The Crazy Vengeful Salesman

By Z

Published on Dec 10, 2018



by: Z

Author's Note: Thank you for reading, please donate to nifty if able. Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. It also features some scenes that are explicitly fantasy and should not be attempted. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Before Matt untied me that night he made me sit there in my degradation while he wrote my "ad." And sit there I did, bound naked, gagged with my legs spread open and locked in that position. I sat there watching my boyfriend Matt busily typing away on his laptap. HIs body was turned away from me, not really giving me a second thought. I guess, who could blame him.

I could feel the giant butt plug pressing up against my prostate. For some reason, even in this degrading position I was so incredibly horny. Not that I could do anything about it. Matt sealed my fate when he locked up my cock and placed the key in his pocket far out of my reach, maybe forever the way he was talking. I sat there quiet and obedient, save for the occasional moan of my continuing horniness or just discomfort from how I was tied up.

Finally, when he was finished, he stood up. I got to admire his impressive naked form again. I had neglected it recently. But damn, Matt was well put together. "Now, what was I saying about shaving your little boy pussy? That's right. Wait right there, I'll go get my kit," My said dismissively as he walked off out of sight.

He came back fairly quickly holding a traveling shaving kit. He didn't really seem to acknowledge my struggling and apprehension at him shaving me. Matt simply walked behind me, set the kit down and began to massage my ass and thighs.

My body immediately gave in to the wanted attention and I couldn't help but let out a low moan of pleasure from behind my tight cock gag.

"Yea, just let it happen Blakey, slip into your natural state of a pathetic fuck toy," Matt said seductively, making me want him to rip that plug out of my ass and fuck me for a second time on our coffee table.

I bucked my ass back and forth trying to incite his cock into me. But that was rewarded with a very hard smack to my right ass cheek that made me yelp out loud and left a lingering sting that made me hold very still.

"Hold still, bitch," Matt ordered, "I'm not here to satisfy your whore cravings I'm here to make a profit."

Matt washed my ass with a warm was cloth, soap and water. He was very caring and gentle, but if I tried to give him some type of notion that I was enjoying his work, he would smack me very hard in the ass to set me straight. Which, he had to do quite a few times.

When he started shaving my ass I was much more compliant. I held nervously still as he removed all my ass hair on my cheeks and around my hole ( you can never be too careful.

"I used your savings and bought some stuff that should arrive soon," Blake announced out of nowhere, "You know, since you used a HUGE chuck of mine to go to Vegas for a long weekend with whoever the fuck that was in the pics on your phone. Jesus, you fucking stupid slut. Did you really think I wouldn't find out about any of this?"

My face burned red. He was right. While he was away in europe for two weeks I snuck away with some hot dude was fucking on the side. We had an amazing time. That savings was supposed to pay Matt back, but recently I found myself shopping tickets for another getaway when he had to go back to europe next year.

"See Blakey, that's why none of your little slut tricks are going to work on me. I'm beyond that. I own you. I'll fuck your hole whenever I feel like it while I wait to sell you. Speaking of which, you want to read your ad I posted on every fucking gay slave website I could find?" Matt said.

A cold chill ran down my back as he pulled his tablet into my view. The screen displayed a posted link to a website. From what I could tell the post was live. At the top of the posts were pictures of me tied up naked from every possible angle. My face was as visibly displayed as my ass was in the others. If you were just browsing this ad and you came upon it, you would recognize me if you knew me. My eyes were bugged wide, I glanced over at Matt who was jacking his hard dick with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"You want this, don't you slut. You want my dick, you want me to make you a little fuck slut don't you," Matt said, placing his hands on my ass, causing my entire body to react with pleasure.

My eyes went back to the tablet screen so I could read the copy in the ad


Background: my cheating ex boyfriend is now my slave. My property. And I want to pass this product along to someone that can keep, maintain and own it.

As I read the first sentence, I felt the butt plug in my ass being loosened and withdrawn. Matt was already lining his cock up for a second go at my exposed asshole. Realizing this made my asshole twitch and I heard Matt let out a small chuckle.

