The Couch

By Mathew Davidson

Published on Dec 28, 2009


Should you be reading this? This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions between consenting underage males and if its illegal where you are then, don't do it! If someone says you cant and doesn't have a good reason however, then I quote my favorite author on this site, "Fuck Em" try it, you never know! I do occasionally use derogatory terminology in my work, and I apologize if this causes offense to anyone. It's not meant that way at all. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, I get a little dyslexic at times..

******************************* Author's Note

This chapter...displeases me. But alas, it had to be done. I apologize for the somewhat rushed feel of it, and the blatant disregard for detail. But its time for a new year story revamp! New characters, new places, and new drama. I was contemplating ending this story and moving on to write a whole new one, but I decided it would be a great deal more fun to simply use the characters from this one and toss them into new situations.

Hope everyone had a great xmas, and that Santa was good too ya. I got an overly-matured-suddenly-amazingly-attractive-cousin as a present. Yum.

-Matt *******************************

The Couch: Part 9

Life was looking up for Matt. He awoke everyday in Arthur's arms, and went home every night to sleep in bed with him. Arthur's parents worked normal nine to five jobs, and made breakfast every morning for the boys, and super every night. Matt went and got his license now that he was sixteen, and he went and talked to Kim about his money and she allowed him to purchase his own car. Being unused to luxury, and the very idea of owning a sports car didn't enchant him at all, Matt bought a used SUV, with plenty of room for hauling people and things around.

Matt's relationship with Arthur flourished and evolved. They were almost never apart, and never fought. Arthur had a very strong, but very follower type personality, and he had no problem in letting Matt take the lead in most things. They were open about their relationship at school and were accepted by everyone, even the teachers just looked the other way eventually. Their love was obvious and no one questioned it. Mason eventually came back to school, to scared to talk to either Arthur or Matt, but to proud to leave. Matt didn't mind the lack of interest from him, but Arthur seemed a little down that he had lost him as a friend, so Matt joined Arthur in saying hello to Mason whenever the chance arose. Mason usually ignored them and went on his way.

Matt went through the storage area where his mothers things had been put, and got rid of most of it. His mom hadn't kept much around, and aside from clothes and furniture there was almost nothing there. As Matt sat there alone in the dingy storage garage, he let memories of her wash over him, and he started to sob quietly, sitting in the big lazy boy his mom had always used to read in. It still smelt faintly of his old house. Matt had come to the place alone and he felt utterly lost in this world without his mom to guide him. Matt put his head down and cried for a long time. He was still crying when Arthur found him. Matt felt strong arms wrap around him and hold him while his tears played out. Arthur sat there, holding Matt for a good while, until Matt stood and took Arthur's hand and lifted him from the chair. Matt hugged Arthur and said

"Thank you."

Arthur needed no words to know how Matt felt. He just held his hand as Matt closed and locked the door to the storage room, then took the box of things he wanted to keep to his car. Arthur drove right behind Matt on the way home, and followed Matt into their bedroom when they arrived. Matt set the box on the desk and walked into the bathroom. Arthur walked over and looked inside the open box and saw a few photos, and a large album. Matt hadn't wanted to keep much, but then again, there hadn't been much to go through. Matt came out of the bathroom naked and crawled into bed. Arthur stripped down and got in behind Matt, wrapping both his arms around the boy in front of him. Matt said quietly.

"I miss her Arty, more then anything. She was the only person I loved more then I love you."

Arthur gave Matt a slight squeeze, unsure of what to say. Matt turned around in his arms so they were face to face on the bed. Matt brought his hand up and lightly caressed Arthur's face.

"But I have you, and that's the only reason its bearable."

Arthur felt a tear slide from his eye and run down his face. Matt's finger caught it and wiped it away. Matt leaned forwards and his breath was warm on Arthur's face. Matt pressed his lips to Arthur's, who's lips were as familiar to Matt by now as his own. Matt put his head on the pillow and closed his eyes, he felt Arthur pull him closer. They fell asleep like that, and Arthur felt closer then he ever had to Matt.


Arthur awoke to the alarm, which was on Matt's side of the bed. He nudged Matt with his knee to try and wake him, a feeling of urgency making him uneasy.

"Matt!" he tried nudging Matt again but all he got was a semi-conscious grunt in return. There was something they had to do today, or somewhere to be, Arthur couldn't remember.


