The Couch

By Mathew Davidson

Published on May 11, 2010


Should you be reading this? This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions between consenting underage males and if its illegal where you are then, don't do it! If someone says you cant and doesn't have a good reason however, then I quote my favourite author on this site, "Fuck Em" try it, you never know! I do occasionally use derogatory terminology in my work, and I apologize if this causes offence to anyone. It's not meant that way at all. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, I get a little dyslexic at times..

Well, I think we've had enough of a break from writing, back at it shall we!

I've had a lot to deal with in my life lately, lots of which is bad, some of which is good. Some new people in my life who make it a lot better, lots of old ones who keep me going, and a few people who I would now happily see hit by a truck.

I apologize for this six month cliff hanger... wont let it happen again! Hopefully my already little skill in writing hasn't diminished... as always, let me know what you think.


The Couch: Part 14

Arthur awoke and was disoriented for a moment. Where was he... then it all came back. Matt yelling, his cheating, then Matt telling him to get out, and how he had gone to his parents to sleep in the room they built especially for him and Matt. The bed felt too big for him to be in alone and he curled up and stared at the pillow that used to be Matt's for a long while before finally managing to drag himself out of bed and walk to the bathroom, where a cold shower gave him a much needed shock into reality. He stepped out of the cold water and dried off, walking into the closet and dressing in some of the clothes he still had at his parents house. It was early in the morning, only a little past seven am, and he didn't wake his parents when he left, getting into his car and heading towards home. He had asked his parents what to do last night after telling them everything, and they had said that he and Matt needed to have a serious talk, which he agreed with.

Soon after, he pulled into the driveway and immediately noticed the absence of Matt's car. He hurriedly got out of his own vehicle and ran up to the door. He reached into his pocket to grab his keys but before he had even found them, the door flew open and Levi stood there fully dressed.

"He's gone and I don't know where and I cant find him and hes not answering his phone and no one knows where he-"

"Levi! Shhh. When did he leave?" He grabbed Levi's shoulders and stared into the younger boys face.

"Around eight last night. He said to call him if I needed him but he's not answering! I'm worried Arthur."

Arthur didn't say anything, but lead Levi into the living room and placed him on the couch. After he calmed down, Arthur asked him more about the previous night and learned all the details.

"We'll give him till eight, then call the police alright bud? Now I want you to go upstairs and sleep, you look like hell."

Levi nodded and slowly walked upstairs to his room. Arthur watched him go, smiling as Levi looked back. Arthur knew that Levi needed someone to be strong, but his strength was only on the surface. Deep down, he knew this was all his fault, and he prayed Matt was alright. He probably was just at a friends house... right?

Matt awoke to the harsh sound of metal on metal. His eyes snapped open and he looked towards the door, where a small slot was now exposed to the rest of the warehouse. A large tray with five bowls of grey liquid was roughly pushed through the opening, then the sound was heard again and a metal slider covered the opening again. The four other people in the room wordlessly made their way over to the tray and picked up their bowls, sipping the liquid and grimacing. Matt made no move to get his "food" and stayed sitting up against the wall. How had he ended up here... this was something out of a bad movie, not real life. What would Arthur think when he didn't come home, what would... his thoughts were interrupted when he heard a deep male voice say "Eat. We only get fed once a day."

Matt looked up and saw the taller of the guys looking at him, an empty bowl beside him on the floor. The guy wore what were once probably designer jeans, and a American Eagle polo that had once been nice. His jeans were now torn and worn, and his shirt was barley there at all it was so threadbare. He wore no shoes and was covered in dirt and looked pale and emaciated. Matt leaned over and grabbed the remaining bowl and took a sip, barley managing to get it down it tasted so horrible.

"What is this place?" He asked, surprised at how weak his voice sounded.

"I don't know for sure. All I know is that when they have 10 people in this room, we all get shipped out. I was sick last time and couldn't go, they said if I wasn't better in time for the next shipment, I was dead. They come in here and take someone out sometimes, those ones never come back. Sometimes when they get bored they come in here and beat one of us."

He spoke in a flat monotone, as if this were all inevitable and nothing could change it.

"Who are you guys? How long have you been here?"

"My names Mark, I've been here the longest, two months, the guy whos asleep again already is Arny. The one staring at us is David, and the pretty girl in the corner is Jamie. They all got here within the last two weeks. Only five more bodies till we get shipped out."

