The Corporate Cumdump

By Boo Jum

Published on Sep 13, 2021




This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

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When I got home that evening I found Coach sitting on the couch, his feet up on the sofa opposite. He was watching a sports event on my TV set.

"Please don't put your shoes on the sofa," I said. It came out a bit sharper than I had intended.

Coach shot me a look of pure malevolence, then pushed the sofa aside with his foot.

"Get down here," he gestured to the now empty space in front of him.

I knelt in front of him. Coach slapped me very hard. The force of the blow knocked me sideways. I stared up at him in shock.

"On your hands and knees," he growled.

I obeyed. Coach put his feet up on my back, and continued watching the tv. I remained there, serving as a footrest for another twenty minutes until the program ended.

"Take my shoes off! I want a foot rub!" Coach commanded.

I untied his shoelaces and pulled his shoes off. His feet smelled quite bad after the whole day, but I tried to ignore it and began giving him a foot massage.

"With your tongue, idiot!" Coach said.

I began licking and kissing Coach's feet, trying to ignore the smell. Coach was doing something on his phone, and he ignored me.

After I had given both his feet a thorough massage Coach stood up.

"You'd better go get ready," he said, "the guests will be arriving soon."

I looked up in alarm. "Guests? What- who-"

"Oh didn't I mention it?" Coast sounded unconcerned. "I invited a couple of buddies over for a poker night. You don't mind, do you."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

He turned to go, but then turned back. "Oh yeah. And I want you to wear the outfit that I prepared for you. It's on the table there." He gestured towards the table in the dining niche, as he went into my bedroom.

I went over to see what Coach had picked out for me. It was a French maid's uniform, a short black mini dress, with white lace trimming. There were also black stockings and garters, as well as a wig of blonde hair, and some makeup. It was the sluttiest outfit that I could think of.

With a heavy heart I put on the skimpy little dress and attached the stockings to the garters. The dress was barely long enough to cover my underwear. I felt exposed and humiliated. Coach came out of my bedroom, and guffawed loudly when he saw me.

"Take your underwear off!" Coach commanded, and threw something at me.

I was too shocked and humiliated to catch it, but as I bent over I realized that it was black lace panties. I removed my own boxers and pulled the lace panties on. They were crotchless, and my cock and balls kept peeking out.

"Put the wig and makeup on!" Coach commanded.

I obeyed, feeling humiliated. When I looked at myself in the mirror I looked like a clown. I felt ridiculous.

Before I could beg Coach to at least forgo the makeup and wig, the doorbell rang.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go on, answer it," Coach commanded.

I didn't want anyone to see me like this, but I didn't have a choice. I opened the door, and a large tough looking Black man stood on the doorstep. He looked like a professional wrestler going to seed. He looked at me in surprise and then a look of contemptuous amusement came onto his face, as he entered my apartment. I was suddenly distinctly aware of every sensation of lace rubbing against my cock. I hung my head in shame, and tried to keep my head down as I showed him into the living room, where Coach was sitting. He greeted Coach, and sat on the sofa opposite him.

"Hey, JK, what's with the faggot?" asked the man, after a couple of minutes of conversation.

"Oh the cunt? It's on loan," Coach answered. "I'm helping to train it."

I felt myself blush when Coach said that, but I could feel my cock twitching in the lace panties.

The doorbell rang again, and I opened the door to admit two Latino men. They joined Coach in the living room, and I served them all beer as they sat there chatting. A couple of minutes later they were joined by two other men, a blonde heavy set man, and another dark skinned man, who had long straight black hair, and looked like a Native American. The men were all big and tough looking, and I was the target of many crude comments. I felt a bit afraid, but I figured that Coach would not let things go too far. He had promised Elias that he would take care of me. I would have to obey him and put my trust in him. I decided to make the best of it, and tried to look as sexy as I could.

As the men ordered drinks I served them, and lit their cigarettes when I was ordered to. Despite my initial reluctance and fear, I had to admit that I was actually beginning to feel aroused by the sight of these tough looking macho guys. I would have loved to suck the cock of any of them. My own cock was semi erect, and I could feel it peeking out of the crotchless lace panties. I wondered if any of the men could see it...

