The Couch

By Mathew Davidson

Published on Dec 9, 2009


Should you be reading this? This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions between consenting underage males and if its illegal where you are then, don't do it! If someone says you cant and doesn't have a good reason however, then I quote my favorite author on this site, "Fuck Em" try it, you never know!

Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, I get a little dyslexic at times..

I do occasionally use derogatory terminology in my work, and I apologize if this causes offence to anyone. It's not meant that way at all.

The Couch: Part 3

Matt awoke at around 1pm on the same day, to find Ian's small form in his arms, his smooth stomach touching Matt's. Matt looked into Ian's face and saw a look of utter contentment. As softly and quietly as possible he slipped out of bed and managed to do so without waking the sleeping angel. He stood there, letting the light breeze in the house cool him. Matt had always generated an amazing amount of body heat and was rarely cold, in fact he loved the breeze as it wafted along his limp dick and dangling balls. Ian however shivered slightly in his sleep and Matt went and got the blanket off the couch and moved to place it over the one already draped across Ian's slight frame, but took a moment to take in the picturesque view of Ian's nude body. Ian was short, there was no getting around that. At 5'4" he was easily the smallest kid in their grade. He was perfectly proportioned though, and toned to perfection. Ian had almost no tan and was white everywhere, especially on his rounded little bubble but. He had almost no hair on his body, even his pubic hair was tame and sparse. His hair was thin and silky, almost a strawberry-blond and his face was, in Matt's opinion, the face of an angel. His perfect yellow eyes over his perfect nose, and his little mouth with its straight white teeth, Ian was perfection in Matt's mind. Smiling he moved the comforter on his bed to cover Ian then put the other blanket overtop so Ian would be warm.

Tearing his eyes away from his sexy friend Matt went up one flight of stairs and walked into the kitchen. It was a small affair, old appliances, old counters, drapes made from what looked like an ninety year old woman's couch. Walking as softly as possible he got out a bunch of eggs and 10 slices of bread, a little nutmeg and cinnamon and set about making the French toast he had promised Ian earlier.

He finished cooking the last of them and put them on a plate in the oven to keep warm. He smiled slightly as he looked at all the perfectly cooked golden brown squares in the oven. He loved to cook, almost as much as he loved to ski, he had already planned out his college carrier at the local school, he would take the culinary program there and get his master chef certification and become rich and famous and by his mom a new house...

Matt turned and walked down the hall to the bathroom on the main floor. It was smaller then his closet and had almost no room to maneuver once inside. One had to practically sit on the toilet to close the door and their was no shower or bath of any sort. Still naked he looked into the mirror and looked at himself. He wasn't sure he liked what he saw. At 5'7" Matt was very unhappy with his height, and since he had already past his mom and his dad (so he was told) in height, he had little hope of a last minute growth spurt. His body was well muscled but he would have loved to be more toned. He was stocky, and no matter how often he went to the gym or what he ate, it seemed like he was always going to be. He most certainly didn't have Ian's beautifully hairless body, even at 15 he had a thick treasure trail and his pubes would have been crazy if he didn't trim them occasionally. He didn't have hairy legs and arms per say, but there was defiantly quite a bit of silky black hair on all appendages. He looked at his raven black hair which he wore short, and his thick bushy eyebrows and couldn't help but think he looked almost exactly like his absent dad. Matt never missed his dad. He was a cruel man and despite the significant loss of income him and his mom were better off without him. Matt looked directly into his eyes in the mirror. He could see the faint outline of the contacts he wore on both eyes. Matt loved his eyes, they were a legacy of his mother, soft and brown, they seemed like pools where you could get lost in the depths. Sighing Matt washed his hands and walked back over to the oven.

Matt leaned over and checked the temperature on the oven to make sure it was ok when he felt arms encircle his waist and warm breath on his shoulder.

"That smells delicious." Ian said, then licked Matt on the shoulder

"Taste's good too!"

