The Couch

By Mathew Davidson

Published on Dec 22, 2009


Should you be reading this? This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions between consenting underage males and if its illegal where you are then, don't do it! If someone says you cant and doesn't have a good reason however, then I quote my favorite author on this site, "Fuck Em" try it, you never know! I do occasionally use derogatory terminology in my work, and I apologize if this causes offense to anyone. It's not meant that way at all. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, I get a little dyslexic at times..

I'm not sure what happened to my text format last time, and I apologize for chapter 7 being broken into a whopping three paragraphs, I'll try and make sure it doesn't happen again. This will be the last chapter before Christmas so happy holidays everybody! Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident." -St. Augustine

The Couch: Part 8

The boys awoke Monday morning and immediately got dressed for skiing, putting a stop on any fun in bed due to their time constraint. They had to leave the ski hill by 6pm at the latest to get home on time, and they wanted as much hill time as possible. The day went smoothly, aside from an awkward moment when they got in line at the lift with Rick, but they just pretended he didn't exist and didn't acknowledge him at all. At around five thirty they headed back to the lodge and into their room, tired but not nearly as worn out as the day before. They packed their things and piled the bags in front of the door. Arthur called the front desk and told them they were checking out and they said it was good, the bill was clear. Arthur grinned at Matt as he hung up the phone.

"We're good, lets head out so we can get home before midnight!"

Matt nodded and grabbed as much stuff as he could carry, and they walked down to the front doors where the bellhop had brought Arthur's beat up jeep to the doors. They loaded their stuff and started home.

On the drive there, Matt fell asleep and leaned on Arthur's shoulder. Arthur looked down at Matt's serene face and smiled. It had been a good trip, and a lot more had happened then he expected. He had wanted to give Matt time before he made any sort of advances, but making advances had been on his mind for awhile now. But Matt had been the one to initiate this relationship, and Arthur was bound and determined that nothing would come between them. He had never felt this strongly for another person, and he was sure that he and Matt could handle anything that society threw at them. At around 10 Arthur pulled up in front of Matt's house. He nudged Matt awake and got out, grabbing Matt's things from the back of his jeep and walking up to the front door, Matt following sleepily behind. Matt walked up and pulled his keys out and unlocked the door, taking his bag from Arthur to lighten his load a little. They closed the door behind them and walked downstairs, dumping the bag and ski's at the foot of the stairs.

Arthur slumped into the couch, Matt came over and sat in his lap, letting his head rest on Arthur's shoulder. Matt sat there, never more comfortable on his couch, taking in the smell of Arthur's clothes, the smell of him. Matt wiggled his arms around Arthur's midsection and hugged him, Arthur's hands came up and returned the tender hug. They sat there for a few minutes, then Matt said something, his voice muffled by the fact that his face was pressed against Arthur's chest.


"I said thank you."

"For what?"

"For the best birthday I can remember."

Arthur looked into Matt's eyes and smiled down at him, bringing a bright smile to Matt's own face.

"Your worth it, and a thousand times more too me." Matt let out a contented sigh at the words and mumbled "I love you" before returning back to his original position. Arthur and Matt sat there cuddling for a long while, not saying much, just content to be together, knowing that at school tomorrow they wouldn't have as much of an opportunity to do things like this. At around 11:30, Matt's mom got home. They both stood up and walked upstairs to say hello. When they walked into the kitchen Matt's mom was just taking off her coat and putting down her purse. They walked into the room and she looked up, smiling when she saw who it was.

"How was the trip?"

"Amazing!" Matt said exuberantly, grinning broadly.

"That's great hun. Arthur are you spending the night or going home?"

Arthur hadn't thought about sleeping there, but it was already late and he had to be at the same place as Matt in the morning so he might as well.

"I'll stay if you don't mind, then I don't have to pick this guy up in the morning."

"Alright dear, I assume I don't need to get extra bedding out for you?" Matt's mom had a smile on her face as she said this, and it only widened when Arthur blushed furiously.

