The Craigslist Ad


Published on Jul 1, 2013


So today I finally meet my Master in person. He told me to be at his house at 12 noon. I asked him what did he want me to wear. He said it didn't matter. So I just wore a t-shirt and jeans. He did request that I bring every single underwear that I own with me. I have them all in a small garbage bag. My heart is beating the whole drive over. I finally get to his house and ring the door bell....I wait

A man opens the door. He looks about 50 years old. He looks at me with no expression; a blank look on his face. no smile yet no signs of being upset either.

Master-You're early boy..that's good. Come inside.

I walk inside and notice he has a nice living room.

Bobby - You have a nice house sir.

Master - Strip boy

wow he very does get to the point. I thought we were going to talk first maybe even discuss the events that happened to me.

I stripped down to my briefs.

Master - Did you bring all of your underwears boy?

Bobby - Yes sir they are in my car.

He goes into my jeans on the floor and pulls out my car keys.

Master - I said strip boy

I looked down and realize I should of stripped naked. So I quickly remove my undies. Now for the first time ever I am fully naked in front of my Master.

Master - Clasp your hands behind your neck.

I followed his command.

Master - spread your legs apart. Chest out. chin up. pull your elbows back....good boy. Now do not move from that position if you know what's good for you.

My Master passed behind me i couldn't see where he was going since I couldn't move. But I heard the front door open.

Master -I'm going to get your panties boy, I'll be right back

Even though I couldn't see I could hear that he didn't close the door behind him. I could hear the sounds of the neighborhood vividly. I was pretty pure my naked ass was visible to anyone who took a glance.

Master finally came back inside with the garbage bag. he grabbed the briefs I had just taken off on the floor and he put it in the bag with the rest of my briefs.

Master - You will never see these again boy.

With that he went into one of his rooms. He was gone for a few minutes. My body was starting to ache was this position he put me in. Finally he came out.

Master - On your knees boy

I slowly dropped to my knees carefully keeping my hands behind my neck.

Master - What are you boy?

Bobby - Sir I am a your cum dumpster sir.

Master - How many times have you been fucked boy?

Bobby - Sir at least 20 times that I can count.

Master - Have you ever fucked anyone in your life boy?

Bobby - No Sir.....I haven't

Master - As it should be....boy

he then pulls out his Dick. it's semi hard and it looks 8 inches. He presents his dick just inches from my face.

Master - I know you want this boy...don't you?

Bobby - Sir Yes Sir

Master - In do time boy. on second thought you know what? How badly do you want to suck my dick boy?

Bobby - Very badly sir

Master - I'l be right back don't you dare move.

He leave to go into one of his rooms. when he comes back out I notice he is holding something leathery with like cuffs attached to it.

He walk over to his couch and sits down.

Master - How badly do you want to seed boy?

Bobby - I will do anything sir.

Master - beg for it boy.

Bobby - please sir I want your dick so bad. I want your sperm swimming inside of me please.

Master - lay on the floor face down boy.

I laid on the floor as he commanded.

Master - You can put your hands on the floor boy

what a relief this was.

Master - I want you to crawl over to me. use only your torsel. don't use your arms. put your arms to your side.

As I began to crawl my body across his hard floor. my cock was being squeezed between my body and the hard floor. He smiled at my pain. But things got worse when my balls began to drag and snag as I crawled. When I tried to stop to relax it would make things worse since my cock and balls would always be in a unusual position. So I had to dig through the pain. I knew my reward would be worth it.

I finally reached Master's feet.

Master - You may rise boy but stay on your knees

My face is between his legs. His beautiful dick is pulsing in front of my eyes.

Master - You have my permission to taste it boy.

I pass my tongue over the head of my dick, like a school girl trying a new flavor of a lollipop.

Master -MMMM good boy....stop

I stop licking this dick and I look up at him. I see that he is holding that leathery strap thing. he puts it over my face. it straps over my chin and my forehead. then he buckles it tight from the back of my head. at first it seems weird. then I feel the two cuffs drop to the sides of my head.

