, and if you don't swallow every fucking drop, I tell you right now, I WONT BE SATISFIED."

As the man gave him that warning, Blake felt a finger slowly invading his ass, working his boy hole and making him moan on this stud's pent up cock.

Soon his breathing got heavier, and the man started facefucking Blake and pumping his hips. At once, he sucked in a deep breath and let loose a truly massive load. Blake had trouble even comprehend how much cum was flowing into his mouth. The first spurt nearly filled him. He swallowed. Then another spurt nearly filled him. He swallowed. Then another. Then another. Blake struggled and wretched and the thought of how much cum he was ingesting, but eventually. he kept it all in and swallowed it all, much to his customer's delight.

"ohhhh fuck, nasty," the man laughed, "you fucking took that entire load and gobbled it down like a greedy pig!"

"Fuck dude I thought he was going to drown in cum!" Blake's trainer laughed, still working Blake's ass leisurely with one of his fingers while Blake was forced to struggle and moan in sexual frustration while he cleaned the man's sweaty cock and balls.

"You should be proud of your little cocksucker," the man told Blake's trainer, causing Blake to actually blush.

"Well he's not mine for keeps," Blake's trainer said, "but we may be reaching out to you in the future. Potentially at a discounted rate since you cum at such an impressive quantity haha!"

"Sounds good, man" the man said, "see you later."

Blake's second customer had left and he felt another fat tally mark being applied to his right butt cheek.

"You're doing good, slave," Blake's trainer said, giving his ass a playful yet firm smack, "keep it up, next customers are almost here.

Customers? As in plural? One after the other? Both at the same time? Blake's mouth and jaw were getting tired from the constant use and now he had to take on two on one? As it turned out, that's almost exactly what his trainer wanted. But instead of two, it was three. Two twin just-turned 18 year old boys and their 20 year old brother walked in. Blake could see the resemblance immediately. They were all latino, very good looking lean muscular men. The twins looked exactly the same while the older one was a bit more muscular and had a generous five o'clock shadow.

"Ready faggot?" Blake's trainer asked giving him another hard swat and causing Blake to yelp.

"Yes Sir! Please sirs can I please suck your superior cocks?"

"Fuckin hot bro!" one of the twins said as they peeled off their sweaty clothes they had been working in all day.

"Yea you two get started," the older brother instructed, "go feed that bitch faggot your dick. I promise. It'll feel better than any bitch who's tried. Trust me."

The two twins stripped naked quickly. Their bodies didn't look like they had an ounce of fat on them. Blake marveled at how confident and masculine they were even at that age. Their semi-hard, and also to Blake's delight, identical cocks flapping back and forth as the slowly walked towards him with a confident smirk on each of their faces.

The twin's cocks were fat 7 inch uncut slabs of meat. Blake savored the scent of each one as the brothers took position side by side right in front of Blake. Each one beating their dick all over Blake's face while he did his best to catch them with his mouth and tongue.

Eventually the brother's took turns face fucking the shackled slave. They showed Blake no mercy. Roughly fucking him with their cocks deep into his throat and playfully slapping his ass calling him every name in the book.

"Service those cocks, faggot!" the older brother yelled from behind them. Blake was doing his best, sliding his tongue all around their cock shafts, licking and playfully tonguing their balls, and deep throating their cocks as best as he could while the boys continued with their brutal assault on his throat.

Before the boys came, and they were extremely close, their older brother stopped them. "Hey, hey, hey now don't you be cumming before me!" he ordered.

Both boys immediately stopped what they were doing as the now naked older brother walked right up to Blake's face and started beating him with his throbbing 9 inch cock. Soon Blake was gagging on this Latin man's huge member while staring up at him pleading for mercy with his eyes. He would receive none from this man, who was prepared to hate fuck a huge load into this boy he rented for him and his brothers. "See boys, this is how you dick a faggot's throat," the older brother explained to his two younger siblings as he throttled his big fat dick in and out of Blake's gagging throat. Glancing up at either shoulder of the muscular Latin stud piston fucking his throat, Blake saw each twin looking down in amazement at how their older brother treated this cocksucking slave that was installed before them.

