The Couch

By Mathew Davidson

Published on Jan 7, 2010


Should you be reading this? This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions between consenting underage males and if its illegal where you are then, don't do it! If someone says you cant and doesn't have a good reason however, then I quote my favorite author on this site, "Fuck Em" try it, you never know! I do occasionally use derogatory terminology in my work, and I apologize if this causes offense to anyone. It's not meant that way at all. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, I get a little dyslexic at times..

All right, here we go. The thirteenth chapter, and the one I think I lost a few readers over. I'd just like to address something real quick, in a general answer to the MANY emails I got. Most of them went something like this "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

Anyone who's been following this story since the beginning had to see something bad coming, amirite? I write because its an outlet, not to create idealistic relationships between dream people. Some of the same people who sent me emails over past chapters admiring the reality of it are upset about where its going. All I can say is hang in there, keep the emails coming, and hope for the best! You will NEVER guess where this chapter is going, so hopefully I maintain your interest throughout.

Lastly, I dedicate this chapter to my favorite Africa Man, for his inspiration and ideas in the development of this chapter.



P.S. - Is the irony that this is chapter 13 lost on anyone? Unlucky number 13... Hehe.

The Couch: Part 13

Arthur knew his head would hurt even before he opened his eyes. There was a dull throb right behind his eyes. What had happened last night? Tentatively he cracked his eyes open a little, allowing some of the sparse light in the room to filter in. He felt a warm body next to his side, which wasn't unusual, he had woken up to someone every day for the last three years. Slowly he opened his eyes the rest of the way and peered around the dim room. The walls were pink and the furniture dingy and old. A horrid realization hit Arthur then; He wasn't at home.

Tensing suddenly, he looked beside him, headache all but forgotten. Long blond hair covered most of the girls face, and she was stirring slightly. She was also naked. Arthur froze. Why was she naked... why was HE naked? He tried hard to remember, and a blurry memory of Matt yelling and him leaving, then a dirty bar and a cute face with a pretty laugh. Then a short car ride and then...

Arthur closed his eyes and told himself to breathe. This couldn't be happening.

"Hey sexy, ready for another go? You were amazing last night!"

Arthur swore under his breath. He slowly turned his head and looked at the girl beside him. He could think of nothing to say, nothing in his mind was working.

He managed to stammer out "I... I have to go... now."

"No you don't, come back to bed, its cold!"

Arthur ignored her and stood, trying to track down his clothes in the disaster that was this girls room. He saw his pants, and then found his shirt. His shoes were by the door. Arthur hastily threw on the clothes he had found and practically ran over to the door.

"Your seriously leaving? What the fuck."

Arthur continued to ignore her and pulled on both his shoes then left. He glanced around and saw the door leading out of the tiny apartment he was in. Dimly, he heard the girl screaming something at him, but he just walked to the door and left her there. He was now in a hallway, so he picked a random direction and proceeded that way. Eventually he arrived at an elevator and took it to the ground floor, jumping off past a startled old woman and dashing out the door. He reached into his pocket for his phone and didn't find it there. A quick check of his other pant pockets showed that he didn't have it anywhere, thankfully his wallet and keys were still there. If the phone was in that girls room she could keep it, as well as the coat he then realized he didn't have, he couldn't go back. Arthur took stock of where he was and figured that he knew that neighborhood, he could get back to the bar and get his car, then go home. He started off towards the bar, his heart heavier then he ever remember it being.

Half an hour later Arthur pulled into the driveway of their house. He got out of the car and walked up to the door. It was locked. It was Monday! He had school! Shit. The sky was overcast so he had no idea what time it was. He unlocked the door and walked inside, kicking off his shoes at the door. Arthur walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the counter. He picked it up and read;


I'm so sorry about last night,

I was way out of line. I really

want to talk to you about it and

move past it. I work tonight

but we can talk when I get home.

Called your prof and told him

you weren't coming today.

Know that I love you, and

always will.


Arthur felt a tear slide down his cheek at the last lines. What had he done? Should he lie? Should he keep it bottled up and never tell a soul... No. He would tell Matt today after he got off work. They could work through this. Arthur trudged upstairs and got into the shower. It was going to be all right, he knew it was.

