The Crazy Vengeful Salesman

By Z

Published on Dec 30, 2018



Author's Note: Thank you for reading, please donate to nifty if able. Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. It also features some scenes that are explicitly fantasy and should not be attempted. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please not proceed.

Wrapped up in a cocoon of saran wrap and duct tape is surprisingly cozy. It's warm from your head to your toe. After my cum meal of the night I couldn't do much but try and sleep. Matt had turned out the light and all I could see was complete blackness.

For a long while I contemplated my position. Matt had essentially kidnapped me, but boy did I give him good reason for it. Months and months of good reasons to be honest. Even I had to admit there was a bit of justification to it.

Maybe it was boredom, curiosity, or just a genuine attempt to get free, but soon I began to struggle in my restraints. I pulled on my arms as hard (and as quietly) as I could. Nothing gave. I guess I've never been an overly strong person. For as long as we've been dating Matt has always been able to easily manhandle me. But even if I somehow broke free of the wrap, there was still the fact that I was locked in our closet like a prison cell.

Eventually, horny and frustrated, I fell asleep. My dreams were filled with scene after scene of Matt using me in public. Matt fucking me at the laundromat we sometimes go to. Matt fucking me in the bathroom of our favorite restaurant. Fuck, even Matt fucking me on my high school English teacher's desk.

What I thought was Matt's big eight inch cock smacking me in the face while he straddled me turned into Matt's strong left hand as my eyes fluttered open. It was morning. Matt was indeed standing over me wearing his boxer briefs and an arrogant smirk across his handsome face.

"Morning slave. Did you sleep well? It doesn't fucking matter either way. Your life for the immediate future is about fulfilling my pleasure until we find a buyer for you. From then on, you will be their fucking problem. Sound Good? Notice how none of that included anything about pleasing you in any way, shape, or form. That's because property doesn't matter. You don't matter. From now on, you are just a bunch of holes," Matt announced as he straddled me with his legs and came down towards me with scissors.

"Let's cut you out of here and get you set up so I can get to work. Men have stuff to do you know. So why don't you do me a favor and not give me any trouble," Matt explained to me, still gagged with several layers of duct tape.

I meekly nodded in agreement (what was I going to do). And maybe if I was good Matt would let me at least cum.

He began to cut me free from the wrapping. He was very careful not to 'damage the merchandise' as he put it. Once I was free, Matt locked a simple pair of leg irons around my ankles and told me to crawl into the bathroom.

Before I even could muster a thought or a reply I felt a hard zap into my neck and fell over in pain. When the pain subsided, I could once again focus on what was happening. I looked up to my ex boyfriend laughing hysterically.

"Hurry up little bitch boy," Matt warned me by shaking the remote. I frantically crawled towards the bathroom like my life depended on it. Matt instructed me to relieve myself, shower and get ready. He removed my shock collar but kept my leg irons locked on. He pushed me inside our bathroom and again I was locked in.

"I did some remodeling to make our place more friendly for keeping a lowly slave slut," Matt said laughing.

I got ready as best as I could - taking extra care to clean myself inside and out. The last thing I wanted was for Matt to punish me. Before knocking on the door to let Matt know I was ready, I took one look at myself in the mirror. My skinny twink body stared back at me, but my cock was locked up beyond my reach. At this point, I would have done just about anything to cum. But the best I could hope for was to somehow earn my way back into Matt's good graces, for him to release me, and to finally allow me the freedom to cum. I sighed, turned back towards the bathroom door, sank to my knees, and knocked on the bathroom door.

I didn't have to wait long. Matt quickly opened it and manhandled me towards our bed, now his bed. He roughly shoved me onto it. He pulled my naked body towards the center of the bed, took the leg iron keys and unlocked me. Then, he spread my limbs out to each of the four bed posts. Starting with my right hand, he began cuffing me to our bed spreadeagle. He worked quickly. In less than five minutes I was effectively chained to our old bed.

"Mmmm you look good slut. Your hot little tight ass still on display. Fuck, its practically begging for dick. And since you cooperated we have some extra time for me to drop a quick load into you," Matt said, befor climbing onto the bed and on top of me.

