The Contract

By Ash Eater

Published on Aug 25, 2022


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James looked at the ball of spit on Dave's shoe. Without any other word being spoken he lowered his head and began to lick. More spit landed on the back of his neck, he knew now it was best to ignore this and continue with worshipping.

This had been a post work ritual for the last fortnight, since Michael had first brought his colleague home to see what could be done with his landlord. Each night the first thing James would see when the men entered his home was a pair of feet, sometimes, booted, sometime in trainer or this evening an expensive pair of dress shoes. Michael would generally ignore him, he had other things on his mind. He would soon be entertaining another guest someone from Recon, or Scruff who would come over for a shag.

The noises from upstairs were more than audible but by now James had managed to filter them out concentrating instead on serving the man he had started to call Sir David. James was convinced that he would be able to tel if blindfolded which shoe or boot he was worshipping by smell alone. Although he loved submitting to Sir David when he was wearing his Wescos' tonight the expensive dress shoes were just what he needed. Dave led him into the lounge, and sat down in an armchair. James was soon in front of him head bowed looking attentively at the shoes. "Get going. Worship."

James gently lifted the left foot. Holding the heel in his hands, he began to lick the sole, occasionally he would look up and catch Sir Davids' eye. His face slightly obscured by smoke from the first cigar of the night. Dave after a hard day at work was relaxing. He had started to get used to being worshipped by James, although in a few days time he would need to get back to his usual stable of slaves.

Dave rubbed his hardening dick through the fabric of his expensive pinstripe trousers, and watched as James finally removed the shoe and lifted it towards his face, taking a deep breath. The man got off on smells, and the tiny dick between his legs was already getting hard, it would be leaking by the time his plans for the evening were realised.

"Like that smell Boy?" "Yes Sir David" James stick his nose further into the shoe and indeed, and let out a groan as the musky scent hit him again,

Dave was more forgiving than Michael about the fact that James's hands kept wandering down to his groin, he particularly more forgiving this evening, in fact he felt quite sorry for the older man. He moved his right foot so that it was playing with James's balls, each tap leading to an intake of breath."The other one" James repeated the ritual of removal and inhalation with the other foot. As he licked the shoe he felt something on his dick. Dave was wanking him off with both feet. Would he be allowed to come tonight? James was aware that Michael didn't like him touching his cock, and it was an effort for him not too, but he was aware of the fact that it had been at least a month since he had had a proper wank.

"Like that Boy?" "Yes, Sir David " "Do you want to come?"

James hesitated before responding."Yes or no?" "Yes, Sir" "Regardless of the price?" James wasn't sure what that question meant, it can't be too bad he thought, perhaps a spanking. "Yes Sir"

Dave continued to wank him off with his feet "ok lie down" He rubbed his right foot into James face. "Does that smell Boy" "Yes Sir" "Smell good or smell bad" "Bad" "Shall I stop" "No Sir" Dave's feet smelled awful, they had been the same ones for the last fortnight, and James had experienced them from as laundry fresh, faintly sweaty, slightly funky to now enough to make him gag. But a smelly foot on his face was better than no foot, and Sir David's feet were beautiful smelly or not, and James if pressed would have to admit these socks were more peeling now than they were when laundry fresh. As the arch of the eft foot pressed down on his nose James let out an involuntary squeal. "The pig really like it then" Dave laughed.

The other foot rubbed against James's dick. Dave watched as James's hand made moves as if to touch but not quite doing so. "When did you last wank?" Dave lifted his foot to allow James to speak, "Not sure Sir" "Do you want to wank?" "Please Sir" "Do you want to cum?" "Yes, Sir" "Even if it comes at a price?" "Yes Sir" This was the second time that Dave had asked this question, and James' desire to wank was now greater. He was still unsure if Dave would actually acquiesce and allow him some pleasure.

"Go on then, wank."

James moved his hand and touched his dick. He was conscious that it wasn't that big, his late husband had regularly ridiculed him for it, but being allowed to do so, was such a relief after weeks dealing with Michael's disapproving looks. It was a disappointment when after some two minutes a shower of cum exploded on his chest.

"That was quicker than I expected" said Dave with a sneer. "Ws it really worth it, all that time and you just spurt it out without getting any fun" He began to rub his right sock into the pool of cum, before removing it from his foot and shoving it in James's mouth. James lay there worshipping Dave's foot and tasting his own cum mixed with a fortnights worth of foot sweat.

