The Couch

By Mathew Davidson

Published on Dec 30, 2009


Should you be reading this? This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions between consenting underage males and if its illegal where you are then, don't do it! If someone says you cant and doesn't have a good reason however, then I quote my favorite author on this site, "Fuck Em" try it, you never know! I do occasionally use derogatory terminology in my work, and I apologize if this causes offense to anyone. It's not meant that way at all. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, I get a little dyslexic at times...

Have you ever felt, that there was no reason to go on? Like no one else in the world gives a damn, and that if you were to suddenly vanish, no one would be even remotely affected?

Or that no matter what you do, no matter how many accomplishments you attain, its never enough to impress the people you want to impress most?

This concludes my aimless morbid...thing. For some reason I feel the need to write in French, wonder why that is. Alcohol probably. Ou peut'etre cest la fait que je peux pas trouver un garcon, qui sais? Fute a l'merde la, cest terrible cet inabilite de trouver la'mour.

The Couch: Part 11

Matt sat alone in the back office. The walls around him pinned with countless papers and notes, most of them meaningless to anyone but Joe, the restaurant manager and head Chef. Matt sat making the schedule, a glass of Gewurztraminer at his side. It was his favorite wine, and one he used in a great many dishes at the restaurant. It was 2am and they were finally starting to calm down, the last patrons leaving for the night. Saturdays were the only day they were open past twelve, and sometimes they stayed open till four am if they had functions, which made for long shifts. The only people that were in the kitchen at the moment was one of the other sous-chef's, Riley and Levi, and another grill cook. Matt was alone in the office as Joe had gone home hours earlier, and he was enjoying the calm after a busy night. He pulled a cigarette out of the pack he kept there and lit it up. He sat back in the big rolling chair and took a long drag, the smoke burning his lungs as it went in, the acrid taste coating his mouth. He didn't like the taste, or the potential health issues, and the very fact that he smoked at all was a major issue between him and Arthur, one of their few. But for some reason, a smoke would relax him like nothing else could. He reached over and yelled out of the office.

"Rye, Levi, com'ere."

The younger boys came around the corner smiling, obviously having been chatting.

"Sup boss?" Rye flashed Matt a cocky grin, and Matt felt his dick twitch from just how cute Riley was when he smiled. He saw Levi staring raptly at Riley's face and knew he wasn't the only one who noticed.

"I want you two to empty the deep fryers, oil's getting a little dark."

"Sure thing boss."

"Stop calling me that."

Riley grinned again and turned around and led Levi back to the kitchen, not before yelling over his shoulder "Right away boss!"

Matt rolled his eyes and turned back to his work. He had made them do the job because it was a two person task, but one that only involved hauling the giant bucket of used oil out back then slowly draining it into the tank behind the building. It took a good half hour to do and there was nothing to do but talk to each other. He smiled to himself, thinking about the two sexy younger boys future adventures. He knew for sure that Levi was a virgin, and he was pretty sure Riley hadn't gotten very far with his ex-boyfriend. The very though made him hard and he texted Arthur to make sure he was awake. Matt definitely needed some attention when he got home.

Riley showed Levi how to drain the two big deep fryers then grabbed the bucket and stood there while they emptied the machines. He could tell that Levi was a little shy, and very inexperienced when it came to flirting and talking to others. He thought it was adorable, Levi reminded him so much of a little puppy. As Levi lifted the first full bucket out of the way Riley thought `Well, a sexy cute little puppy'. He could see Levi's not insignificant muscles strain under his jacket.

They finished emptying the machines and filling the buckets, then Riley picked one up and Levi the other, as they marched out the back past Matt's office and out the back door. As Levi walked past the open office door, Matt winked at him and made a crude gesture with his hips and pointed at Riley. Levi blushed a deep crimson and giggled a little. Riley glanced back and gave him a questioning look, too which Levi just grinned and shrugged.