From what I could hear of their conversation they had served together in the army, and still met regularly to play poker. And surely enough, after chatting for a while Coach issued me a series of orders, and soon I had my dining room table set up for their poker game.

The six men sat around the table and began playing poker. I was kept busy, bringing them drinks and other things they ordered. I was also required to light their cigarettes and keep the ashtrays and the table clean.

As I leaned over to put a drink next to the blonde man I suddenly felt one of the men pinch my arse quite hard. I gasped in pain, and whirled around angrily to glare at the Latino guy who had done it. All the men laughed and I blushed with the humiliation.

They had been playing poker for a couple of hours when Coach put his cards down on the table and said

"Just a second. I gotta take a leak."

He unzipped his fly.

"Hey, pissbreath. Get over there!" he commanded.

"S-Sir?" I walked over to him. I was suddenly afraid.

"Kneel!" Coach commanded.

"P-p-please," I started to say, but Coach suddenly grabbed my balls and pulled downward very hard.

I gasped with the pain, and sank to my knees. Coach put his hand on the nape of my neck, pulling my head towards his crotch. He held his cock between thumb and finger, pointing it straight at my face. I had a closeup view of his massive black mushroom cockhead, with the piss slit opening like a tiny mouth.

"Mouth open," he said jovially.

I opened my mouth just as the first spurt of piss hit my face. I moved my head to take the stream into my mouth, and swallowed the acrid sour piss as it came out of Coach's cock.

When the stream of piss directed at my mouth slowed to a dribble, I took the tip of Coach's cock into my mouth, and sucked out the last drops of piss, as I had been taught by Elias and Nick. Then Coach pushed me away and the game resumed.

None of the other men seemed surprised at this sight, and I resumed serving them and keeping everything clean as they played.

After another few minutes. One of the Latino men called me over.

"I also need to take a leak. Get under the table," he said.

I glanced over at Coach, who ignored me. So I crawled under the table, knelt in front of the man and unzipped his trousers. His uncut cock stuck out, and I retracted his foreskin and took the tip of his cock into my mouth. After a couple of seconds I heard the man sigh, and a stream of piss filled my mouth. I swallowed it down.

I had barely zipped him up when I noticed another one of the men unzipping his fly and hanging a thick, dark brown cock out. I crawled over to him, and took the glans of his cock into my mouth. Almost immediately I felt his piss fill my mouth.

I spent the next couple of hours under the table, crawling from one man to the next, and draining their loads of piss. I only managed to come out from under the table when one of the men wanted another drink. The sight under the table was a cocksucker's dream. By now all the men had their trousers open, and their genitals hanging out. I was treated to a view of cocks in varying sizes, shapes and colours, and I had time to appreciate the differences. I was feeling very aroused by the sight of all those cocks, and the musky smell of sweaty balls was making me even hornier. My own cock was hard, and the feeling of the lace panties rubbing against it was very sexy.

After a while I became aware that the men's posture had become tense. I realized that something dramatic was happening, and I crawled out into the open to see what was going on.

From what I could tell, Coach, the blonde man, and one of the Latinos were the only ones still in the game. The other three men had folded their cards, and were leaning back in their chairs, watching the proceedings with the look of someone who was interested but not involved.

"Come on, JK," said the blonde man, "you either call or you raise. Or you're out"

"Only he aint got nothing to put in the pot," the Latino guy interjected.

Coach was holding his cards close to his chest. He took a peek at them and said "How about if I add Simon to the pot?"

"No! You can't," I burst out. "I- I'm not- Elias said-" but i realized that nobody was listening to me.

The two men considered this offer for a few moments.

"How do we know he's worth it?" the Latino guy asked. "I say let us check his skills first."

The blonde guy nodded.

"Yeah," he said, "first let us check the merchandise. Then if he's good enough I'm in."

The blonde guy put his cards face down on the table, and leaned back in his seat. His trousers were down around his ankles, and his uncut cock dangled in front of him. He was a shower. He gestured to his crotch and said,

"Ok, cocksucker, show us how good you are."