"Ma..." was all I could muster out. I thought maybe he would be OK with me asking him a question but alas I was again gagged. This time with a rubber cock gag that buckled tightly behind my head and secured with a padlock.

"I'm going to do you a favor and assume that you were going to start off with whatever that dumbass sentence was with 'master.' But here's the problem bitch, I don't want to hear from you. Now, I'll cut you some slack since you've been a good slave from the get-go. But this is your only freebee, got that?" Matt warned.

I nodded my head in agreements and to show him I understand. It was amazing how much control I had surrendered over to him, practically willingly.

He moved so that he could line his big cock up with my asshole. I felt the familiar pressure of his throbbing cock against my puckering asshole. It wanted that dick in it, fucking it. Locking my dick in chastity made my body start retraining itself. It made it seek pleasure from other areas, pretty much exclusively my asshole. And Matt had been spending a lot of time this past twenty four hours focusing on training it.

He slid in quite easily. My ass accepted his huge cock with nothing more than a forceful shove. I received his big dick with a whimper and a moan into my gag, and felt him return that with a firm slap on my ass.

He picked up the pace with fucking me. It was clear he was just looking for a quick fuck based on the way his dick was railing my poor ass. The feeling was overwhelming and soon I could do nothing but just moan while Matt mercilessly fucked away at my ass.

"Oh fuck yea slut, you can't resist it now, my big throbbing cock deep dicking your ass," Matt bragged as he checked himself out in our mirror, for the first time I noticed he had setup a video camera on the night stand.

"Gotta have af show for any interested parties bitch," Matt explained glibly, filling me with dread.

After about ten minutes, I felt Matt's cock swell deep within my ass and fill me with another load of his cum. He carefully forced another butt plug up my ass to preserve his load in my hole and finished it off by giving my ass a few friendly taps like you would a dog.

"Ok bitch, I gotta go to work," Matt said, "you be good now." I started moaning and complaining into the gag but he held up his hand to signal me to be quiet. I immediately stopped pulling at my cuffs and focused on his stern face.

"This is for your own good slave. I am training you that you are no longer on YOUR time anymore. You are on mine, your master's. You will lay there chained like a piece of furniture in storage. If you piss yourself, you will suffer extreme consequences," Matt said.

"Now, let me explain the buttplug I just put in your ass. Because it's a special one. Like, top-of-the-line, state-of-the-art shit right here bitch, hahaha!" Matt teased me and slapped my ass again.

I struggled in the cuffs and clenched the buttplug in my ass. To me, it felt like any other buttplug I'd had up there before. I didn't understand it.

"See, this butt plug has blu tooth. So it can sync with my phone," Matt explained, "So let's say I have my phone set to push notifications to this butt plug using their little app that came along with it. It'll buzz your ass. Why does this matter you may ask? Well I only have my phone set to vibrate if someone emails me about buying you. So every time some one is curious, your ass will buzz. That should keep you entertained while I'm away, don't you think?"

Matt's plan had my cock straining in its tight, unforgiving cage. I moaned and struggled and pleaded with Matt to release me, but he just spanked my tight ass until I quieted down and he could leave for work.

Once I heard the front door close, I frantically began to struggle again. I pulled as hard as I could on each of the cuffs, but they didn't give. I tried to test out the cuffs with my fingers but they were actually real steel handcuffs that Matt had a key to. There was no way out of this unless someone let me out.

Then I remembered. Matt was going away today. I had arranged a bootycall for this afternoon! Our landlord loved fucking my tight ass as much as Matt did. He had a key to our place!

Finally, something that Matt hadn't planned on. I might just be able to get the upper hand in this situation. I settled down and decided to wait for Shane our landlord to come in. I'd explain the situation and let him fuck my brains out. Then I'd deal with Matt.

The plan had better work, because while I laid there all morning trying to think about what I would say to Tom to explain myself, my ass buzzed so many times I lost count...

By 1:30 PM, I was mad horny from the buzzing in my ass. I was hoping that Matt was just constantly emailing back and forth with a few potential buyers. Because if every buzz was from a different person, I was in trouble. My cock pushed against it's plastic prison. I pulled and strained on the cuffs holding me onto the bed. I was just so unbearably horny. I couldn't even control myself anymore. I must have looked like I was in heat.