This time Matt stirred and said "Hmmm?"

"What day is it today."

"June... 28th I think. Why?"

"Fuck!" Arthur flew out of bed and pulled the cover off of Matt, not even pausing to gaze at Matt's beautifully sculpted body, which had gotten even more toned and firm since he started working out the year before.

"What? Whats the problem?"

"It's the day today! We have to get to school now!"

"What day? What the hell are you going on about?"

Arthur came around the bed and hauled Matt up to this feet and started dragging him towards the shower.

"You honestly don't remember?"

Matt grinned and slapped Arthur's ass saying "I had other things on my mind when I went to sleep last night."

Arthur couldn't help but smile, but he didn't slow down. "Well, that aside, its our grad today! We're going to be late unless you get that ridiculously sexy ass in gear!"

Matt grinned insolently and walked into the shower behind Arthur. There was really no need to shower together, but they both enjoyed starting the days off this way. When they got out they went into their shared walk in closet and picked out their Sunday-best. Matt wore a tailored black suit with white vertical pinstripes and a black dress shirt, with a bright red tie, all of which his surrogate parents had bought for his eighteenth birthday. Arthur wore a solid black suit with a white shirt, and a tie to match Matt's. Everyday they tried to at least wear one thing the same, just to see if people would notice.

They quickly piled into Matt's car and sped off towards the church, adjacent to the school, where their graduation mass was being held. They walked in and sat down just as the doors were shut. The liturgy was boring, and the rest of the day wasn't much better. They went to a large auditorium in the north end of the city for the "walking the stage" portion of the day, and Matt dryly noted that it was 5 hours of sitting there for 23 seconds of excitement when they called your name. The robes they had to wear for the even were hot and itchy, and Matt, noted with a depressed sigh, did not flatter his ass at all, too which Arthur responded that it didn't need any more flattery, Matt gave it enough. The following conversation revolved mostly around the relative virtues of Matt's ass, making the people sitting around them either very uncomfortable or very amused. The graduation ceremony was held after all their exams, and was the last day of high school for either of them, their "prom" was to be held that evening. Once the ceremony was done, they all went outside and Arthur's parents met them at the door, all smiles. They hugged Arthur and Matt equally, seeing as Matt was accepted as part of their family. They took the boys to a fancy restaurant downtown called "La Chaumiere", the same one Matt and his mom used to go to on the rare occasions they had money. Matt imagined what his mother would say if she were here now. He had excellent grades, and had been accepted at the local college for their renowned Culinary Art's program, which was at the same college where Arthur was attending an EMS course, he wanted to be a paramedic, and they had already picked out a house that he would buy with the money his mothers life insurance policy had awarded him, that Arthur would move with him wasn't even debatable.

After dinner Arthur's dad took him aside and handed him a keycard to the penthouse suite in the nicest hotel downtown.

"You boys have fun tonight, alright? Don't do anything stupid and come home tomorrow. I love you both."

Arthur hugged his dad and promised to be careful. He got into Matt's car and they drove off to the bar that his school had rented for their dance. Both he and Matt were eighteen now so they needn't worry about getting liquor, although neither of them drank to the excess, ever. The party was great, and both of them had fun, despite only Arthur drinking at all, and lightly at that. Matt stayed sober so he could drive them to the hotel at the end of the night but he still had fun dancing with Arthur and socializing with all their friends. At around two am, Arthur whispered to Matt "I'm tired of dancing, and I'm horny as fuck, and I'm a wee bit inebriated, shall we go to the hotel?"

Matt laughed and kissed him, taking his hand and leading him out of the bar and to where he had parked the car a few blocks away. They got in and Matt drove to their hotel, pulling into the valet parking lane. He gave the keys to the valet and led Arthur to the top floor and their lavish room. Matt didn't really look at the details but saw that there was a monstrous bed with a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice and two crystal glasses beside the bed. Picture perfect he thought to himself. He pushed Arthur in the general direction of the bed and whipped his phone out and sent a quick text to Arthur's dad saying they were at the hotel and ok, Matt knew he was worried. Matt put his phone away and looked at Arthur, who was naked and sitting on the bed.

"Christ you dress down fast." Matt started walking over to Arthur, hanging his suit jacket on a chair as he walked by, and leaning and picking Arthur's up off the floor as he walked by it.

