The Couch

By Mathew Davidson

Published on Jun 8, 2010


Should you be reading this? This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions between consenting underage males and if its illegal where you are then, don't do it! If someone says you cant and doesn't have a good reason however, then I quote my favourite author on this site, "Fuck Em"

try it, you never know! I do occasionally use derogatory terminology in my work, and I apologize if this causes offence to anyone. It's not meant that way at all. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, I get a little dyslexic at times.

Special Thanks to my editor and friend, Jono! Hopefully you can all note the marked reduction in spelling errors and crappy sentence structure now that he's taking a part in the process. Thank you my friend!

The Couch: Part 16

Arthur glared at the computer monitor.

Another dead end, after hours of following links about the sex trade, he had hit yet another impasse. Three months Matt had been gone, and neither he nor the so called `detective' had found any clues as to where Matt could have been taken.

Arthur reached across his desk and grabbed the half empty bottle of rye, tipping the bottle into his empty glass. He slammed the bottle down angrily and took a long sip from the glass, the amber liquid burning his throat as it went down. Levi said he drank too much lately, Arthur said Levi should mind his own business. While he would never admit it out loud, it bothered Arthur a lot that Levi seemed able to go on with his life with Matt gone, and Arthur was totally immobilized. Matt was his world, he was everything to Arthur, how could anyone expect him to do anything except look for him.

Arthur glanced at the clock and saw that it was now 3am. Numbly, he stood and walked out of Matt's study, where he had set up his desk and computer. He glanced into Levi's room and saw him asleep on his bed, his eyes red from the tears he had been crying before he fell asleep. Arthur sighed in resignation. Levi may be able to make a pretence of moving on, but Arthur knew he wasn't the only one deeply wounded by Matt's absence and he felt a flash of guilt for his thoughts moments earlier. He turned away from Levi's room and climbed the stairs to the master bedroom and climbed into bed fully clothed. He took Matt's pillow and clutched it to his chest, trying to smell Matt's lingering scent in the soft fabric. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, where he knew Matt was waiting in his dreams.

Matt's eyes snapped open and his arms tightened around the body in front of him. He felt wetness on his face and pillow, and he knew he had been crying again. A soft voice spoke from the darkness in front of him.

"Arthur again?"

Matt's eyes brimmed with tears again and he shuddered before answering.


Sorry I woke you Jake."

Jacob rolled over and faced Matt in the bed. Matt had told him all about Arthur after the first night, when he had woken up crying, and had apparently been muttering Arthur's name in his sleep. Jacob reached up and stroked his cheek tenderly. They both understood that their relationship wasn't really a `relationship', but more a matter of sanity. Still, Matt loved Jacob and all the other boys like brothers after three short months, and he was glad of the comfort that Jacob offered now.

They didn't say another word, and eventually Matt glanced at the bedside clock and saw it was 6am, time to go make breakfast. He rose slowly and walked across the room to Ian's bed and gently shook the other boy awake, before walking into the bathroom, Jacob and Ian not far behind. There weren't individual showers, rather a large rectangular room, with multiple showerheads along the wall. The boys tossed their boxers in the linen bin and stepped into the shower, using three showerheads side by side.

All the boys at the mansion were accustomed to each others nudity, and almost all of them had had sex with one another at some point, whether willingly or forced.

Twenty minutes later they all marched into the kitchen, Ian immediately making the hash browns and Jacob getting all the sauces they would need from the fridge. Matt went and turned all the equipment on and soon the smells of French toast, eggs Benedict, waffles, pancakes, bacon and sausages drifted through the house. By 7:30 the other boys started to arrive and pull stools up to the big wooden table in the center of the room. They all enjoyed this time together, without guards or duties or Kahlim. No one was certain why they suddenly had the luxury, but Jacob noticed Matt cringe every time someone brought up the mysterious appearance of the chairs and the privilege. He didn't want to know what Matt had done to get this for them, but he was grateful.

After an hour of eating and laughter, the other boys started to drift off to their separate tasks, Ian and Matt set about making the huge breakfast platter that would be delivered to Kahlim's room, as well as breakfast for the guards. For the first week, Matt had let Ian deliver breakfast to their master, until he found out what Kahlim also demanded for his morning wake up call. Matt would no longer let anyone but himself take the tray, he would not subject anyone to that type of treatment.