Matt felt his heart sink. What would happen if he ever got sent away? Would he ever see Arthur again? Arthur's past indiscretions seemed inconsequential with his fate looming over him. Matt knew he couldn't live without Arthur in his life. There was no way. He just had to survive.

"I'm not getting shipped out. I wont go, someone will save us." Matt stared defiantly at Mark, who had the same look on his face as the first time Matt had seen him. Mark shrugged and said "If it makes you warm and fuzzy to think that, then hang on to it. Sooner or later, its going to happen." With that, he rolled over and faced the wall. Matt looked at the door again and felt a tear roll down his cheek. Arthur would come, he knew it. He had to believe that.

It was the longest day of Arthur's life. He barley moved from the couch, just sat and stared at the clock, waiting for eight o'clock to come. At seven twenty three, he called the police and reported Matt a missing person. The next day, the police came, asked some questions and left. The day after that Arthur called and asked if they had anything. The receptionist politely told him to fuck off. He hung up the phone and sat on the couch, Levi cuddled up against him. Arthur couldn't remember being this scared in his life. They HAD to find him.

Matt awoke to a familiar sound, and moments later the tray slid under the door again, seven bowls now. He glumly reached for his bowl and drank the fetid liquid quickly, watching the other six people in the room do the same. He didn't know for certain how long it had been, but he had gotten food eight times since he was tossed in here, so he assumed it was eight days. He felt himself losing hope. Two more people had joined them in the cell. The group almost never spoke, for if you spoke to loud, the guards would come and beat them with long bamboo sticks. They didn't bruise, but hurt quite a bit. Matt had long red marks across his back from being beaten numerous times, and now he never spoke. He retreated inside himself, away from the pain, and into Arthur's arms. He still believed Arthur would come for him, he talked about him all the time, and how they would be saved. Even if he didn`t believe it himself, he tried to give the others as much hope as possible. He had too, the only other option was letting go. After he finished his meal, as it were, he heard a more uncommon sound, that of the bar holding the door shut being removed. One of the burley guards stepped into the room and looked around, picking out Jamie in the far corner of the cell. He grinned, showing off his dirty crooked teeth. He walked over to her and picked the slender girl up by her wrist, and tossed her towards the door, she grunted as she landed but didn't cry out, she stood and waited beside the open door. The guard looked around then looked directly at Matt. He pointed and Matt stood, whispering something to Mark before he did, walking over to stand by Jamie. The guard walked over and pushed them both out the door, slamming it shut behind him. Mark's words echoed in his head "They come in here and take someone out sometimes, those ones never come back". Where were they going. Matt looked around the dim warehouse, which after more then a week in the confines of the cell seemed blindingly bright. He saw the same man who had spoken when he had arrived grinning at him.

"Welcome my friends. Girl, you are to... entertain my men for a bit. They grow weary from this place and want some fun. Boy, you have a perspective buyer already! He would like to test your skills before purchasing you, do your best." The guard who had escorted them out grabbed Jamie and slung her over his shoulder and lead Matt down a side hallway and up a set of stairs. They walked by a room with several other men in it, and he roughly put Jamie down and shoved her into the room full of leering men, then lead Matt to a room much farther down the hallway. Before they had even gone five steps, Matt heard the girls screams, muffled by the door, but still audible . He cringed inside, and knew that he would most likely never see Jamie again. The Guard walked up to a door and pushed it open. In the room was a large shower. The guard gestured towards the shower and Matt didn't move. No way was he cooperating with these people. The guard glared and said "Take a shower or I do it for you." Matt still didn't move, just stared at wall and didn't say anything. The guard shrugged before grabbing the collar of Matt's now very dirty shirt, literally ripping it off him. He then unbutton Matt's pants and pulled them off along with his underwear, leaving Matt standing naked in the room, though he still did nothing to cooperate.

"Last chance, trust me it will be much nicer if you do it yourself. Personally I hate faggots like you, and I wont be kind about it."

Matt decided not to test how painful a simple shower could be and stepped into the shower.

"Good choice boy. You have three minutes, no more."

Matt quickly washed away the amazing amount of dirt covering him, taking special care with his hair trying to get it as clean as possible with the bar of soap that was provided. When he thought he was as clean as possible he stepped out of the shower and looked at the guard. The guard just glared at him and looked at his watch.