"Fuck yea, slave, you finished reading that yet?" Matt asked. I shook my head no and went back to the letter

Product info: what I am offering is a trained sex slave for you to hold captive . Use him as your pleasure slave. Years of cheating on me has proven that is all he will ever be good for. Slave will be especially trained in the following: bondage, slave/master play, pup play, cbt, chastity, electro, ws, cocksucking, ass eating, ass play, objectification, nipple play, and more!

As I finished that section of the ad I felt Matt's hard thick cock slide deep into my ass. Lubricated by his load that was already in there, Matt dove balls deep into my ass - making me moan out like a two dollar slut.

"Fuck yea, slave," Matt ordered, "take your master's dick."

Matt began to fuck me as I was reading the ad. He drove his hard thick cock in and out of my hole excruciatingly slowly, massaging my prostate and making my dick throb inside of the cock cage. My mind was overloaded with sensations and emotions. The pain of the cock cage, the shame of being tied up and dominated, the powerlessness, and not least of all, how turned on I was. Almost unconsciously, I started pushing my ass back against his cock while I continued reading about my future degradation.

Inspection process: Upon initial request, I will supply a complete list of slaves measurements and optional accessories that will be included with it. Custom accessories can be available upon request but may require additional training.

Inspection meetings can be settled by fronting an initial deposit and background check. I'm not going to dive into criminal history or anything but I need confirmation that you are who you say you are. Upon confirmation, meetings can be scheduled as early as the next day. Potential buyers will have one hour of supervised time with the merchandise. Allowing you to get a feel of your property. If buyer is interested in a more in depth inspection, a premium fee will be tendered.

The way Matt referred to me as a meager possession in the ad should have infuriated me, but with him steadily fucking my ass it just made me more turned on. I actually craved reading every sentence and wanted more and more, dirtier and dirtier scenes for me to fulfill for my master. What was Matt doing to me?

"Take my dick slave," Matt said while he picked up the pace of fucking me. Now I could feel his hairy low hanging balls smacking my ass as he fucked away at my hole, locking me in a state of constant arousal and need to please him.

"You like this don't you slave? You like being my fucktoy? Well guess what, this is your life now. Can I get a thank you?"

"Mmfff muu mrfff," I moaned into my gag, so overcome with a need to cum I don't think I could comprehend what I was agreeing to, I just needed him to fuck me hard.

"That's right, bitch," Matt encouraged me, "enjoy your new place in life, as a pathetic tool. A cum dump for real men to use at their will, not yours."

In and out he fucked me. Driving me to the brink of insanity, I needed to cum. My cock throbbed within it's prison. I considered the possibility that I may cum inside of the cock cage just from him fucking me.

Almost as if he ready my mind, Matt withdrew his dick from deep within my ass and stepped away. From behind me I could hear him pick something up off of one of our end tables. And then I felt it, a powerful jolt coursing its way through my entire body and radiating from my neck.

"That's the shock collar boy, don't want you cumming. Remember, this is not about your enjoyment. It's about mine and your new owner's." Matt stated. Frustrated but without much else I could do, I read on.

To setup contact: send me an email. We can discuss meet ups and what ou want in a fuck toy, if any additional training is required, and how best to discretely transfer the asset in your favor.

"Alright boy, lets get you setup for the night. I've posted the ad pretty much anywhere. The stuff I ordered should arrive tomorrow afternoon so I only have to get creative with your imprisonment for a little while." Matt said.

I wasn't sure what he meant by that. But his ominous comment hung in the air as he left my site once again. I heard him loading some items into a plastic bag and then walking into our bedroom. I just sat there. A naked fucktoy, exactly as he wanted me.

When Matt returned he began to unlock my restraints and loosen the knots. It felt good for my tied up muscles to relax for the first time in awhile.

"Look bitch," Matt said, "I'm going to untie you. And I'm going to give you a set of instructions. You will follow them like the pathetic dog that you are, or I will shock you. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head quickly. I thought by cooperating he might let me cum. Oddly enough, avoiding a shock was a distant second to my concerns at this point.