"And you smell like day old cum, go have a shower then we'll eat!" Matt chuckled and pushed Ian in the general direction of the stairs. Ian laughed and ran upstairs, and Matt couldn't help but stare at his perfect ass as it ran down the short hallway. Matt grabbed two plates from the shelf and placed them on the table, then grabbed the maple syrup and butter and put them there as well. At a loss for what to do while Ian took a shower, he decided to go see if Ian needed help...

Matt walked up the stairs as quietly as possible, got to the top and saw the bathroom door closed and heard the shower running. He walked the few steps and tried the handle to find it unlocked. He proceeded to open the door as quietly as possible and slip into the room and close the door behind him. He saw Ian's silhouette behind the steamy curtain and went to the side of the shower Ian wasn't facing and stepped in. Ian felt the cold air let in by the curtain being moved and turned to Matt in time to intercept a kiss meant for his neck on his lips. Matt's hands encircled him and grasped a buttock in each hand and pulled him close, their now fully erect cocks pushing against one and other. Ian's hands snaked up Matt's now wet back and grasped his head, pushing it hard into his face. Their tongues fought for dominance in one and others mouths and the hot water made them both feel relaxed. Matt broke the kiss and leaned down to suck on one of Ian's perked nipples. Ian groaned and reached down and grasped both of their cocks in one hand and began pumping, his other hand finding its way to Matt's crack and running up and down, his finger lightly going over Matt's tight hole every time his hand went down. Now it was Matt's turn to groan a little. He stopped sucking Ian's nipple and stood up to face Ian



"Do you think we could... um.. Do you want to.." Matt could hardly formulate his thoughts and was having issues articulating what he wanted, desperately.

"What, what do you want to do?"

"Fuck me." Matt said quietly, afraid that he was pushing Ian to far to fast with the whole sex thing.

"You really want me to fuck you? Oh my god I've dreamt about that so often you have no idea you actually want me to wow.." Ian had a huge grin on his face and looked so happy Matt couldn't keep a smirk off his face.

"Well if you feel that way... one sec"

Matt stepped out of the shower and rooted around under the bathroom sink for a minute before he found what he wanted. He stepped back into the shower and handed Ian the jar.

"Vaseline? Smart... so how should we do this then..?" Ian asked, sounding sheepish and nervous for the first time.

"Well, just put some on your fingers and ill bend over, then work it into me, then put some on your dick and stick it in I guess." So saying, Matt got on all fours in the shower with the warm water splashing on his back, facing away from Ian. He heard Ian open the jar and scoop out some Vaseline. Then he felt Ian smear it around his hole. Ian began tracing circles around Matt's tight starfish and then he slipped one finger in, causing Matt to gasp a little. Ian slowly worked more lube into his hole and gently as possible slipped another finger in, then began to finger fuck Matt with two fingers until he had a steady rhythm going and was able to easily slide both finger in up to the knuckle.

"Ready?" Ian asked Matt.

Matt said huskily "Fuck me now! I want it so bad"

Ian stood up and got some more Vaseline and lubed up his dick before getting on his knees behind Matt and lining his perfect mushroom head up with Matt's glistening hole. Ian leaned forward and slowly the tip slid in. The tightness and heat almost made Ian cum right then and there and he started to push forward but stopped at a little cry from Matt who had felt a sharp pain at the unaccustomed intrusion.

"slowly please" Matt said over his shoulder. Ian blushed a little and proceeded to slowly insert his dick into Matt's ass until his dangling balls were touching Matt's. Ian had never felt anything like it in his life, even the blowjob from Matt hours before paled in comparison. Matt had never been fucked by anything bigger then his finger and was amazingly tight, and Ian had always thought that Matt gave off a lot of body heat, but it was nothing to the amount inside him. It felt beautiful and if Ian hadn't cum once already that day he would probably have spilled his load in Matt's ass by then.

"You ok?" Ian asked of Matt, who had gone silent.

