The Cop

By Dawson Spear

Published on Dec 22, 2022


From Chapter 6:

Lying there having just experienced my first orgasm at his hands I fully expected that I might have regrets now that my horns had been trimmed, but that was not the case. I wrapped my legs around his back and started meeting his thrusts. I found myself rubbing my hands over his back and along the flanks of his thighs; I was raising my hips to meet him and tightened my anal muscles as he was pulling out and pushed out as he was pushing in, helping him to fuck me. I found myself beginning the orgasmic process again. It did not take long before he flooded me with his sperm and I cam on my belly. He did not pull out but rather left his cock buried in me and we drifted to sleep.

Chapter 7.

From Charles Green's point of view.

I gradually woke up finding myself lying on top of Chris. My first thought was to bust another nut in him, but then I decided that while my cock was mostly soft I would extract it and explore his apartment. I managed to get it out without waking him. I looked at the furniture in the living room and dining area, looked in the cabinets in the kitchen and then went into the bedroom. I looked in his closet checking out his clothing tastes, finding them to be very conservative and straight.

I went into the bedroom and sat down on a stool and opened his dresser drawers. I had found him in tighty whitey briefs both times and confirmed that those were the only type of underwear he had. I pulled them out of the drawer and put them over to the side and went to the next drawer which held his shorts. Looking at them I realized that all were surfer type shorts in that there reached to his knee or were longer.

Chris came into the room and said, "What are you doing? Why have you taken all of my underwear out of my drawer? Put them back and leave my shorts alone."

Without saying anything, I reached out, took his wrist and pulled him over my lap. He had put his underwear back on when he got up off the sofa. I had remained naked. Holding him down by a hand in the middle of his back, I used my other hand to pull down his underwear, threw them over onto the pile I had created with the pairs in the dresser, and then brought the palm of my hand down on the cheek of his ass with some force but nowhere nearly as hard as I was able.

He let out a cry and I said "Be quiet or I will gag you. I am now going to spank you. Each time my hand comes down on your behind you will give me the count and say thank you sir. Do you understand?"

"Have you lost your mind?"

"You just added an additional 10 pops. Keep running your mouth and the number will increase. Do you understand?" By this time he was sobbing and cried "Yes Sir."

"What else?"

"I am sorry Sir."

"Good boy. Now count," and with that Chris received his first spanking consisting of 25 medium to hard swats with the palm of my hand.

When I was done the cheeks of his ass were bright red, his eyes were full of tears and snot was running out of his nose. I was pleased to feel that he had achieved an erection as a result of the spanking/pain inflicted on him. I sat him up and let him sit on my legs so that most of his ass was not touched but rather was suspended between my thighs. I pulled him back so that he was leaning against me as I gave him his first lesson.

"You don't speak to me in that tone. You are not my equal. I told you that I would decide what in the apartment was kept and what was disposed of and that includes your underwear. You will no longer wear tighty whitey underwear. You will now wear either boxers when you are wearing your ball weights and either thongs, jocks or bikinis."

"Yes Sir."

"Another thing, when in this apartment or in mine you will at all times be naked. I also noted that when you came into the bedroom and saw me, you put your hands in front of you. Why?"

"Well Sir I realized that I only had on a pair of underwear and it was instinctive to shield myself from view."

"That may be but you are never to hide yourself from me. When I tell you to present yourself you are to spread your legs to shoulder width, slightly bend your knees and put your hands behind your back. If I wish to see your back you will raise your hands and put them behind your head. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir."

"Can you tell me why your dick is hard?"

Chris was sputtering and coughing with embarrassment. He realized that he was still suspended between my knees, with my hand softly rubbing the cheeks of his ass and his dick was still hard and dripping.

I laughed and said come on let's get ready for bed. I went into his bathroom and using his tooth brush I brushed my teeth, washed my face and handed him the tooth brush to use. I went into the bedroom and pulled the covers back and lying on my side looked into the bathroom at him. He finished brushing his teeth and walked over to the toilet, raised the seat getting ready to take a leak. I called out to him to stop and got up out of the bed. When I got to him his face was a picture of puzzlement and he was further confused when I reached over and put the seat down. I asked him, "What are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You are my what?"

He thought for a moment and said hesitantly, "Bitch?"

"That is right. How many bitches have you seen that pee standing up?"

"None Sir."

"That is right. Now sit down and pee. You Might as well get used to it. When you are wearing the cock cage you will have to sit to pee and you are to always regardless where you are to sit to pee. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir."

Bright red with embarrassment he did so as I went back to bed smiling.

He came into the bedroom with tears falling down his cheeks.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because all of this is so strange and confusing and embarrassing. I have a hairy chest, a cock, hairy legs and I am a man. Why do I have to be a bitch and have to squat to pee:"

"I patted the bed and said come lie down here on your side."