"No ma'm."

"Very well. I'm going to bed since some of us have to wake up early, I'll see you boys tomorrow. And thank you Arthur, if Matt hasn't said that already." She walked to the stairs and went up to her bedroom, the boys heading back downstairs. As they walked into Matt's room, Matt grabbed Arthur's hand and spun him around, pushing his lips to Arthur's Matt started walking them towards the bed. Arthur chuckled and allowed Matt to lead him to the edge of the bed, then wrapped his arms around Matt and let himself fall backwards with Matt on top of him.

Clothes started flying across the room and soon they were naked in each others arms again, With Arthur pressing his chest down on Matt who was now on the bottom as Matt wrapped his legs around Arthur and pressed their crotches together. Matt reached under the bed and felt around for the lube, never breaking his lips away from Arthur's. He found it and brought it up, handing it to Arthur. Arthur pulled away from Matt's face and knelt in between Matt's legs, squirting some lube onto his fingers he started working them into Matt's hole, He put some on his other hand and started running it up and down his own swollen cock, making sure it was all lubed up, then he took that hand and used it to give Matt the same treatment, jerking him off while fingering him. Matt relaxed as best as possible and as soon as Arthur was able to get three fingers into Matt easily, he repositioned himself and slowly started to slide into him, Holding either of Matt's ankles in his hands looking down at Matt's face, which was set in a mask of ecstasy. Arthur got all the way in then on sudden impulse wrapped his arms around Matt and lifted him up so he was impaled on Arthur's dick, with his legs and arms wrapped around Arthur's sweating muscular back with Arthur on his knees on the bed. Matt moaned as the position forced Arthur even deeper inside him. Arthur was face to face with Matt so he leaned forwards and kissed him, then began lifting Matt up and down, the exertion driving him to even greater heights of pleasure, as sweat started to pour off of him, allowing Matt's dick to slide up and down his chest, creating a sensation they both enjoyed.

"Oh my god Arthur, keep going, this feels so great."

Arthur felt himself getting close, seeing as he had woken up horny but hadn't had a chance all day to do anything about it. They went at it for a few minutes, Arthur and Matt both panting hard, before Arthur felt something warm and wet him in the chin, he looked down and realized Matt was cumming all over his chest and the first shot had hit him right under his mouth. Being covered in Matt's cum was such a turn on for his already erotically excited brain that he started cumming up Matt's ass, his seed giving him extra lubrication for his last few thrusts before he fell forward and to the side so he was face up on the bed next to Matt. Matt got on his knees and started licking the cum off Arthur's chest, going slowly and licking every square inch of Arthur's well defined chest. When he was done, he collapsed onto Arthur and nestled his head in the crook of Arthur's arm. Arthur reached down and pulled the blanket up while Matt turned on the alarm next to the bed. They fell asleep in each others arms yet again, content with the world, thinking that nothing could go wrong.

How wrong two people can be.

It was 4am when a persistent banging at the door awoke Matt. He wasn't fully cognizant but only vaguely aware, but he heard his mom walk down the stairs from the top floor. He slowly started to come fully awake, and nudged Arthur to rouse him, he had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that something bad was about to happen. He heard his mom say something, the words muffled by the walls between them. He heard a male yelling, and the voice... It was familiar... but...

Matt's blood ran cold and he stopped moving halfway to standing up. It was him, he had come back. After nearly five years his dad had come back. How had he found them? He heard another yell and a crash. Matt leapt out of bed and grabbed his phone, throwing it to a still groggy Arthur.

"Call the police, now!" With that Matt grabbed his boxers and slipped them on as he ran upstairs. He heard Arthur's voice behind him and could only hope he was calling the police.

