The Corporate Cumdump

By Boo Jum

Published on Aug 21, 2021




This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

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The following morning, when I arrived at work I found a shiny new brass plaque on the door. It had my name in large letters, and underneath, in smaller letters it said

"Chief Cocksucking Officer"

Inside my office, on my desk, was a package of business cards, and pages with a coloured letterhead that also proclaimed me as CCO.

Seeing this sign, which proclaimed my lowly slutty status made me feel humiliated and embarrassed, but I could feel my cock twitching in my trousers, and I realized that I was getting aroused by the thought of everyone knowing exactly what I was.

My train of thought was interrupted by my phone, and I had barely picked it up when I heard Elias shouting at me to get over to his office.

Things were hectic there, people coming in and depositing pages into a thick dossier of documents. Elias looked up as I came in.

"You're coming with us," he said, as he picked up the thick folder of documents from his desk.

"Er, yes Sir," I answered, feeling mystified.

I followed him down to the lobby, where Nick was waiting for us in a large, luxurious black car with tinted windows. Both men ignored me as we drove into town, but from their conversation I understood that they were going to negotiate a deal with one of the rival companies. I felt honoured that they had chosen me to help.

We arrived at a large building, and the driver let us out in front of the entrance to a mall. We made our way to the centre of the mall, and waited by an elevator, which took us to one of the upper floors. There we were ushered into a meeting room.

Three men were sitting on one side of the desk, as I followed Elias and Nick into the room. The man in the middle was a tall, heavyset man with a full head of white hair, who I recognised as Toby Martin, Elias's main business rival. He was flanked by two young, eager looking assistants. We sat opposite them, Elias in the middle, with Nick and I on either side. The two assistants looked at me with identical expressions of superiority.

"Ah, Elias. You're here. Finally!", the heavyset man said.

"Toby," Elias greeted him gravely.

They exchanged a couple of pleasantries, which sounded more like thinly veiled attempts to trump each other's claims. Finally Elias said

"Let's get down to business. We agreed that this meeting will run for as long as we need to work out all the issues. No breaks."

The meeting began. Each man presenting demands, backing them up with documents provided by their assistants. I had nothing to do, so I sat listening, as the negotiation proceeded.

About two hours passed, when Elias said

"Just a minute. I need to pee."

"We said no breaks!" Toby said. "Of course, if you have to go we'll accommodate you, and in return you'll concede to our demand on the distribution issues," he sounded triumphant.

"Oh, no need for a break, this will only take a minute. Simon!"

Elias stood up and went to stand by the window.

"S-sir?" I asked, a sinking feeling in my stomach as I realized what was about to happen.

"Get over here! Kneel!" Elias said sharply.

I knelt in front of Elias as he unzipped his fly, and opened my mouth in preparation. I could feel the waves of surprise coming from Toby and his two assistants.

"Elias. What the fuck?" Toby sputtered in shock. "You can't do that!"

"Why not?" Elias asked.

I felt exposed and humiliated as the three men looked on in shock. I realized that this was the reason that Elias had wanted me to come with them. This is all I was in his eyes. A human urinal. I felt myself flush with embarrassment. For a moment I considered refusing, standing up and walking out. But as I looked up into Elias's eyes, I saw his look of approval, and I felt a flush of pride. This alpha male approves of my submission. I moved my gaze down to his cock. It protruded from his fly, as he held it loosely between his fingers.

It occurred to me that this was the first time that I had had the opportunity to see Elias's flaccid cock up close. He was also a grower, like Nick, who's unerect cock was quite small. But Elias's cock seemed to be a bit more elastic. He tugged the glans, stretching it quite a considerable distance from his body. As I took in every detail of Elias's magnificent member I felt a wave of desire sweep over me. I was his to use in any way he wanted, and I realized at that moment that I would do anything to please him.

My gaze focused on the slit in his glans. It seemed to open like a mouth, and then a split second later a strong stream of piss splashed across my face.

Elias directed his stream of piss into my open mouth. My throat flexed as I swallowed his piss.

I heard exclamations from our three rivals, and from the corner of my eye I saw the two assistants looking at me with expressions of disgust. But Toby was watching me avidly. His lips parted, and his tongue moistened his lips, as he watched in fascination.

When Elias had finished, he shook his cock off. A couple of drops landed on my cheeks and forehead, but he ignored that as he tucked his cock away in his trousers. As I stood up I realized that my own cock was erect and rock hard, tenting the front of my trousers. I surreptitiously readjusted my trousers as I sat down, and Elias resumed the negotiation.