Finally, I heard the familiar clicking noise of a key unlocking our apartment front door. Tom was coming inside, like the many times he had before where he found me sprawled out on some piece of furniture wearing a slutty thong or some form of come hither underwear. Now, I was chained to the bed with a plug stuffed deep in my ass.

"Hello? Daddy's home..." I heard Tom announce to our apartment. Tom was a handsome older guy. In his late forties, he kept his sexy good looks. He had a strong build with just a bit of dad weight on him. He was 6'4" 230 lbs, shaved head, grey scruffy beard, and a hot seven inch thick cock that I must admit I loved bouncing on. My asshole naturally twitched hearing Tom's voice and knowing that thick cock was so close to fucking me.

But I had no idea what to say to Tom. Or how to even explain it. The cock gag that Matt had buckled on me prevented me from saying anything intelligible. As I tried to think of something, anything that I could possibly do to draw attention to me, I felt a buzz in my ass. "Mmmmmmpphh!" I moaned out loud. Very loud. The butt plug surprised me and scared me a bit. The troubling part was it was definitely loud enough for Tom to hear in the front room.

"Is that my naughty little girl I hear?" Tom asked.

Our bedroom door creaked open and Tom walked in to what I'm sure was a shocking sight towards him.

"Well...well!" Tom exclaimed, "what do we have here?"

"Mmmmm mmm mmffph!" I said, trying to explain to Tom through the gag to no avail.

"Looks like my little girl wanted to sexy herself up for daddy," Tom said as he climbed on the bed in basically the same position Matt had just hours earlier, "you been missing daddy's big dick between those little buttcheeks?"

Tom started slapping my ass with his big, meaty hands - alternating between my left and right cheek. I felt the stinging sensation radiatfre om my ass. Tom kept it up until I was pulling on my cuffs and pleading into my gag.

"Awww, naughty girl doesn't like to be punished does she?" Tom asked condescendingly.

"Mmmhh Mmmm Memmhhh Meee MMfff!" I pleaded into my gag again.

"Oh, you need it bad don't you?" Matt said as he crawled over to my head. I thought he might actually be trying to loosen my gag. His hands started messing with the buckle on the back of my head. He fumbled with it for a couple minutes before moving slightly around so his dick was right next to the right side of my face.

I glanced over to see his hard as a rock dick oozing precum and it made me so hungry. I wanted to slide my tongue all over that hot piece of meat, but Matt's stupid gag prevented it.

"Looks like you padlocked that gag on so I can only get one hole today," Tom sighed.

"Mmmmf mmmmppph!" I tried to correct him as he used his hard meat to beat my face, rubbing his precum on my face.

"That's ok babe," Tom said, leaning in and whispering in my ear, "I don't have that much time today anyways. I'll just fuck your other hole and be on my way."

Tom reached back and gently pulled the butt plug out of my nicely cum lubed hole. Tom's strong fingers started exploring, fingering my hole and making me moan with pleasure into my gag. My poor cock wanted to cum so bad.

"Mmm nice and warm for me. You got your hole ready. Nice job." Tom said as he maneuvered around my bound body so he could line his cock up with my asshole. I was about to receive my second fucking of the day.

Tom plunged his cock into my ass and started deep dicking me. It felt wonderful. My prostate immediately began to respond and pleasure radiated throughout my body. To Tom, I probably looked like I planned this myself. At least I'd look like I'd be enjoying it. He placed his hands on either side of me and drilled his fat dick into me like a jack hammer. He seemed to be enjoying himself more than usual as well. Defeated, I resolved to take Tom's brutal fucking and just enjoy it for what it was and not to involve him with my issues with Matt.

Matt kept up the fucking for about a half an hour. He tried switching up positions a bit but cuffed the way I was there wasn't many different positions I could take. He had been keeping himself on the edge of cumming for about ten minutes now but I was getting the impression he was ready to blow his wad.

"Ok bitch," Tom announced, "Time to cum."

Tom deep dicked me again and began to fuck my ass nice and hard. It didn't take him long. He was soon dumping a second fresh load of cum into my spent hole.