Matt smelt whiskey in the air before he even hit the last step from the basement. He ran into the hall in time to see his mom fall from a backhand to the face and his dad star walking towards the stairs where he had just appeared. When his dad saw him, he stood there, giving Matt a good chance to size him up. He didn't look good, at all, his entire height of 5`8" looked covered in grime. Matt couldn't remember what his dad had been wearing the day he left, but he guessed it was probably the same clothes he was in now, only now his dad looked gaunt and pale, his cheeks were hollow and he reeked of cheap liquor and unwashed, sour sweat. He had a beard and his hair was long and greasy. Matt stood frozen in fear as his dad started walking towards him, purposefully.

"Hey there boy, glad to see your pa after all these years?"

Matt couldn't bring himself to reply, so frozen in terror was he. His dad walked up to him and stopped in front of him for a moment. His hand shot out, startlingly fast, and gripped Matt's neck, Matt didn't flinch. His dad pushed him back against the wall and leaned forward and sniffed him.

"You smell like sex boy, you got a girl down there in that hovel your mother calls a house?"

Matt just stared into his eyes, his fear slowly ebbing away to be replaced by a fiery hatred. His dad's other hand shot out and the back of his hand snapped against Matt's face. Again, Matt didn't flinch, just kept staring at his dad.

"Answer me boy!" his dad was about to hit him again but before his hand started forward, Arthur walked out of the door to the basement in only his boxers.

"Well what's this then? You have another boy down there? Always knew you were a faggot. Can you take a hit yet? Or are you still a pussy." As he finished saying this he turned his backhand into a full out punch and hit Matt in the side of the head, sending him sprawling onto the kitchen floor. As he fell Matt saw Arthur's eyes burning as he rushed the stinking man in the hallway. Arthur was tall by any standards, and had muscle to back it up, but Matt's dad had a deceptive amount of strength, and he was quick. He spun and pushed Arthur to the ground and straddled his chest, raining down blows on Arthur's face and chest. Matt got up shakily and saw his mom come running into the fray, screaming for his dad to stop. His dad stood up and turned in her direction, pulling something out of his jacket as he stood. Metal flashed and Matt saw that it was a long knife that his dad held. He rushed towards his mom and screamed "Shut the fuck up! How many times do I have to tell you!"

The world seemed to slow down for Matt, as he watched the knife slide into his mothers stomach, a red stain appearing on her nightgown. His dad held her up, then almost tenderly laid her down on the floor, gasping and clutching her injured abdomen. Arthur was up again and he rushed Matt's dad while his back was turned, he hadn't seen the knife. Matt's dad spun and hit Arthur in the temple with the butt of knife, and Arthur crumpled to the floor. Matt stood frozen in stark terror, all that he loved lay on the floor breathing shallowly. Matt couldn't tear his eyes away from the blood pouring out of his mother, or his dad leaning over Arthur, the knife in one hand. Arthur... he was going to hurt Arthur. Matt's mind snapped again, the same way it had with Mason. Except this time, there was no stopping point, there could be no quarter. Matt grabbed a large kitchen knife from the knife block and walked as quietly as possible towards his dad, who was still leaning over Arthur, the knife quivering in his hand. Matt found himself directly behind his dad, the knife steady in his own hand. Without a seconds hesitation he slashed his dads back, as hard as he could, the knife biting deeply into flesh. His dad spun around, screaming in pain, he knocked the knife from Matt's hand. His eyes burned and he seemed to tower over Matt, who did not back down. His dad slashed wildly at him, his right arm dangling uselessly, and Matt was too close to dodge so he accepted a bone-deep cut on his arm, but managed to get a good punch to the head in. His dad staggered sideways a little, weakening fast, blood pouring from the wound in his shoulder. Matt saw an opportunity and lunged for the knife, but he underestimated his dads reflexes and felt a hot pain in his stomach. He looked down to see a long gash run from belly button to rib cage on his own stomach. He grimaced but continued punching at his father, his mind lost to rage and pain, he didn't even feel the cuts he received anymore, and had no concept of how serious they were. He didn't stop when bright lights suddenly shone through the door, he could only stand there and then fall from blood loss as his dad spun about wildly, and he could only watch as his dad lunged towards the police officer, his knife still in hand, and could only gasp as two thunderous bangs sounded, and his dad hit the floor facedown, never to trouble anyone again. Blackness started closing in and Matt heard the police officer radio in two ambulances and one meat wagon. He didn't know what that meant, but it was fine. It was all fine...

