The Course of Hours


Published on Jul 7, 2010



I could tell my dad was pissed as hell at me as we left the Guillebeau's house. Of course this was my fault. Hmmf. Some tightly wound, rich prick goes off his rocker and it's my fault. Okay, so it was partly my fault. He wouldn't have gone crazy if I wasn't pushing him. Whatever. I don't give a shit.

My dad slammed the door to the truck and glared over at me.

"What'd ya do?!" He was really pissed.


"Don't lie to me! What'd ya say t'him!" His face was really red.

"Just that his dad liked you. I didn't know he didn't know about it!"

He started to calm down and cranked up the truck. I knew he still blamed me. This wasn't the first time I'd screwed everything up. Whatever.

"I should have told you they didn't know. But I thought you'd know not to say anything."

We were whizzing through the small road that took us back to the main road to get out of here. I should probably tell him everything, he'll be mad, but he'll probably find out anyway. Tom will tell him and then he'll be even madder. God, why am I such an asshole to him?

"I'm sorry Dad. I don't mean to screw everything up all the, but, I should probably tell you what happened...all of it." He shot me a look. "Well, I was kinda hittin' on Levi, trying to, um, uh...'test the waters' and he wasn't having any of it. So I, uh, changed gears and started...messin' with Noah. That got Levi maaaad, and that's, um, when I told him about you and Tom." I was staring at the floor, bracing myself for what was coming.

"Jesus, Davis! Noah is twelve! Twelve! He..."

"Was really into it! He couldn't get enough!" I interrupted. But I was really starting to feel guilty for messing with Noah, he really didn't deserve that, even if he wanted it.

He was quiet for a few minutes. We were on the main road now, having passed through the gates to the Guillebeau's estate. We passed that huge church Dad says looks like an old European cathedral, even though they only just finished building it. Then, Dad got really serious.

"Davis, I know this is hard for you. All of this. Moving, being here, my relationships. I know you want me all to yourself, want it to be just you and me, but you have to stop trying to mess up every relationship I try to get in. I've always been honest with you, I try not to sugar coat anything. Now be honest with me. Did you hit on Levi and mess with Noah to get a reaction like you got or because you were truly interested."

God! Why is he like this, duh I did it to get a reaction! Like I really want to get with some twelve year old! Levi wouldn't be a total waste, but he was a basket case. And obviously hated me.

" A little of both. I mean, Levi's really hot." I replied. I saw a slight smile even in the darkness.

"Okay. Let me guess. Levi turned you down. Noah was just a game to get to Levi. But wasn't the whole charade really to get to me in the end. To ruin it with Tom, like you ruined it with Jimmy? I like him, Davis! Don't you want me to be happy?"

He just had to bring that up. I guess I should come clean. Jimmy had been a guy my dad was seeing when we were living in Knoxville a few years ago. And Jimmy had a sweet little seven year old towhead to whom I described, in graphic detail, just what my daddy wanted to do to hers. The relationship went downhill after that. It wasn't because I wanted my dad to be unhappy, but couldn't he be happy with me? Why does he need some man? I've been really fucking good to him! I don't get in much trouble. I help around the house. I make decent grades. God!

"Well?!" He demanded.

I started to cry. I know, I'm really just a big baby. I am just really upset about this whole situation. But he won't care. Or he'll think I am just faking it. I guess I do that a lot. But I just want me and him, solo or duo or whatever. Okay, lie. I just don't want him with another guy. Yeah. Okay, call me a hypocrite, so I find other guys appealing, it doesn't mean I want my dad to be queer. At my last school my so-called friend blabbed all over school that "Davis's dad is a fag!," and everyone made fun of me. It didn't help that people already thought I was gay. But, no, my dad is a big, fat queer who loves to screw ass and suck cock! What a life! And that's the reason my mom left, too. He told her about how he was living a lie or some bullshit and she was up and gone, left her fag husband and his fag son. She said that, too. I was nine. She called me his "fag son". I was right there. I had no idea what it meant. But she said it so mean. So hurtful. I cried for a week. I hated my dad at first, but he was all I had, and he's been pretty good to me, I guess. Yeah, good to me. He works really hard for us to have a good life. He grew up poor white trash and he didn't want that for me. He's just a mechanic, but he works hard. And I always ruin in for him. He just wants someone to be happy with. Someone to love. God! I am such a selfish ass. I cried more.