A short time later Matt lay in Kahlim's massive bed, his leg draped over the large mans legs and his hand rubbing the repulsively hairy chest. He watched as Kahlim gorged himself on the tray of food Matt had been carrying before he was pulled into the bed. Matt was smiling widely and asked in his most seductive voice "Do you like the food master?" He kept smiling as best he could. Matt knew that if he let the smile slip, even for a second, the tears of pain would come, the revulsion would show in his eyes, and the self hatred for what he was doing would come to the fore of his mind.

"It is excellent as always. I come to expect nothing less my beautiful."

Matt cringed inwardly at that, he hated being called any of the dozen pet names Kahlim had for the boys. Matt glanced at the tray and saw that it was blessedly empty.

"This pleases me master. I'll return to the kitchen now and get started on lunch, is there anything else you need?"

"No, you may go."

Matt went to lift himself off the bed, but paused as if he had just remembered something.

"Oh, master I just recalled. We're running low on some local ingredients, would you mind terribly if I went into town again and picked some foods up?" As he said this, he leaned down and pressed his body into Kahlim's, running his hand down the man's leg and thigh. He felt Kahlim shudder underneath his touch.

"I'll inform the Patron, he will make it happen."

"Thank you." Matt planted a soft kiss on his lips and then stood, ignoring the pain screaming through his limbs and bent to pick up the tray.

He left Kahlim's room and walked through the house as quickly as possible, heading for the harem instead of the kitchen. His smile was still firmly in place as he walked the last 20 feet to the door of the boys room. He walked in and the tray slipped from his fingers, hitting the floor with a

metallic clang. He stumbled a few steps and felt himself start to fall towards the floor. Strong hands caught him from both sides and propped him up, then carried him gently to the nearest bed. He looked up into the concerned faces of the Craig and Ryan.

"Worse this morning?" Ryan asked, surveying Matt's nude body, and the bruises that covered most of it.

Matt just nodded and lay down on the bed, closing his eyes for a moment. He felt the two boys sit down beside him and heard Craig say "He does this too often. He's always more violent in the mornings and Matt won't let anyone else wake him." Ryan leaned down and gently brushed Matt's cheek with his finger.

"Matt, still awake?"

"Of course."

"You can't keep doing this man, he's going to kill you one of these days."

Matt gritted his teeth and stood, turning and facing the two boys on the bed.

"If not me, then Ian, or you, or Craig. I can handle it, don't worry about me."

Matt turned and slowly walked to the shower. He always felt dirty after being with Kahlim, and on days when he actually had to KISS the monster, he felt that there wasn't enough toothpaste in the world. Matt stepped into the shower, turning it to one of the hottest settings and letting the water sooth his aches and pains. He washed, and brushed his teeth twice, then stepped out and dried off. After donning a new set of clothes, he walked down to the kitchen with the discarded tray. Ian and Jacob were already grilling the chicken for the sandwiches for lunch.

Matt always made sure to leave detailed instructions for what was to be done for lunch, he never knew how long he was going to be incapacitated. They both looked up as he walked back into the room, slower than usual since his legs were in excruciating pain. Jacob started to say something but Matt walked right up to him and pressed his lips fiercely against the smaller boys, his tongue slipping into Jacob's mouth. Jacob was stunned for a second then returned the kiss. After a few moments Matt pulled away and grinned.

"There, that tastes a lot better."

Jacob blushed and from the other side of the kitchen Ian snickered. They spoke little and eventually almost all the sandwiches were made. Matt looked out the window in the kitchen then back down to his work, then his eyes shot up again. Vincent was creeping along the edge of the barbed wire fence that surrounded the estate, a pair of what looked like wire cutters in his hand. Matt saw one of the guards patrolling around the corner of the house, and knew that he would see Vincent as soon as he bothered to look left. Matt knew what would happen after that. He thought about trying to warn the sneaking boy, but knew that the glass was too thick for him to hear anything, and there was no way Matt could run outside in the short time it would take for the guard to see him.

