The Couch

By Mathew Davidson

Published on May 27, 2010


Should you be reading this? This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions between consenting underage males and if its illegal where you are then, don't do it! If someone says you can't and doesn't have a good reason however, then I quote my favourite author on this site, "Fuck Em" try it, you never know! I do occasionally use derogatory terminology in my work, and I apologize if this causes offence to anyone. It's not meant that way at all. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, I get a little dyslexic at times.

The Couch: Part 15

"Wake up!"

The sharp voice cut through Matt's mind like a knife, and he groggily opened his eyes and glanced around the unfamiliar room.

He could see the other boys rousing from their beds as well, he followed the example of the boy to his left, slipped out of his bed and stood in his boxers at the foot of the bed, staring straight ahead. He risked a glance to his right, and saw a man glaring at the assembled boys. He was tall and striking, his features sharp and angular, his skin so pale he looked like a vampire in the dim light of the room. He looked closely at the four new boys, then his gaze settled on Matt.

"Hmmm. You look older than usual, what is your age child?"

Matt couldn't place his accent, but he spoke in a no-nonsense way that matched the sharp clothing he wore.

"I'm nineteen." Matt answered, his voice steady and calm.

"Odd. You four, come with me, Jackson and Brent," He pointed at two of the darker skinned boys "Go stand outside his door, he may want you when he awakens."

The two boys mentioned walked quickly out of the room, while Matt and the other new boys followed the man at a more sedate pace out of the room.

They walked through the luxurious mansion and Matt got a better view of the place. Everything radiated `expensive', from the plush red carpets to the paintings on the wall. Matt tried to notice as much as he could, the one thing that stood out to him however was that everything seemed... new. You could see no wear on any of the carpets, and even smell paint in some of the rooms they walked by. Matt thought to himself that this house was probably knew and that it must not have been here very long.

Eventually they arrived at a large wooden door and the man pushed it open, he led the boys into a luxurious and spacious office, where he marched around a large desk and sank into the massive chair behind it, facing the boys. They stood waiting for him to speak, the other boys fidgeting and glancing about, Matt standing straight and statue still, looking directly at the man. Finally he spoke and all eyes snapped to him.

"Welcome to your new home. Let me explain some things, do not interrupt." He rested his elbows on the desk and tented his fingers in front of him, much as villains did in the movies, causing Matt to sigh inwardly, but betray no emotion on his face.

"My name is unimportant, you shall refer to me as `Patron'. I am in effect, in charge of this estate, and I maintain order at all times.

Kahlim, your master, has found you all to be to his liking, it is in your best interest to give him what he wants, for if you displease him, or me, you will be killed."

The other boys grimaced at the callous way he said this, but Matt didn't flinch, he had been expecting this.

"There are no house staff, no maids, nothing. You will be in charge of these things with your brothers. The only people here aside from you are myself, Kahlim whenever he is here, and the security detail. Now, we must assign you jobs. Every member of our little family is assigned some task, above pleasing Kahlim whenever he requests it. We will first find out if any of you have any special skills. Craig, do you have anything that could benefit us?"

Craig flinched, caused by the fact that this man apparently knew his name.

"No sir."

"Disappointing. And you Ryan?"

"I can play a few musical instruments and-" He started to say, when he was cut off by the Patron.

"Name them."

"Violin, piano, cello and some guitar." The mans eyes lit up and noted something on a sheet of paper on his desk.


The boy was almost as composed as Matt and he answered immediately in French. "My father was a massage therapist, he taught me many things and I worked in his store for years." Matt was about to start translating when the man spoke in flawless French "Excellent, you shall be an asset indeed. And you Matt?"


am a cook, and have been for many years."

For the first time since they met him, the mans eyes widened and he smiled. "Finally! I wanted to hire a Chef but Kahlim said that he wanted his boys to make us meals. Some real food would be most welcome." He jotted the information down and looked up again a moment later. "Follow me."

He led the boys out into the hallway again, then through the maze of the mansion to a room on the bottom floor. He opened the door and Matt knew it was a laundry room immediately from the smell.

"Find an outfit that fits and take three of them each."

Matt and the boys walked into the small room and up to the shelves lining two of the walls. It appeared that the only "outfit" available was a pair of plain black pants, and a loose black shirt. They each found their size fairly easily and took a number of outfits each before walking back into the hallway with the Patron. Waiting for them outside the doorway were four armed guards. Patron pointed at Craig and said "Cleaning detail." Immediately one of the guards led him away by the shoulder.

Matt saw Ryan lean towards his departing boyfriend and heard a whimper, and immediately grabbed Ryan's hand, keeping him from getting himself in trouble.

Ryan stopped and squeezed Matt's hand before letting it slide away.