Matt opened his eyes as he came awake and white hot pain shot through his mind. He started to cry quietly, it felt as if someone had placed red hot pokers all over his body, and his right arm would not obey his commands at all, it simply lay beside him. Matt's quiet sobbing turned into a wail as the pain finally set in. Matt tried to lean forwards a little and was rewarded with more pain then he had ever felt in his young life. He screamed. A nurse ran into the room followed closely by a man in a doctors uniform, the spoke some medical gibberish and the next thing Matt knew he was waking up again, only this time the pain was bearable. They probably had him on morphine he thought idly. Then he remembered; where was his mom, where was Arthur? He started panicking and his heart rate spiked, causing a little beeping noise to sound. A nurse once again burst into the room and rushed to his bedside. He stood beside Matt's bed and made calming noises, and Matt closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again and tried to say "Where's my mom?" but all that came out was a strange half-cough half-moan noise. The nurse went to the sink and got a cup of water and held it to Matt's lips. Matt drank deeply, and found his voice once he cleared his throat.

"Where's my mom? And my friend? What day is it? How did I get here?"

The nurse responded with "Shhhhh, easy bud. You've been out for 3 days. I'm going to send your friend in, he can explain most things to you."

Matt made an effort at a nod and the nurse left. Arthur entered the room at a run and scrambled to Matt's bedside, with tears in his eyes.

"Thank god, they said you may not make it! I'm so glad your awake." Arthur sank to his knees beside Matt's bed and kissed his hand.

"It's nice to see you too. Why am I still in bed? I wasn't hurt that bad." Arthur gave Matt a weird look at said "You haven't looked yet have you?" At Matt's puzzled look Arthur stood and closed the door. He walked back to Matt's side and looked down at him, his eyes a mixture of love, pity and caring all at once.

Arthur removed the blanket covering Matt as softly as possible, then undid the front of the robe Matt was wearing and exposed Matt's stomach. Matt gasped, which caused it to hurt all the more. His stomach looked like it had been put through a meat grinder then sewn back together. At a glance there was more thread then skin, even one of his nipples had a jagged cut through it.

Arthur had tears in his eyes as he looked at his mutilated lover.

"The doctor says that because your young, most of them will just be thin white scars."

Matt sat in dumbfound silence, when suddenly it occurred to him.

"Arthur, where's my mom?"

Arthur sat down in the chair beside the bed.

"She... she..."

"She's gone isn't she." Matt asked. The tears pouring down Arthur's face were all the answer Matt needed. He had never felt so heartbroken before, even when Ian had left him, he had been able to go to his mom. She would always make everything better. She would always be there, but now... She was gone. Matt swore he heard his heart break. He leaned back into the cushions slowly and tears snuck out of his eyes and down his face. His dad had done this. He was to blame.

"What about my dad?" Arthur composed himself and answered

"Dead, the police shot him when he tried to attack them with the knife."

"Good." Matt said coldly. That man had destroyed everything good in his life, and now he had taken the only thing Matt had left. It was then that Matt really looked at Arthur for the first time. He had a bruise on his temple and a bandage that wrapped around his chest could be seen under the T-shirt he was wearing.

"Arthur... It's my fault that you got hurt. I'm sorry, I wont be mad if you don't want to be with me anymore." Matt fully expected Arthur to stand up and walk out, who could love someone after that someone put them through hell and dragged them into a cesspool of negative emotions.

"Matt. Shut up."

Matt looked up, surprise and irritation playing across his face. He started to reply but Arthur pushed his fingers against Matt's lips and easily prevented Matt from leaning forwards at all.

