The Costa Rica I never expected

By zoltan z

Published on Jan 13, 2006



My boyfriend and I decided to make a short vacation to Costa Rica. Cold where we live, its warm in Costa Rica. There are nice little villas that one can rent right at the beach that are cool. Birds and monkeys will be cavorting in the trees, and flowers are everywhere.

Hot, humid weather always makes me horny, which Ryan is counting on, I suppose. He wins.

We are walking along the beach at about midnight. I am all excited because I am fully expecting we will find a spot where he's gonna take me from behind. And I don't mean mug me.

Growing up in a fairly humble, semi-rural Appalachian community made the tropics an exotic spot for me. Moving to So. California made me familiar with Baja when I got to High School. Doing it on the beach by moonlight was always a fantasy. When I discovered I was gay, being done on the beach by moonlight replaced the first fantasy. Umm, guys, yes. Some of my friends in HS found that doing me by moonlight, on a beach, was a good thing to do.

Tonight I am thinking is going to be a big night. Ry will score. I am only one easy piece, but I am going to be a REALLY easy piece. In high school I always made them chase and beg, but that was so my reputation wasn't tarnished. High School kids are so judgmental.

"oh, alright, if ur shure it won't hurt". Right. Well, I was an Eagle scout at the time, and I didn't fancy myself as a male prostitute - I'll take you to Baja with me for four blow jobs, two fucks and a chance to cum all over your face- so I played hard to get even with myself. I actually wasn't a male prostitute - just a horny, horny gay teenager. But even 5-6 years ago things were not ideal for revealing one liked bottoming for ones friends. Especially if you are one of the school's major swimmers.

Now I am boned up and leaking abit as we walk down the beach. I am wearing just a pair of loose shorts (easy off for easy access) and some sandals.

We are hiking down the beach. Not much in the way of moonlight, but thats okay. If I am going to spend half an hour or so draped over a palm log with my ass in the air, privacy is desirable. I like an audience, sometimes, but a sympathetic one. So far as I can tell Ry never wants an audience. So darkness is our friend. I have a very white ass, which would undoubtedly show up at a distance in the moonlight.

While we are hiking, a pair of the local mutts come trotting along and start following us.

Ryan starts raggin on me

"can't go anywhere with you without you attracting groupies"

"they aren't here to see me, they're just here for the company, anybody would do - maybe its you they like."

"hell they are, they're goin' for a piece of ass"

"they're goin' on home"

"piece of ass"

"yeah, yours"

"no, yours, I can see what they want"

"in your fuckn' dreams thats what they want, you are just thinkn they want what you are gonna get whether you want it or not."

"thats where"

"you are so full of shit"

Just then one of the dogs thrusts his muzzle vigorously into my crotch. I respond by getting so stiff I have a hard time walking cuz its tangled up in my shorts.

"looks like you want what he's offering"

"looks like YOU have a dirty mind"

"he recognizes a dog in heat when he sees one"

"If I'm in heat its cuz you have two fingers down my shorts playn with my crack"

Still, there may be alot more to this than he thinks, actually.

I rearrange myself and we start on down the beach. Ry sort of veers away from the beach into a grove of trees at the edge of the forest.

Suddenly he yanks my floppy shorts down and, pinning my arms behind my neck, drags me a few steps so that I am out of the shorts.

"stop it, shithead"

"come and get it boys"

"let me go, your hurting my arms"

"this cock is ready for action"

One of the dogs starts lickn stick, and I start moaning and swaying my hips. Me as a depraved hula dancer. My head throws itself back, I swear. I relax my struggle.

Ry is laughing at me.

"Everybody always says I am coupled with a horn dog, but I thought they were just joking"

I just sort of moan and drool.

This feels so damm good. The other dog starts licking my ass. I think he wants at my crack, but Ry is standing so that he can't reach it.

Suddenly he releases me and orders me on to my knees. He opens his shorts and boy, he is hard too.

"suck it, zol"

I would do this even if I weren't being licked and prodded in my privates by two over enthusiastic tongues. Now my crack is also an option.

Down I go, trembling with need and sweating from the heat and humidity, and propelled by lick induced lust. I just collapse to my knees.

I take it into my mouth and start swirling my tongue and bobbing my head, trying to tilt so that he can get into my throat easily.

Little slurping sounds and moans escape me, and I gag periodically as it goes a bit further down than I can easily throat.

I am crazy with lust. I want more.

The dogs are licking up a storm, I am leaking and throbbing.

Suddenly Ry cums quarts in my mouth. I let it leak abit out of the side of my mouth before swallowing most if it.

I am still so hard my cock is slapping against my belly when I straighten up.

I grab my shorts, put my head on the sand using the shorts to protect my face and put my ass in the air.

"Fuck me"

"Z, sweety, I just came so hard I though I was going to drown you in my cum, I can't get it up".

"try, dammit"

"Z" (he's 34, I'm 23. This can be a problem)

suddenly I feel a finger poking slowly into my hole.

"lube me, please"

"I haven't got any, Z"

He didn't plan to fuck me on the beach. What a bastard. (Turns out he was gonna wait till we got home and ravage me in the courtyard - when we got back there was lube, towels, a large vegetable that looked like a cuke and a kind of riding whip laid out on the table). So okay.

"more fingers, dammit"

He works first a second, then a third into me. I keep wincing because I am a lube necessary bottom, but I want this, so I grit my teeth and push back.

Ry is good at many, many things, and one of the things he is best at is finger fucking. Most of his skills involve computers and business, but some involve good sex. The next 10 minutes or so are pure pleasure - well, impure pleasure - I am being finger fucked on the beach by my boyfriend. I keep poking my ass back, arching my back and begging for more.

"thats just where, Ry, right there like that"

Finally I am on the verge.

"wiggle those guys, wigglem hard"

He wiggles like an Olympian, I spurt, and he slaps my ass.

"good job, dude".

I stagger to my feet, sweaty, cummy, and covered with sand. I trot down to the water and walk in. It feels good, and I wash myself off.

The dogs seem not to be too interested anymore. They vanished before Ry even got a good start on loosening my ass.

"throw me my shorts"

"wait till you get out"

"throwem here"

He does, and I wet them thoroughly, then put them on - I don't like sandy balls when I am walking. Don't like sandy balls at all. Gritty.

We walk back, go inside, and fall asleep curled in each others arms. This is ultimate yummy.

Next morning the lube, cuke, whip and towels come in very handy.

Still, he makes fun of me the whole vacation for the dogs and my enthusiastic response. Its clear that he just views it as something I couldn't help because I was so oversexed in anticipation of becoming the evenings entertainment, but I get the distinct impression that he wouldn't be all that happy to know that it felt damm good.


What I feel isn't clear even to me.

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