I looked over at Coach, silently pleading with him to put an end to this.

Coach came over, put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me aside.

"Boy, I know what you think. You're saying to yourself that if you're not good enough they won't agree to my proposal. Well I got a lot riding on this, and if you don't do a good job here I will make sure you regret it." He sounded so menacing that I felt a flash of fear.

"You feel me?" Coach asked.

"Y-y-yes Sir. Coach. I'll do my best," I stammered.

"Good boy," Coach patted me on the shoulder. "Now, hop to it!"

He pushed me towards the blonde man, and I stumbled across to him. I knelt and took his pinkish uncut cock into my mouth. I could smell his body odour as I began bobbing my head up and down on his cock, feeling it get hard in my mouth. It was not that long, a bit above average length, but quite thick.

Despite my fear and apprehension I was feeling really aroused, and the musky odour from the blonde guy's balls was making it worse. I longed to stroke my cock, but I dared not. I began to swirl my tongue around the man's cock head as I went down on it.

"Ooooohhhhh, he's good. He's really good," the blonde man said.

"Give me a try," the Latino guy said.

I realized that he was standing next to us when he grabbed my head. With a quick, practised move, he pulled my head up off the blonde guy's cock, my mouth an open hole, still shaped to accommodate the blonde guy's cock, lips carefully covering my teeth. Before I could even react or close my mouth, I felt him pushing my head down onto his own cock. I had a brief impression of a long, thick black cock, glans partially covered by a foreskin, and then his cock was forcibly penetrating my open mouth hole.

As I choked and tried to control my gagging the Latino man pulled me towards him, holding my head down on his cock as he took a step back and sat on his chair.

I managed to pull my head back long enough to draw a breath, and then the Latino guy was pulling my head up and down on his cock, as if my head was an inanimate sex toy.

I felt a cock head at the opening of my sphincter just as I heard Coach yell "Hey! Buck! That's not what we agreed!"

"Gotta check the merchandise," I heard the blonde man (presumably Buck) say, and he shoved his cock into my arse. I tried to pull away, but both men held me tight, and I was helpless.

I heard the other men laughing and making lewd comments as my holes were fucked by both the men.

"Ok, that's enough!" Coach said, after a few minutes. "You've had your fun, now are we playing poker or what."

Both men reluctantly released me, and I sat on the floor, panting, as the men returned to their seats.

The Native American guy gestured to me, and I crawled over to him. He was very solid looking.

"Drink my piss," he said, and I obediently took his flaccid brown cock into my mouth. Even in this state it was bigger than mine. He pulled my head towards him, so his cock was entirely in my mouth.

I sat there, not moving, waiting for the gush of piss, but instead I felt the cock in my mouth beginning to get hard. The man began moving my head up and down on his cock, and I realized that he just wanted a blow job.

"So I'm adding the pussy slave to the pot. Do you guys agree?" Coach asked.

"Yeah," Buck said.

"What about you, Marcos?" Coach asked.

A couple of seconds passed, as I sucked the cock that was in my mouth, and then Marcos grunted.

"Let's see what you've got," he said. With an effort I managed to turn my head enough to see the three men put their cards face up on the table. I wanted to see the cards, but the Native American guy was fucking my throat, and even though I tried to pull away he held me too tightly.

Finally one of the men let out his breath in a sigh. Buck let out a whoop, and clapped his hands.

"Who would have thought," he said. "JK, that's the first time I've seen you lose so badly."

When I heard this I jerked my head with all my strength, and struggled hard. After a few seconds the Native American guy released me, and I managed to get up.

Coach looked very sour.

"We'll, it's been a fun evening, watching you lose, JK," said the second Latino guy in a gloating tone of voice, "but now I think that we should leave the slave to get acquainted with it's new masters."

"No!" I burst out. "You can't! Coach. Please. Elias-" but I got no further.

Marcos hit me on the side of my head. He was so fast that I never saw the blow coming. The next thing I knew, I was lying on the floor, ears ringing.

"I reckon we're gonna finish what we started earlier," I heard Buck say. "Heck we might as well all take a go at him."