"I don't just love you when the going is easy, I don't just love you when we're sleeping together, and I certainly don't just love you when your happy. Your sadness is my cause to be sad, and your pain hurts me. I. will. Never. Leave. You cant get rid of me that easily."

Matt smiled, and tears began to fall from his eyes. Suddenly he felt overwhelmed, drowning in a sea of emotions and loss. Arthur held his hand tightly as he wept, wept for his lost mother, and for the father he never really had. Matt cried for a long time, until there were no tears left and he collapsed into his bed, falling into a fitful sleep. Arthur stayed the night at the hospital, as well as most of the nights after that.

Matt was in the hospital for a total of two months. Over these two months he came to terms with the loss of his mother, and accepted that she was in a better place now. She probably wasn't working 75 hours a week in heaven. His mothers lawyer called, and told him not to worry about living expenses and such, she would take care of it, and as soon as he was able he needed to come to her office. Matt was in the hospital for Christmas and woke up Christmas day to Arthur and his parents fighting past a line of scowling nurses to bring him presents and a full breakfast buffet of food. It was great, and he spent the entire day with them all around his bed talking and relieving some of his boredom. Arthur brought him school work and he didn't fall to far behind in class.

After two months of bedrest, he was allowed to leave. He had been walking around and regaining strength for a month, but the doctors didn't want him outside while his internal injuries healed. He decided to stop by the lawyers officer first, since he had nothing else to do except see her. He walked into the office and a pretty lady behind a counter referred him to Kim McLeish's office. He opened the door and stepped in. There was a lady about his mom's age behind a large impressive desk, awards all on the wall behind her. She looked up and smiled warmly.

"Oh, you've grown a great deal since I saw you last."

Matt looked puzzled and she laughed and said "I am... I was best friends with your mom since high school Matt, I was there when you were born. But I wish we didn't have to meet under these circumstances. I wont pretend to know how you feel, but trust me I've cried for her too."

Matt felt a tear slide down his face and he sat heavily in the chair opposite Kim.

"Thank you. I'd honestly just like to get this over with and move on. So, first off, why did you call me here?"

"Well Matt, there's some financial issues we have to discuss first, and they are best done in person. Let me start off by explaining your mothers amazing foresight. Five years ago she came to me and set up a life insurance policy on herself, so that if anything happened to her, you would be better then ok, you would be set for a very long time. She was sure your dad wouldn't just leave forever and wanted to be prepared for anything. Matt, because of the sudden and violent nature of your mothers death, you are eligible to receive this amount of money, which is unusually high for such a low income individual as your mother, but its there. As per your mothers wishes I will hold your money in trust until you come of age, at eighteen."

Matt seemed immensely disinterested. No matter how much money it was he would trade it all and ten times more for his mother back.

"Very well, is that all?"

"Aren't you curious of the amount?"

"Sure, why not."

"There's nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars. That's only a few thousand shy of a million, Mathew."

"That's good, as I said. Is that all?"

Kim seemed disheartened that he wasn't jumping for joy from the news that he was pretty much rich at the age of sixteen, but she went on.

"There's the issue of your adoption, which I have taken the liberty of addressing. Your new family is waiting to come in and meet you."

At this, Matt leaned forwards. "You already adopted me out? But... don't I get any say in this?"

Kim shrugged, and said "Why don't you meet your new family before passing any judgments on me Mathew."

Matt sat back, depressed. "Whatever."

Kim leaned forwards and pressed a button on her desk and said into a microphone, "Send them in please."

Matt heard the door open behind him but he refused to turn around and look at them. He heard an all to familiar voice say "Well I had thought he'd be excited!"

Matt leapt from the chair and spun around, only to see Arthur and his parents standing behind him, Arthur with a huge stupid grin on his face. Kim cleared her throat and said "Now its not a full adoption Matt, for some reason they said they didn't want you as an actual son, but that they would be your caretakers for the next two years. I'm sure there's a logical reason for this that I don't see but either way, meet your new family."