"Hey Jake, Ian? They both looked up at him with questioning glances "Can you grab the inventory sheets and go do a quick once over of the pantry?"

Ian and Jacob shot a weird look between them but dropped what they were doing and walked into the pantry. Matt breathed a little easier, there was no need for them to see what was about to happen. Turning back to the window, Matt steeled himself and watched as the guard turned to look at Vincent. He watched as the guard yelled something and the boy broke into a sprint. He watched as guard raised his gun and aimed. The thunder of the gun rang through the house, and Matt saw the front of Vincent's chest explode in a red mist. Matt watched sadly as the boy fell towards the ground. He knew he had to watch, he had to remind himself that they were captives and escape through conventional means was impossible. So far Vincent was the third boy killed since Matt's arrival. One had been beaten to death for being found sleeping when he was supposed to be cleaning, the other had gone to Kahlim's room one morning and never returned.

The pantry door burst open and Ian ran out and stood at the window, but at that point there was nothing to see. Jacob walked more sedately out of the room and stood beside Matt. He intertwined his fingers with Matt's and leaned close.

"Who was it?" It was barley a whisper when Jacob asked.

"Vincent. Tried to run."

There was a long moment of silence as the boys stood staring out the window, the vast emptiness of the African landscape stretching out as far as they could see. Matt glanced at the clock and saw that it was noon, time for the boys lunch. He walked to the wall and hit the button that Patron had installed for him. A sound similar to a school bell was heard throughout the mansion and the other boys began trickling in for their afternoon meal. Judging by their somber mood, Matt knew that they had all heard the gunshot. And that really only meant one thing. Matt saw Jonathan walk in and glance around, looking for his twin brother. Matt quickly said "Hey Jono, can you come here for a sec?"

Jonathan looked up and walked over to the pantry, following behind Matt. When they were alone in the dim room, Matt turned to him and said "You heard the gunsh-"

Jonathan interrupted him and said "It was him wasn't it."

It wasn't a question, more a statement. Matt nodded glumly.

Jonathan took a deep breath and shuddered. It was at least two minutes of awkward silence before he spoke again.

"I told him it wouldn't work.

He wouldn't believe me. He said he would get out, find us help, come back and save us all. I told him he was being stupid. That's the last thing I said to my brother Matt, `You're being stupid, this won't work!' and now, I'll never see him again."

Matt saw Jonathan start to break down, tears tricking down his cheeks as he spoke. He quickly stepped forwards and wrapped his arms around the taller boy pulling him close. They stood there for a long while, Jonathan's sobbing echoing quietly in the small room. Matt decided then that if he had the opportunity, he would not hesitate to kill every one of their captors.

Five minutes later, they bother emerged from the pantry and went and sat at the table with the other boys. Matt left his plate untouched, he didn't feel like eating. Instead he went and stood at the head of the table. He could tell from the way that everyone was looking at Jono that someone had told them who it was that had fallen. He looked at each face in turn, at the pain and fear that was running rampant through the crowd of boys, and cleared his


"Guy's, I know it's hard to lose someone. It won't be harder for anyone than for Jono, but we have to pull through. We have to remember, that the next one could be us. Don't forget to do your jobs, keep the fake smiles bright, and behave. We WILL pull through this, and I promise you the end is in sight."

The boys all nodded to this and finished eating, then slowly filed out of the kitchen.

The next day Matt sat in the back of a black Mercedes with Jacob, on their way to town to pick up the ingredients Matt had asked to purchase. Matt had the laptop Patron had given him, with the internet disabled of course, running through the finances of the restaurant. He smiled to himself and thought back to a conversation he had had once with Joe, his chef at the restaurant back home.

"I once had a Sous Chef skim money off the top of the books," The wizened old man had said "he stole a great amount of money from me in a very short amount of time. I'm going to show you what he did, it's easy to see the signs if you know what to look for. No matter how much you trust someone, always double check your books once in awhile to see if anyone's skimming."


grinned again. He bet Joe had never thought that Matt would use the things he had shown him to steal money himself. But he thought Joe would forgive him given the circumstances. Patron had done the food ordering and costing for the first month, but after weeks of careful persuasion Matt had convinced him it would be more efficient if he let Matt do it himself. Now Matt just gave him a file with ingredients and their costs, and Patron would give him the money and he would order everything he needed through carefully monitored phone calls.