"Davis..." Why did he have to say it like that!? "I can't tell you that it'll always be just you and me. I can't promise I'll never find someone. But you'll always be my number one. But... I am gay. I know it's hard for you to accept that. Hell, it took me a long time to accept it myself. And I know if Tom or Jimmy or whoever was a woman, it would be easier, and not just for you. But buddy...look at me...I love you. I love you more than anything. And I know you love me." He smiled big at me.

We had been in our driveway for a while. Home. It was nothing like the Guillebeau's mansion, but it was okay. It was a small, two-story house, the kind with the really slopped roof and windows that protruded out on top. We'd only lived here for about a month. I turned to him.

"I'm sorry." I leaned into him and he put his big arms around me. And I knew everything would be okay with us.

The porch light turned on as we walked up to the house. Motion sensors got me every time. I had no idea what time it was. I fished my phone out from my pocket and checked the time. 9:30. So much for a wonderful Friday night. Not like I had any friends here anyway. I had three missed calls and five text messages. One of the calls was from my ex-boyfriend Garrett. That fucker. He cheats on me with that slut Melissa and he expects me to talk to him. Besides, he's in fucking Tennessee and I'm in fucking Georgia! That's like 300 miles or something. I wouldn't get back with him anyways. Melissa is fucking nasty. Not like he could give me anything, we'd never actually done anything, but still, just the thought. Ugh! The other calls and the texts were from my best friend (well, at least I hoped we could still be best friends 300 miles apart) Natalie. God, that girl is persistent.

"Dad, I'll be in my room."

"Okay, son. Goodnight."

He walked through the living room toward the kitchen. Unlike Richie Rich Levi, my house only had one living room. And one eating area. And a kitchen. And three bedrooms. God, that house was huge! Anyways, I ran up the steps. I had the top floor to myself. At the top of the landing is a bathroom straight ahead and a room to either side. Mine was on the left. The other one was a guest room, although we rarely had guests. My room was typical. The walls were blue and covered in various posters and pictures and random junk. I flopped down on my double bed and read the texts from Nat. The first two just said for me to answer the damn phone. Then the other three attempted to tell me a story about someone named Bobby and Rosa and a party and drunkenness, but some words were misspelled and some didn't make sense at all. Rosa was her sister and was thirteen. I had no idea who Bobby was. The only Bobby I knew of was Bobby White, who despite his name was actually black and seventeen. So I decided to call her back and find out the situation.

"Oh my God! Davie! Why haven't you been answering your phone! Ohemgee! I have some things to tell you! Oh my god you'll never guess what's been going on around here!" She has really excited, to say the least.

"Um, hello to you, too, Nat. I didn't answer the phone because I was meeting my dad's new fuck buddy and his offspring."

"Ough. You'll def have to tell me about that, after I tell you about everything else! Did you read my text?!"

"Um, yeah. Sorta, but I didn't really understand it."

"Ugh! Davie! Well anyway. My fucking thirteen year old sister had sex with this guy named Bobby. He's fucking nineteen! They met at Connor Corkle's party and got drunk and slept together." I couldn't tell if she was happy, disappointed, or satisfied.

"Rosa!? Had sex. With a nineteen year old...hmmm. Confirmation that your sister is a slut- check."

"Davie, shut up. This is for real. My little sister has a more active sex life than I do... Okay, so she is a bit of a slut, we knew that last time when she slept with Brady, who looks five, so I'm not sure if that even counts, and Garr...I mean no one." I knew that voice. She was trying to hide that she had almost said Garrett's name. Wait. Garrett? My ex-boyfriend Garrett?! No. She must have meant Gary. But we don't know any Garys. And Rosa is a slut. And Garrett is a man-whore. Oh God!!!

"Wait, who?"

"No one, Davie." She sounded nervous.

"You were about to say Garrett, weren't you." I was a little disappointed. And angry.

"Don't get mad, Davie. I didn't tell you because I knew you'd be upset."