He did so and there was a distance of at least a foot between us in the king sized bed.

"I said well the bed goes, we will be using my queen sized bed. Damn if I am going to have this much space in our bed for you to move around, now get your ass over here and spoon up against me."

He did so and I put my arms around him and his sobbing slowed. I lifted his top leg and whispered in his ear, reach back around, take my cock and put it at the entrance to your booty."

He did so and I slipped into him. I know it hurt as his rectum strained to let me in. I rolled him over onto his tummy and whispered into his ear, "Do you want to sleep under me like this, on your side or on top of me"

He quickly said, "Not on top of you. I want you to cover me and to wrap me in your arms."

I kissed his face, and ear as I started the breeding process and smiled as I realized that he was meeting me. When he lifted his hips to meet my thrusts I reached my hand under him and took his sack into my hand holding his balls and rubbing them with some force. I know I was causing him discomfort. I won't say I was hurting him but he knew I had him by the balls. I pulled down and let my hands play with his cock. He was moaning and I knew he had started the cuming process when his anal muscles clutched my cock and forced another stream of sperm into him.

He whispered, "Thank you. I love you. Please hold me and protect me."

"I love you to" and then I flexed my cock in him and he moaned as I wrapped him in my arms, legs and covered him with my body.

I awoke several hours later and lay still for several minutes to take stock of what Chris was doing. I realized he was sound asleep still under me; however he had maneuvered his legs so that both of them were between mine and my arms were surrounding him as well. I could feel that one of the reasons that I woke up was that I needed to piss. I thought for a moment and decided to have some fun. My cock was still inside Chris' booty and mostly hard; without moving, I slowly relaxed my muscles and let a small stream of urine flow into his colon. It took almost a minute, but all of a sudden Chris woke up with a start, trying to jump up. Because of my weight on him he was unable to do much more than to roll us over. I kept a tight hold on him so that I remained in his canal.

"What the fuck?" Chris exploded. "Get off me. Did you piss in me? That is the grossest thing I ever heard of."

I sat up in the bed and leaned against the head board with my legs sticking out in front of me. I looked him in the eye and he realized that he had fucked up bit time. I pointed at my lap and told him to assume the spanking position. He crawled up onto my lap placing his cock and balls between my thighs. I told him to start counting.

"One sir and thank you sir."

"Do you know why you are being punished?"

"Two sir and thank you sir. Because of the way I woke up and said what I said?"

"In part. You either woke me up or interrupted my emptying my bladder. Either way you were wrong. And, in the second place you characterized a gift from me to you as the grossest thing you ever heard of. I can't believe that you think that part of me is gross."

"Three sir and thank you sir. I am sorry for waking up the way I did but... Oh Master please let me go to the bathroom and I will come right back."

"No way, and if you let any leak out of you I will make you lick it up before you change the sheets. Now what else were you going to say?"

"Four sir and thank you sir. But what you were putting into me was your urine."

I made no further reply and simply continued with his punishment. Of course his dick got harder and at one point he cried out in pain. I asked him what happened and he replied in tears, "Thirty one sir and thank you sir. My testicles got caught between my dick and your leg."

He started to reach down to change the position of his scrotum, but I stopped him, saying, "Leave them alone, it is part of your punishment."

He suffered out the rest of his punishment with his nuts being trapped and moaned deeply. I asked him if he had learned a lesson and if so what it was. He thought for a moment, and replied, "First anything you give me is a gift, especially if it is or has been a part of you. Second, my pain should result in my being a better servant to you and if it gives you pleasure that it can't be a bad thing."

"What else?"

"I am beginning to realize that when I cum it is associated with pain."

"Do you think that is a good thing?"

"No sir."

"Then lie there for a second and examine what it is you just said."

"How about when I suffer pain I then cum?"

"Good. So if you are being hurt then you will cum from the hurt or pain.

"How close are you to cumming without my permission?"

"Not that close anymore, because the pain in my balls caused my concentration to wander."

"Go into the bathroom, void your colon, wipe yourself with toilet paper and a wet cloth and come back to bed."

He did so and lay down on the bed. He looked over at me and said "Aren't you going to get back on top of me and put your arms around me?"

With a smirk on my face, I said, "I didn't think that you wanted me to after the way you jumped."

"Please master cover me."

He was lying on his stomach and I covered him, pushing my cock back inside him and putting my arms around him. We lay like that, warm and gradually relaxing into the first layer of sleep. When his breathing became even and soft, I released the rest of my bladder into him. I could tell that he knew what I had done, but he lay there, did not move and said nothing. When he could tell that I was done, he sighed and said, "thank you Master."

Next: Chapter 8

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