"Ohhhh fuuuuckk yeaaaa!" Tom shouted as he slowly pulled his dick out of me.

"Remember to put the butt plug back in," a voice announced from somewhere in the room.

My eyes shot open. That was Matt's voice. Was he watching? Did he even leave for work. I looked around the room the best I could but cuffed as I was I didn't have too good of a vantage point. Tom on the other hand was freaking out. He leapt off the bed and began quickly dressing. It seemed he had the full intention of bolting and leaving me cuffed here.

"Oh before you leave Tom, our rent check is going to be late." Matt added.

Tom was very spooked now. He frantically searched around the room looking for the source of Matt's voice.

"It's an amazon echo, Tom. It's not like a magic spell or anything," Matt said, "Anyways, I figured before you go back to your wife. We'd have a little cyber chat. Sound good Tom? You can speak. I can hear you."

"Uhhh...Ok..." Tom answered, unsure of what to think. "Perfect," Matt said, "I'm sure by now you are aware that I know you're fucking my ex boyfriend."

"Yea...uhh...sorry?" Tom replied.

"Haha, yea I don't give a fuck for your apologies. Listen up because you are on my time bitch. Got it. Otherwise I can send that video of you deep dicking my slut ex straight to your girlfriend, and your mother who I understand lives down the hall from you guys. Sound good?" Matt said.

"Uhhh y-yes," Tom said.

"Good," Matt said coldly, "I'll make this quick. In the far left drawer of our dresser is a box. In that box is a cock cage similar to the one I'm sure you didn't notice is locked on your two-timing friend chained to the bed over there. Lock it on your dick. Do it now. I can see you so I will know if you do it. Don't make me wait bitch."

Tom was freaked. He quickly took off the meager amount of clothing he managed to put on before Matt interrupted him and solemnly walked over to the dresser. I heard him fumble around there for a bit before I heard him break out sobbing. "Please! If my wife finds out she'll..." Tom begged.

"I don't give a fuck Tommy," Matt answered back, "I'd prefer NOT to involve her because as it happens I need your assistance. I just need some insurance before I use you. I happen to know your wife is out of town for a week. So you'll have no problem being locked up and under my control for a bit, right?"

"....right," Tom replied.

"Ok, now quit wasting my time and get to work." Matt said. Tom managed to lock his frightened and now shriveled cock up with little to no problem.

"Nice job Tom," Matt said condescendingly, "now go back home and wait. Leave your clothes. I want you to have to creep back through the halls to your apartment like the naked scumbag you are."

"What?" Tom asked.

"Shut up bitch, you heard me. You will be punished for fucking with me behind my back. But if you play your cards right, you will save yourself a lot of embarrassment. Now, get the fuck out of my apartment. Go back to yours. I will be there shortly after five. I expect you to be waiting by the door, wearing ONLY that cock cage, on your knees groveling me. You will address me as 'SIR,' do yo understand?" Matt instructed.

"Yea...yes sir," Tom answered meekly. Matt had easily won. "Good boy, run along now. I'll be there shortly to hand out your punishment and my expectations," Matt said before letting out a hearty laugh.

I started moaning in my gag for Tom to release me, but he silently walked out towards the door and left, leaving me for Matt when he returned...

"You won't get out of this from one of your stupid hookups slave," Matt said to me, "I've got some humiliating plans for that one. He will be put exactly where I think he deserves. You, are already in yours. While I'm here, shall I read you some of the requests I've been getting?"

"Mmmmff" I moaned into my gag.

"Good evening sir, I am emailing you because I want to buy your faggot. I'm a farmer up in minnesota and don't get much time for sex, so I'd like to keep a fag locked in a box to relieve my nuts whenever I want. Don't have much use for it beyond that," Matt read robotically.

"Here's another one," He said, "We're three college dude's who sell drugs on the side. We've come into quite a bit of money throwing house parties but we kind of want to have a blowjob whore setup in the basement to earn extra money. Should expect to also swallow piss."

Matt read about ten different scenarios. Each one was degrading. Each one intended to keep me captive. He was serious. I was his whore now.

To be continued... , Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my NEW blog at

Next: Chapter 4

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