Matt pulled into the driveway at the steakhouse and got out of his car. He was going to see if he could get off work tonight so he could go talk to Arthur about what he had said last night. He walked around the building to the back door, where the waitress from the night before and another cook were talking. Matt glanced over them, waving, then stopped in his tracks. The jacket she was wearing... it was so familiar. It was the jacket he had bought Arthur the year before for his birthday. Matt slowly walked up and asked "Trina... Where did you get that coat?"

She rolled her eyes and said "Let me tell you! So I go to the bar last night right? And there's this SUPER cute guy there all by himself so I wait till he's like soooooo hammered, then asked him if he wanted a little fun. He said sure so we go back to my place, do the nasty and go to sleep. Then, this morning, he fuckin gets up and like runs away. Left his jacket, his underwear and socks! And his phone is still in the pocket here, I'm gunna sell it for some extra cash. The jacket's nice though, I might keep it."

Matt's mind went a million different directions at once. He still managed to get out "Can I see the phone please?" Trian shrugged and reached into the pocket and withdrew the phone and handed it to Matt. Matt flipped it over and looked at the back, where Arthur's parents had engraved his initials when they had given it to him a few years previously. Even the scratches were familiar to him. Matt felt something inside him break. "You slept with this guy?"

Trina nodded yes. "You said you wanted to sell this stuff, I'll give you two hundred bucks for the phone and jacket."

Train looked thoughtful then said "The phone yeah but I like the jacket, less your offering more." She looked back at Matt's face and swore she saw fire where his eyes used to be. His voice was still totally calm however.

"How about two hundred for both and you keep your job. Give them to me now." Trina shakily handed Matt the jacket and Matt turned and walked back to his car. He got in and sped off towards his house. Before he was even half way there he felt tears well up, and not seconds later he was sobbing behind the wheel. Matt didn't even know how he got home, he was on auto-pilot, his entire being centered around one fact. Arthur had slept with someone else. Arthur had slept with a WOMAN. Matt stumbled out of his car and ran up the steps, the jacket in hand. He burst through the door and into the foyer. Matt glanced around frantically and saw Arthur walking towards him from the kitchen. Matt stood in the hallway, his shoulders shaking. Arthur walked up to him and looked at the thing in Matt's hand and then into Matt's eyes.


"Is it true?"

Matt managed to look into Arthur's eyes. Arthur quickly looked away and Matt let out a little cry. He stood there for a second, his mind trying to fully grasp what was happening.

"Matt I-"

"Get out." Matt barley managed to get the words out. They could hardly have been considered a whisper.

"Im sorry Matt I jus-

"Please, just leave." Matt stood in the middle of the hallway holding the jacket towards Arthur. Arthur stood a few feet away and looked at Matt's face. There was so much pain there. Arthur had never seen Matt like this, except on the day his mother had died. Except, this time, he had been the one to cause the pain. Arthur had done this to the person he loved most. Dejectedly he took his jacket and put it on.

"I still lov-"


Arthur grabbed his keys off the table and left the house. Matt stood in the hallway for a few minutes, his mind still going a mile a minute. He felt a solitary tear run down his cheek. Matt felt suddenly unsteady on his feet. He leaned towards the wall and steadied himself with an extended arm. Another tear. He found his back suddenly against the wall, then he was sliding to the floor, his tears running rampant now. Matt didn't know how long he was on the floor but long before his tears had run out he felt someone embrace him warmly. Matt blindly clung to whoever it was and cried into their shoulder, while they made soothing sounds into his neck. Eventually Matt regained enough of his composure to see that it was Levi, seated on the floor next to him with his slender arms around Matt, comforting him. Matt took a deep breath and looked at Levi.

"Thank you. Do you know what happened?"

"I deduced the general situation. Don't talk about it right now. Come with me."

Levi led Matt upstairs to the master bedroom and laid him in his bed. He was about to leave when Matt said "Levi..."

Levi turned and looked at the fragile looking form laying on top of the blanket. "yeah?"

"Can you stay? Please..."

Levi nodded and turned walked over to the bed, then lay down behind Matt. He pulled the blanket over them and hugged Matt again.