"That was four minutes. I'll beat you later when you can afford to have marks."

With that he grabbed Matt's wrist and led him out of the bathroom and down a few more doors. When they arrived at the last door, the guard knocked gently and a voice from within said "Enter.", the guard pushed the door open and gently pushed Matt inside, closing the door behind him. Matt stood in a lavish room, totally at odds with the rest of the warehouse, which was dirty and dingy. This room has a thick carpet and was painted, with pictures on the walls and a giant four poster bed in the center, and he could see a door leading to an adjoining bathroom. His eyes however, were drawn to the man on the bed. He was very fat, and very hairy. He looked somewhat middle-eastern, but Matt couldn't be sure.

"Ah, as handsome as Gregor said you would be. Come boy, come closer and let me touch you."

Matt cringed and took a few steps so he was standing next to the bed. The man reached out one podgy hand and ran it all over Matt's chest, then down farther before gently touching Matt's limp dick.

"A little skinny right now, but I imagine you fill out nicely when well fed. Come, climb into bed with me."

Matt, without thinking, blurted out "NO!", not knowing that word would change his life, from very very bad, to horrible. The fat man chuckled, then moving deceptively swift despite his size, grabbed Matt's neck, dragging him onto the bed beside him, and before Matt even had a chance to react he was facedown on the bed being straddled by the man. He grabbed Matt's right wrist and dragged it towards the corner of the bed, and Matt heard a snap and felt metal close around his wrist. Handcuffs. His other hand was quickly secured to the other post.

"Now, will you cooperate?"

Matt couldn't really respond, but he struggled as much as he could, screaming into the bedding. He heard a chuckle from the man again, and felt his feet being secured in a similar manner. The man then sat on top of Matt again, he leaned down and whispered in Matt's ear.

"I like the ones with spirit. It is enjoyable to break your type. How long will you last mon ami?"

He stood on the bed and Matt felt him remove the lose robe that had been covering his girth thus far. He kneeled down again and Matt felt something long and hard pressed against his buttocks. He couldn't believe this. He was being raped. He started to cry into the pillow, even as he felt the man enter him, and continued until he came inside. The man stood without a word and left the room after donning his robe. A few minutes later a guard came in and undid the handcuffs pulling Matt to his feet. It was the same one as before. He grinned at Matt.

"Looks like you impressed Kahlid cocksucker. He bought you. So this is the last time you get to see my pretty face."

He grinned wider then raised a fist. Everything went black.

The phone rang and Arthur answered before the first ring had finished.


"This is the inspector in charge of your friends case. You need to come to the station now."

Arthur hung up before the man even finished the sentence. He dressed in less then thirty second then ran into Levi's room. Levi was asleep in Riley's arms and Arthur flicked on the light startling them both awake. The looked embarrassed at being caught naked in bed together, despite the fact that they both knew that Arthur knew everything, until Arthur said "Police called, get dressed now, meet me in the car."

Without a second thought Levi leapt out of bed and dressed, Riley only a second behind. They raced downstairs, Levi hastily locking the door behind him and jumped into the car with Arthur waiting at the wheel. They sped off towards the police station downtown, going at least 50 kilometres per hour over the limit all the way there. Not 10 minutes later they burst into the station, Arthur walking up to the desk and having a quick conversation with the receptionist. She lead them to the inspectors office and he gestured for them to sit down in front of his desk.

"Good evening gentlemen. Let's get to the point, I have more families coming in soon. We busted a local sex trade operation tonight, and we discovered five males being held captive there. I would like you to come see them, to see if one of them is Mathew."

Arthur nodded and stood, following the officer through the building to a small area filled with cots. There were doctors and nurses checking each of the patients and Arthur's heart skipped a beat as he saw a boy with black hair in the far corner, with his back facing them. The nurse rolled him over and Arthur saw his face. Not Matt. He walked around the room, looking carefully at each face. He finally arrived at the last cot and looked at the tall youth laying there. An involuntary cry escaped his lips. Matt wasn't here. He dropped to his knees and felt Levi place a hand on his shoulder.

"Matt's not here Arthur, lets go home." Arthur nodded and stood, but heard a voice from the cot say "Matt?"

Arthur turned and looked at the boy, who's eyes were now open. "My boyfriend, yeah. He's missing."

"Shorter, black hair, cute face and brown eyes?"