"And you don't go fast enough. Allow me to assist." Arthur stood and walked over to Matt, his hands immediately working the buttons undone on Matt's shirt while Matt took off his tie. When his chest was bare, Arthur got on his knees in front of Matt and cupped his hands around Matt's firm ass, pushing his crotch into Arthur's face. Arthur mouthed the noticeable shape of Matt's erection through the thin fabric of the dress pants for awhile before pulling back and bringing his hands around to rid Matt of the troublesome garment. Matt stepped out of his pants and took off his socks, then slid his boxers to the floor. Arthur stood and wrapped his arms around Matt and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Matt's hands encircling Arthur's waist and cupping his firm buttocks, Arthur doing the same. Matt began walking them towards the bed where they fell and continued their lip-lock session for a long while, enjoying the feel of each others warmth as they touched every conceivable place on the others body. Matt eventually ended up on top of Arthur, straddling him so that their cocks were pressed together, and Matt was looking down into Arthur's eyes. Matt gripped both cocks in his hand and began working them up and down, his other hand rubbing Arthur's chest, tweaking his nipples and generally feeling him up. Arthur let Matt work for awhile, then he grasped Matt's ass and pushed him forwards, so that Matt fell into an all-fours position and his dick was in line with Arthur's eager mouth. Matt started slowly sliding his erection into Arthur's mouth but Arthur reached up and pushed his ass towards Arthur's face and Matt's dick was encased in the heat and wetness of Arthur's mouth. Matt moaned and started slowly fucking Arthur's face, and Arthur put one hand in between Matt's spread cheeks and slipped one finger into Matt's opening, pushing it up to the knuckle for that extra little jolt of pain he knew Matt liked, and tickling Matt's prostate.

"Mmmmm, I'm gunna cum if you keep that up." Matt moaned out, Arthur's witty reply lost to the fact that he had a full mouth. His efforts redoubled however and Matt started spewing into his mouth, Arthur swallowing most of it but keeping a lot of it in his mouth. He pulled off Matt's dick and immediately pulled Matt back down and kissed him, swapping the cum in his mouth back and forth between him and Matt. Wordlessly Matt swallowed it all after a little while, and quickly got up and went and retrieved the lube from his jacket pocket. He went back to Arthur and lay down beside him.

"What would you like to do today sir?" Matt asked, grinning widely.

"Doggie." Arthur grabbed the lube and they got into position. Arthur lubbed up his fingers and worked them into Matt for a while before getting into position and pushing inwards, his cock sliding easily into the tight but familiar opening. Matt groaned and pushed back harder. Arthur reached around and gave Matt's now hard erection a quick squeeze then he started setting up a rhythm, and soon the only sound was labored breathing and the slap of skin on skin as Matt's ass met Arthur's thighs. Arthur leaned down so his chest was Across Matt's back, he knew Matt loved it when they had as much skin touching as possible. Arthur lightly bit Matt's neck and licked up and down from Matt's ear to his shoulder. They went at it for a long while, before Arthur started filling Matt with juice, the warm sensation causing Matt to grasp his own erection and start to cum all over the bed. They collapsed in a tangled, sweaty heap on the bed and Matt pulled off of Arthur and got the champagne from the bucket beside the bed, pouring two glasses and handing one to his lover.

"Here's to us! And graduation, moving out, and college. But mostly us." Matt toasted Arthur then they poured the drink in their hand down the others throat. They finished the bottle of champagne on the dresser and cuddled on the bed for awhile, then Arthur took Matt's glass and put it beside his own on the dresser.

"Come'ere" He grasped Matt's wrist and pulled him in close. They kissed for a bit then Arthur rolled Matt over so his ass was pressed against Arthur's cock. Arthur got some more lube and greased up his pole then lay down behind Matt, taking one of his legs and lifting it up so that Matt's hole was exposed. Arthur positioned his shaft and slid in to the much abused opening. His chest was once again against Matt's back and he was breathing right in Matt's ear. As he built up his speed, Matt turned around and kissed Arthur, saying nothing. He was sweating and his eyes were glazed over. Arthur released Matt's leg and let Matt worry about keeping it up for a bit, then brought his now free hand down to jerk Matt off. After a while of this position, Matt pushed Arthur out and stood on the bed, straddling Arthur's crotch. He slowly lowered his ass and descended onto Arthur's leaking meat, moaning as he did. He placed his hand on Arthur's chest and started riding him, enjoying the added depth this position provided. He felt Arthur begin to tense, and felt him wrap his fingers around Matt's engorged cock and start pumping furiously. For the second time in less then two hours Matt felt Arthur fill him up, and he started spewing all over Arthur's chest. When they were both done, Matt collapsed down into Arthur's waiting arms and they both fell quickly asleep once Arthur reached out and pulled the comforter over them, Arthur's cock still buried deep inside Matt.

