The Contract

By Ash Eater

Published on Jul 28, 2023


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It was six weeks since James had called his now former lodger Master, the pretence was over and there was no going back. Changes happened daily some big some small, each one cementing Michaels power over the slave.

James no longer had a bedroom, or indeed a bed. Depending on Master Michael;'s mood he either slept in the kitchen, the hall way or if he was lucky the bathroom ready to be called on should Michael need a piss in the middle of the night.

James was walking home from work it was cheaper than public transport, the less money he spent on himself the more that was available got His Master. It was the weekend and he had an idea that he was going to be busy. In his wallet he had £500 ready to hand over when required, but he had also purchased some expensive Champagne and cigars. Master was entertaining that night, and there was pressure on James that everything was perfect.

As he walked his hand rubbed against his buttock, at some stage tonight one of Master's cigar's would make contact. It was Michael's way of reminding him of his place, just as the scorch mark began to heel from the week before, a new cigar would be extinguished on it.

He had been awake since 4, making sure that he had had time to prepare the food ready for him to cook later in the evening. All he now needed to do was to put the vegetables on to boil, heat the stew and serve. That would be the easiest part, the hard part would be waiting and anticipating how his Master would use him that night, or he would be used at all.

He reached the door, and took a breath and smiled. For the rest of the weekend he would no longer have to pretend. At work he had to pretend to be James Smith, within minutes he would be his real self, "Slave"., and only because there were guests. If they were alone Michael wouldn't even address him as that. There would be no small talk, anything said to him would have to be considered an order. Orders that he willingly obeyed. He tried not to make any comparisons, but it was almost as if he was back with his late husband/Master. They only difference being was that his late husband had loved him, Michael felt no such emotion, there was THIs was purely a relationship based on control and submission, it might have seemed clinical but it was a dynamic that suited Master and slave.

James removed his clothing, on the floor there was an envelope that set out his duties for the night. It came as a relief that his service would extend further than cooking a he would be serving his Master and guests through out the night acting as butler, and urinal.

He knelt and riffled through his trouser pocket. He placed the wallet in his mouth , and picked up th box of cigars and the bottle of champagne. He shuffled to the door of his former living room and knocked. He remained in place for five minutes before the door was opened. His Master was there dressed in leather. Michael held out his hand and the wallet was dropped into it. The door was closed immediately, no words had been exchanged, the gift of cigars and champagne still outside.

It was time to cook. The instructions made it clear that food had to be served in exactly 47 minutes. No earlier or later, James had already learned his lesson of being both early and late.He was expected to wake his Master at 7.36 every morning. Two days after receiving the instruction it transpired that he had woken him at 7:34. two whole minutes early. That night he received 120 whacks from his Master's belt. That was the first but not the last time he had been punished for poor time keeping. Michael now kept a cane by the door on the inside of the lounge.Not a week had gone by without it being used once, even he felt guilty for administrating the give minute penalty.

As well as getting ready the slave had to ensure the evening's guest were welcomed appropriately. Addressed as Sir, and kiss to each foot., and their arrival announced to his Master "Sir Andre has arrived Master" and so on. This evening there were three guests which took time away from getting the meal ready, but he was confident that he could do it.

The first plate was laid on the table. James looked at the clock, he thought he was on time. As the men ate he stood to attention, back straight , head upright his arms clasped behind him. He had finally managed the art of remaining almost totally still. To be on hand when required but otherwise almost invisible.

Michael, Andre and the other two guests ate the dinner, the air was now filling up with cigar smoke. James stomach rumbled quietly, but he knew it was loud enough for his Master to hear.

"Here now" Michael clicked his fingers, and made the gesture that meant the slave was expected to kneel. Another gesture resulted in James opening his mouth. "I can;'t have the guest thinking I don't feed you" and dropped some ash into the slaves mouth.

Another gesture a the slave hurried back to its previous position silently. James was expected to be silent unless in all but specific circumstances. Even thanking his Master would have been a breech or protocol that evening.