"Elias! What the fuck? You- that- what the fuck was that?" Toby protested, sputtering indignantly.

Elias looked up in surprise.

"You have a problem, Toby?" he asked.

"You can't do that! It's- it's-," Toby said indignantly.

"Simon doesn't mind. Do you?" Elias asked me.

"No Sir. I'm happy to serve, Sir," I replied dutifully.

"Simon loves serving me. He's my new CCO," Elias said, patting me on the head as if I was a dog.

I nodded and looked at Toby. He was breathing quite hard, and his face had a sweaty sheen of excitement. He squirmed a bit on his chair.

"Would you also like to pee, Toby?" Elias asked. "I'm sure we could accommodate you. If you'll accede to our proposal regarding the distribution."

Toby glanced over at his assistants, who were suddenly engrossed in the documents in front of them, and wouldn't meet his eye. He squirmed uncomfortably on his chair again.

"You win, Elias," Toby said after a moment. He stood up and moved over to stand by the window.

I looked at Elias, who nodded and jerked his chin towards Toby. I stood up and went to kneel in front of Toby, who had already pulled his trousers down to his knees. His belly jutted out, and his stubby cock pointed down. His pubic hair was totally removed. Toby gripped his cock just behind the glans, pointing it at me.

"Get lower," he hissed.

I realized that he was shorter than Elias, so I sat in front of him.

Toby's uncut cock was a few centimetres from my open mouth. The foreskin was quite long, and covered his entire glans, puckering to a small opening. I was expecting Toby to retract his foreskin to piss, but with no warning a spurt of piss came out of his foreskin, and hit me in the face. I swallowed as much of it as I could. Another spurt followed, and then without warning he pushed his cock forward into my mouth and grabbed my head, holding it in place as he began to pee in earnest, straight into my throat. I choked at first, but he just held my head as he pissed. Luckily his cock was not as big as Elias's, as I could feel it getting hard. As it is, I struggled to swallow all his piss without choking.

After that, the negotiations went quite quickly. Toby seemed distracted, and I could tell that Elias and Nick were pleased with the final results.

While we waited for Toby's secretary to print up the final contract I quietly excused myself to go to the toilet. I felt like I was bursting, after having swallowed two loads of piss on top of everything else I had to drink that morning.

As I entered the men's toilet unbuckling my belt someone shoved me hard from behind, sending me flying forward. I lost my balance , and fell down, barely managing to break my fall with my hands. Before I could recover I felt a body on top of me, pushing me until I fell face down on the floor.

"Fucking faggot cuntface!" A voice hissed in my ear, "You're making us look bad in front of Toby. "Now he's going to expect us to drink his piss too."

He hit me hard, and I groaned in pain, and struggled to get away. But the assistant pinning me down was large and quite fat, and I wasn't strong enough. As I struggled to escape, the man behind me hauled me to my knees, twisting my wrists behind me so that every move sent shots of agony up my arms.

"Lick the urinal clean, pissbreath," the one assistant said, "clean it all up."

I struggled and resisted, but I was no match for both of them together. They smashed my face against the dirty urinal quite painfully until I stuck my tongue out and licked the porcelain. They moved my head around, making me lick the bowl all over.

While my face was being pushed into the urinal I felt a pair of hands on my arse. I tensed up and tried to get to my feet. But I was held down, and I felt the seat of my trousers being torn. Fingers pulled my arse cheeks apart, and I felt a cock pushing up against my sphincter. I struggled and tried to clench my buttocks, but I received a blow to my side that made me moan in pain.

I knelt there, taking the one guy's cock up my arse, my face squashed into the bowl of the urinal. Against all odds I felt my cock getting hard, as my arse was reamed out. Something in this situation, arse up head down in a urinal, was making me horny. Suddenly I heard the second guy unzipping his trousers.

"You like drinking piss?" The second assistant asked, as his friend fucked my arse hard. "Well get a taste of mine."

I felt his stream of piss hitting the urinal just above my head and running down into the bowl of the urinal, which didn't seem to be draining properly. As the level of the liquid rose past my nose and mouth, I was forced to swallow some of it in order to be able to breathe. Even when the urinal had emptied the two men held my head down, until the guy fucking me let out a gasp, as he came up my arse.

The two assistants released me, and I slumped to the ground, panting and dazed. They flipped me onto my back.

