The Crazy Vengeful Salesman

By Z

Published on May 8, 2019



by: Z

Author's Note: Thank you for reading, please donate to nifty if able

Tom sat in the middle of his living room on the apartment floor with his head folded into his hands and a permanent cold sweat dripping down his back. What had he done? What had he become trapped in? Some strange fun on the side had now taken control of his life and threatened to turn everything upside down.

He reached down and felt his now imprisoned cock through the cock cage. He grabbed the nearest pillow, pulled it over his face and screamed into it as loud as he could out of sheer frustration. There was no way out. His renter had trapped him in some sex game with his ex and now he would have to play a part of it or risk losing everything he'd spent over a decade building.

Tom frantically paced around his apartment, closing windows and blinds. Matt would be over at some point to use him and he'd prefer at least trying to keep this a secret. Although it was now totally in Matt's hands whether or not to expose Tom, Tom resolved to do his part. He wanted to stay with his wife. Sure it was fun fucking Matt's slut roommate every now and then, but enough is enough . Tom glanced at the clock. It was a quarter to five. Matt would be arriving soon and he needed to be ready if he hoped to get released from the cock cage. Before going to his place by the front door of his apartment, Tom took one glance into the full length mirror in his hallway at the naked, cock caged shell of a man before him.

Tom was buff, hairy and built solid. Up until a few hours ago he had always been proud and never embarrassed about his manly body, but the small cage locked around his cock worked wonders to emasculate him. He began pulling on the lock, trying to break the cage somehow and free himself, but it was useless. Matt had him right where he wanted him.

Eventually, by 4:55, Tom sulked over to the front door completely naked, sank to his knees, and stared at the floor in anticipation of what his tenant would make him do to earn his freedom back. He felt the cold of the tile by his front door on his legs as he stared up at the doorknob and waited helplessly.

At 5:03, he began to sweat again and get nervous. Had Matt reconsidered? Maybe he just wanted to set him up and send his wife over somehow. No, she was out of town for work. He had confirmed this before she left. There was no way this was a setup any more than he already was. Matt was just late.

At 5:06, Tom heard a friendly and pleasant sounding whistle from down the hall. It was definitely the whistle of a confident man and it was getting closer to his apartment. Tom assumed this was it, and he tried to get into an acceptable submissive position on his knees so as not to upset the man who was currently in control of his fate.

The whistling stopped in front of his door. He heard a shuffle of keys and a strong knock. Tom timidly turned the door knob and opened the door. For a brief moment, he considered the possibility that this might be a delivery man and he didn't even both to check. Luckily though he looked up and saw the arrogant smile of his tenant Matt looking down on him with smug satisfaction.

"Hi there, landlord, why don't you back up a bit and let me in," Matt greeted him at full volume.

Tom frantically complied in hopes he could hurry Matt inside and keep this as discrete as possible.

"Don't stand up now, scum like you belongs on the floor," Matt warned him.

Totally ashamed, Tom crawled naked on his hands and knees in to the center of his own living room while Matt closed and locked the door behind him.

"Stay there, pig," Matt commanded once Tom got to a spot he liked, right in the middle of the room where he had a good view of the humiliated naked man's body and imprisoned cock.

Smiling to himself, Matt slowly circled the pathetic man that lay before him. Matt didn't necessarily have a problem with his landlord. Truth be told, his wife seemed like kind of a bitch so Matt even understood the need to get some strange every once in awhile. The trouble started when this dumb fuck picked Matt's slutty boyfriend.

Like it or not, though, Matt needed Tom on his side. He couldn't pull off what he had planned for his new slave without him. So first, he would have to ensure that he could fully ensnare Tom under his control...

"Before we get to what I want from you Tom we need to make an insurance policy and discuss your punishment. While I talk. I want you to keep your head down, ass in the air and face the floor, understood? Make sure that big hairy ass is presented nice for me, " Matt instructed.