Master - Put my dick in your mouth boy.

Knowing he doesnt want me to touch his dick with my hands I open my mouth and welcome his dick in. I go as deep as I could and slurp my way up. I try to go as deep as I can but I can only seem to go half way down his shaft.

Master - Place your hands behind your head.

I started to take his dick out but he said no.

Master - keep my dick inside your mouth boy.

So I put my hands behind my head and he locks my risks firmly onto the cuffs that were attached to it. Now my elbows are flaring.

Suddenly I realize what is happening. because my hands are locked on my head I am putting pressure on my self to suck his dick. I couldn't come up for air if I wanted to. and I felt I was slowly but slowly getting deeper into his shaft. My eyes began to water.

He hears my gagging and coughing and enjoys himself. he grabs my head by the hair and puts my mouth off his dick.

I gasp for air. saliva pouring out of my mouth and my eyes teared up like crazy. He is holding me up by my hair still and it hurts.

Master - Is this uncomfortable for you boy?

Bobby (I nodd as much as I could but then decided to speak) yes sir it is.

Master - As it should be boy!

He pulls me back down unto his dick. he now controls the pace by grabbing hair. he continues to face fuck me like this for a while. then at the last moments he releases my hair and leaves me with his dick in my mouth. I slowly descent..his head slowly forces through my throat. I could feel the head of his dick making his way through the passage in the back of my throat. His moans grow louder and more exciting and finally his orgasm meets my breathless gagging. is seed explodes in my throat. is head is so far in and his cum spreads the back of my throat and it just drips down. and other slurp of cum hits the back of my mouth. I'm lock into position so all of this sperm goes striaght down to my belly. finally when his dick is limp he pulls me off by hold me by my hair once again. he tosses me to the floor.

As I laid on the floor coughing he stands up over me.

Master --Did you forget something boy?

Bobby --Sir Thank you Sir

Master --Get up boy.

I quickly got up and Master takes the head brace off of me. He grabs my chin squeezing it a little. he looks at me and smiles. his smile reminded me of the time in high school when I tried to ask the popular head cheerleader on a date, and she said "NO" with this grin on her face. Master then walks to one of the dressers behind me. He comes back with something in his hands it looks two huge metal balls. he suddenly drops the metal balls but they stop falling in midair because they are attached to a small chain, and the chain is attached to a leather strap with a snap button. he wraps the strap at the top of my balls, he snaps it shut. it doesnt register at first but I slowly begin to feel how heavy the two metal balls are. Master stands back and admires me.

Master --I hear you like to sing and dance. is that true boy?

Bobby --Yes Sir

Master -- Would you dance for me boy?

Bobby --of course Sir.

Master --Please call me daddy.

Master proceeds to walk towards the radio. he turns it on..rock music is playing so he turns the dial...keeps hearing song after song..

Master --No I dont like stupid....

Then he stops the dial and I hear the beginning of a familiar song at first I didn't recognize it but then I remembered what song it was.

Master --Do you like this song boy?

Bobby --Yes Daddy. (I said with a smile)

It was Madonna's Cherish.

Master --Dance and sing for daddy's entertainment boy.

Master sits on his couch and lays back and watches me.

I slowly begin to dance a I sing along to the first words.

Bobby --(singing) So tired of broken hearts and losing at this gameBefore I start this dance..

Master --That is not dancing boy.

I knew what was about to happen and I was dreaded it....I started dancing around moving my hips

Bobby --(singing) You are my destiny, I can't let go baby can't you see Cupid please take your aim at me.

As I swung around the metal balls were swinging back and forth sometimes hitting my thighs.

Bobby --ouch

the chorus was coming up so I prepared for it. I raised my hands in the air and gave daddy a big smile.

Bobby--(singing) Cherish the thought Of always having you here by my side (oh baby I) Cherish the joy You keep bringing it into my life (I'm always singing it)

I winced each time the metal balls flew up and then back down. but I still kept smiling for him.