After ten minutes Dave stood up. "Stand" He went and rummaged in his backpack. "I said there would be a price. This is it" In his had he had a metal cockcage. "Michael is always moaning about the fact that you keep trying to play with yourself. This is the answer. Now Stand and come here."

"Are you around to have such a small excuse for a penis. Really proud? Don't bother answering of course your'e not I can tell by the look on your face." James felt humiliated, at the fact that Dave had read his mind "Well, this here is the perfect solution for you and for Michael. What do you say?" There was silence from James. Dave lowered his voice "Ask me to lock you" "Lock me up Sir" "You can do better than that, give me a reason to" "Please Sir David lock my pathetic excuse of a dick up." "That's better"

Dave laughed as he looked at Dave's locked dick. "What do you say?" "Thank you." "Sorry?" "Thank you Sir " "That's better, now come and look at a real dick?"

Dave had no intention of allowing James near his dick. James knew this but Dave always enjoyed tantalising the old fucker, and it was even more enjoyable now that his large dick was free and James' poor excuse for one was now locked away. The only downside was that the last hour had been such a turn on that when he came he came far too quickly. He scooped the cum up from his chest and held his hand out to James he eagerly ate it. Another involuntary pig like squeal came from the kneeling man. Still frustrated that he wasn't going to benefit from a at least a half decent wank Dave ordered James to adopt a kowtowing position, before administrating twenty whacks of his butT cheeks with a riding crop. "Remember to count and thank me for each one" Dave administered the first one, admiring the feint welts from the last ten days or so of similar punishment.

Mid flow Dave's phone went off. It was a text. "Michael wants you upstairs." Both men knew why. On the way Michaels fuck met them on the stairs.He was half dressed, not an unusual occurrence Michael quickly tired of the men he had over once he had their way with them. If he really liked them he would make James clean them out sucking his load from their hole. Tonight's visitor was obviously not destined for such favouritism. Dave spotted the reason why quite quickly. "He pushed the man against the wall. "Another one with a pathetic use for a dick. It should be locked up like this one" Both men looked at each other shamefully over Dave's shoulder. "Get up to Michael" ordered Dave as he followed the other man back downstairs. He sensed a possible new sub for his stable.

Michael was waiting. It was now expected that whenever he had finished his fuck for the evening James would clean him off, taking Michael's still hard cock in his mouth and keeping in there until it had softened enough to allow Michael; to empty his bladder. James scurried over on his knees and waited. Michael usually just forced his mouth open and slid his dick in. Michael gained as the glint of steel caught his eye, finally he hoped that would be the end of James trying to wank himself off. "As you definitely won't be touching your dick for a while, I';m going to be nice you can touch mine, hold it and guide it into your mouth" James obeyed excitedly touching Michaels cock, he pulled back the foreskin and slowly guided the dick into his mouth, and began to clean.

An hour or so later, Michael, and Dave were back in the lounge half way through a cigar each. The air was heavy with smoke, and James's dick was now straining against the confine of its new cage. The conversation was about how much Michael hated his job "I'm working hard and what the fuck do you do, you just sit home all day waiting for me to come home so you can start getting off on worshipping men. Fucking pathetic"

Rather than kneeling James was standing in from of the two men. Michaels words were said with a mix of cockiness and actual venom. Michael held James's balls in his hand occasionally squeezing them, and on more than one occasion brought the tip of the cigar perilously close to the flesh. Each time he did James would close his eyes tightly in preparation, resulting in a Michael grinning knowingly at Dave. "As much as I want to hurt you that would be a waste of good ash, now kneel. Do you want to be our ashtray?"

"Daft question. Of course it does. Look at it, all eager to open its mouth and swallow" From that moment on James ceased to be a he, as far as Dave and Michael were concerned the only suitable pronoun was it.

"Please Sir,"James whispered, being called It was humiliating but the paints his cock pressed against the confines of his newly fitted cage was all he needs to know about his true feelings "Spill a single speck of ash and you will get punished understand?" James nodded.

Michael's ash fell in a single piece on James' tongue, it remained there until Michael gave his permission to swallow. Dave inhaled one more time on his cigar, he knew that the glowing red tip was huge turn in for James.

James opened his mouth and watched as the cigar came closer. Dave tapped his finger and the ash fell on to the floor. James was distraught at the thought of missing an opportunity to swallow, Dave pressed down on the ash, to stop the chance of anything catching fire, and moved closer again, the end of the cigar catching the side of James' nostril. "Ouch" "Shut up, I told you what the consequences would be. Punishment time" He smiled at Michael. The next few hours were going to be fun

Next: Chapter 10

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