The Crazy Vengeful Salesman

By Z

Published on Nov 23, 2018



by: Z


Author's Note: Thank you for reading, please donate to nifty if able.

Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. It also features some scenes that are explicitly fantasy and should not be attempted. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Some people would say I got what I deserved. I'd been fooling around on my serious boyfriend for over a year. We had been together for over four years. We were living together. And as far as we were concerned together we were exclusive. But I got bored. He traveled all the time for work and after night after night of lonely nights I started to seek out some late night companionship.

One guy led to two, which led to three. Before I knew it I had five regular hookups that I could meet up with at a moment's notice. All the while my boyfriend Matt was none the wiser.

My name's Blake. I'm 27 with shaggy sandy blonde hair, kind of a pale complexion (I'm of swedish decent). I'm 5,10 with a slender twink build. It took me awhile, and a fuck ton of squats, but I finally got a cute little bubble butt going. That was probably what initially caught the eye of Matt. We were at a pool party one summer. I was wearing a skimpy speedo. He was looking fine as hell in board shorts.

He bought me a pina colada. We started dancing a bit. After a couple of drinks his hands got a little more busy. We ended up fooling around in the pool supply closet. I practically riipped those board shorts off and inhaled his thick 8" dick in my mouth. It tasted so clean and so good. Lately it feels like he doesn't even wash it for me. It's always sweaty right after he's done working out and that seems to be the only time he feels like working out now.

Most guys don't have the big cock Matt does. But sometimes quantity over quality. Hell, one time I had two five inch cocks double penetrating me. So I guess you could say I got carried away. All relationships go through lulls. And I should have worked harder.

Then, it was too late. It was our fifth anniversary. Frankly, I was nervous. Lately, he had started to drop a bunch of marriage hints and I was having some serious cold feet (probably since the last four times I had been fucked it was by three different men). He called me at the office where I work, made double sure I was going to be home on time. I confirmed with him I was. I didn't want him to be suspicious.

In the end, I figured I would end up marrying him. So I resolved that I could just fool around on the side until the day came when we both said "I do." At that point, I would slowly taper off and then get to wear I was comfortable only having his cock to focus on.

I walked into our apartment and the smell of dinner hit me like a truck. Matt was busy in the kitchen and it was immediately clear that he had pulled out all the stops for this dinner. Another big guilt blow to my psyche, but I pressed on.

"Hey Blakey!" Matt said in an excited tone, "dinner will be ready in ten minutes."

"Sounds good, hon," I said, "I'm going to go put sweats on!"

"Not gonna dress up for our anniversary?" he asked.

"What's the big deal? We're just staying in!" I replied coldly. Sorry, but I hate wearing ties.

I definitely heard an audible sigh come from the kitchen. But I'm stubborn, and goddamit sweats are comfortable. I wasn't going to change that about myself.

When I walked out back to the living room Matt had set out a potroast and a glass of wine for me. He served me a big slilce of meet on a plate andI then set to himself.

I had to admire him. He was looking good. His short dark brown hair perfectly cut, just the right amount of scruff on his face, perfect tan, dark eyes. I was going to ride that big dick tonight as a thank you for this meal I can tell you that. I took a big swig of wine, picked up the silverware and started eating away.

Matt calmly raised a glass, "To us, Blake."

I followed, "To us, Matt. Thank you for this delicous meal. It tasstes good."

"I'm glad," he smiled, "I've been thinking about us long term a lot lately, Blake."

I shifted nervously in my chair. My back started feeling like it was drenched in cold sweat. This night was shaping up to be excruciating.

"You know, it's been tough," Matt continued, "being on the road all that time and being away from you."

Oh god. This is hell. I'm in hell. This is some sort of ironic punishment that is going to last forever and I pretty much deserve it. It felt like it was 95 degrees in that room. Matt had cooked a delicious pot roast but I could barely touch it. I took another big nervous sip of cabernet.

"Well I'm just saying, I wouldn't blame your or I don't really blame you too much for screwing around on me. I love you and I know you needed some sort of relief..." Matt said before trailing off.

At this moment I saw all the pain on his face. He knew. He knew I was fucking around on him. He wanted a confession. But how much did he know? How much should I confess to. All of a sudden I felt as if I couldn't even breath.

"Don't worry, don't worry," Matt went on, "I'm sorry. I don't want to make this too awkward for you."

I opened my mouth to speak. I wanted to apologize. I just couldn't form the words. My mind was heavy.