""Do you feed him" Asked David the only one that James hadn't met before, and the only one who hadn't been introduced as Sir. he had come with Sir Kevin,

"Of course I do. Not that he's had a warm meal in the last six weeks. Just my left overs"

"He liked the treat I gave him last time, can I give it again?" asked Andre. "If you must" laughed Michael. Andre took a mouthful of food and began to chew. Michael motioned to James that he had to get closer, with an open mouth. half chewed food was deposited inside. James knew that it wasn't yet time to close it and waited. It was only a few seconds before the food as joined by some cIgar ash. "Swallow. Open"" James swallowed the food before opening his mouth again.

Andre released a long stream of spit. The slave was instructed to return to its previous position.

His Master and the three guests were deep in conversation whilst James stood there silently. Memories of serving his late husband in such circumstances came flooding back.

"Look at him his getting excited about something" David interrupted the conversation, the tone of his voice indicating some incredulity at what was happening. . "He's almost always hard, aren't you" Michael responded, serving and submission is in its DNA. I found some old slave contracts at the back of the wardrobe in my room the other day.

His husband really knew how to control him. I've probably been to soft on him. What do you think Jimmy Boy?"

James felt a shudder, this was was the first time he had been called that in years, it was one of the three names that his husband used to address him the others being boy and bitch.

"Yes , Jimmy Boy, I rather like that"

"Come here Jimmy Boy"

James got on to his knees and shuffled over to Michael side, he was nervous as he didn't know what was going to happen next .

Michael took a mouthful of food and chewed before spitting it into his hand and offered it to James, who without hesitation ate it and let out an involuntarily woof.

"See gentlemen Jimmy Boy was its dog slave name. I've triggered something quite deep there. That's it you can go back now"

"Can I use the bathroom" David asked. "Just a piss" David was taken aback by such a blunt question but nodded. "It's there ready waiting . Just press its right shoulder"

David looked hesitant. But stood up and walked towards James, "The right shoulder, and don't worry about your fly the slave will see to that" David pressed James should, who immediately fell on his knees .James began to unzip the young man's fly , when David said "Sorry no, I can't I NEED TO USE A PROPER BATHROOM"

Michael laughed "OK upstairs second on the left"

"Look as if we've finished, time to clear the table before the real fun begins. Did you hear me Boy"

"James got up, and started to clear the table as instructed and took the plats into the kitchen

He was followed by Michael. This surprised James as Michael hadn't been in the kitchen for weeks.

I'm going to leave the guests alone for a while. So Jimmy Boy, are you hungry? James let out a pathetic woof.

"New rule. when eating you will always be on the floor eating from this dog bowl. Understood"

"Woof" James responded. as Michael placed a bowl of cold food scrapped off the guest plates in front of him.

"As you did well getting the food ready and were only thirty seconds late I'm giving you a treat"

The contents of the cigar ashtray was tipped over the food. "don't worry though the punishment for lateness will still come along. You have 16 minutes, to eat and get these plates cleaned and put away.

James ate the food quickly, although alone he woofed and growled , as any good dog slave would.

When he finally returned to the living room to his Master and guests did he was greeted by the sight of a naked kneeling David.

"You took 18 minutes" Michael said with a stern grin, His smile broadened as the slave calculated his punishment.

"But don't worry David here is going to join in the fun with you" It's clear that he's not up to being a Dom. So let's see if he has the making of a half decent submissive. Apparently Kevin here has had his doubts, and tonight has proved him right."

"Most definitely. I've see him looking at me in the gym, and the changing room. Staring at my crotch, . Now it's going to get nice and close to it, and not just mine" He placed his hand on David's head, and ruffled the hair.

Standing up Kevin dropped his trousers exposing his large cock. "Do you want this?' "Please" David hesitantly stuttered. A slap around the face preceded Kevin sternly but quietly said "It's Please Sir.I'm Sir Kevin, they are Sir Michael, and Sir Andre. Understood? Now do you want this dick?"

"Please Sir"

"Excellent, and even better the three of us are dying for a piss, so you can see what you missed out on by not using the slave when you had the opportunity"

Without saying another word Kevin pushed David's face on to his dick. It was a few minutes before he emptied his bladder but it was clear when he had as David began to choke.

"Spill one drop and you'll get punished.

As Kevin's bladder emptied into his new sub's throat Andre cut the end of a new cigar, placing the discarded end into his hand he placed it in front of James who eagerly devoured it. Meanwhile Michael, picked up one of his heavier belts, "No use being soft on him on his first night is there"

It was clear that the night was only really beginning

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