I opened my eyes, and as I looked up I saw one of them, the fatter guy, lowering his arse onto my face. I tried to turn my head, to get away, but they still held me captive.

The crack of the guy's arse descended onto my face, cutting off my air. I tried to twist and struggle. I yelled, but my voice was muffled by his arse, as he ground it hard against my face. His arse crack was hairy, and it had a foul, sour smell.

"Lick my arse, cuntface!" The guy commanded. "Clean it properly and we'll let you go."

Once again, I had no choice. I could still taste piss on my tongue, as I began licking the arsehole that was on my mouth. I worked my tongue as far as I could into his arsehole, but after a few minutes I was running out of air. I struggled and tried to turn my head, but barely got a few sips of air before he moved his arsehole back onto my mouth. I was dimly aware that he was jerking off as I rimmed his arse, and as I probed his arsehole with my tongue I could feel it clench and unclench.

Finally the man lifted himself off my face, and I drew in a grateful breath. He aimed his cock at my face. A few quick jerks of his fist, and a stream of cum hit my face. I flinched and tried to turn my head, but they held me in place.

Finally they stood up and released me. I lay there panting and dazed.

"Look at this fucking faggot," one of the assistants said, "even now he's enjoying this." I felt his foot pressing down on my crotch, and grinding against my cock, which in spite of everything was erect and refused to go down.

By the time I managed to sit up both men were gone. I looked at myself in the mirror. My clothes were dirty, my hair was wet and matted from their piss, and I had gobs of cum on my cheeks and forehead. I cleaned myself up as well as I could, but despite my efforts I could still smell piss all the time. I rejoined Elias and the others in the conference room.

"Phew you reek!" Nick exclaimed, "What happened to you?"

I told him, and he smirked.

"Well, you're not riding home with us," he said, you'll have to take the train."

Nick walked me through the mall to the train station. I wanted to stop and buy another pair of trousers, but he refused. As I walked through the mall to the train station I must have looked like a hobo. Torn trousers, dirty clothes, smelling of piss.

I heard quite a few remarks about the way I smell and the fact that my torn trousers exposed my bare arse. I felt ashamed, but I also felt very aroused. I wondered what people thought of me. Did they imagine what I had gone through? The thought made my cock twitch.

When I boarded the train there was no place to sit, so I stood in a corner. The other passengers kept away from me. But as the journey progressed the carriage filled up and people were crowding closer and closer.

Suddenly I felt a hand brush across my arse. I stiffened, and tried to move away, but there were too many people around me. I stood there as the anonymous hand probed my arse, inserting a finger, then more than one. I gasped with surprise, and a woman standing opposite me gave me a suspicious glare. But I was helpless as the anonymous guy played with my arse. I tried to turn my head to see who it was, but I couldn't.

To my relief, after a few minutes the anonymous hand was withdrawn. But then I felt something else rubbing against my arsehole. I realized that it was a cock about the same instant that it popped through my sphincter. I gasped and shifted, trying to get away, but the pressure of all the bodies around me prevented me from escaping.

As the anonymous man pushed his cock into my arse I began to get aroused. I leaned back a bit, pressing myself up against his body, wiggling my arse. He responded by grinding against me, and I felt a few more centimetres of his cock slip in. He moved his hips against my arse in a fluid, circular motion, which, combined with the motion of the train made his large cock feel good in my arse. I began clenching and unclenching my sphincter. My anonymous fucker responded by grinding his hips against my arse.

Both of us were barely moving. My own cock was rock hard, and throbbing in my trousers. I longed to stroke it, but I was afraid to draw any attention to what was going on. I scanned the people around me as far as I could see. Nobody seemed to have noticed anything. I could hear the man behind me, breathing heavily, and I concentrated on keeping my own breathing steady. I wondered what would happen when he came. Would we be able to do it quietly?

As the train approached its next station, the driver announced the station name, and the man behind me took advantage of the noise. I heard him let out a series of ragged gasps, and I could feel his cock pulsating in my arse as he came.

Just in time, the train stopped with a jerk, and I felt the man behind me pull back, his cock withdrawing from my arsehole. I could feel the cum in my open arsehole. I felt horny and slutty, and I looked around, half hoping half dreading that someone had seen us. The other commuters were ignoring me, and I felt a bit disappointed.

Just then the carriage doors opened and people began getting off and onto the train. I took advantage of the free space to turn, and get a look at the man who had just fucked me so expertly.

Just behind me were three young Black men, probably in their early twenties. It could have been any one of them.

Next: Chapter 14

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