"I'm not upset." Lie. Lie, lie, lie!

"Davie, look, they had sex a few times, my sister's a whore. And don't feel bad about Garrett, he's a slut too. And a bitch...and I know you liked him a lot. But he was horrible to you."

"I was pretty bad to him too."

"Don't take up for him, Davis! He treated you like shit."

"Yeah, well, neither of us was out. Not like I really believe he is gay anyway. He likes girls way too much."

"Garrett likes anything with two legs, doesn't really matter what they are...If you promise to not like, totally freak, I have a story for you that you might find funny, if you're not freaking and all."

"Okay, promise I won't freak."

"Garrett and a couple of guys got drunk last weekend at Brent McCallister's house and rumor is that Brent got wasted and fucked Garrett, and then freaked when he woke up the next morning to Garrett in his bed trying to kiss him. Apparently he couldn't remember anything and told a bunch of guys that Garrett is a fag."

"Hmf. Serves Garrett right, and Brent, too, really. Who'd you hear that from?"


"Brent told you?"

"Yaah. Davis, you should know people confide in me. Who told you about Melissa? And how Garrett has pretty much slept with the whole school, male and female. First whiff of a story, and I was hot on the trail. If it's happened, I probably know about it. But anyways, while Brent told the guys about how much of a fag Garrett Jensen is and how he tried to rape him, he was crying to me about how confusing it was. Apparently he didn't kick him out of the house quite as quick as he let on. And didn't quite hate it either."

I could hear the satisfaction in Nat's voice. She loved this. I wasn't quite sure if I agreed. As much as I hated Garrett and Brent both, I kind of felt sorry for them. Well, mainly just Brent. Sure, he's an asshole, but no one deserves to be confused over Garrett Jensen. But I guess telling everyone about it the way he did could be bad for Garrett, too. Not that I much cared whether or not Garrett was upset over something. But when we were "dating" or whatever it was, he was always super concerned about someone finding out he was gay, or whatever he is, especially Brent. They're best friends, and Brent is super homophobic. He was always bitching about things he said. He even cried once. At the time I thought it was sad, but now I really don't care. Well, that's not true, maybe I do feel a little sorry for him, but not really.

"Davie, you promised."

"I'm not freaking out. I'm just... pondering."

"Pondering? Seriously. What has Georgia done to you?"

"Well, I, uhm, maybe, feel...sorry...for them."

"Davis!? You cannot feel sorry for them!" She said sorry like it was a disease.

"Well, I do, okay. It sucks Brent has to be confused over an asshole like Garrett, but Garrett doesn't deserve to be totally trashed by him either. Those two were probably made for each other or something. They're both jerks." "I can't believe you...Well... whatever; let's agree to disagree about tell me about your night with Mr. Fuckbuddy."

"Ugh, Nat. He isn't sooooo bad, I guess. He's kinda cute. But you know, he's whatever. But they like each other, so whatever. He has three kids. They seem cool. Except Mr. Spaztastic."

"Tell me about him? Did you do something to freak him out?"

"Yeah. Ha. I hit on him, and his twelve year old brother." Silence. Wait for it. Wait for it.

"Davis! I can't believe you!" There it is. Although, I could tell she thought it was hilarious.

"Well, I didn't know he didn't know about his dad being, whatever, with my dad. And he is kinda cute."

"He didn't know? Weird. How cute we talking?"

"Way cute Nat. He has this awesome thick brown curly hair. And blue eyes. And an awesome build. He swims...and plays soccer. And guess what?"


"I swiped a picture of him in a speedo from his room!"


"I know!"

"Send it to me!"

"I will when I get off the phone."

"What about the twelve year old?"

"Oh, well he is cute in a little kid kinda way, I guess. I was mainly just messing with his older brother through him. His name is Levi, btw."

"Hang up right now and send me that picture! I want to see what you'll be beating off to tonight."

"Natalie Pisano! Bye!" And I hung up. But I was still going to send her that picture.

I took it out of my pocket and carefully looked over Levi Guillebeau. Even if he was a spaz, he was gorgeous. And Natalie was right about something. I would be beating off to this picture tonight.

Next: Chapter 3

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