They left the hotel at noon the next day and were driving home when Matt's cell started to ring. Arthur didn't like Matt talking and driving so he took the phone and answered.

"Matt's phone, hello?" Matt listened carefully, but couldn't quite grasp who was calling by what Arthur was saying, since all he heard was Arthur's occasional affirmative noise, and then finally Arthur covered the receiver and looked at Matt, a huge smile on his face.

"It's the realtor. The sale of the house is finalized and she has the keys for us. Wanna go get em'?"

"Fuckin right I do!" Matt pulled a U-turn and sped off towards the realtors office while Arthur told her they would be there momentarily. It only took a few minutes to drive to the office, and Matt parked in front and ran inside to get the keys, he had already signed the paperwork and was just waiting on the banks until that moment. He came back out and jumped in the car.

"I called mom and dad and told them we'd be late getting home."

Arthur said as Matt pulled out and got on the road that would take them to the new house. It took awhile getting there, since they had chosen he location to be near the college and where Matt worked. Matt had gotten a job as a cook at a steakhouse a year before, and was now the Sous Chef there.

They pulled into the driveway at their new home and stood beside the car, looking at the house for awhile. It was an older home, and somewhat shabby on the outside. Despite his resources, Matt hadn't gone for extravagance, but rather quality and comfort. The yard had several large trees and a large driveway that both he and Arthur could easily park in, leaving room for another car. The house was brick, and had large open windows. They walked up and onto the porch, which was large enough that it could easily hold a patio set with a table and chairs. Matt walked up to the door and inserted the key in the lock, turning it open and pushing the door inwards. They stepped into the foyer of the house and Matt stood appreciatively in the doorway, taking in the sight if the place, his place. The house was massive, with five bedrooms and three bathrooms. There were three smaller bedrooms that were average size, that he and Arthur planned on renting out if they found anyone they wouldn't mind living with, as well as one larger bedroom that Matt had said he would turn into his "study". Arthur apptly translated this into "the place to put your hundreds of goddamned books". Then there was the master bedroom, which was the size of their current room, which occupied the entire top floor. The house occupied five floors, the top three being only half floors, with each floor taking up half the area of the house. Matt and Arthur walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. The kitchen had been what had sold Matt on the house, being abnormally large and with a gas stove and a large island in the middle that he could use as a workspace or a breakfast bar. The only reason they had been able to afford the house had been due to two factors, one being that is was rundown and needed new paint everywhere, as well as new flooring in some rooms. The main factor however had been that the neighborhood was very rundown and disreputable. Matt and Arthur didn't mind though, they didn't need to walk anywhere at night and Arthur's dad said he knew a couple people who could fix the place up beautifully.

They stood in the kitchen for awhile, then Matt said "Hey Arthur..."


"Guess what we get to do now!"


"Furniture shopping!"

"Kill me now."

Matt pouted and walked up to Arthur and put his hands on Arthur's hips.

"Come now, it'll be fun. I say a budget of... twenty grand will suffice?"

Arthur laughed and leaned down and kissed Matt softly.

"And I say you need to tighten the purse strings a little bit. How bout we go to IKEA and furnish this entire house for 50 bucks with cheap Swedish furniture?"

Matt made a pretense of thinking then kissed Arthur again.


They walked back out of the house and got in the car, and drove off to Arthur's house. When they arrived they changed out of their suits and went upstairs to talk to the adults.

After a hurried conversation, Arthur's dad phoned up his aforementioned friends and set up a painting crew to meet with Matt and Arthur at the house later that day to chose colors, as well as a general repair man and a flooring expert to give the house its tune up. The boys picked their colors and chose new hardwood floors. Arthur saw Matt talking to his dad, and went over to see what was up but Matt stopped talking as soon as he got there, and when pressed, would say only that it was a surprise and he would find out eventually. Once the arrangements were made, they had only to wait a month and the house was ready.