They walked into the frigid air outside and Riley walked up to the tank and took the lid off. He placed the bucket on the allotted space and pulled the plug and the thick oil started slowly draining into the tank.

"Now we have some time to chat." He turned and looked at Levi as he said this. Levi said nothing and put his bucket down and glanced shyly at his feet.

"Mmm, your kinda quiet arent you?"

Levi mumbled something and Riley went and leaned against the wall next to where he was standing.

"So, did you want to grab a coffee or something tomorrow?" Riley had a hopeful look in his eye as he said this, and Levi looked up and smiled.

"I think I'd like that, if I don't work."

Riley beamed and moved a little closer to where Levi was now leaning. He saw Levi tense and he frowned a little. He brushed it off as nerves though and leaned so his shoulder was touching Levi's. After a moment of awkwardness, Levi leaned some of his weight on Riley so the touch was more forceful.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend before?" Riley asked, more to start a conversation then anything.

"N-no. Not really. I just... No one really liked me before. I'm not that attractive and no one has ever really asked me before." Riley slipped his hand into Levi's and squeezed it.

"I find that hard to believe, your one of the cutest boys I've ever seen."

Levi blushed and looked away, trying to hide the smile that crept onto his face at the compliment. No one ever complimented him, only Matt had said anything nice to him before.

Riley slowly pulled away from the wall and stepped in front of Levi. He started leaning forwards, putting their faces mere inches apart. Levi's breathing became fast and his mouth dropped slightly open. Riley pushed forwards more so their lips just barley brushed against one and others. Levi let out a contented sigh and his breath was sweet on Riley's face. Riley pushed forwards more aggressively this time, and their lips pushed against one and others. He ran his hands up Levi's trim torso and as he brushed against the ribs on Levi's right side, he felt the boy in his arms gasp slightly and push him away.

"I'm sorry if I was going to fast I didn't mean to-" He started to say, nervous that he had ruined the moment, but Levi help up his hand in a placating motion.

"Mon dieu la... No its not that, that was amazing. I just have a few bruises and stuff. Just be gentle alright. But ca'alise, that hurt."

Riley was about to apologize then when Levi grabbed the front of his jacket and pulled him in for another kiss. Riley was surprised for a moment, then he returned the kiss and put his hands on Levi's hips, not daring to probe any further. The stayed like that for a long while, Riley enjoying the feel of Levi in his arms, and Levi experiencing his first real kiss. They were still like that when Matt emerged from the office to see what was taking so long, despite his obvious suspicions. He smiled when he walked out the back door and looked to the long empty bucket on top of the tank, and the two lip locked boys against the wall to the left of the doorway. He stood there with his arms crossed for a few seconds, waiting for them to notice him. After almost a full minute had passed he rolled his eyes and cleared his throat loudly. They separated instantly and both looked at him with the cutest deer in the headlights look.

"As much as I enjoy seeing my employees getting along so well, that other bucket isn't going to empty itself and I have someone waiting for me in skimpy underwear at home, hurry up!"

Levi looked like he wanted to melt into a corner and Riley blushed and grabbed the other bucket and started emptying it, along with a hurried "Yes Chef, sorry sir."

Matt's massive grin let them both know he wasn't really mad and he said "Levi, go ask the sous-chef what needs to be done before we can home, I think Rye can finish up here."

Levi nodded and ran inside to finish tidying up, and Matt walked over to Riley.

"That went better then I had hoped." Riley blushed and looked at the bucket. He felt Matt's arm on his shoulder and looked up into the beautiful eyes that were staring down at him.

"But in all seriousness, He may be slightly older then you bud, but he hasn't had any experience at all with this stuff, go slow and don't force him into anything alright? And be gentle, he's a little battered and bruised."

Riley frowned and said "I found that out. What's up with that anyways? Was he in a fight or something?"

Matt sighed and his smile vanished.

"I'll let Levi tell you about that when he wants too."