Master --I didnt know you enjoyed this boy. I'll make sure you get to do it again if you please daddy.

Bobby --thank you Daddy (keeps singing) Romeo and Juliet, they never felt this way I bet So don't underestimate my point of view.

I swung back and bent over for him and wiggled my ass. I turned back around to face him and blew Daddy a kiss.

Master --I love you too boy.

my god this was hurting my balls, but I continued to dance for him. putting my forearms behind my head..I tilt my head to the side and let him admire my body.

Bobby (singing) Who? You! Can't get away I won't let you Who? You! I could never forget to Cherish is the word I use to remind me of your love...

As I sang the words "You're givin' it You're givin' it to me boy Keep giving me all-all-all your joy"

At that moment I locked eyes with my Master. It was at that moment that I finally knew where I belong. As we stared into each other's eye I knew I was in love. he motioned me with his finger to come to him. so I danced my way painfully to him.

When I get to him he grabs the metal balls and pulls it towards him. he keeps pulling harder stretching my balls.

Bobby --(singing) You got the power to make me feel good (And baby I) perish the thought Of ever leaving I never would

Master --I know you won't boy. NOW dance for me fagslut.

He throws the metal balls Between my legs and they start swinging hard clanking on each other

As I painfully sing the words with a big smile

Bobby --(sings)Cherish Give me faith ...

Moving my shoulders up and down

Bobby --Give me joy, my boy I will always cherish you ...

Moving my ass

Bobby --Give me faith Give me joy, my boy I will always cherish you

Even though I was in pain, at that moment I was so happy.

After I had finished my dancing for my Master he had told me how pleased he was with me.

Master --Very good boy. Or should I say Katie. (with a smile) I know you want to embrace your feminine side. Soon enough you will.

He then removed the metal balls from my testicals.

Master --Alright boy come with me.

He started walking and I followed him into.....The bathroom. He turned on the lights. Then walked towards the toilet. I was right by him.

Master --Get on your knees boy.

I quickly got on my knees the floor was a hard tiles. It started to get uncomfortable very quickly. He patted me on the head.

Master --Good boy

He started to unbuckle his belt and took his pants down. He sat down on the toilet. He let out a giant manlike grunt. he was taking a shit in front of me. The smell was intoxicating. I could tell it was all over the bathroom.

Master ---Remember boy I am the Master of Humiliation. You have yet to be humiliated.

Bobby --Yes Sir Thank you sir.

Master --Tell me boy what was going through your mind when you saw a bunch of black men watching you take a shower?

Bobby --My heart of beating like crazy, Daddy.

Master --I hope you know you brought joy to alot of men that night. You should be pleased about that.

Bobby --I am Daddy thank you.

Master ---Remember your body belong to me now. (he grunts)

I hear one last shit plup into the water. He grabs a hand full of toilet paper. lifts his ass up and wipes his ass. I see the alot of shit on the first toilet paper he uses to wipe his ass.

Master --Cup and Hold out your hands boy.

I did as he told me. he placed the shitty toilet paper in my hands.

Master --I don't believe in flushing toilet paper down the toilet. It may easily clog.

when he said this I looked around to see if there was a waste basket, but i did not see any around.

Master --And I don't like waste baskets. the thought of having shitty paper I despise.

He wiped his ass a second time. Then looked at me.

Master --well boy? what are you waiting for?

I looked at him confused.

Master--(in a stern voice) Put the toilet paper in your mouth!

I was putting his shitty toilet paper in my mouth.

Master --Chew it boy. hold out your hands again.

I held out my hand and he placed the second wad in my hands.

Master --Swallow it boy. and then eat this one.

I couldn't believe what he was making me do. I was chewing and eating another man's shitty toilet paper. Another man? heck who was I kidding I wasn't a man. When I swallowed the last paper he looked at me. I knew what I had to say.

Bobby ---Thank you Daddy

Master --For what boy?

Bobby --For that delicious treat you gave me.