Arthur's heart stopped. "Yeah."

"He was there. He got taken hours before the cops came. He's an amazing guy. If it weren't for him, we'd all have given up. Your Arthur aren't you? He said you'd come. He believed that till the end. He was sure you would come rescue him. He told me to tell you he forgives you, and he loves you. I don't know what you did, but you need to help him. He's still alive, he just got bought."

Arthur felt the tears come to his eyes again. He nodded his thanks to the boy. He gave the boy a card with his phone number. "If you need anything when you get out of here, call me."

Arthur made his way home and walked up to his bedroom, leaving Levi and Riley to their own devices downstairs. He sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the wall. A picture hung there, it was of him and Matt, taken by one of their friends on the night of their graduation. He felt a tear slide down his cheek, quickly followed by another, soon he was crying like he never had before. He had to find him. He WOULD find him.

Matt awoke and looked around. He was on a plane, and they were flying. It was obviously a private jet. He looked to his left and saw three other boys in his row, each had their right hand handcuffed to the seat. He looked down and saw he was in the same situation. He looked up and saw Kahlim walking towards him down the aisle.

"Ah, the last of my new beauties has joined us. Welcome my friends, I will now share our destination. We are going to my home, now yours as well, which is in Africa. Introductions are in order, since you will all grow VERY close in the years to come. From left to right, we have Matt, Craig, Ryan and Sven. You are all from the same country but Craig and Ryan speak French and no English. I shall leave you gentlemen to get acquainted." With that, he strode up the aisle and seated himself within earshot.

Matt looked left and said to Craig and Ryan in French "Your from Quebec?"

They both nodded yes, and Ryan said "Finally, someone to translate for us. Where are you from?"

Matt said "Alberta, but mom was French." he switched to English and said to Sven "And you? Where ya from? These two are from Quebec and I'm from Alberta."

Sven looked up and said "I'm from British Columbia."

The rest of the flight passed and they got to know one and other. They had each been picked up in a similar manner, and Craig and Ryan were boyfriends and were both 16, while Sven was straight and 17 which meant at 19 Matt was the oldest.

Soon enough they landed, and were led down into a waiting truck, where they were secured to benches lining the back of the large enclosed trailer. The ride was long, and eventually the sounds of a city died away and they felt the truck roll across a dirt road, then stop some distance down it. The door opened and a large man stepped into the truck, quickly undoing all the bonds holding them in place, then lead them out of the truck. The stood in front of a large villa, with expansive gardens and beautiful scenery around it. They had little time for site seeing however, as the large guard motioned for them to enter the front doors of the house. The marched in and were led down a back hallway, leaving little time to take in the ultra modern design of the place, and to a large room filled with beds. There were seven beds on each side of the long room, and while not lavish, the room as well laid out and had a large communal bathroom attached and a huge sitting area with TV's at the far end. There were other boys in the room, Matt counted 6 others. Some were in bed, others watching TV. The guard said "You must be tired, sleep and the Patron of this house will come and explain the situation in the morning."

The other boys Matt came with all went and laid down in the unoccupied beds without a word, while Matt went and sat down with the larger group of boys watching TV. They all looked younger then 18. They all looked at him as he sat and he said "Erm... Hi, I`m Matt. Anyone speak English?"

A few chuckled and with the icebreaker out of the way, a group discussion ensued. Matt found out that all of the boys were under 18, most being 16, with one 15 year old and two 17 year olds, not all of them spoke English, but there were enough that most could translate one language or the other. They had all been here a number of months and explained the situation for him. In the morning, the patron would come and ask the new boys if they had any special skills, if they did they would be assigned tasks specific to those skills. The Master, which Matt assumed would be Kahlim, would randomly take members of the group to his bed, at least one everyday. Sometimes he would come into their quarters and demand they all get naked and have, for lack of better words, an orgy, and he would watch, then take a few of them to his rooms.

Eventually they all drifted off to bed, Matt claiming the bed closest to the door. He laid down, and decided he would be the most docile, useful slave he could possibly be, he would be the best in bed, and he would elevate himself above these other boys. He had seen the lack of hope in their eyes, how they were all resigned to this existence. He however, was not, and whatever it took, he was going to get out.

Well, there we are, the long awaited 14th chapter. Hopefully you enjoy it, and I assure you there will be more to come. Let me know what you think,

Next: Chapter 15

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