"Thanks... I just cant be alone right now."

"Shhhh, try and get some sleep. We can work through it in the morning, we have tomorrow off remember? Chef isn't coming so we don't have to go to school tomorrow or the next day."

Matt sighed and pushed himself closer to Levi. He put his head down and closed his eyes and tried to let sleep take him. Levi pulled him closer and tried to offer as much comfort as he could. Matt was the most important person to him in the world, even more important then Riley, and he loved him. Not the same way that Arthur loved him, but Matt was like the father that he had never known, despite their similarities in age. He couldn't stand him being this way.

Levi was sure Arthur still loved Matt. He had heard the argument the night before, and Matt was at fault there, but sleeping with a woman just because of a short winded shouting match was too much. It also was very much unlike Arthur, and Levi was sure there was more then just him seeking revenge. He would talk to Matt tomorrow. Until then he would have to trust that Matt could handle his inner turmoil by himself.

Arthur drove. He had no idea where he was heading, but he knew that he couldn't go back, not yet. He soon found himself on familiar streets, and before he knew it he was pulling into his parents driveway. He sat in the car for awhile, just letting his thoughts drift. Finally he got out and walked up to the door, ringing the bell. He waited a few moments, and was about to walk away when he heard the deadbolt slide back and the door opened, his father standing in the doorway looking up at him.

"Arthur! How are things bud?" He looked into Arthur's eyes and saw moisture there. "Arthur? Whats wrong?"

Arthur felt himself start to breakdown. He looked at his dad and stepped forwards when his father opened his arms and took his much larger son in his arms, as tears started to poor from Arthur's eyes.

"I fucked up dad. I fucked up bad."

Matt awoke early the next morning. He felt Levi's steady breathing on his neck. Matt let out a contented sigh then his stomach twisted into a knot. It was Levi's breath, not Arthur's. Arthur who had been there for him when Ian had left. Arthur who had held his hand at his mothers funeral. Arthur who had made love to him on their graduation. Arthur who had slept with him nearly every night for three years.

Arthur who had cheated.

Matt managed to fight down his emotions, he didn't want to wake Levi. He crawled out of bed and left the room, tip-toeing down the short flight of stairs to the landing that held his study and Levi's room. Matt walked into his area and sat on the big chair that had belonged to his mother. He wanted to forget for now. But he couldn't. That book there, Arthur had bought it for him. The picture of Arthur and him on the wall. The very chair he was sitting in was only there through Arthur's efforts. Matt started to cry again, and he let himself go, just allowing the emotions to flow out of him. When Levi walked into the room several hours later, Matt was asleep on the chair, his face sunken and his eyes puffy and red. Levi sighed and got the blanket off of his bed and covered Matt in it, then went downstairs. He sat down in front of the TV and closed his eyes. He hadn't slept almost at all the previous night, Matt had kept shaking and crying in his arms. He awoke around 7 pm when Matt came down the stairs, showered and dressed in different clothes.

"Where you off too?" Levi asked.

"I just need to get out of this house for a bit. I have my phone, call me if you need me." Matt turned and walked out of the door, Levi heard his car start and pull slowly out of the driveway. Levi sighed and prayed that Matt wouldn't do anything stupid.

Matt sat behind his wheel, driving for no real reason aside from it got him away from the memories that were full of him and Arthur. He felt like he had no one in the world to talk too. Arthur was his only real family, everyone else was gone. Arthur was always the one he went to with his problems, and he always listened patiently and offered solutions, even if the solution was no better then a shoulder to cry on. But now Arthur was the problem, and Matt had no one. He had Levi at home, but Matt had just pulled Levi out of a life that was a thousand times worse then his, and he didn't want to ruin it for him.

Matt suddenly became aware that he was downtown, and saw a restaurant to his right. On a whim he pulled into the parking lot and got out of his car, sullenly walking into the large doors. Once inside a waiter in a red velvet vest said in heavily accent English "Bienvenue to La Chaumiere, for how many sir?"

Matt chuckled to himself at the irony of it. This was his mothers favorite high end restaurant, and one he had come too on more then one occasion with Arthur.

"For one."