With that, Matt patted Riley's shoulder and walked back inside.

About 30 minutes later Matt and Levi were in his car on the way home, after having said goodbye to Riley who had been picked up by his dad.

"So what do you think?" Matt asked.

"I like him a lot, he's nice." Levi said, a goofy grin plastered across his angelic face. Matt laughed and said "I meant about the job, but that's good too. Are you meeting him tomorrow?"

Levi blushed then looked at Matt "Yeah, how did you know?"

Matt grinned at Levi then, and Levi couldn't help but smile in return.

"Because I gave you the day off so you could do just that. I would be disappointed if you hadn't set up a date."

Levi smiled in return and went back to looking out the window. A date. He had a date. His smile widened and he thought about how dramatically his life had changed. Days before he was being beaten down and stepped on living in a trailer, now he was living with the coolest person he had ever met and had a great job, and was free from the physical turmoil his father put him through daily. And it was all thanks to the boy driving this car.

They pulled up in front of the house then, and Matt got out of the car and started walking up to the front door. Levi got out and walked behind him, and right before Matt opened the door he put his hand on Matt's wrist and stopped him. Matt turned and looked at him quizzically.

Levi wanted to blurt out how grateful he was and that he would find someway to make it up to him, but he just couldn't find the words. Instead he lunged forwards and wrapped Matt in a tight hug, which after a surprised interval Matt returned the hug. He felt Levi crying into his shoulder.

"Shhh, shh, what's wrong bud?"

Levi didn't release his hold and Matt squeezed him tight for a moment before drawing him out to arms length and looking into Levi's green eyes. Smiling eyes.

"Nothing, everything is perfect. Because of you."

Matt felt like his heart would burst from the happiness that erupted from it after Levi made that statement. He pulled Levi into a tight hug again and felt a few tears slide down his own face. They stood outside for a few moments sharing the caring hug, then Levi said "You should go inside, Arthur is probably getting cold in his skimpy underwear..."

Matt laughed aloud and turned the handle. They took off their coats and hung them up, and went up the first flight of stairs together. Matt bid Levi goodnight and went up to his room. He tried the handle and it was locked. Rolling his eyes he punched Arthur's name into the keypad and the door clicked open. He walked into the room and candles were everywhere, and Arthur was asleep on the bed, in the tiniest leopard-skin thong Matt had ever seen. He had to stifle a laugh at the obscenity of it. He quietly undressed and laid his clothes on the floor, then crawled naked into bed beside Arthur. He softly ran his hand up and down Arthur's toned chest, enjoying the warmth emanating off of his boyfriend. Matt leaned forwards and pressed his lips against Arthur's. Arthur stirred and started to wrap his arm's around Matt, but Matt danced free and stood beside the bed.

"com'bak ere`.." Arthur groggily said, stretching his arms towards Matt. Matt laughed and grabbed Arthur's hand pulling him towards the edge of the bed. Arthur knew in the back of his mind that Matt couldn't catch him if he fell, and that little voice in the back of his head jolted him to full awareness before he lost his chance to swing his legs down and stand up.

"What's all that about then..." He rubbed his eyes. Matt pouted at him and stepped closer.

"Well I'm a little sore from standing all night, I was thinking we could have a hot bath and see where things go." Arthur smiled and put his hand under Matt's chin and tilted it up to accept the soft kiss he placed there.

"That sounds like a fantastic idea." Matt pulled free and turned the water in the Jacuzzi on.

"While we wait, you can explain where you got that insanely small piece of fabric that's supposed to be covering your genitals."

Arthur laughed and walked over to Matt and leaned down, resting his forehead against Matt's, their noses just brushing one and others. Matt wrapped his arms around Arthur's waist and held him close, enjoying the warmth of Arthur's breath as it washed over his face. Matt suddenly felt a strange sense of doubt pass over him and he frowned.

"What's wrong?" Arthur asked, concerned.