Master --Oh so you liked it. I was planning on coming up with a new better way of disposing of my toilet paper but it would of cose me alot of money. but since you like it so much. I think I'll continue using you as my waste basket. (he smiles at me) doesn't that make you happy?

Bobby --yes Daddy.

Master --Alright boy listen closely. We are going out tonight. There is a new Master/slave club that just opened. It is very underground. I will be taking you with me.

He began walking to his bedroom

Master --Come with me.

We went into his room and he gave me a pair of sweat pants and a pink t shirt that was cut off at the belly button.

Master --Put these on. This is what you will be wearing tonight.

So we both got dressed and ready to go out to this new club.

When we arrived at the club Master parked a few blocks away. He turned off the car and he looked at me. but he didnt say anything. all I could do was smile back.

Master---I know you must be horny boy..after all I've put you through. So I'm going to give you the chance right now to relieve yourself.

Bobby---Are you sure Sir?

Master ---Yes Boy...I want to make sure you are happy too....take out your little cock for me and play with it.

So i whipped out my cock and started jerking off. At first I couldn't get hard so I started thinking about what happened to me at the motel 8.

Suddenly I was hard as a rock.

Master ---(smiles) I wonder what made you get so hard so quickly.

I was loaning like a horny girl. when I was feeling close to cuming he said to me..

Master---You better not get any of your cum in my car boy so you better figure out where you are going to shoot all of that.

Suddenly I was about to cum..I wasnt prepared for this..I didn know what to I opened the car door and I cummed on the sidewalk.

My grunting was so loud I thought someone had heard me. I finished off and put my cock back in my sweatpants.

Master ---Okay you feel better? Now let's have some fun.

We both walked the club. there was a long line filled with masters with their own slaves. Master started a few conversations with other master but he told me not to talk to anyone.

When it was finally our turn to walk in there was a waiting room with a door man taking money for entry fees. Which the sign said 50 dollars to get in. I couldn't believe it. Master had asked the door bouncer how much to get in?

Bouncer--50 bucks for each person.

Master --that is expensive.

Bouncer --yeah but trust me it will be worth it..this place is great.

Master --I see.

Boucner --We do have a special deal however if you want to take advantage of it.

Master --which is?

Bouncer---If your slave leaves all of his clothes here with me at the door and goes inside completely naked you won't have to pay anything.

Master ---That sounds like a good does that sound boy?

I looked at master with a blank expression on my face. my eyes pleaded with him

Master --Are you really going to make me pay 100 dollars boy?

Bobby ---No sir

Master --Strip boy

Master --(to bouncer) So how many masters have taken advantage of this deal?

Bouncer---I'm not sure a few I think.

hearing that was a relief to hear as I was removing my clothes. I was completely naked with my clothes in my hands

Bouncer---Give me your clothes

I handed then to him and he threw them in a basket which I noticed was empty. the Bouncer went to open the door for us but as he was doing this Master took outa collar with a leash and placed it around my neck.

Master --you belong to me boy.

the doors opened and we both stepped inside. all eyes were one me. and to my horror I was the only slave in the club that was totally naked.

most of the slaves just had on shorts.

Master --(grins) Looks like most slaves here don't love their masters as much as you do boy, you should be proud.

Normally I would be very horny right now but since I just cummed a few mins ago I was leaving very extra humiliated.

Master walked over to the bar and pulled me with him. he grabed a seat and told me to kneel down next to him.

One master walked by and said to my Master that is quite an obedient boy you have there.

Master --he only does what comes natural to him.

There were a dance floor with music playing but no one was dancing.

Master--would you like to dance boy..I know you love dancing.

Bobby --yes sir

he took off my collar and told me to dance.

I walked over to the dance floor and started to dance totally naked in the middle of a crowded night club.

It was at that moment that I knew I had to embrace my feminine side in order to make myself look fucking hot and sexy.

......To Be Concluded

Let me know what you guys thought of my story and if you wanna read more.

email me please

Next: Chapter 3: In the Club

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