Patron pointed to Sven next and said "I will deal with him later, take him back to the harem." Next he pointed to Ryan "Take him with you and bring him to the music room, begin immediately with the assessment." Lastly he looked at Matt and said "bring him to the kitchen, but stay with him, he may need some things."


that, he spun on his heel and marched off, leaving Matt with the last of the large men. The man gestured and Matt followed him through the house still carrying his bundle of new clothes, eventually arriving in the kitchen.

Matt was grudgingly impressed with the equipment; they had everything a restaurant would have and more. The room was square, about seventy five feet wide and had several ovens and a full sized industrial dishwasher, as well as many other pieces of equipment. In the center of the kitchen was a large row of wooden tables, obviously meant to be used as work stations. It was messy, but not in an overt way, Matt was sure the Patron would make sure it was as clean as the rest of the house, but after being in kitchens for years, Matt could tell that it hadn't had a professional cleaning in awhile. The ovens were dirty, and there was dust in the deep fryer. Matt made a little `tsk tsk' sound and turned to his guard.

"English?" He asked. The man nodded his head.

"I need a notebook and a pen please."

The guard looked at him sceptically and didn't move. Matt rolled his eyes and sighed, crossing his arms.

"I need to make a list of things to be done, another list of the ingredients I have available, and still another list of things I need the Patron to order in. Unless you're happy with the food you've been eating?" Matt chuckled at the guards grimace with the last sentence. "Thought so."

When he spoke, the guards voice was deeper then Matt had ever heard. "You will not leave this room. I shall be back in moments."

Matt nodded his agreement and the guard left the room walking briskly. Matt took his new clothes and placed them on the table, then found a pair of pants and a shirt and put them on. They were expensive, Matt could tell from the fabric, and the way it clung to his skin. Matt rolled up the sleeves on his shirt and paced around the kitchen. He took stock of all the equipment and was surprised when he opened up a drawer and it was full of knives, they

obviously weren't worried about attack from within. He picked one up and tested the edge, dull as hell. He cringed inwardly, he hated dull knives, he continued on and eventually came to a door at the back of the kitchen. He paused briefly to see if he could hear the guard coming back yet, but all was silent.

He opened the door and stepped into the pantry, it was as big as his room back home. Home, Matt felt his stomach twist as he thought the word, and he thought of Arthur and Levi, and school.

He suppressed his emotions and forced himself back to the present. He glanced around the pantry and took stock of what was available. The room may be big, but it was anything but stocked. There was a huge box of kraft dinner that was nearly empty, some dried pasta, and tonnes of canned sauces. He stepped out of the panty and was about to open the fridge when the guard walked back into the kitchen, clutching a notepad and a pen, as well as his assault rifle. He handed them to Matt and went and stood by the exit to the hallway where they had entered.

Matt continued his walk around of the kitchen, documenting all the ingredients he had available, which was virtually nothing.

After he did this he turned to the guard and asked "Where does that door lead?"

gesturing to the small set of double doors in the far corner of the kitchen.

"Dining room."

"May I look?"

The man grunted an affirmative and walked over to the door, holding it open for Matt. When he looked out, Matt gasped. The dining room was huge, and the table was even bigger. Fine silver place settings adorned the tabletop and the largest chandelier Matt had ever seen hung above it. Matt tore his gaze away and went back into the kitchen, he glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it was only 8am. He sighed and sat down and began to make his shopping list.

At 2pm the same day, Matt knocked on the Patron's office door. An irritated voice said "Enter."

and Matt stepped in, his guard following like a shadow. The Patron glanced up from his paperwork and looked at Matt, raising one eyebrow. Before he could say anything Matt said "We have things to discuss involving my task."


brat aren't you." to this, Matt gave his most wicked grin.

"Why yes, I am.

Now, there is the primary matter of ingredients. I shall need more if you wish me to cook anything other than the Kraft Dinners."

Patron cringed at the mention of the dish, it was obviously something he had been eating too much of lately.

"Make me a list and-" Matt slapped the list down on the desk and looked the Patron in the eye.

"Is there a budget that I must adhere too? Or must I simply give you memorable food."

The Patron raised his eyebrow again and said "No, we can afford whatever you need." Matt smiled a genuine smile and put a second list on top of the first.

"When can you have these things to me?"

"By tomorrow. Is that all?"

"No, there are two more things.

First, I would humbly request you give me at least four other boys for one day, the kitchen is a mess and I would like to get it in working order, I could have this done by tonight." The Patron nodded. "Lastly, I would like two other permanent helpers in the kitchen, do you have anyone to spare?"

Patron didn't answer at first, but reached into a stack of papers and withdrew one, looking at it for a few moments before answering. "Yes, that can arranged. I will warn you however, this will be a lot of effort, and I hate wasting my time. This had best be worth it."

Matt grinned and said "Make sure that you send the four boys, and please make sure the two who will be helping me are among them." Matt strode out of the room, feeling a small measure of control filter back into his life. He could do this.