"Can this last Arthur?"

Arthur wrapped his hands around matt even tighter. He knew what he meant, he had after all lived closer to Matt then anyone else had ever been for the past three years. Matt would occasionally fall into these depressive troughs, and start questioning everything good that they had. And Arthur sometimes agreed with him. Matt had had so much tragedy in his life, that when things were going their best, as with then, this inexplicably cold fear would slash through him, warning him that he wasn't supposed to be this happy, something had to go wrong soon.

"Does it matter?" Arthur asked.

Matt sighed and seemed to melt into Arthur's embrace.

"No, no it doesn't. I have you, now we have Levi. We're our own little dysfunctional family and its great." Matt got this determined look on his face and Arthur giggled and suddenly seemed to become aware to the fact that he had a gorgeous Adonis in his arms who was naked and pressed up against him. Arthur saw the tub was almost full, so he kissed Matt and pulled away.

"Shut up and get in the water."

Matt grinned cheekily and said "Yes sir. But take that think off before you get in, if it shrinks when it hit's the water I may lose one of my favorite parts of you." With that, Matt stepped into the tub and sank into the steaming water. Arthur peeled the thong off and tossed it in the trash, then stepped in and sat down beside Matt.

"And how shall we go about this tonight?" He asked, not really expecting Matt to answer. Usually they just played it by ere. But Matt spoke up.

"I want to go slow today alright? After playing matchmaker all night I want to be reminded that somebody still likes ME."

Arthur looked deep into Matt's eyes and saw a tear start to form.

"What's wrong babe? What's got you so down today?" Arthur slipped his hand around Matt's waist under water, their flesh sliding easily along one and others. Matt rested his head on Arthur's shoulder and snaked both his arms around Arthur's midsection.

"It's just one of those days. You know how it is." As Matt said this, Arthur brought his hand up and tilted Matt's chin up to look him in the eyes.

"Matt, I've loved you for too long for you too lie to me. What set you off?" Matt rolled his eyes and lovingly nuzzled Arthur's chest.

"God I love you. I met Riley's dad today. He seemed nice, he even laughed out loud when Riley gave Levi a goodbye kiss. Do you remember what my dad did when he found out I had a boy in the basement with me Arthur?"

Arthur's face clouded over a little. He didn't like thinking about that night. He brought his hand to Matt's stomach and traced the dozens of thin white scars that covered the skin there.

"I remember."

"Sometimes, I think about how things could have been different. What if my dad hadn't left, what if he was nice and loving. What if they weren't gone Arthur?"

Arthur felt Matt becoming tense in his arms. He couldn't let Matt start this downward spiral. In most aspects Matt was an emotional rock, and secure in everything he did. But every now and then, when it was just to two of them, he would let the barriers fall, and his emotional insecurities would shine through, and he would spiral into a deep depression from which it took days to draw him out.

"I don't have all the answers Matt, It might have been better, it might have a lot worse."

"Before he left, he used to yell at me you know. Mom would never let him hit me, but he would yell. Horrible things. When I close my eyes I can still hear him Arthur. The voice never goes away."

Arthur tenderly stroked Matt's hair, knowing it was best just to let it play out and let Matt talk his way through it.

"Whatever I did, it was never good enough. I was worthless to him, and he let me know it. Fagoty fucking worm, that was my nickname when she wasn't around. I was his hideous child, a thing to whom he wouldn't show the slightest bit of affection. Then one day, my mom thought I should go see the doctor, and that made him snap. He beat me so bad he put me in a coma. Then he was gone, and I thought things would get better."

Arthur tightened his grip around Matt and leaned down and kissed the top of Matt's head. He had heard the story before, but knew that Matt just needed to get it out.

"But he came back... he came back and tried to take everything with him when he left that time Arthur. He took her, and he tried to take you." Matt started sobbing quietly and his arms tightened to a near painful degree. "Please don't ever leave me Arty... please." The last word was a whisper, but Arthur heard it as if it were shouted in his face. He felt tears build up behind his eyes, and he reached around and dragged Matt into his lap.