Once I was free of the restraints, I collapsed on my chest on the table and caught my breath, listening in case Matt was ready to invoke his orders.

"On all fours, slave," Matt commanded, to which I immediately obeyed.

"You will crawl to our bedroom. Now MY bedroom. You are more just like a piece of furniture now. You will crawl in our walk in closet. And then, you will just sit there like a good bitch for me to set you up for the night," Matt said.

I didn't fight him. I just did it. I slowly crawled my naked ass over to our bedroom, keenly aware of how my locked cock swayed back and forth. He owned me.

Once inside the closet, Matt allowed me to stand. Just so he could get started. He wrapped me from my neck to my ankles in saran wrap. When all was said and done I felt like he went around me 100 times. Once Matt was satisfied with that. He started using duct tape. Not everywhere. He just wrapped a few layers around particular points around my body: the ankles, above my knees, my thighs - just catching my hands, my writs, my elbows, my shoulders. As I stared up at him, he paid me absolutely no attention.

He stood up to inspect me. He seemed pleased with his work with the smirk I saw in his face.

"Not going anywhere now, bitch," Matt smirked.

"Mmmpph," I pleaded through my gag.

"Nah-ah," Matt cautioned with a wag of his finger, " you are going to sit right here tonight, but don't worry. I packed a little snack for you. See, I've been planning this for a while and in doing so I convinced some of the boys from the local office to help out in a special way."

Matt produced a bag that had been in the fridge. I didn't think to look in it this morning. But now I saw it was filled with used condoms.

"I'm going to take your gag out now whore and feed you your dinner. If you're good, maybe tomorrow you can earn a taste of mine. In either case, if you say ONE word I will shock you, understand?" Matt asked.

I nodded my head obediently, yet again hoping he would let me cum and let me taste his sweet cum.

Matt took the first condom out of the bag.

"This is from Matt F. in accounting. Young kid just out of college. He told me he saved up for three weeks and edged for four hours to produce this nut." Matt said as he loosened the gag around my head and removed it from my mouth, "so tell me pig, do you want it." I starred into his eyes as they returned the stare back into mine. I felt like he was staring into my soul and already knew the truth.

In the end, I shamelessly nodded, making sure not to make a sound to incur the wrath of my master. He beamed with pride.

"Good slut, open wide," Matt laughed as he poured the cum contents of the condom into my mouth as I swallowed it like I was savoring a fine wine.

"Next up we have Terry, he's also from sales. Just got divorced. I told him my man gets off on tasting different types of cum. He actually found it hot and agreed to keep a steady flow of cum for you. Isn't that nice?" Matt said, pouring another load into my mouth.

"Here's Devin from sales, he's a wild guy. I flat out told him I was whoring you out so you may get his cum straight from the tap," Matt said, pouring another one in, "enjoying your life as a whore, slave?"

I stared as Matt brought out the last, most filled condom. I didn't think one load that size was possible. "This last one is from Jack the janitor," Matt started, "Not sure how the fuck he accomplished this, but he said he hopes you have to swallow it a couple times to gulp it all down. He may be bidding on you too. Don't worry, I'll make sure to give him extra weight so he has a chance to afford a high price call slut like you."

I had never been so turned on in my life. I knew he was keeping me his captive sex slave and I loved every minute of it. I swallowed the last load happily, and truthfully it took a few big gulps. My last reward for the night was his rank sweaty jock strap. I had never liked even touching it when doing the laundry. It always seemed like a point of pride with him to make it as disgusting as possible. Right now it had to be weeks old, crusty, and decorated with plenty of faded piss stains.

"It's going right in your mouth slave. Clean it well or you will be punished tomorrow, "Matt ordered.

For this one I tried to fight. I didn't want to chew on his jock strap no matter how hot he was. But Matt was stronger and in a better position than me. He easily inserted the jock into my mouth and held my mouth closed as he duct taped it into place .No getting it out now.

"Now, be a good boy and sit there quietly while your master tries to make some extra cash selling your cheating ass off.." Matt said before getting up, switching off the light and closing and locking the closet door.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 3

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