However, by implementing what Joe had shown him, and thanks to the expensive food Kahlim wanted, Matt had been able to set aside tens of thousands of dollars aside in cash. A great amount of which he now carried with him for a special purchase he needed to make.

He had spent almost the entire time he was able to be in the nearest town, a small thing called Lunsar about 50 miles from the west coast of Africa, befriending a certain shopkeeper, and now he had an appointment to keep.

The car pulled to a stop in the market of the small town and him and Jacob got out, the two guards that would accompany them disembarking as well.

As usual, Matt gave Jacob a list and sent him on his way, while Matt made his way to the shop that sold whole carcasses of lamb. More importantly, the guard wouldn't follow him into the freezer, and Matt had convinced the shop keeper to keep the guard occupied while he snuck out. They strode into the shop, Matt greeting the shop keeper by first name. Matt rattled off a few things he needed then said he was going to the freezer to see if he needed anything else.

The guard went and leaned on the counter and watched the man pack up the things Matt had asked for.

Matt walked as nonchalantly as possible into the back, then into the huge walk in freezer. He quickly ran to the back and moved aside the metal grate that was covering the ventilation system, exposing the small square opening. He bent down and crawled through the twisting maze of tunnels until he found the metal grate that marked the exit to the outside world. He kicked it off and slipped onto the street at the back of the store.

He walked quickly down the small alley and into the back of a dimly lit bar. He walked through the too-quiet lounge and into a back room. The man was where he had said he would be, which caused Matt to breathe a sigh of relief. Months of careful planning would be history if this man hadn't been able to make it to this appointment.

"Good evening sir."

Matt started at the sudden voice,

emerging from the darkness that surrounded the mans shoulders and head.


you have it? I don't have much time."

"That depends if you have my money, friend."

Matt reached into his back pocket and withdrew a giant wad of bills.

He counted out 15,000 in 1,000$ bills and then held out his hand to the shadowy man. A hand came up from underneath the table and dropped a small manila

envelope into Matt's open palm. Another hand emerged and took his money.

Matt looked long and hard at the envelope in his hand. The voice from the shadows broke the silence.

"It is the Vollum 1B strand, developed in the United Kingdom's bio-weapons program. It was very hard to acquire and is very volatile.

I do not know what you plan on doing with this, but I am leaving this area for a long time as soon as you leave."

"Is it quick acting?" Matt's voice cracked as he asked the question, the thought of what he would soon do a dark cloud in his mind.

"It will take effect approximately 5 days after ingestion, or a week after inhalation."

Matt nodded and turned, leaving the man behind and walking calmly from the building. Once he was outside he paused, taking a deep breath and staring at the sun which was directly above him. He savoured the sweet air, full of the aromas to the bustling little town, and he stared long at the beautiful sky. Finally he sprinted off and re-entered the butcher shop from the same way he had exited. He walked calmly out of the freezer and up to the butcher who was just finishing his wrapping, and to the guard who was chatting amiably with the man.

Matt took the bag and smiled at the butcher and nodded his thanks, then let the guard lead him back to the car that was waiting a few streets over with Jacob and his guard sitting in the back seat. Matt got in and they headed back to the mansion, Matt's pocket weighing him down with its contents.

Weeks passed, and Matt kept waiting to be pulled aside and shot because he had been discovered, but nothing happened. Finally the day he had been waiting for had almost arrived. He lay in bed that night next to Jacob, hugging the boy close to his chest, the horror of the next day in the forefront of his mind.

"...Matt?" The way he said it, Matt realized it probably wasn't the first time Jacob had said his name.

"Sorry, yeah what's up Jake?"


you loosen your grip a little, it kinda hurts."

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean too." Matt loosened his arms around the smaller boy and felt Jacob breath a little easier.

"What's up? You've been acting weird all day today.

Asking us to move all that stuff into the fridge, and just being all jumpy, now holding me like it's our last night together. What's wrong Matt?"