"Look Blakey," Matt said, "just relax. Give in. I know you got to be feeling it now."

I was confused. Feeling what? Then it started to hit me. My body wasn't tingling just because of the awkward situation. There was something wrong.

"Matt, what?" I asked, trying to form words.

"I drugged your wine, Blake," Matt stated, "hopefully it kicks in soon I'm rather sick of this dull interaction between us."

I stood up in a hurry. I figured I could at least make it to our front door. I didn't realize how deep I was already in. The room was spinning like crazy. I doubled over and fell on my knees and put my head on the floor where I could focus my mind and find some balance.

Running out of the room now was just a pipe dream. I could barely lift my head off the ground. The room started to get dark. Matt calmly stood up.

"I made a friend in R&D, and boy do I have some fun stuff to try on you while we wait..." Matt said.

I drifted off.

I heard something off in the distance as I started coming around. My entire body was stretched into an uncomfortable position. I was still in our apartment. But now I was in the TV room. I was laying face down on our rather large coffee table. My arms were pulled tightly behind me and, from what it felt like, tied to my feet. The moment I thought to call out for help, I realized that I was gagged. Something weird and rubbery was stuffed in my mouth and something else was wrapped around my head keeping it in place. One last minor detail: I was completely naked (bye sweats).

I struggled. I pulled. I stretched my fingers trying to reach the knots that held the rope tightly around my wrists. I felt like no matter how much I pulled or rolled I felt like I didn't get anywhere. I moaned in the gag.

"Mmmmmmphhh, MMPPPPHHH!" I yelled trying to get someone to hear me. To tell you the truth one of the reasons we picked this place was just because it allowed us to be loud when we had sex. I guess I was paying for that now.

Matt sauntered into the room slowly. He looked like he was just returning from working out. He was breathing heavy, almost deep masculine growls, drenched in sweat and had this deep stare in his eyes as he looked at me - almost as if I was just a free piece of meat being served on a table. My ass unconsciously twitched at the thought. To be honest, he never looked sexier.

"You look real good like that fuckpig," Matt smirked. " You might notice you're gagged. That's because I don't want to hear any more of your shit. You might also notice you're tied up. That's because you're a bad slut and need to be punished."

He quickly marched over to me. I pulled on my restraints some more to try and dodge whatever he had planned for me. It was all in vain.

He held me down with his strong arm and started raining blows on my fresh pale ass with the other one.

"Gotta get that little ass some color before I photograph it bitch," Matt said with a chuckle.

"ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! SIX! SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE! TEN" Matt yelled, handing out hard, quick smacks with every count on my left cheek.

"Feel good Blakey?" Matt laughed, "Now, the other one!"

I groaned and whimpered into my gag before I braced myself for the inevitable. Matt held me down and raised his hand up...

"ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! SIX! SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE! TEN" Matt yelled, handing out ten more smacks to my right cheek.

"Fuck yeah, bitch!" Matt said while circling me and stroking his big dick under his workout shorts, "this is getting me hot as fuck.

We had never done any bondage or bdsm stuff, but Matt seemed to be a natural at it. I always assumed I liked it better when it was gentle and tender. But tied up like I was, with Matt towering over me, my 6 inch hard cock had never been harder. I would have done anything to reach it and stroke it.

"Struggle all you want, pig, but I think you're gonna like this. Whores like you can't help but submit when they are put in their place," Matt said.

His words echoed deep in my brain and made my cock tense up under me. I let out a soft, quiet moan.


More hard slaps across my ass. I cried out into my gag and pulled at the ropes holding me down.

"Fuck year bitch now hold still. I'm going to untie your feet. Don't move. Don't kick. You try anything and it will result in additional punishment and it WILL be severe," Matt warned as I felt the ropes connecting my hands and feet loosen.

My legs fell back. It felt nice on my body to be able to relax. I thought silently about what Matt had said. Should I resist? Should I try to escape. My wrists still felt pretty tight. I didn't think I could make it to the door and open it before he could get to me again. Unless I kicked him in the balls or something.

Behind me, I felt his workout shorts drop and his hands caressing my warm ass. He was getting ready to fuck me. If there ever was going to be a time it was now. I slowly scooted my leg into a better position for me to kick it back. My heart was pounding. It was now or never.

"Ohhhh no," Matt said, "I'm going to protect you from yourself, Blakey. You need to learn to obey me. There is no escape."

