The Courtship

By Thomas-Andre Bardwell

Published on Apr 3, 2003


I rolled over and away from him as he attempted to enter me again.

I was sticky and exhausted, and his struggling wasn't helping much.

"What's wrong?" He pressed. He sensed that I was drifting so I groaned back at him in my sexiest voice. "Nothing baby, you feel so good." He smirked at me and went back to his fumbling so I knew it worked.

I don't even know how I got into this predicament, I was out of love with Justin and yet when he called a few hours ago, I couldn't bare to turn him away. I've been without sex for such a long time. And the Tim situation hasn't made things any better for my sex life.

Oh yeah, we both said we were going to go fishing together but since that day, it's never been hashed out. I've either been incredibly busy or he's been unable to go fishing. But we kept telling each other that soon, we'd go off fishing together. "Do you usually go fishing with like friends or other people at all?" I asked him one time after I had to refuse his offer (I had to go to class that morning, I couldn't just skip it...). "Yeah, I usually go by myself. I'm pretty lame, aren't I?" "No," I assured him. "You're not." Then after a beat, I asked if just the two of us would be off fishing together. His response was just a wink. Fucking tease, I shouted in my head.

"Aww, fuck!!" Justin cried as he finally came, shaking me out of my daydream. Then as typical in our previous sexual encounters, Justin rolled off of me and got adjusted for slumber. I was still hard from thinking about Tim and his perfect body, ass and eyes; it got me hot again. I rolled over to Justin and poked at him. "Oooh." He groaned. "You're up for some more, I see." Not really, I thought to myself, I just wanted feel my cock in a nice ass and drift off to sleep thinking off Tim.

The next day as I was shoving Justin off from my dorm, Tim came around the corner. "Whassup?" He shot at me quizzically. "Nothing" I replied steadily pushing Justin toward the door. "Who's this?" "I'm Justin." His response had a hint of jealousy in it, how cute. "Cool. How do you know, Tom?" Tim inquired. "Oh, I know him very well, we just got done fucking." I smacked him hard as Tim turned five shades of red. "And he was just leaving!" "Alright, babe, I'll call you." He said leaning over to kiss me. I pulled away and just nodded.

As soon as Justin stepped out of the door, Tim let out a loud whistle. "Was he serious?" "What do you think, it is 8 in the morning." That got his attention. He followed me back to my room, closed the door and with the biggest grin started a round of inquiring questions: "How often do you have sex?" "Are you dating him?" "Do you take it up the butt?" "Does he take it up the butt? Does it hurt like fucking hell?!!" I answered each one rather scientifically and he grinned even brighter. "Man," He panted. "That's so cool." That got my attention. "Cool? What are trying to say, Tim?" He laughed. "I'm not saying cool I'd like to try that but that it's cool that you are so open with me about it." Slightly disappointed, I assured him that I was just joking. "So what are you up to now?" He asked. I told him that I needed to get myself cleaned up for class at 9:30. "Alright then, I catch you later." Then before he left my room, he turned around and said, "Hey, why don't you skip it and go fishing with me?" I was just about to give him my playful refusal but I thought about it more. "Yeah, let's go." He lit up right there in my doorway. "Alright go take a shower and come down to my room when you're ready!"

What was I doing, I said to myself in the shower. I'm skipping class to go fishing with a boy that I'm infatuated with. We're going to be alone in a boat together and he's going to be tossing me his mixed signals and I'll probably read them wrong and fuck up our relationship. I ran over my decision a million times as I dried off, dressed myself and walked over to his room. This could be potential dangerous and wonderful. But the knock on his door solidified my answer.

"Come in!" He shouted through the door. I open the door and was welcomed by the site of a naked Tim. I turned out to leave but he stopped me. "I'm just changing into my fishing gear, you can pop a squat in here for a minute." "No, no, no I'll just wait outside." I stammered. "It's not a big deal," He said as he turned to me. This was so bad right now, honestly. Just hours ago, I had sex with an ex thinking about Tim and here he is naked right in front of me. This was different from the times seeing him naked in the bathroom, I was now alone with him in his personal space. I was hard almost instantly. "Unless you're scared." He sneered at me. His flaccid cock was so big and his bush was so pretty and brown. "Alright man, if you insist." I tried to play off.

"In just a little bit, I'm going to show you a whole new world." He cried as he wrestled through his dresser drawer. Oh Tim, if you only knew.

(Sorry this has been taking me a bit, but classes are winding down, so I will update very soon!)

Next: Chapter 6

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