"Why, would you EVER think I would leave you?" He whispered into Matt's ear. Matt didn't answer, but the sobs wracking his body slowed, then eventually stopped. He lifted his head an looked into Arthur's eyes, and Arthur saw that the sparkle had replaced the cloud that had been there moments before.

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to deal with that all the time. I hate that I'm the crazy boyfrien-" Arthur leaned in and pushed his lips passionately against Matt's, cutting the apology off. Matt maneuvered his legs so he was straddling Arthur's legs under the water, their now stiff lengths pressed against each other. Arthur spoke around Matt's mouth and said "This seems oddly familiar."

Matt smiled into the kiss, remembering their first time in the hot tub at the hotel. He had other plans for this encounter though. He moved his legs again so he was squatting over Arthur's legs. He placed his hands on Arthur's hips and moved him down so he was in position, and it was good thing Arthur was tall because as it was his chin was barley over the water. Matt guided Arthur's swollen shaft to his hole and slowly sat down on it, Arthur's length sliding in easily since that entire portion of the operation was underwater. When Matt was sitting on Arthur's thighs, and could feel Arthur's warmth, even feel his heartbeat, Matt wrapped his arms around Arthur's neck and pressed his forehead to Arthur's. Arthur was breathing heavily and ran his hands up and down Matt's thighs eagerly. Matt pressed his lips to Arthur's briefly then started moving his body up and down, rotating his hips as he did so. Arthur moaned and let his hands explore every inch of skin they could reach, before eventually letting one hand settle on Matt's half submerged cock. He let Matt's movement move his cock in Arthur's hand and Arthur let his head loll back onto the ledge of the tub as Matt brought him ever closer to release.

Levi bid Matt goodnight and went into his room. He lay down on his bed, exhausted and thinking that he would pass out as soon as his head hit the pillow. But he found himself unable to sleep. He kept thinking about kissing Riley, and how good it had felt. He thought that he was surely being stupid, and that no one would fall for a white trash French boy like him, Riley was probably just being nice. He heard his phone buzz on his desk and he stood to go check who it was. It was Riley!

The message read "Hey, you still awake?"

It was all Levi could do to not write back that of course he was still awake, he was thinking about you! But he just sent a "Yeah" and waited impatiently for the response, which came less then 20 seconds later. "Can I call you?" Levi swore he almost yelled for joy then, but held it back. Matt and Arthur were being very quiet and he didn't want to wake them if they had gone to bed. He sent back "Yes, definitely" and a few moments later, his phone rang. He quickly grabbed his iPhone headphones and plugged them in so he could use the headset. He pressed "Answer" as he flopped back onto his bed. He found himself paralyzed by fear for a moment and unable to speak.

"I can hear you breathing shy boy."

Levi almost pissed himself from the sudden voice, which sounded so much sexier over the phone for some reason.

"H-Hey, sorry, I'm just...uh trying to be quiet is all. I think Matt and Arthur went to bed."

"Sure. I just got home and couldn't get to sleep. I kept thinking about you..." Levi blushed and was glad Riley couldn't see it. Without thinking about he blurted "Me either, that kiss was magnifique!"

Riley giggled on the other end of the phone. "So I was thinking, tomorrow, could I just come over? I'd rather not go hang out in a coffee shop." Levi didn't know if he was allowed to have people over. His mind flashed back to the one time he had brought a friend from school to his dad's trailer. His dad was all smiles while the boy was there but the second he left, He had broken a golf club over Levi's back.

"I'll have to ask Matt tomorrow, probably, I'd like that."


There was a long silence and just as it was about to become unbearable, Levi heard a loud moan come from the upstairs bedroom. Riley apparently heard it too and asked "What was THAT? You jerkin off?"