I felt his strong hands on my ankles pulling them apart. I pulled frantically on the ropes on my wrists. There had to be some give in them. But even after he had loosened the ropes on my feet, the ropes in my wrists held tight.

While pulling on my wrists I hadn't noticed Matt had been busy behind me setting up some sort of pole thing. He placed it horizontally between my legs and then started moving me around into position. Soon my ankles were encircled by leather straps that tightly constricted and locked into place.

"That aught to keep your legs apart, although I'm kind of surprised I have to do this given your reputation slut," Matt laughed. Everything he said was true. No matter how much I did want to escape, I also wanted to submit. I wanted him fuck me. Even if I didn't, I tested out my new leg restraints. My legs were strapped tightly separated with my asshole fully on display.

"Well, well, Blakey, I'm surprised your tricks don't make you shave your little cunt. We'll take care of that later." Matt said ominously.

I was trapped with my face down and ass up. Locked into position by a spreader bar with my hands tied tightly behind my back at the wrists. I let out low soft moans at the thought of being so exposed and vulnerable before Matt. He was right. My asshole was twitching, and practically aching to get fucked.

I felt two slick fingers rub up and down my crack before plunging into my hole. Matt knew how to work my body quite effectively, and my cock throbbed and squirted out a pearl of fresh precum in response.

"Mmmfff," I moaned as he slide a third finger into my ass, stretching out the hole a bit in preparation for his thick meaty cock.

"Still pretty tight, Blakey," Matt sighed, "makes me wish you would have been a better behaved boyfriend. But I suppose something like you was destined to become a fuckslut, weren't you boy?"

What he was saying was supposed to be offensive, or piss me off. But instead I was getting into it. While he verbally degraded me, he explored my ass with his experienced fingers to send shockwaves throughout my body.

"Who's a good fuck puppet?" Matt asked condescendingly, "who's a good fuckpuppet?" I didn't answer. I just tried to wag my ass back and forth as a sign that I agreed.


Matt spanked my ass hard enough to make me whimper pathetically into my gag and so hard that I could feel it tingling long after his hands were taken away.

"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION, BOY!" he yelled, "WHO'S A GOOD FUCKPUPPET?" As he asked the question, he slid his three fingers back into my hole and started working me into a frenzy of pleasure. I finally started screaming into my gag.

"Mfff Muuu Mfffmpptt Mrrrrpphh!" I moaned over and over while he fucked my ass in and out.

"Good boy...finally," he said.

I thought he was going to fuck me but he walked out of the room and out of my sight. He returned quickly and was carrying three collapsed tri-pods. All of which he setup into position encircling me in the center. Then he brought in some video cameras and installed them on the three tri pods. Soon he had a laptop, microphones, everything he needed to make our homemade sex tape professional quality.

Finally, he strutted over to me, restrained and helpless to stop what was happening, in the center.

"Fuck yea, this is going to be my most enjoyable fuck of you ever," Matt announced as he rubbed his thick cock shaft up and down, practically taunting me.

He walked over behind me and I finally felt the familiar but newly exciting pressure of his cock teasing my ass. He slid it all around the ring of my asshole. If my ass could have begged itself, it would have. For my part, I just moaned into the gag over and over. "Mmmfff mufff meee!" I cried.

"Awww, Blakey wants me to fuck him hard doesn't he?" Matt asked.

I nodded my head up and down dramatically. He laughed and gave my ass another hard slap, causing me to let out a loud yelp.

"Well fuck pig," he said, "it's not about you anymoe. You only care about serving your superious. And since you're just a pathetic fuck slut that's just about everybody."

Soon I felt more pressure from his cock on my hole as it began to slid in. It dove in deeper and deeper. He deep dicked me on the first push and held it in. For some reason it felt even bigger than I was used to. To be honest, though, it had been awhile since WE had fucked and the other guys didn't quite measure up in that department.

In a few moments, he had developed a steady rhythm of fucking me and I was just there to take it. He fucked me hard, harder than he had ever done before. Typically i like a nice gentle fuck, but as he clearly spelled out, this wasn't about me and my job was to service his frustration. Which made me so fucking horny. My cock was leaking up a storm as he hatefucked my ass roughly for a full forty minutes.

He'd take a break to jerk his cock a bit and give my ass a few hard spankings. All of which was captured by the three video cameras he had setup. My ass and complete naked body were on full display. He was right. I was his personal fuck slut now.

Soon he began to pick up the pace a bit, fucking me more rigorously now and breathing deeper. I could tell he was getting ready to dump a massive load of cum into my ass. And I wanted it bad.