The men dragged me to my feet, and pulled me into the living room. Marcos sat on the sofa in front of me, and pulled my head down onto his cock. As I resumed sucking it I felt another cock pushing into my arse. From the corner of my eye I could see the other men watching us, fondling their own cocks, and making comments.

I heard the man behind me grunting and I felt him speed up his thrusting, and then a moment later he yelled, and buried his cock in my arse as he came.

He barely managed to pull his cock out of my arse when I felt another cock pushing its way into my arse. This man fucked me hard, each thrust throwing me forward against the man sitting in front of me.

Marcos gripped my ears, and used them to pull my head up and down. But when the second man fucking me also came, Marcos stood up and took his place.

A hand grabbed my hair and pulled my head up. It was the Native American guy standing in front of me. He held a handful of my hair like a handle, and began fucking my throat while Marcos was fucking my arse hard. I could barely breathe as the huge brown cock blocked my throat and cut off my air. I was almost blacking out when I felt my mouth fill with a flood of semen, and the huge cock in my throat was withdrawn. I was dimly aware that Marcos had also shot his load deep into my arse, and withdrawn his cock.

"Come on, JK, have a farewell fuck with your former slave," Buck said.

"Well, I guess he's nice and open and well lubed up from all you guys," Coach said. "I might as well."

Coach threw me down on the sofa, and lay on top of me. I felt his hand slide down to my arse as he positioned his huge cock head at the entrance to my arse.

I struggled weakly, and he chuckled as he easily overcame me. I knew what was about to happen, but I was powerless to prevent it. Coach shoved his cock into my arse all the way to the hilt. I reared up, trying to pull myself away from him, screaming in agony. But Coach was on top of me, holding me in a half nelson, and I was too weak to do anything but squirm and cry as he fucked me.

"Hey, turn him over so we can get a better look," one of the men said.

Coach sat up and released me. I groaned in relief as his huge cock slipped out of my arse. But before I could get away Coach grabbed me and pulled me down as if to sit on his lap. All my struggles were useless, Coach overpowered me with almost no effort, and impaled me on his huge cock. I cried out again, and tried to escape. But Coach held me helpless, raising and lowering me on his cock. Surprisingly enough it didn't hurt as much, and after a minute my arse became accustomed to being reamed out by this huge battering ram. Coach grabbed my thighs and pulled them up and apart, exposing my arsehole.

"Will you look at that!" one of the men exclaimed.

The other men crowded round, and looked in awe at my arsehole as it took Coach's huge cock. One of the men reached down and ripped away the slutty panties, revealing my arse, open and distended as Coach fucked me.

The men watched me being violated, and all of them were masturbating. The sight of all the erect cocks in front of me, combined with the feeling of having my arse stretched, made me feel very slutty and aroused, and I felt my own cock getting hard.

"Look at this cockwhore," one of the men laughed, "he's getting off on this."

He stepped forward, his erect cock just in front of my face. I opened my mouth to accept his cock, but instead the man shot a load of sperm into my face. One by one, the men all stepped forward and shot a load into my face and open mouth while Coach fucked me.

It seemed like the fuck went on endlessly until Coach let out a roar of triumph. I could feel his cock pulsing in my arse as he shot his load into me. I felt too weak and battered to try to escape, so I sat there, helpless. After a few minutes Coach's cock detumesced and slipped out of my arsehole, and I gasped and moaned as my arsehole twinged.

Coach stood up, and I slipped off him and lay on the floor. I could feel semen running down my cheeks, and I dimly heard the men talking about setting up another game in a few weeks time.

When I managed to get to my feet I was alone with Buck and Marcos. I stood there, cum drying on my face, as they looked around my apartment, touching everything. Buck opened the door to my bedroom.

"I'll sleep in here,"'he said. He went in and closed the door.

"So I'll sleep in here," Marcos had discovered the guest bedroom. He went in and closed the door.

I was left in the living room. I stretched out on the sofa and tried to get comfortable. As I tried to fall asleep I could feel cum oozing out of my arsehole, and my mind turned to the humiliating ordeal I had just gone through. I lay there, stroking my cock as I relived the experience in my mind, until my own orgasm overtook me.

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