Matt walked back down to the kitchen alone, his guard having finally decided he wasn't going to bolt, and sat at the table, waiting for his helpers to arrive. In less than twenty minutes, four boys walked into the room.

Matt vaguely recognized them from speaking with them last night in the harem, but he hadn't really looked at any of them last night as he did now. The first two in the door could have been twins, both tall and dark skinned and dark haired. They each had striking green eyes and were well built, they're black clothing clinging to their frames in a most alluring way. Matt looked at the next boy through the door and saw that he was much paler then the first two, blond and blue eyed with a very boyish face, once again well built but a little on the stockier side, his pronounced muscles obvious under the skin tight clothing. Matt saw the last person to walk through the door and his stomach did a little back flip. He was possibly the second most beautiful boy Matt had ever seen, and Matt felt a stirring in his groin, which he acknowledged guiltily. The boy was shorter then Matt, no more than 5'4" and slim, but not skinny, he had a thick mop of brown hair and the most interesting yellow eyes Matt had ever seen.

He was very tanned, and his lips were set in a dejected frown.

Matt stood and walked over to the group.

"Names please."

The twins looked at one and other then said one after the other "Jonathan." "Vincent."

The blond boy spoke up next "My names Ian." Matt raised an eyebrow at that, thinking back to the Ian he knew, he hadn't really thought about him that much and...


voice of an angel took him out of his musing.

"Jacob." He had barely muttered the name, but Matt had heard him acutely. Matt looked at Jacob and their eyes met, and Matt found himself unable to look away. The silence stretched on and finally Jacob looked down again and Matt was released from the spell.

"Good, my names Matt and we have a lot of work to do. Who are the two who will be helping me in the kitchen permanently?"

Matt grinned when Jacob raised his hand along with Ian.

"Well then, lets get started."


scrubbed. He hated cleaning, although after being in this place for four months he knew he should be used to it by now. But still he hated it, and avoided it whenever possible. He glanced to his left where Matt sat at the kitchen table with a clipboard writing things down. He didn't have to clean, why did Jacob?

Kid thought he was better than the rest of them just because he was older. He'd find out soon enough, they always did. Although Jacob did have to admit, he was very attractive with his black hair and the frown underneath his beautiful brown eyes. He sighed. They were all attractive, that's the whole reason they were here. And they would never leave. Eventually they would grow older and Kahlim would probably just kill them all. Jacob had lost his optimism long ago.


Jacob cringed. He hated when people called him that.

He looked up into Matt's eyes and found that he couldn't look away just like before.

"Ye...yeah?" He asked, his voice cracking halfway through the simple word. Why couldn't he talk to Matt like a normal human being? He was growing frustrated with himself.

"Can you come with me into the pantry and give me a hand with inventory for a few minutes?"

Jacob nodded and stood, excellent. He got to stand in a small room with a person he could barely communicate with. He followed Matt to the back of the kitchen and into the large pantry.

Right as Matt walked in he spun around and stepped deftly around Jacob as he continued into the room. He heard Matt holler at the other boys "That's good for today guys, thanks for the help. Ian, I'll wake you tomorrow to come back down


O great, everyone else got to leave but Jacob had to stay. He didn't understand what he had done to piss god off sometimes. Matt walked back into the room, the door swinging shut behind him and he looked at Jacob and grinned sheepishly.

"I kind of just wanted to get you alone to talk to you..."

Matt said, looking at the floor and blushing. Jacob raised his eyebrow and folded his arms, waiting expectantly, not trusting his voice to verbalize his answer.

Matt continued "You seem like a nice guy Jake, I can call you Jake right? Doesn't bother you?"

"Nope" he lied. He normally hated it when people called him that, but when Matt said it, he didn't really mind for some reason.

Matt went on, undaunted by his one word responses "How long have you been here? How old are you? Where are you from?"

Jacob blinked in the face of the jumble of questions. "I'm seventeen, I have been here for four months since I was among the first to be brought here. I'm from California, I lived on the streets there."

Matt nodded and surprisingly didn't ask him about the `living on the streets' thing like everyone else did. He seemed to pick up on the fact that Jacob didn't really want to talk about it.

"Are you gay?"


felt his jaw drop open a little from the bluntness of that question. He stopped and forced himself to think. He had never really thought about it before being taken, he had been more concerned with little things like where he would eat next, but since he'd gotten here he had done a lot of... `gay' things. And he liked most of them, with the exception of doing anything with Kahlim.

But sometimes at night the boys would do things in their room, and he had taken part often enough.

"Yeah." He barley whispered the word, and he hadn't noticed but Matt had moved closer. So close that Jacob had to look up to see into his eyes, and he could feel the heat radiating off Matt's body. He felt his dick begin to get a little hard and he struggled to think of anything that would make it go away.