Matt and Arthur pulled up in front of the house in Arthur's old jeep, and Matt practically leapt out of the passenger side door and ran up to the door of the house, Arthur right on his heels. Grinning from ear to ear, Matt took the key out of his pocket and unlocked the door, throwing it open and stepping into the house. They had agreed to not go in until all the renovations and fixes were done, and Arthur's mom had placed all the furniture they had ordered. As soon as they walked in the smell of paint hit them, along with sawdust and other smells. The walls had been painted the deep red that they had chosen, and the near-black hardwood floors looked fantastic. They looked in every room of their transformed house, then finally got to the second top floor, the one with the two large bedrooms, one of which had been fitted with wall to wall, floor to ceiling bookshelves. Matt rushed to this room and looked in, gasping at the surprise he found there. In the middle of the room, next to a small table and a lamp, was his mothers reading chair. Matt slowly walked towards it and saw that it was the very same chair, it had the rip on the side where he had cut it with a toy when he was a toddler. Matt stood there over the chair, and felt tears come unbidden to his eyes. He felt Arthur s breath on his neck and strong arms encircled him, Arthur rested his chin on Matt's shoulder.

"I figured we didn't really need a new one, why throw away a perfectly good chair?" Arthur whispered in Matt's ear.

"I love you." Matt whispered back, his voice hindered by the overwhelming mixture of sadness and joy coursing through him. They stood there for a few moments, then Matt wiped away his tears and turned in Arthur's arms, beaming once more.

"I have a surprise for you too, in our bedroom."

Arthur kissed him and released his hold, curious as too what Matt had in store. He walked towards the stairs and then climbed them, Matt following close behind. Once they reached the top of the stairs, Arthur saw a passcode lock on the bedroom door.

"This is my surprise?" he had a skeptical look on his face.

Matt giggled and slipped past Arthur and entered in 2-7-8-9.

"No, but I did forget to tell you about that. I figured we should have the ability to have a little privacy in case anyone moves in with us. The code is a-r-t-y."

Arthur laughed and walked through the now open door. He looked around their room, taking it in from left to right. The walls were a light cream color and they had a soft carpet, the only carpet in the house. They had the bed from Arthur's house since it was a king size bed and they didn't need to spend needlessly despite Matt's tendency to do so. Arthur's gaze finally hit the far side of the room and he saw a huge Jacuzzi nestled in the corner.

"Is that what I think it is..." He stood openmouthed.

"Ah, remember our first date darling? So much fun in that one tub..." Matt walked up to the tub and looked in and said "This one has more jets, better seats." Arthur walked up behind him.

"But there's only one seat..."

"Oh my, I hadn't noticed, I'll have to sit on your lap." Arthur chuckled and pulled Matt into a hug and a kiss. When they separated Matt said "Let's go grocery shopping and get some food in this place, then we can unpack our clothes and we're officially moved in!"

Arthur smiled and said "Wow man, our own house at 18, we are so lucky."

Matt stopped and his face fell. "The cost is still too high. I would prefer living in that old condo with my mom then here without her."

Arthur mentally punched himself for being so insensitive, but saw that Matt was smiling at him.

"I know you didn't mean it like that. And we are lucky, very lucky. We have each other, and we have this amazing place. Now lets go buy spices! I get to start a whole new collection since I left mine with your mother."

Arthur rolled his eyes and got into the car as Matt locked up the house, then ran out and got in the vehicle. They drove to the store and loaded up on everything conceivable they would need, including an entire basket of spices for Matt. Matt was just putting the last spice in when Arthur grabbed the package from his hand.

"Tell me this is a typo, this little bag is worth ninety dollars?"

Matt grinned sheepishly.

"Its saffron, and yeah, it's a wee bit pricey. But its delicious! And I can do a lot with it." Arthur looked at him with one eyebrow raised.

Matt rolled his eyes and Arthur said "Seriously, you need to slow down. You don't have an infinite amount of money despite what you may think. We both work but its only enough for the bills. Do you NEED this?"

Matt looked at his feet and mumbled "No I can use other stuff..." At the look on Matt's face, Arthur softened a bit and said "Im sorry Matt its just you spent A LOT on the house and I don't want you too waste all the money now."

Matt took a deep breath and said "Your right, I do need to stop. We have plenty, lets go." He smiled and added "I have a great idea for what to make for dinner and I wanna get home before I forget it."

