The Cop

By Dawson Spear

Published on Dec 11, 2023


From Chapter Four

Why do I remember so vividly his smell -- a clean musky smell; the smell of a clean man's sweat? How is it that I can remember licking the drops of perspiration that fell from his body onto me as he exerted himself when fucking me.

And then there he was; and now here he is; in my apartment alone with me. I could not resist saying, "So are you going to rape me again?"

Chapter 5

From Charles Green's point of view.

"No I am not going to rape you again. It won't be necessary."

"Well you don't think I am going to just take off my clothes and spread my legs for you, do you?"

"No I don't. Can't we just sit for a minute and talk? You over there in that chair and me over here. Hell, we don't even touch legs like we were doing at dinner."

"Ok. Seriously, how long have you lived here?"

"As I said, a little over a month. How about you? I have not seen you here and I have been going to the pool and community room all the time, just like this afternoon."

"Almost a year. I just started working a new shift and so I am able now to join in. I guess that is why I have not seen you."

"How have you been? I trust you made a full recovery and I hope that I was right that you weren't really hurt. I tried as hard as I could to be gentle. May I get myself another glass of tea? I don't have to work tomorrow," I said as I walked towards the refrigerator in the kitchen.

"Sure, let me come help you."

His hand ended up on top of mine on the refrigerator door as I pulled it open. I reached in and got the bottle in my other hand and turned to see if he wanted some as well. He was standing right there and we stared into each other's eyes. I wanted him and my cock showed it; as much as I wanted to look down to see if he was hard also I did not. I also made myself stand still; I had not touched him at this point; he had put his hand on top of mine. His mouth opened and he wet his lips, his tongue staying there on his lips, just the tip sticking out and showing itself. We stood there for what seemed an hour, but was just seconds before he said, "May I have some also?"

I pulled my hand free of the door, taking the bottle, pouring him some and then filling my glass. He went back into the living room while I was putting the bottle back and when I returned I saw that he had moved seats from the chair to the sofa; I decided to sit beside him; I did so, sitting sideways so that I was looking him in the face.

"Tell me something about yourself; how many brothers and sister you have, is Savannah your home; you know just some general background."

From Chris Parry's point of view.

I shared my history with Charles; mom and dad are dead and I have two sisters that are married with kids and live in north Georgia. I still can't believe that I am calling him Charles. Part A of me said the man raped me; he took his cock and forced it up my rectum, battering and tearing me apart, then fucked me filling me full of his sperm. On top of that he is black and a convicted felon. How long do you think I could remain on the patrol if the district commander found out?

Then Part B replied yeah and he ate your pussy, slowly opened you up, and fucked you so good bitch that you were weeping and crying that he was going to make you cum without touching your dick. What were you afraid of? Being humiliated? For being thrown out of the closet? That if you came from simply being fucked in the ass it would take away the last vestige of your manhood? Give me a break. You aren't a man and never have been. What you want is for a real man to hold you, make love to you, to let you suck the cum out of his nuts and to fuck you. For Pete's sake, at least have the guts to admit your real feelings.

I was sitting there like a moth drawn to a flame listening to the two sides of me. I wanted him so bad but I could not move. I looked him in the eyes, unable to break the stare, just like when he was fucking me. Slowly he moved towards me, putting one of his hands behind my head and pulling me towards him, he opened his mouth just enough for his pink tongue to come out onto his bottom lip, while our heads moved together.

From Charles Green's point of view.

Everything was coming together. We were both in bathing suits/exercise shorts, slit up the side of our thighs, without socks or shoes and a simple t-shirt on top. I pulled his head towards mine, opened my mouth and let my tongue show. You could hear his sudden intake of breath as his mouth likewise opened. I slid towards my end of the sofa, pulling him with me as we remained lip locked, my tongue taking inventory of his mouth. As we continued kissing, I gently and slowly pulled Chris towards me until our knees touched, both sitting on the sofa sideways so as to face each other. When I was sure that he was relaxed I slowly pushed him onto his back, allowing his legs to come up onto the sofa with me between them. At this point I was lying on top of him; our dicks flush against each other. I broke off our kiss and ran my lips down the left side of his face allowing my beard to drag and scratch him as my lips found his ear lobe and my tongue went into his ear. I licked the ear making him squirm beneath me, but there was no escape. I pulled my lips from his ear and whispered to him, "Chris let me do this for you; I want you to feel good" I slid my hands under his shirt and my fingers found the nubs of his tits, pulling on them, twisting them and educating Chris just how much pleasure a lover could give him. I continued to lick, tongue and whisper into his ear as I came up on my knees allowing my right hand to get between us, going up the inside of the left leg of his shorts. I discovered he had a jock on under his running shorts allowing me access to his slit and hole. I slowly introduced my pointer finger into him, and then dragged it out. After doing that several times I added the middle finger and spread them apart while searching for his button. I found it and the reaction was immediate -- his hips came up off the sofa and he pulled his head back so that he could look me in the eye and asked if I was going to fuck him.