"That feels so good... please don't stop" Taking this as his cue Ian started to pump in and out of Matt at a faster and faster pace. Matt started to groan loudly and Ian reached around and grabbed Matt's rock hard cock with his hand which still had Vaseline all over it and started to jack him off in time with his thrusts. Ian started going faster and faster and eventually let go of Matt's dick altogether and held on to both of Matt's hips and fucked as fast as he could.

"Oh my god Ian, I'm going to cum" Matt yelled before he started spilling his load all over the shower floor. Ian felt Matt clench down and realized he was about to cum.

"Me too!" He started to pull out but Matt's hands snapped up and grabbed his ass and pushed his cock still deeper inside him and Matt yelled " I want you to cum inside" Ian was far to far gone to have done anything else at that point and had the most powerful orgasm of his life inside his best friend. He shot at least 7 good spurts into Matt's ass then collapsed on top of Matt's back, his cock still buried in that warm place.

Matt lowered himself to the floor of the shower and rolled over so Ian was on top of him. He let out a slight grimace as Ian's cock popped out of his ass but was to high among the clouds to give a damn. Ian was still breathing heavily and in an almost comatose state on Matt's chest. Matt smiled and looked Ian in the eye as his head came up off Matt's chest.

"Wow" Ian stated.

"We really need to diversify your vocabulary. How bout some French toast after we actually clean ourselves off, like we had originally intended to do?"

"I suppose, but that was the most amazing thing I have ever felt before, did you like it?"

"Let me think about that for a second..." Matt's leaned forward and kissed Ian softly on the lips, causing Ian to shudder a little and give Matt's chest a quick squeeze. The romantic moment was ruined however when the hot water suddenly ran out and both boys were suddenly being showered by droplets of ice cold water. They both practically flew to their feet and washed off in record time then leaped out of the shower into the relative warmth of the bathroom. Matt grabbed a towel and started to dry Ian off, then Ian did likewise for Matt.

"Comon, I made French toast for us!" Matt grabbed Ian's hand and they ran downstairs and sat naked at the table. Matt grabbed the food out of the oven and poured a glass of milk for each of them. After the boys finished eating they went downstairs to Matt's room and sat on the couch, Ian in Matt's lap, just enjoying the closeness of each other.

"Are we going to tell the guys?" Ian asked, referring to their shared group of friends at school.

"In our school, I think it would be best if we just... kept it quiet. We're only there for two and a half more years, I can wait that long for you. I think we should tell our parents though."

Ian's head shot up off of Matt's shoulder where it had been resting and he turned to look Matt in the eye.

"Please don't make me tell them, you know how my mom is."

Ian had such a look of sadness and pleading in his eyes that Matt's heart broke a little. He wrapped his arms around his lover and held Ian close. Ian let his head rest on Matt's shoulder again as Matt said

"You don't have to if you don't want to, I'll be right there beside you if you do."

Looking at the clock he saw it was now 3:30. "You should probably head home so you can get there at around the same time you would if you left school. And if you don't want to tell your parents about...this ,I would suggest coming up with a better excuse for the phone call from the school then buttsex."

Ian giggled and got up off the couch and Matt stood up behind him. Ian went to lean down to grab his discarded clothes but Matt lightly put a hand on his shoulder before guiding him up and pulling him into a loving embrace, causing as much skin on skin contact as was possible. Eventually they broke the embrace and both boys put on their clothing and walked upstairs, Ian with his schoolbag and coat on.

"Call me later, k?" Matt said as he hugged Ian and gave him one last kiss as he started to walk out the door.

"Ok, love you Matt. And thank you." Matt just grinned and gave Ian's crotch a quick squeeze before Ian walked down the steps and turned down the street, waving all the way. Matt smiled and closed the door once Ian was out of sight. He walked downstairs and sat down on the couch in his room, turned on his music and let his mind drift. As he sat there a picture on the wall caught his eye. It was taken years ago, his mom and him sitting on a large chair, his dad standing off to one side with his hand on Matt's mom's shoulder, this caused Matt's mind to wander farther back to days that he usually didn't think about anymore...