Levi swore his face must have been ten different shades of red and quickly said "Non! Je ne suis... I am not. Apparently Matt and Arthur didn't go to bed... or at least didn't go to sleep."

"I see... the very thought of those two naked has me hard... What are you wearing Levi?"

Levi felt that fear sneaking up again, but he suppressed it with a great amount of effort. Trying to sound sexy, he laid the accent on thick and said "A pair of brief's, et tu?"

"God you sound hot when you talk like that. I'm just wearing some boxers. Maybe we should get rid of the clothes?"

Levi's heart skipped a beat, here was another boy, who LIKED him, asking him to get naked with him? Well not really WITH him...but same general idea.

"That sounds like a good idea..." Levi heard clothes ruffling on the other end of the line and scrambled to rid himself of the suddenly uncomfortable undergarment. He lay back down and said huskily into the receiver "Are you naked?"

He heard heavy breathing on the other end then a stuttered "Y-yeah" Levi sensed that Riley was nervous, a vibe he wasn't used to getting from the straightforward boy. On a whim he asked "Have you ever done this before?" a question which was met by a long silence.

Then finally "No, I never even saw my old boyfriend naked. His family was really strict and he wanted to take it slow. Kissing was as far as we got."

Levi beamed on the inside, excited that he had found someone who wouldn't mock him for his lack of experience. Riley brought him straight back to hormone filled reality when he whispered "Are you hard?"


"Should we jerk off on the phone?"

Levi's heart fluttered inside his chest. YES WE SHOULD. He managed to suppress his desire to shout it out and said simply "Oui."

He heard Riley start sliding his hand up and down what Levi imagined his dick would look like, and Levi ran his practiced hand up and down his own shaft. The phone was silent aside from an occasional groan or a moan from one of the boys. A few minutes later He heard Riley grunt out "I'm close", Levi responded in equally strained tones that he was too.

Seconds later Riley gasped through the phone "I'm cumming!" Levi didn't answer but started spewing onto his own chest as well.

Arthur let his mouth slide from where it had been sucking on Matt's neck.

"I'm there!" As he said it he started filling Matt up with seed, but Matt didn't slow down, using his ass to milk every drop out of Arthur. When he was sure Arthur was done he stood, and Arthur slid up to a straighter position and took Matt's twitching dick in his mouth. Arthur slipped a finger into Matt's hole and massaged his prostate while he expertly sucked on Matt's length. Matt came shortly after, only to collapse into the water at Arthur's side.

"You know, the downfall of this sex in the water thing is that now we have to get out and dry off before we go to bed..."

Arthur smiled and stood. He got out and grabbed a towel and dried himself off, then helped Matt out and dried his lover off as Matt stood there, enjoying the attention. Arthur smirked and said "There, now quit your bitchin, I'm tired. Get into that bed and keep me warm!" He playfully slapped Matt's ass as they climbed into the bed, and they quickly drifted off to sleep in each others arms.

Levi lay in his bed gasping, and he could hear labored breathing from the other end of the phone.



"What do you want to do tomorrow?"

There was a pause, then Riley said very quietly "That, but with you in the same room as me." Levi smiled and he swore he HEARD Riley smile on the phone.

"I'll call you as soon as I ask Matt alright?"

"Deal, don't keep me waiting too long."

"Bon soir"

"Ugh, getting me hard again. Goodnight sexy."

They hung up their respective phones, and Levi was now sure that he wouldn't be able to sleep at all that night in his anticipation of Riley's visit the next day. He hoped Matt would say yes... he PRAYED Matt would say yes.

Well...theres an entire chapter that occupies a span of two hours in storyland... and to think some of my other chapters spanned years :P

I need you opinions! Should we have another character introduced, or further develop the ones we have (Not implying that I wont develop these ones if a new guy shows up). Email me and let me know your vote, if you vote for a new character, include a name suggestion, I'm running out.

Next: Chapter 12

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