"No, Chrissy I am not going to fuck you. Why do you want me to?" I continued to stroke his button which caused his nuts to rise up in their sack. When he got close I backed off allowing him to simmer down, and then I would slowly stroke him again towards climax. I continued to stare him in the eyes, lick his neck and ears and whisper things like, "Your pussy is so hot and wet. Flex your muscles and feel me finger fucking you. You know you want my dick in you; you want me to breed you but you have to convince me that you want it and then you have to earn it."

From Chris Parry's point of view.

I was being pushed down into the sofa with this black man on top of me. He was ravaging my mouth, controlling my tongue; he pulled back his mouth staring into my eyes and with his tongue and lips opened my mouth up so that he could spit into my mouth. He spit not once or twice but several times and then with his chin closed my lips. Never breaking our eye contact he said, "Swallow me. Before I am done you will want any and all of my liquids." What did he mean, and why did his spitting in my mouth make me so hot?

His fingers worked their way into the crack of my ass and found my hole. He breached my entry way moving up and into me until he found my prostate. My hips came up off the sofa and met his; the feeling was electric. I found myself moving my legs around him so that I was locked onto him as I wanted him to possess me. I moaned and begged him to fuck me; "Please, please fuck me; take me, here and now." His response was no, that I had accused him of rape and he wanted to be sure that there was no confusion on my part and that I had to demonstrate that I was worthy of him.

I wiggled my way out from under Charles lying on my side still staring him in the eyes. I slowly pushed my shorts and jock down my legs and then removed my tee shirt, lying there naked. I spread my legs so that I was open and vulnerable to him and his wishes. I lifted my legs into the air and pulled a cushion under my ass so as to lift me up and make me at a height even with his cock. I reached down and put my hand around his cock, slowly stroking it. It instantly became absolutely stiff and was leaking seminal fluid; I put it up to my ass lips, letting the natural wetness accumulate. I tried to pull him closer so that he would penetrate me, but he would not let me do more than rub the head of his dick against the lips of my ass hole. I begged him and looked up only to find him staring down at me with a grin on his face.

From Charles Green's point of view.

I was kneeling over the top of him, looking down at him while he was getting his shorts and jock off. His movements were struggling as if he was in frenzy and his breaths were short and anxious. He was begging me to fuck him and pulled my cock towards his ass hole, but I would only allow him to get it to the lips, but not close enough for penetration; close enough so that the precum that was flowing from the head of my penis accumulated on the lips of his passageway. He tried to pull me but was unable to, and realizing that I was not cooperating he looked up into my gaze, the begging words coming forth between the pants and confusion and frustration apparent on his face.

I know I had a smirk on my face as I had this little white boy exactly where I wanted him -- on his back, naked, ready to ejaculate on command and begging me to fuck him. What a change from the first time. I had truly broken him; he just had to acknowledge it to me and himself. This is the point that I had been working at achieving for the first goal.

With the smirk on my face and never breaking our eye contact, I said to him, "You need to listen to me and follow exactly what I say. Do you understand me? I want you to answer me by saying Yes Sir or No sir."

"Yes Sir"

"Do you want me to put my penis into your rectum?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Do you realize what that will make you?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Do you realize that my cock will most likely cause some tearing of your anal passage?"

"Yes Sir!"

"And you still want me to do this?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Do you realize that if I do this I am going to ejaculate into you without a rubber and affording you no protection from disease?"

"Yes Sir!"

In a kinder and gentler voice I said, "Do you know that I am clean and safe?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Do you realize that at this very second, my penis is resting at the entrance to your anal passage; my dick is resting on the lips of your asshole, dripping precum?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Do you realize that the only lube that I am going to use if I fuck you is whatever precum that flows out of my cock?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Do you realize that when my cock makes an entrance into you that your ass hole will become your pussy?

"Yes Sir!"

"Do you realize that after my cock gains entrance into your pussy you will no longer have a dick but rather a clit? And, hell for that matter the little bit of a cock that you do have is really only the size of a clit to begin with?

"Yes Sir!"

"Do you realize that after my cock gains entrance into your pussy I am going to ejaculate into you, and that my sperm is going to impregnate you so that you become and will thereafter always be my pussy?

"Yes Sir!"

"Do you realize that when I fuck you that you will cum without me, you or anyone touching your clit?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Do you realize that once I have made you my bitch there is no going back? You can't unfuck yourself? You can't unring a bell?

"Yes Sir!"

"Do you accept the fact that when I have fucked you, impregnated you with my sperm and you cum without anyone touching your clit that you will at that point have become my bitch?

"Yes Sir!"

At that point, still having not broken eye contact I simply let gravity take its course and my cock sank 7 inches into him. His eyes went wide, his mouth opened, air came out with no sound, and then his eyes rolled back into his head.

From Chris Parry's point of view.

Oh My God. He has taken charge and control. He wants me and wants me to be his bitch. Everything he has asked I agreed to. His face started coming closer, and then the only thing I could tell was that there was extreme pain. And then came darkness.

As I slowly came to there was a sensation of fullness, some pain and as I opened my eyes Charles was staring at me, and nibbling at my lips. I realized that he had sunk his cock all the way into me and that his pubic bone was flush up against me. I blinked the tears from my eyes and he kissed them away.

He pulled his face back, smiling at me and said, "Hey Pussy. I am all the way in you and I am going to hold still for a while until you get use to me. During this time we need to come to an understanding."

Next: Chapter 6

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