"Fuck yea, bro look at him he's struggling to keep up with your dick," one of the twins laughed

"Hell yes he is little bro, he wants this big dick, he needs it, don't you bitch?" the older brother was really gagging Blake's throat, he felt like he was going to puke.

"Let's make the fag lick all our nutsacks!" the other twin shouted while his other two brothers just doubled over laughing at his random comment.

"Fuck bro, leave it to you to start getting weird," the older brother chuckled, "but yea, that's kind of hot seeing this dumb faggot scraping his tongue on our nuts.

the three brothers all put their arms around each other and huddled close so Blake could tongue all of their nutsacks interchangeably. Blake was immersed in a thick fog of sweaty musk. In between being buried in these young mens' balls, he saw them dazed in pleasure. Blake wished someone would tongue his balls like he was serving these guys, but his were safely locked away by his master.

"Mmm cock heads now," the twin ordered Blake.

The three brothers positioned their cocks so they were all slapping Blake in between him sucking one brother off. They kept this up for another ten minutes, all the while Blake's trainer was working his hole, keeping Blake horny and constantly tormented.

Finally, the boys agreed they wanted to paint Blake's face white with cum. They formed a line, the twins going first and the older brother going last.

"Happy birthday bro, now lets glaze this faggot's face!" one twin said to the other as they both erupted and shot hot thick cum all over Blake's face, making sure to aim for his eyes.

Once the boys were spent, they started laughing at Blake, who's eyes stung from their semen bath.

"Got one more for you bitch, but I want you to swallow it," the older brother said, letting Blake take just the tip of his massive dick into his mouth as it spurted out a mouthful of cum for Blake to hungrily swallow.

The sweet fat cockhead ejected a decent mouthful of sperm into Blake's mouth. It was salty and thick and Blake gobbled it all down.

"Ohhh yea this bitch loves cum doesn't he?" the older brother laughed.

"Yes it does," Blake's trainer replied, now using two and three fingers to tease and torment Blake's hole.

"You be good bitch," the older brother said as he got dressed and joined his other brothers waiting by the door.

"Thanks for wearing our jizz dipshit," one of the twins said as they walked out of the motel room and closed the door.

Blake's trainer erupted in laughter, "Fucking dumbasses were more fun than I thought they'd be."

He stood up behind Blake and began massaging the boy's ass.

"You've been doing so well tonight faggot, so very well," the man said as he put three extra tally marks on his right butt cheeks, "don't disappoint the next customer now just because we're taking it up a notch.

Blake's trainer worked a huge butt plug into his ass ass, thank god he used lube. It slid into Blake's tight hole and stretched it out as it locked into place.

"Next up," Blake's trainer sighed as he walked over to Blake's front and attached weighted nipple clamps to each of Blake's nipples.

"Let's see you shine, now faggot," the man laughed taking position once again behind Blake.

Blake was now increasingly more uncomfortable. His jaw ached from the constant cock service he was providing. The tit clamps added significantly more stress to his work. And now this big ass butt plug made him feel more full than he had ever felt in his life.

The door opened again. In walked a stockier bear type guy with a thick beard and a mean look in his eyes. Though he had a few extra pounds in his build, he was still put together like a brick shihouse. His shaggy dar khair hung over his ears, he wore a tight t-shirt of some obscure country band.

The new guy walked out of his jeans, revealing some dirty white briefs. He approached the chair in a hurry and sat down into position, looking down at Blake, chained up, plugged with weights hanging from his nipples.

"You really know how to treat faggots," the new guys smirked as he hauled out a truly massive 10 inch cock.

"The bitch has been practicing all night for you dude," Blake's trainer answered. "Put just the tip in and look up at me. Manners are important and you will look at me when you service me. Understood faggot?" the man said.

Blake obeyed, putting the head of the enormous cock in his mouth. Just having that nearly filled the poor boys mouth. He looked up into the man' stern face and unforgiving eyes.