Matt felt a tear roll down his cheek and felt himself murmur "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

Jacob rolled around until he was face to face, Matt could barely make out the outline of his soft features in the darkness of the room. Jacob

gently ran two fingers down Matt's cheek and leaned forward to kiss him.

Matt closed his eyes and lost himself in the kiss for a few seconds. When Jacob pulled away Matt wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close again.

"Jake, make love to me tonight, please? I can't tell you why, but I don't know if we'll be able to anymore after tomorrow and I want to do it one last time, with you."

Jacob looked deep into Matt's eyes for a long time, looking for some kind of joke or trick there, but he found nothing but desperation. Finally he nodded and pulled Matt's thin boxers down and off, then his own. He laid down on top of Matt and felt his body melt into the curves of the bigger boys, they hard members pressing against one and other, Matt's hands pressing him hard into Matt's chest with an urgency that had never been there before, and when Jacob eventually entered his friend, Matt refused to release him from his arms the entire time. Jacob went slower then they usually did, sensing that Matt wanted this to last longer than usual. Eventually he felt Matt tighten his arms and gasp a little and felt Matt's cum shoot up between their sweaty stomachs and soon after Jacob emptied his load into Matt's hole.

He went to pull out but Matt Wouldn't let him. Matt moved them both around a bit so Jacob lay behind him, his still hard dick inside Matt's hole. Jacob wrapped his arms around Matt and held him tight the entire night, and when he woke up the next morning Matt was still in his arms.

At noon the next day, all the boys were sitting around the table in the kitchen enjoying their lunch when Matt stood up from his position at the head of table.

"Alright guys. So today is Kahlim's big dinner. He's having an important friend over for the evening and all of the guards will be at the table with them partaking in the meal. I've asked Kahlim to have all of you with me in the kitchen to help since you guys have never cooked for this many people at the level I want to be done at. Cool?"

All the boys nodded and smiled. "Good, now let's get to work!"

The rest of the day was a bustle of activity, and Matt was so busy he forgot to be depressed about the pending night. At around 5pm they sent out the first wave of food and it went smoothly, until he heard Kahlim call him from the kitchen. Matt walked stiffly out and up to the man.

"Yes Master, does something displease you?"

Kahlim smiled a wicked smile and said "No it looks fantastic, but I would like you to do something for me."

Matt smiled a knowing smile.

He had known this would happen, it did every night he served dinner. Kahlim would call him and get him to eat a little bit of everything off his plate, to make sure it wasn't poisoned.

"Of course my master."

Matt walked over to the tray of appetizers and took one of each, calmly and slowly eating each one until he had finished. He looked to Kahlim and was waved back into the kitchen.


behind the door again he immediately took control of the situation and sent out the next four courses without flaw, each time going out and sampling the food in front of Kahlim.

Finally they were eating the course before dessert and he walked back into the kitchen and felt his mind once again focus on what had to be done.

"Guy's, I'm going to make the dessert myself, no one is to touch it but me, and under no circumstance should you eat any of it. Alright? There's...not enough for us to eat it as well."

Most of the boys nodded but he saw Jacob look at him strangely. He smiled as best he could and set about making the chocolate almond mousse. When he was finally whipping the last of the ingredients together he glanced around to make sure no one was paying him any real attention. The boys were all gathered around the table eating food that Jacob had prepared for them and laughing amongst each other. Matt's heart swelled with love for these boys he had been with for the past few months. He took the manila envelope out of his pocket and dumped the white powder into his mousse. He watched the electric mixer blend the powder throughout the mixture then turned the machine off.

He plated and garnished all the desserts himself, then loaded up a cart and pushed it through the swinging doors to the dining room. He placed a dessert in front of each person at the massive table, Kahlim's last, then stood behind his masters chair. Kahlim waved him forward and he felt himself hesitate. Could he really do this? He thought back to the last few months and how he had become friends with all of the boys enslaved by the monster sitting not a few feet away, about the suffering they endured daily to please this man. He knew then he would die for them. Ruefully he thought idly that when most people said that to themselves, they weren't being serious. Well he was, and now he had to prove it.