Dad was yelling again. He was always yelling. I got up and went downstairs halfway so he could hear what my parents were arguing about now.

"David, he needs to go the doctor, its not normal to be as down as he always is." mom said calmly. She was always calm when dad went on one of his rants.

"I'm not paying for some stupid shrink to ask our eleven year old son questions and then say we have to buy medication so he can steal more fucking money." Dad was angry, more so then usual.

"Please, lets just see what the doctor says."

"I'm not paying money so our faggoty ass son can have an excuse to be sad and act like a fucking pussy! You have been protecting him for too long. Its time he learnt to be a man." I heard dad start walking towards the stairs and I ran back up to my room and closed the door and dove under my bed just as the door flew open again to slam with a loud bang against the wall.

"David stop, please stop! We don't have to go to the doctor!" mom sounded panicked now, which at the time I thought was odd.

I was facing the wall and I felt a hand close around my ankle and my dad dragged me out from under the bed. My head hit the underside of my bed and I saw stars momentarily, then suddenly I was standing and facing my dad. His face was red and his eyes looked kind of cloudy. His breath smelled like the whiskey he loved so much.

"Matt, your mom thinks you need to go see a doctor because your sad. Are you sad?" He gave me a little shake with the last question, and I shook my head no. A single tear left my eye and rolled down my cheek, god my head hurt.

"No, then why are you crying! Only sissies cry!" Dad backhanded me in the face, while holding me up with his other arm. I heard my mom crying in the doorway. I didn't understand, dad never hit me. Sure he yelled a lot and was drunk sometimes but he never actually hit me. The warmth spreading across my face was a testament to that lie though. My tears increased but I didn't utter a sound. I saw my dads eyes darken and he scowled at me.

"You are a sissy. A little faggot who cant even take a hit." He hit me in the face again, still I was silent.

"Cry if you want! Do it!"

"David he's eleven, please stop this!"

"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!"

Dad threw me into the TV headfirst and I felt the screen crack a little from the impact, oddly it didn't hurt that much. I stood up, or rather, I tried to, but my legs didn't seem to want to obey the commands my brain was sending them. My head felt wet and when I eventually managed to get my arm up to feel, there was blood all over my hand when I brought it in front of my eyes. I looked up and saw my dad lumbering towards me.

"Cry damnit!"

Dad threw me into the wall above my bed and I heard something inside me crack, then I was on my bed, and I wanted nothing more then to sleep. I thought that my bed felt more comfy then it usually did then blackness covered everything and my last thought was that daddy will be proud, I didn't cry.

I woke up four days later in the hospital. I could tell it was the hospital before I even opened my eyes because of the smell. I cracked my eyes open and saw my mom asleep on the couch in the hospital room.

"Mom..." I croaked out, my voice sounded weird. I don't know if she was sleeping or not but suddenly she was standing beside my bed.

"Shhhh sweetie don't talk. I'll be right back, I need to get the nurse." Before she turned away I saw she had a black eye and what looked to be a bruise on her cheek.

The next two hours was a blur of nurses and doctors and tests and tubes and needles. I learnt that I had a sever concussion, a broken arm and 4 broken ribs, which explained why it hurt to breathe so much. I had been unconscious for so long the doctors had said I may not wake up. I also had bruises pretty much all over my head from where dad had hit me. When I asked mom about dad she just said "He's gone now, we don't have to worry about him anymore."

A week later I was pushed out of the hospital in a wheelchair by my mom into the back of her van. We got home and she led me upstairs. When I motioned to go to my room she led me in and I saw a large bloodstain on my bedding, my TV had a giant crack in the middle of the screen and there was a crack in the wall directly over my bed. I looked at my mom and she was crying, but her voice was steady

"You can sleep in my bed tonight sweetie."

She led me to her room and tucked me in just like she used to do when I was little and I was asleep almost immediately.