"wag that ass for me while I walk around you little slut, " Matt commanded.

Tom had no choice but to comply. He wagged his ass obediently while Matt circled him taking pics and video with his phone.

"You think your wife would enjoy you naked on your hands and knees on the floor with your cock locked up landlord?" Matt asked, "Actually, landlord isn't really appropriate for me to address you any more is it?

Tom sat there silently.

"I asked you a question, bitch." Matt repeated.

"Uhh....yes Sir, you can call me whatever you want...Sir," Tom replied.

"Yes, I can see that you are making an effort Tom.That's good. Because I want to take this a step further to really show you your true place in life," Matt said while stripping out of his clothes.

Tom had to notice that Matt was build. Broad shoulders, big biceps and thighs, Matt was a dominant alpha male that made even Tom look pathetically meek. Of course it didn't help that he was in this submissive position with his cock locked away.

"So guess what, I thought of what the best picture would be for a pathetic, cheating straight little slut like you, isn't that great? Now say thank you Sir Matt," Matt ordered.

Tom sighed, "thank you...Sir Matt...what do you need me to do?"

"Well, since you asked, bitch," Matt started, "I need you to crawl over here and start licking my hairy, sweaty, asshole. Doesn't that sound fun?"

"Oh please Sir Matt don't make..." Tom started before being interupted with a hard slap on his left ass cheek.

"I. DIDN'T. ASK. FOR. YOUR. WORTHLESS. OPINION. NOW. GET. YOUR. TONGUE. UP. MY. SHITHOLE. SLAVE!" Matt screamed, hitting Tom's ass with every word he said. Matt then walked across the room and smugly sat in Tom's sitting chair that he frequently used to enjoy an after work drink or catch up on work. Now Matt was sitting there with his naked ass dripping sweat on his favorite chair while he waited and smirked at his now slave to get to work.

Tom slowly rose to a crawling position and started slowly crawling over to his new owner.

"That's it bitch," Matt ordered, "Get closer, my stinky ass needs you to lick it clean. And guess what, I'm going to take video of the whole thing. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

Tom stopped for a second but remembered Matt's power he had over him. He put one hand in front of the other, gettling closer and closer to his eventual destiny. Soon, his face was nestled in between Matt's thighs. Before Tom started, he glanced up at Matt's smug face.

"What you waiting for bitch," Matt ordered, taking out his phone and starting up the video, "This is my landlord Tom, now he's my personal asslicker. He loves to eat my hairy ass more than anything. More than fucking his own wife. More than being a landlord. He just wants his face in my stinky ass, isn't that right, Tom?"

Tom sighed and began to press his face into Matt's ass, but before he could even get his tongue on it Matt smacked him away and pushed him back to the floor.

"Oh look, dumb bitch thinks he has the right to just lick my ass, " Matt laughed, keeping the video going, "shouldn't you have to ASK permission."

Tom realized what Matt wanted. He wanted to make this as degrading as possible. He resigned to himself what he knew he had to do to get through this.

"Please Sir Matt, can I please lick your superior glorious asshole," Tom pleaded, staring straight into the camera.

"Well...I don't know," Matt said, pretending to consider the offer, "Why don't you take a few big sniffs first."

"Oh.." Tom said taken aback by the request, "yes please can I sniff your ass, Sir?"

"Go ahead, pig," Matt ordered, "what are you waiting for?"

Tom dove his face into Matt's hairy ass. The musky scent overwhelmed him, but it wasn't as disgusting as he had been envisioning. Instead, he felt a twinge in his locked up cock that led him to believe that maybe it was even a turn on to sniff this superior man's ass that held such control over him.

"Get your tongue in my hole slave, " Matt said.

Tom didn't need to be told twice. He started licking and slurping away, almost robotically, trying to please the man who held all the cards in their current relationship.

"You like the taste of my ass?" Matt asked.