The waiter raised his eyebrow and took Matt's coat, hanging it on the rack behind him. He led Matt to a table and handed him a menu, which Matt handed back immediately.

"Tell the chef I would like a steak, done however he wishes with whatever sides he thinks are best. And a glass of Merlot, chose a nice vintage."

The waiter raised his eyebrow again, then bowed and walked away to the kitchen. Matt sighed and rested his chin on his fist, staring into the small flame atop the candle on the table. His thoughts inevitably went to Arthur and what had happened. He didn't think he could ever forgive him... there was no way. Matt was sure that he would never be able to look at Arthur the same way, and he didn't know if he reciprocate his love for Arthur the way it had used to be. Matt felt anger start to well inside him, smothering the edge of sadness cutting through his heart. How could he do something like that? After saying he loved Matt for so long, how could he? Matt's blank stare turned into a glare, and when the waiter arrived he set the glass down quietly, not wanting to disturb the angry looking gentleman who's eyes were reflecting flames in a most disturbing way. Matt didn't even notice him, just stared straight ahead until his food arrived. He was brought out of his reverie by a clearing of the throat from the waiter, who placed the plate down and backed away without a word.

The food was excellent, and Matt took his time eating. Cooking was something that had always calmed him, and trying someone else's food always gave him something to think about. He found only a few things wrong with his dish, where he usually found many. When he was done he couldn't even remember what it had tasted like. He took a sip of his wine and frowned. Too rich an accompaniment. He would mention it to the waiter. Matt thought about how Arthur always laughed when he offered suggestions to cooks and waiting staff, and the thought brought a new wave of anger to the forefront of his mind. Matt asked for the bill and left his money on the table, as well as a quickly scribbled note on the back of his receipt and a large tip for the waiter. He collected his jacket and left, stepping into his car and pulling away, heading deeper into downtown. He drove around for awhile before spotting a club. It was one of his favorites. It was a gay club, and one where he could just be himself without fear of strange looks from other people, and whispered comments. It was one where he and Arthur could dance together. Well, he thought, where they USED to dance together. Matt parked a short walk off and got out of his car. He felt something hard in his pocket and pulled out the pack of cigarettes. He smiled bitterly to himself and pulled one out, lighting it up with the lighter he kept in the pack. He walked up to the doorway and stood to finish his smoke. He loved this club, because there was such a varied amount of flamboyant'ness from the patrons. There were guys like him who dressed normally and acted straight, and some without shirts wearing white leather pants, others in fishnet and still others who looked like they would rather be anywhere else in the world. There was one guy who kept looking at Matt from between his group of friends. When he walked back into the club, Matt got a good look at him. He was probably about 6'2", very well muscled, and with black hair, and a killer tan. He was wearing a white muscle shirt that looked several sizes too small, and very tight stonewashed jeans that seemed to be glued to his skin. As he walked by he winked at Matt then went inside. Matt finished his smoke a few seconds later and went inside. He checked his coat and walked over to the bar, the music screaming loudly in his ears. Matt ordered his drink and when it was handed to him, Matt reached for his wallet but found a hand on his wrist. He looked up and saw the boy from outside shaking his head. He released Matt's wrist and took out some money and handed it to the bartender. He gestured Matt to follow and walked to the side of the club away from the dance floor, where the volume wasn't loud enough to impair conversation. Matt figured what the hell and followed him to a table in the far corner. Matt sat down and the boy sat down close to him, wrapping one arm around Matt as he did so. The skin on skin contact felt good, Matt guiltily thought to himself. The boy spoke up and said in a heavy Australian accent "My names Tyler, what is a boy like you doing looking so down?"

"Names Matt, and I'm just having some issues is all."

Matt heard the song "Tik Tok" come on the speakers and subconsciously began tapping out the beat on the table with his fingers. Tyler noticed and smiled.