Matt fell into Arthur's Arms and wept tears of joy, actually happy for the first time since his mother had been taken. Arthur hugged him tight and then led him to the chair to sit down.

Kim went on as if she had never been interrupted. "Now there's the matter of the rest of your mothers estate..."

The talk went on for another two hours, with Matt making decision no sixteen year old boy should have to make, such as whether or not to get rid of his moms house, which he chose to do since he never wanted to go back to that place. He had all his mothers possessions moved to storage at Kim's suggestion, to be gone through later, and Arthur and his dad had been hard at work in their basement and told Matt not to worry about his own things. After they were done Arthur pulled Matt outside and into the back of his mom and dad's Lexus, Arthur grinned and pecked Matt on the lips, and they sped off towards Arthur's, and now Matt's house.

When they arrived Arthur practically dragged Matt out of the backseat of the car and ran through the door to his house. He pulled Matt to a door he hadn't even known existed and went through, there were stairs leading downwards on the other side. Matt had only been to Arthur's a few times, and his room was upstairs, or so Matt thought. Matt had never been in the basement before and didn't know what to expect. He whistled softly as he took in the room, which was so new he could still smell paint. The room took up almost the entire basement and had a big screen TV on one wall, with the infamous couch from Matt's room sitting in front of it. The other wall was lined with all of Matt's books, there were 853, Matt knew, he cataloged them all. Against the far and last wall, there was a massive king sized bed with lamps on either side. There was a desk in the center of the room with two seats and two computers. Through an open door on the same wall as the bookshelf, Matt could see a walk in closet with his clothes, and what he imagined were Arthur's; another door on the same wall led to what Matt assumed was the bathroom.

"Holy hell." Matt whispered.

"Like our new room?" Arthur had a huge grin on his face and he walked behind Matt and wrapped his arms around him, his chin resting on Matt's shoulder.

"Holy hell." Matt repeated himself, at a loss for words. Arthur's parents came down and sat on the couch, while Arthur pushed Matt over so they sat on the foot of the bed.

Arthur's dad was smiling and said "Alright boys, here it is. Matt, this is your new life and I hope you don't mind us taking liberties with your things, and I hope you can come to think of this place as home."

"O I will sir, and thank you for everything you've done for me, this is above and beyond what I had hoped for."

"It's no problem son, we love you like you were our own. We didn't want to adopt you simply because that would make you and Arthur brothers, which seemed a bit cruel. And none of that sir and mam crap here! I don't expect mom or dad outa you, but call me Frank and this lovely lady Tracy." Frank hugged his wife as he said this. Tracy smiled warmly and said "Alright boys, how bout you have and shower and go to bed, you don't have to go to school for the rest of this week, seeing as its Wednesday night already, but next Monday I expect to see you up and at em!"

The boys agreed and the adults walked upstairs to their own room.

Arthur pushed Matt back softly on the bed and straddled him. Arthur leaned down and tenderly kissed Matt for a long time.

"I've missed you, more then you know." Arthur whispered into Matt's ear.

Matt nuzzled Arthur's shoulder and said "Not as much as I missed you."

"I know you cant yet, but for future reference, Me and dad made this room soundproof to the rest of the house."

"Mmmm, that sounds nice. But your right, it still hurts to walk, I don't think getting humped would help me right now."

They decided to forgo the shower until morning and got undressed. Matt's stomach was still red and itchy, and the scars were just beginning to form. He slid into bed and Arthur hit the lights and climbed in behind him. Matt went to sleep on his first night in his brand new life truly happy despite the recent tragedies, content with Arthur's arm around him, the comforting warmth giving him strength.

It's Christmas so I suppose one chapter can have a happy ending. Hope you like this chapter, despite its sad bits. Let me know, This story will end soon I think, not sure. Maybe I'll make it a nice round 10 chapters. Who knows! Happy holidays everybody!

Next: Chapter 9

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