"Yes Sir Matt," Tom quickly replied, realizing that he actually did.

"You like the taste better than your nasty wife's pussy?" Matt pressed on.

"Uhh...yes Sir, actually very much," Tom replied, again, surprised that he wasn't lying.

"Yeah, keep it going pig. Lick my alpha ass while I think about all the ways you're going to make your betrayal up to your new owner," Matt said.

Tom licked his ass for over an hour. Matt filmed and belittled him the whole time. When the hour passed, Tom's face was drenched in ass sweat. Satisfied, Matt shut off the video and pushed Tom to the floor .

"Now, what I need from you bitch to START making it up to me is an open apartment to keep my new slave in. I don't want it dirtying up my place unless it is serving me. Got it?" Matt said.

Warning bells started going off in Tom's head, "But Sir, all of the apartments are rented out!" Tom said in a whiney tone.

Matt chuckled, "Oh yes bitch, I'm well aware. But guess what? you weren't the only pathetic little bitch Blakey was screwing around with. There's another tenant of yours that's been fucking my stupid former boyfriend. And unlike you, he has nothing to offer me.'s what we are going to do..."

Later that evening, Matt was walking into his own apartment with full confidence that his newly acquired slave would still be bound securely to his bed. And that he was. Blake was still cuffed tightly, plugged, and gagged securely.

Matt took his time. He made himself dinner, had a drink and casually answered emails. Many of which would send radiating vibrations up his slave's ass. Finally, when Matt was ready, he uncuffed his slave and led him into the bathroom for him to relieve himself, clean up, and shave any visible body hair below his face.

Once that was done his slave called out to him, letting him know that he was ready for inspection.

Matt knocked on the door heavy and gave out new commands in a deep voice, "Now slave, administer your own enema. If I am disatisfied, you will face severe punishment. Get moving, princess."

He listened at the door as Blake rushed through the cabinets gathering the materials he would need and no doubt getting himself into position. Blake was actually quite familiar with this process, as Matt now knew, because he was fucking around behind his back almost constantly.

When Matt decided he'd had enough time, he unlocked the bathroom door and burst into the small bathroom, startling his slave who was now just cleaning up. Luckily for him, he was already cleaning up on his hands and knees.

Matt inspected his slave from head to toe. Blake had done perfect work with hair removal, and even cleaning out his ass, which Matt would use severely tonight. "Master..." Blake started.

"Silence fuck pig," Matt snapped, smacking Blake hard on his ass once, grabbing hold of Blake's body to hold him down and then landing a sudden bursts of hard spankings on both his cheeks until the stinging was unbearable and Blake was crying out."

"Now let's get one thing straight," Matt said, "I get that you are probably sorry. But I don't give a fuck. This is a last resort in a long line of attempts to get you to stop cheating on me. I tried dinners, gifts, different sex maneuvers. But you wouldn't stop. So this is me now, training you to be what you wanted: a whore."

Matt stood up so he was towering over Blake, who was curled up in the fetal position on the floor.

"You won't escape this slave," Matt said, "One, because it's what you want, and two, because I am going to make sure of it. Every step of the way. It's my final parting gift to you, slave."

Matt then locked Blake into tight, heavy iron shackles on his ankles, wrists and collar, all connected. He chained Blake to the toilet and then, as since he had to piss, hauled out his massive thick cock instructed Blake to hold on to it and aim it for him while he pissed . "Hold it nice and still and you better not spill any, slave," Matt commanded while he took video with his phone.

"Meff Murr," Blake repeated back with his mouth holding on to Matt's thickening hard cock.

Soon he let out a rush of piss into the toilet bowl below him. As expected Blake had the seat down so Matt made a conscious effort to twist his waist so his piss stream would hit the sides of the toilet seat. To Matt's amusement, Blake actually did quite well in keeping his cock steady. Perhaps that would help him get a better price for the fuckslut. However ,he eventually was able to get some good streams all over the toilet seat.