"Well, come on, I'll buy us some shots and then we can dance, and you can get those ugly thoughts out of your pretty little head." He smiled and Matt knew it was all superficial, he could see the lust in Tyler's eyes. He didn't care. Matt stood and followed Tyler up to the bar, where he ordered 3 shots for each of them. The music was loud enough to hinder conversation so Tyler picked up his glass and made the "cheers" motion and they both downed a shot. They repeated this three times and on the last shot Matt was sure that he felt something small and hard slide down his throat. Before he had a chance to think about it Tyler grabbed his hand and dragged him onto the dance floor. Matt followed and once they were almost in the middle of the floor Tyler stopped and turned. They started dancing, Tyler grinding his hips a great deal against Matt, and Matt saying nothing about the attention. Matt had no idea how long they were dancing, but after awhile Tyler mimed going for a smoke and he nodded.

They walked outside and Tyler handed Matt a smoke from his pocket since Matt's were in his jacket. Matt accepted it with a grateful nod.

"Wow, I feel like I'm hammered... I haven't had that much to drink." Matt said, and he meant it. It felt as if he had just finished a long night of drinking and was ready to pass out.

"Ya those shots go straight to your head sometimes. So I'm about ready to head out, wanna come back to my place? My roommate is throwing a party and it should be in full swing now."

Matt groggily nodded yes. They finished their cigarettes and went back inside to get their coats form the coat check. Once they were outside again Tyler led Matt to his beat up car a few blocks away. By the time they got there, the world was spinning for Matt and he was seeing stars no matter where he looked. He stumbled a little and Tyler extended an arm to steady him. Tyler helped him into the car and then walked around and got in the drivers seat. They pulled away from the curb and Tyler started driving. Matt looked out the window at the lights flashing by. They seemed to all blur together. Time seemed to be going by faster then it should as well, but Matt still realized almost thirty minutes later when they pulled into the warehouse district on the other side of the city that something wasn't right. He tried to turn away from the window and ask Tyler why they were here, but he found that he couldn't move. None of his limbs would so much as twitch. He heard the driver side door open and saw Tyler walk around the car to his door. Matt was leaning heavily on the door and unable to move, so his eyes widened when Tyler reached down to the door handle and wrenched the door open. Matt felt himself falling but was unable to do more then squeeze his eyes shut as he fell to the gravel. He felt the side of his head hit first, and knew more then a few rocks had broken skin. Matt crumpled out of the car onto the ground, and from there Tyler half carried half dragged him into a small building in the corner of the dimly lit neighborhood. There were other men in the room, Matt counted three others that he saw. Tyler put Matt into a chair facing the wall, then walked over to the other men. Matt heard them speaking, but couldn't quite make out more then a few words.

"He's good... My money...don't be difficult... Two thousand... Take it and go"

Tyler walked back into Matt's line of sight and sat on his heels. Matt saw a large stack of bills in his hand. Tyler looked him in the eye and smiled.

"Sorry mate, but its just business, nothing personal."

Tyler stood and walked out of the building. One of the other men walked over and stood in front of Matt. He was older, maybe around fifty or so, and had a grizzled look to him, with patchy clothes and dirty hair. When he spoke it was with the faintest Russian accent.

"Welcome to my home sir. You will be staying with us for a while. My name is Gregor, but you may call me boss. We have clients who look for young men like you, and you will soon be taking a long trip to visit some of these men, and women. We will speak again in the morning, please make yourself as comfortable as possible until then. My associate here will rid you of the things you no longer need, such as a phone, wallet and any other device you may use to communicate with the world."

The man walked away and Matt heard footsteps behind him, then rough hands were going through his pockets and removing all the items that were there. Matt was pulled to his feet and dragged to a doorway with a heavy lock on it. The man carrying him let him slump to the ground long enough to open the door, then he grabbed Matt by the collar and threw him into the room. Matt stumbled to the ground, and found that he had regained some of his movement. He dragged himself to a wall not far away and looked around the room. He was shocked so see several other people in the room, most of which looked to be guys his age. There was three other guys, and one girl who looked to be no more then sixteen. They looked at him with wide, scared eyes and none of them spoke. What had Matt stumbled into?

Betcha never saw that coming... I didn't. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, sorry for ANOTHER cliff hanger, but hey, what can ya do. Nothing I use in this story is impossible, and the sex trade operation that is taking Canada by storm is my inspiration for this chapter. If you've never seen the movie "Taken" you should watch it, great movie. Send me your thoughts, good or bad, at

Next: Chapter 14

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