"Can I kiss you?" Matt asked, his voice quiet now that he was so close.

Jacob didn't even think about his answer, just breathed out a quiet "Yes."


Matt smiled and moved to kiss the beautiful boy in front of him who was leaning against the wall of the pantry. As his lips made contact a flash of guilt ripped through his consciousness. Arthur sprung into his mind, was he cheating? If he fully expected to die, and was half a world away with no chance of almost ever seeing him again, was he cheating? Yes he was. But, he would deal with it later if he survived, right now he needed to do everything possible to maintain his sanity.

His hands slowly slid around Jacob's slim waist and Matt pressed the smaller boys body into him, feeling the stiff rod in the front of his pants press against Matt's own hardening member. He felt Jacob wrap his arms around Matt's neck and Jacob took the kiss to a whole new level and slipped his tongue into Matt's mouth. Matt smiled inwardly and pressed himself closer. His hands slipped under Jacobs shirt and lifted it up, and they broke the kiss long enough for Matt to lift the shirt up over the boys head and place it on a shelf beside them. They came together again and Matt ran his hands all along Jacobs remarkably defined chest before sliding down and grasping his cock through the thin material of the pants. Jacob gasped into his mouth and kissed him harder, Matt grinned and started to run his hand up and down the shaft of Jacobs dick.

Eventually Matt broke the kiss and looked at Jacobs face. Before he could say anything Jacob took off Matt's shirt and put it next to his on the shelf. Matt smiled and kissed Jacob once more on the lips then started kissing down his neck, then down his chest, inhaling the musky smell of his skin as he moved onto his knees and mouthed Jacob's dick through the fabric of his pants.

Jacob moaned a little and placed his hands on Matt's head and pushed his groin into Matt's mouth. Matt grinned and raised his hands and gently pulled down Jacob's pants and underwear, exposing his 8" cut dick. Matt's eyes widened and he looked up into Jacob's half closed eyes. How could someone so small have such a big dick?

Matt decided he would ponder the mystery later and immediately went to work on Jacobs throbbing cock, running his tongue up and down the shaft, his hand cupping Jacobs balls and his other hand rubbing Jacobs smooth chest.

Eventually Matt started to slowly lower his mouth onto Jacobs dick, taking almost all of it in and then coming up again and plunging back down. He did this for a few minutes then stood, leaving Jacobs dick covered in spit and slippery.

He kissed Jacob again letting his own pants and underwear hit the floor.

Jacob ended the kiss and went and stood behind Matt, running his hands up and down Matt's back before crouching behind him. Matt felt his ass cheeks being spread apart, and then Jacobs tongue was everywhere. Matt shuddered from the pleasure and placed both hands against the wall and leaned over. Eventually Jacob stood and lined his cock up with Matt's glistening hole, slowly sliding it in, painfully slow to Matt. Matt pushed his hips backwards and Jacob slid almost all the way in. Matt reached behind himself and grabbed Jacobs hips and pulled him forward again, feeling Jacobs dick deep inside of him pulse and throb.

Matt once again placed his hands against the wall and Jacob started thrusting in and out, Matt moaning as quietly as possible. Jacob leaned forwards and wrapped his arms around Matt's hard stomach, so that his own stomach was pressed against Matt's back. Jacob leaned forwards and kissed Matt's upper back. Matt turned his head as much as possible and Jacob gave him a sloppy kiss on the lips before returning his attention to Matt's back as he continued to thrust in and out.

Matt felt Jacobs grip tighten and knew he was most likely going to cum.

Jacob started to pull out but Matt pushed him back inside.

"We just cleaned this place up, down make a mess." Matt said breathlessly. Jacob didn't appear to even hear him and closed his eyes, Matt felt himself being filled up by Jacobs hot cum, and then Jacob pulled out and spun Matt around and kissed him hard.

Matt placed both his hands on Jacobs head and pushed him downwards to Matt's own twitching dick. Jacob complied immediately and wrapped his lips around Matt's dick with enthusiasm. In less than two minutes Matt blew his load in Jacobs waiting mouth, having already been very close from being fucked. Matt sank to the floor and Jacob cuddled up next to him.

Eventually they both stood and redressed, walking slowly back to the harem and into the bathroom to shower.

Once done, they both put a new pair of boxers on and Matt went to his bed next to the door. He was surprised when Jacob slid into bed next to him, and Matt instinctively put an arm around Jacobs middle and pulled him close. They fell asleep that way, Matt fighting desperately to not be happy. He was captive, in a place he didn't want to be. He could never forget that.

Alright, chapter 15 done. I know quite a few of you don't like where I've gone with the story, and to be honest, I don't really care. I will always accept constructive criticism and new ideas with open arms, but do not send me emails telling me my ideas are stupid. Its rude. But as always, email me at with ideas and opinions!

Next: Chapter 16

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