"Well...look at that," Matt sighed, "looks like you'll have to lick it clean slave. Make sure you look up at the camera while you do it and say thank you."

Blake tried to position himself in a better position to do as Matt asked. But he was chained fairly securely to the toilet he was supposed to be cleaning. Eventually, he was able to maneuver himself in a position that would suffice. Soon, he was dragging his tongue on the toilet seat rim while staring into the camera lens.

"Thank you master," Blake said.

"For what?" Matt asked.

"For...uhh.." Blake stumbled, "uhh well letting me lick your piss I guess Sir thank you."

Matt smiled, "You're starting to learn fast slave. Perhaps this is your true calling. Good slut. Lick all of master's piss off the toilet."

Blake kept his focus on making his master happy. He wanted to stay on Matt's supposed good side or at least as good as he could get it.

There wasn't a spot on that toilet seat that Blake's tongue didn't scrape. Satisfied that Matt had enough video to entice further potential buyers. He decided to move things along and get Blake setup for the next phase of his training.

Matt unchained his slave from the toilet and forced him to crawl naked in front of him towards the door. On Matt's way over, following his slave, he retrieved a large burlap sack from their supply closet and casually walked to catch up to his clueless slave. "Get in the sack, dumbass," Matt ordered, "Wait...first things first."

Matt threw the sack towards his slave and went over to retrieve his work bag. From its contents he pulled out a fresh roll of duct tape, an incredibly dirty jock strap, and three condoms almost bursting with cum.

Matt spread the jock out nice on the floor and grabbed the first condom.

"This jock isn't mine. You don't deserve to worship my musk anymore slave. This is a new guy at work. Young kid, fresh out of college. A real asshole, I can tell. I also can tell he never washes his clothes. So you get to chew on this during our ride. Neat huh? Oh, and the first condom is full of one of his loads. When I explained everything, he was quick to get it to me. Nice, huh?" Matt explained as he undid the condom, and spread the thick wad all over the dirty jock.

Blake subconsciously let out a soft moan of horny frustration. His cock had been locked up for two days. Three days? He wasn't sure anymore.

"This next load of cum is from the husband of our top saleswoman. I went out for lunch with them and mentioned it to the dude while we were in the bathroom pissing. He was pretty quick to work up a load for you too, slave." Matt said, dumping this dude's cum on the jock.

"The last one I think you'll recognize the taste. And the sheer amount," Matt smiled while showing me the condom with a huge load of cum inside.

" that the janitor guy, Master?" Blake asked.

"Why yes that is that man's profession. Of course, he is free, earns a wage, and can even buy captive slut toys like you so maybe tone down the judgement, sound good bitch?" Matt snapped back at his slave.

"Yes master,' Blake said looking down at the floor, "sorry master."

"Jack would prefer you gobble it down right now and thank him so he knows you're a good obedient little slut." Matt said, undoing the comdom, handing it to blake while he pulled out his phone and once again setup the video.

It dawned on blake what he was supposed to do. He took the condom in one of his shackled hands and looked into the camera.

"Mmm thank you Master Jack for feeding me," Blake said in a pleading voice as he poured the huge load into his mouth.

It drizzled down his throat and filled his mouth quite a bit. Blake choked a bit swallowing it down. Before he coud really recover, the dirty, cum covered jock was shoved in his mouth and layers of duct tape began winding around his head to seal it in place. Blake was loaded into the sack. Matt used a chain to keep it shut and picked it up and carried his slave out into the night. On his way out to his car, Matt heard a familiar voice.

"Need some help with that, Sir." Tom asked while he was out smoking a cigarette.

"Why yes, Tom." Matt smiled, "Thank you. Just a tool with some holes that need filled."

"Sounds like you need to get it loaded up quickly," Tom said taking one side of the sack.

"Oh yes, I've got some friends that want to use this," Matt said.

To be continued...

, Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 5

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