They payed and hauled all their food out to the car, then drove home. Once everything was stowed away Matt started dinner while Arthur unpacked their clothes into the closet upstairs. When he was done he went downstairs and smelt something delicious. He walked in just as Matt set two plates down on the breakfast bar and sat down.

"Impeccable timing as always."

Arthur sat down and looked at his dish. There was a deep fried thing covered in red stuff and some weird shapes he guessed were potato's, and it smelt delicious.

"This looks great... what the hell is it?" Matt laughed and said "It's a veal milanese napped in a tamat sauce, it tastes good but ill tell you what's in it AFTER you finish eating, and some dophinoise style potato."

Arthur just looked at him, then said

"English please."

Matt rolled his eyes and said "Its deep fried baby cow with tomato sauce and baked potato's. Shut up and eat it smartass."

Arthur grinned insolently and started eating. It was all delicious, and the tomato sauce had little slices of meat in it that added a nice flavor. When the meal was over and the dishes cleared away, Arthur said "What was in the tomato sauce, it was real good."

Matt burst out laughing and said "Don't kill me if I tell you."

Arthur glared at him. "Its something disgusting isn't it..."

Matt yelled "Cow tongue!" as he ran up the stairs, Arthur giving chase in mock anger. Matt rushed into their room just as Arthur tackled him, taking them both to floor in a laughing tangle of limbs. They rolled around then stopped when Arthur was on top of Matt sitting on his stomach with Matt's arms pinned to the ground at his sides. Arthur leaned down and pushed his lips against Matt's aggressively. Matt slipped his tongue into Arthur's mouth and sucked Arthur's into his. Arthur pushed his teeth against Matt's tongue and they made out for a few minutes on the floor, Arthur eventually forgetting he was supposed to be pinning Matt down, leaving Matt free to run his hands up Arthur's chest and back. When they eventually separated Matt grinned and looked up at Arthur.

"And I thought you didn't like tongue."

Arthur grinned and pulled off his shirt, then got up and stripped the rest of the way, Matt doing the same on the floor since Arthur was still standing over him.

Arthur stood with his junk hanging over Matt's face. He looked down into the deep brown eyes and an insolent smile crept onto his face.

"Hey Matt, shut up and eat it smartass."

The laughter and moans could be heard for hours afterwards as they celebrated their new home.

The next month went by quickly, as they became used to the new place. They went through their list of friends and couldn't find a single person whom they could live with. Before either of them knew it, it was the first day of college and they arrived early for their classes. Arthur's EMS building was right across from the culinary arts complex, so they split up and went their separate ways. The first month they had classes at the same time so they could take one car, but after that the hours Matt had to be at school were odd so they would drive separately. Matt walked into the auditorium and listened to the orientation. There were 170 people enrolled in the course, and only an estimated 30 would graduate at the end of the second year. Matt silently vowed he would be one of them. They were broken into brigades, 15-18 people each brigade. Your brigade was your class for the next two years and Matt eagerly went down to join his new homeroom chef. The chef was a jolly fat French man who smiled a lot, and Matt liked him instantly.

Matt waited patiently as the names in his brigade were called, looking out for any persons of interest. They had 15 people on their group, and only 3 of which were female. The rest were guys, average in looks ranging in age from fresh out of high school to the one 40 year old man who was only there for the hell of it. Most were about 20-25. Matt was just getting bored of waiting when he heard the chef yell "Levi Bourdoise". Matt looked up to the back row and saw an angel stand up. He was short, only about Matt's height, and had short dirty blond hair. He had the slightest amount of baby fat on him but it only made his face look soft and angelic. He was wearing clothes that were dirty and too small for him and Matt could tell he probably worked out since he was well toned and relatively thin. He had beautiful green eyes, which were set in a downcast, depressed look, and his lips were set in a perpetual frown. Matt couldn't look away as he walked down the stairs towards him.

There, chapter 9 is done. Like I said earlier, not overly pleased with the literary aspects of this one, but now we can explore the wonderful world that college offers. And Levi might just get to be known better... One never knows. Let me know what you think of this chapter, emails are always answered, even the ones proclaiming I suck. Hopefully this will appease some of you who were angry about his mom's death, had to happen mostly for financial reasons. I killed the most loved character off for money, I'm cool like that.

Next: Chapter 10

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