He took a spoon from the pocket on his chef jacket and took a small dollop of mousse from Kahlims dish. He tried to not let his hand shake as he brought the spoon up to his mouth, and not to gag as he consumed the silky foam of the mousse. It tasted wonderful, and he idly thought that for last thing he ever made , it wasn't so bad. Kahlim waved him back to the kitchen, unaware of Matt's inner turmoil and then picked up his own spoon and dug in, he commented on how fantastic it was and soon everyone at the table was eating their dessert.

Matt smiled in satisfaction and progressed into the kitchen. He immediately pushed the cart away and clapped his hands.

"Everyone in the fridge, NOW."

There was a moment of shocked silence then all the boys stood and filed into the fridge. It was a very large fridge, but was still quite cramped with 7 people in it. Matt sighed to himself, then turned and dropped the bar he had rigged to lock the fridge door from the inside. He turned back to the boys and looked into each of their faces in turn, their nervous questioning eyes staring back at him.

"I..." Matt's voice faltered and he took a deep breath.


gambling with all of your lives right now. For this I apologize. Once I explain what I've done anyone is free to go if they wish. I poisoned every person sitting at that table, they will all be dead or damn close to it in 5 days unless they guess what poison I used and can get a doctor flown here in time.

This fridge is reinforced steel and is attached to the support beams of the house, they can't shoot us and they can't blow us up without destroying the house, I have food stocked in here for two weeks for all of us, and blankets for everyone. I broke the cooling system and it should be room temperature in here in about ten hours."

There was a shocked silence and six pairs of wide eyes stared at Matt in disbelief.

"As I said, if you want to leave, go now."

Matt looked from face to face, looking for signs that anyone would bolt, but with relief he didn't see anyone that looked like they wanted to leave. All he saw was determination and fear. He waited for almost a full minute then smiled.

"Good. Now one thing, if we manage to escape this mess, let's make something clear. I am in charge, and I expect you to listen to me. I have no problems taking advice, but I want you guys to understand that.

Jacob is second in command and takes my place when...I mean if something happens to me."


boys smiled uneasily and nodded. Matt directed them to the blankets he had hidden under a pile of vegetable and soon they had beds set up everywhere. They pushed all the goods that would rot once the fridge got warm out into the kitchen and locked the door again. Matt grabbed his blanket and gestured for Jacob to do the same, then stood and walked into the tiny freezer attached to the fridge. He closed the door behind Jacob and turned to face the smaller boy. He felt himself start to cry and started talking before the tears could get a hold of him.

"If you look behind those fries, there's a stack of money, use it to get them out of here, if you can find a way to the Canadian embassy in Freetown to the west contact Arthur and he will help you get out. I have a letter I'd like you to give him if you don't mind and-"

"Matt, why are you saying this like you won't be there?"

Matt felt tears start to slide down his cheek again.

"Because I won't be. I'm dying too Jake, but it was worth it. You're going to be free again! In the letter I talk about you to Arthur, he'll help you get on your feet again, you can live in my house if you want, get a job, be happy."

Understanding dawned upon Jacob. Matt making the dessert, trying all the food to prove that it wasn't poisoned. He went to hug Matt but was stopped by the larger boys' upraised hand.

"No touching, I don't want to risk you getting this. Its anthrax Jake, it WILL kill you. You stay in the other room, I'll stay in the freezer. Give them hope Jake, you're their leader now."

Jacob felt tears start to poor down his face and he started to walk past Matt. Matt moved aside to let him pass and lowered his arm. Jacob lunged at Matt and wrapped his arms around him, hugging him fiercely. Matt sighed and hugged the boy back, he own tears falling into Jacobs hair.

"Told you not to do that..." He said. Jacobs voice was muffled from being pressed into Matt's chest but he thought he heard him say "Worth the risk."

Eventually Jacob released him and walked back into the fridge, still crying, leaving Matt alone in

the freezer. As soon as the door closed Matt started coughing, and he felt a burn in his stomach. He had read about anthrax once, and knew that he was in for a long few days before the blackness came for him.

Let me know what you think, Praise, neutrality and constructive criticism are all appreciated!

Next: Chapter 17

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