"I'm going to give you a drink faggot. You look thirsty," the man said. Pretty soon, thick pungent piss was flowing into Blake's mouth as he gulped down and tried to keep up with drinking down the vile liquid.

"No favors for you faggot, you get the grossest piss I could muster," the man laughed as Blake moaned in misery sucking down as much piss as he could.

It proved not to be enough though and soon it began flowing out the sides of his mouth and onto the carpet of the motel room.

"STUPID FAGGOT!" Blake's trainer yelled as a huge paddle came landing on his vulnerable exposed ass.

"YOU LEARN TO SWALLOW PISS!" Blake's trainer yelled as he continued paddling Blake's ass whle he cried and did his best to drink down as much piss as he could. Lookin gup into the cruel man's eyes, he was clearly enjoying watching Blake guzzle down his piss while getting punished. Once the piss subsided, he pressed his big dick further and further into the back of Blake's throat. Blake looked up at him pleading with him as best as he could to go easy on him.

Those pleads fell on deaf ears. Blake's trainer kept up the paddling and Blake's current customer initiated his most brutal throat fuck of the night so far. His huge cock throttling in and out of Blake's well-used throat. Blake was choking and gagging and screaming onto his cock while his trainer kept up his abuse on his ass.

Blake assumed with how vigorously the man was fucking his throat that the assault would be over soon. Wrong. Every time the man got close to cumming he made Blake lick his nuts and make Blake watched as his throbbing cock slowly subsided so he could continue fucking the boy's throat again.

This kept up for awhile. Eventually, Blake's trainer stopped paddling him and began to release the butt plug currently stuffing his ass. Blake could hardly concentrate on that now. All he could do was look into the eyes of the cruel man stuffing his throat.

Eventually, the man did indeed cum. He chose to also blow the load all over Blake's face, made him clean off his dick and even released him from the ottoman so he could lick up some of the piss he spilled on the carpet as if he were some sort of dog.

Once finished, Blake's trainer drew a tally mark of failure on his now very red left butt cheek. And remarked that his ass paddling earlier would NOT complete his punishment. Without so much as a warning, Blake's trainer stuff his dick inside Blake's stretched asshole about half of the way and began to piss.

"Keep it in there bitch, this is your punishment," the man ordered.

Blake focused on the warm feeling of piss filling deep within his guts. The man stopped about halfway and filled the rest into an over sized bowl that he placed right in front of Blake's face.

"Lick it up like a dog," the man ordered.

Blake hurried and obeyed to try and avoid another paddling. He bowed his head and began to lap at the piss in the bowl while his trainer plugged the remaining piss in his ass.

"That's right you need it," the man sighed, "you need to submit, this is your place." HIs ass filled with piss, his cock locked away from him, his head bowed into a bowl full of piss and him licking away, Blake had to admit he had a point.

When Blake finished, the man allowed him to begin to go to work on his cock. He opened his own jeans to reveal a massive 11 inch monster.

Blake sputtered and gagged and did his best to blow the man. But his standards were extremely high. Blake couldn't keep up. One minute he was supposed to lick his cock like an ice cream cone, the next he was deep throating his massive dick with his eyes almost bulging out of their sockets. The man's favorite seemed to be making him hold his head down with Blake's face in his pubes. His trainer would make him hold his breath and slowly count backward from twenty. As the number got lower, Blake's trainer would count even slower to torment the poor boy.

Finally, his cock erupted like a geyser down Blake's throat, he held it there for a few extra seconds for good measure, then withdrew the monster cock so Blake could obediently clean it off.

The man gagged Blake with a big cock gag, the plastic cock head nearly hit the back of his throat. Every time Blake tried to speak, he felt the urge to wretch . "That'll keep you quiet faggot," the man smiled as he gazed at Blake's gagged face that was caked in dried cum, "man, you look pathetic. Let's get you bagged up again." Soon, Blake was chained back up in the sack, now forced to hold in the man's piss still plugged in his ass while he waited helplessly for his master to return to collect him.

To be continued... , Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

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