I kept up moaning into my gag. It seemed to please him that I was playing along and acting like his bitch. But honestly, I was. I was tied up, gagged and in his full control. "Get ready slave!" Matt yelled, "I'm about to cum deep in your ass! And you are going to hold it in there! If so much of a DROP of my load falls out of your ass there will be SEVERE consequences do you understand me?"

"Meeffff merrrrrphhh!" I called out into my gag.

"Good bitch," He said, "now get ready for it cause it's coming!"

His fucking paced increased even more as I braced my ass for his cock to empty inside me. He kept up for another couple of minutes, but soon his breathing got really heavy, and he let out a deep, gutteral moan.

"OHHHH FUUUUUUUCCCCK!" Matt screamed as he pushed his cock deep into my ass and I felt it inject with me with his load.

"Fuck yea bitch, that felt great. Now get ready. You hold my cum in your ass like the fucking bitch slut that you are. Remember, any falls out and the consequences will be severe you hear me bitch!" Matt shouted in my ear to remind me.

I felt him begin to withdraw his long shaft from deep within my ass and set myself to do everything in my power to hold in his precious cum. I held my breath. I clenched my ass. I concentrated as best as I could. Once he finally withdrew, I closed my eyes tighlty and held my breath. I must have succeeded but was so focused on following his orders I didn't feel Matt shove a butt plug up me and lock it into place until it was done.

There, that aught to keep my big load in your ass. Nice job, Blakey, although I'm not too suprised a whore like you would greedily suck cum up his ass like that," Matt joked, making my face burn with shame.

He gave my ass a quick, hard slap and quickly got up and marched over to get something. He returned holding a box that must have been just shipped to him. He knelt down by me and began to open it. I gazed down wondering what was inside. He revealed a dog's shock collar and a remote.

"yes bitch, this is going around your dumb neck. That way, I don't have to remind you constantly who is in charge now. I'm your owner. You are my slave. Don't worry though, I made sure it can be locked on with a padlock so you won't be tempted to remove it. Hahahahah!" Matt laughed sadistically.

I tried to resist. I fought and struggled but Matt held me down and secured the collar tightly around my neck. My heart sank when I heard him click the padlock shut and tears came to my eyes as he dangled the keys in front of my helplessly bound body. "Locked on now bitch," Matt teased, "just think of all the depraved things I can train you to do with this. And you won't be able to do a thing to stop me you fucking pathetic whore."

Matt then reached over and grabbed a thick black permanent marker. He held my held still with one hand and used his dominant hand to write something on my forehead. Whatever it was must have pleased him immensely because he started laughing and looked down on me with his typical arrogant smirk when he was finished.

Next, he pulled something out from a drawer behind me. I couldn't really turn around to see what it was but soon felt a sense of immense cold as he held me still and held an icebag to my nuts.

"MMMMMFFFF MMPPPHHH!" I whimpered, much to Matt's delight.

He held the bag there for a few moments before taking it away and leaving me to collapse on the table in exhaustion. He wasn't gone for too long, as he grabbed my nuts and cock again and locked them in a tight chastity cage.

"Pleasure slaves don't get to cum themselves," Matt explained, "your task is to give your owners pleasure. I don't give a fuck if you ever cum again,"

Once the cage was locked tight Matt came back in front of me to show me the small keys he was holding.

"Two keys, and I have your complete freedom in my hand," Matt said sadistically, "You are my fuck toy now. Better get used to it because I never intend to unlock those locks." After that he took various positions all around me to take photos of me at various viewpoints, stroking his cock and laughing while he did it. Finally he got around to my face, I saw his arrogant smirk again as he took a photo of me looking pathetically right into the camera.

Then he left. I heard him in our office working at the computer as I laid there contemplating my fate.

Soon, he returned, holding a picture frame so I couldn't see the front of it. "I wish you had dressed up for our anniversary dinner, Blakey," Matt signed, "it would have made your transformation so much better. But I digress, I still think this photo does some pretty impactful work. What do you think?"

He walked over and knelt down in front of me before turning the frame around so I could see the fruit of his work. It was a before and after picture of me. The before picture was me holding a glass up at dinner, completely unaware of what Matt was about to do to me. The second picture, the after picture, was me naked, collared, tied up, plugged and gagged. I squinted as I tried to contemplate the meaning of what Matt had written on my forehead: FOR SALE.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 2

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