The next day over breakfast my mom explained to me how life was going to change now. She had already talked to all my teachers and I didn't have to go to school until I was totally better. We would probably have to move since she couldn't afford the payments on this house without dads paycheque. When I asked where dad went she told me that he had walked out and taken all his clothes and as many things as he could fit in the trunk of his car after I had passed out. She didn't know where since she hadn't left my side except to call the ambulance from the moment my dad left the room. He had tried to convince her to come with him and when she had told him to just leave he had hit her and then left. The rest I knew.

A couple weeks later we moved into a smaller condo type thing and mom sold most of our stuff since it was much smaller then our old house. When I got back to school of course everyone wanted to know where I had been. I lied and told them I got hit by a car and was just in the hospital for awhile. They all took it at face value and no one questioned it. Except Ian, he never asked but I saw him staring at me sometimes with a concerned look on his face. I would always tell a joke to make him smile on those times, I loved it when he smiled...

Matt blinked and realized he had been crying. He tried not to think about his dad anymore, neither him nor his mom had seen or heard from him since the day he walked out.

Matt felt suddenly very, very sad. He hadn't felt like this since... he had never felt like this. He felt utterly hopeless, depressed beyond what he thought was possible for one person to feel. Thinking back he realized he hadn't taken his medication in almost two days. He thought about going upstairs and taking them now but decided against it. He hated how they made him feel. He hated how he couldn't even control his own emotions. He hated everything. Maybe he should just die. He had never contemplated suicide before, but now it seemed the only alternative to alleviate the emotions he was feeling. There was no reason at all to be alive. He heard the door upstairs open and heard his mom yell downstairs.

"Honey, I'm home!" He stood up and looked at his dresser, which had a number of pictures on it. The one that was at the front of the group though was one of him and Ian, last year at Ian's birthday party. Both boys had an arm around the others shoulder and they were making stupid faces at Matt's mom who was holding the camera. They looked so happy. Ian looked so happy. Ian. That was it, that's the reason. Matt felt his depression all but disappear as he thought about the events of the last few days. Smiling, and thinking about the impending discussion with his mom, Matt thought nothing of his sudden mood change.

Matt arrived at the top of stairs in time to hear the tail end of the automated message from his high school "... your son or daughter was absent from one or more periods today."

His mom turned around and looked at him.

"Care to explain that?" she asked.

"Mom... can we talk?"

Seeing the look on her sons face, Matt's mom went and sat down in the living room.

"Talk away." Matt sat down on the big lazy chair opposite her. Matt had been thinking all day about how to tell his mom he liked boys. He had thought about his speech for hours and said it over and over in his mind till he had it perfect, but for some reason whenever someone is confronted with an expectant parent... all preposition and semblance of coherent thought flees.

"I think I'm gay!" Matt blurted out.

Matt's mom chuckled a little and said "You think? I don't know, you and Ian looked pretty comfy when I went down this morning to get my blouse out of the laundry room."

" saw us like that?" Matt's face was now a rich crimson color and his mom couldn't help but laugh.

"Everything was covered don't worry. But you still haven't told me why you skipped school today." She folded her hands on her lap and looked at Matt expectantly.

"Wait... so... your not mad at me at all? Not going to say its just a phase or any of that other bullcrap? I said I was gay for christ's sake!" Matt asked, utterly bewildered.

"Watch your language. Well I'm a bit peeved you skipped school but ill let it slid this time. Don't let it happen again. And your gay, so what? That doesn't mean I'll love you any less."

Matt started crying and he got up and went and sat next to his mom and gave her the warmest hug he could.

"I love you."

"I love you too sweetie." His mom returned the hug and then proceeded to make supper. Matt went to bed that night happier then he had been in a long time.

Things went pretty well with Matt's mom, lets see how Ian fares in the next chapter! Thanks for the emails guys! Keep em coming, they make the writing seem worth it, Let me know what you think, if you have any ideas or suggestions or just want to say hi! I respond to every email, And there IS more story to come.

Next: Chapter 4

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