The Contract

By Ash Eater

Published on Jul 13, 2022


Michael fidgeted in his office chair it had been three weeks since he had caught his landlord wanking in a puddle of piss. He has made James move swap bedrooms, turned him into a morning urinal, and occasional ashtray but what else? Other than that life had gone as normal and a random observer would be hard pushed to guess that there was anything unusual unless they arrived when James was eagerly eating Michael's ash.

He looked at his work phone and the apps, he was envious of the men who seemed to have a firm handle on the Dom sub relationship. It was still totally new to him he had always considered himself versatile, and quite comfortably vanilla The night before he had updated his Recon profile , hesitantly changing his status to 100% top, and added some text to say he had started ti explore his more dominant side, and would like some advice.

One of his colleagues suddenly appeared at his desk. "Why the fuck are you going on about on Recon? I've been a Master for ten year you should have asked me directly" Michael was initially embarrassed that a colleague had seen his profile. and equally sheepish about his embarrassment. "Outside the entrance at 5.15. Ok? " The way in which his colleague spoke was authoritative to such an extent that Michael wondered if the OK was actually a question.

Michael messaged James, "No need to cook, I'll be out late. I'll see you when I'm home" Michael wondered how the older man would take this, would he not go to the bother of cooking a meal for two, and just one for himself, or would he actually forgo food totally.

5.20pm Michael finally reached the outside of his office Block. "Your'e late " "Sorry Dave" Michael was unsure of the look his colleague gave him. They'd not worked that closely for a few years , and the fact that Michael had progressed further in the organisation made the fact that Dave was almost bossing him around feel odd. Working in the West End meant it wasn't that long before they were ordering drinks. "Mine's a pint" Dave barked. "| I'm going to sit over there. Bring it over"

By this stage Michael was feeling pissed off, he had only just changed his status to 100% Top the way that Dave was speaking to him it was as if he was 100% bottom.

As he walked toward Dave with the drinks the man who he had met in the dark room a few weeks earlier passed him. "Good evening Sir" This helped restore some of Michael's mood but he was still cross. He placed the pints on the table, he hesitated for a minute, almost waiting but sat down without a word as David took a sip of his lager.

"Ok then, Think you're a top do you, want to be Dom. How close were you to call me Sir in the last half hour. " Michael looked at him he wanted to tell his colleague to "Fuck off".

"Seriously how close were you to calling me, Sir. You were on the verge of waiting for me to give you permission to sit down. Go on admit it" Michael took a deep breath "Ok, you got me" Dave laughed , and took another mouthful of his beer. See I'm a natural Master , I just radiate power. Perhaps one day you will too, if you follow my advice. As he spoke a man walked up to him, and knelt "Good evening Sir" "Hello Boy"

"Boy this is Michael. Michael this is Boy one of my slaves"

"Sir. Nice to meet you"

Michael was unsure what to say so just nodded.

"He wants to be a Dom, what do you think?"|

"He could be Sir, given time. Although right now I bet he wants to suck your dick" Boy moved in closer and placed his head on Dave's thigh.

"Good Boy" Turning to Michael

"I bet he does" Michael felt himself blush, and began to question why he was here. It wasn't to be humiliated and made to submit."He's been my slave for 7 years. Almost as long as you and I have been working together. Of course he's not my only one"

Michael took a deep breath, trying to bring the conversation back to him as a Dominant . "So what do I have to do?"

"To suck my dick, or be a Dom. " Dave laughed as Michael ruffled uncomfortably. Just take control, slow , fast Just take it. By the time you go home tonight, think of a rule that you expect him to obey. He will or he won't. I suspect he will. Then a few days later give him another. Now finish that pint go and play with that chap who just called you Sir then fuck off home, or wait for me to join you and you can suck my dick"

James was hungry, this was nothing new as he would often still be waiting be allowed to eat when it had gone 9pm. He was really enjoying the small ways that Michael used to order him about but he was wanting more. His biggest fear was that one morning he wouldn't be called upon to act as Michael's urinal. He had made himself a dinner, a salad basically which he had left on the kitchen table. He would leave it for Michael to decide if he would be allowed to eat it. He turned on the television, as he waited he held one of Michael's gym socks to his face and inhaled and began to wank.

"Enjoying that?" James abruptly stopped and blushed, this was no where near as embarrassing as being caught wanking whilst kneeling in a puddle of piss but still.

Michael had been thinking about Dave's advice, whilst also Trying not to think of sucking his colleague's dick. He hadn't spent too long in the dark room enough to make the man who called him Sir to gag as he was throat fucked. He had failed to come up with any orders, so knew he had to think quickly.

"Get up and come here"

James got up and walked towards him. Michael suddenly grabbed his balls, and squeezed hard.

"No more wanking understood?" James stuttered "Yes" "Yes what?" "Yes Sir?" "That's much better."

He loosened his grip on James balls. James fell to the floor in what he considered blissful agony.

" I've got three no four rules for you.

No wanking, Always address me as Sir, i want you kneeling at the door to greet me every night, and whilst you are indoors you will always be naked. Ok now go to bed"

Upstairs James he looked at his dick which was now even harder than it was when his wank was interrupted. But he knew there was nothing he could do about that .As he looked at the bedroom ceiling he felt his stomach rumble. His dinner was still in the kitchen. He reconciled himself that he may end up hungry on a regular basis in future.

Michael was making his way upstairs He had just eaten the food left in the kitchen, having registered the fact that James was apparently happy to wait to be given permission to eat. A ping came through on his phone, it was a reply from Dave, to a message letting him now about his success."Good Man, now thank of the next step. Remember I'm always happy to show you the way and you won't always have to suck me dick as a thank you."

Michael told himself that his hardening dick was a result of his success with James, but he couldn't quite get the thought of Dave's dick out of his head.

Next: Chapter 6

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