The College Jock Gets Curious

By William RS

Published on Jun 8, 2020




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It was definitely a sad day when the plug got pulled on Craigslist Personals. I had an ad that created a surprising amount of interest from guys, like myself, who were always looking for better and more exciting ways to experience an orgasm. In this case, my Craigslist ad was looking for guys of all sexualities that might be interested to watch and/or brave enough to subject themselves to 'erotic electro-stim' which is a way to bring about an intense orgasm to those who have discovered it.

I should know, because this form of kinky play most always has brought about the most intense and very pleasurable orgasms when applied to my own genitals, of which I have been experimenting with for some 50 years now.

In the mid-70s, in my mid-teens, I was taking vocational electricity/electronics classes at my high school. The instructor had us use our fingers on one hand to touch two leads hooked up to a volume controlled power supply. As one turned the volume knob slowly higher, one began to feel the slight tingling buzz of alternating current on one's fingers.

One of my classmates speculated that this sensation would 'feel real good on a dick.' Of course, he was joking around and most guys laughed it off. On the other hand, I was never one to pass up on a good idea when it came to experimenting with ways to make my own cock feel real good, so I set about experimenting on my own teenage erection with a toy train voltage controller. It was crude and simple and I was able to figure out, with time, what did and didn't work on my eager boner.

Until the internet came around, I had no idea other men enjoyed this type of erotic play and I soon discovered there were a handful of web sites devoted to the sharing of information and the purchase of specific devices that were designed to bring this intense enjoyment to one's genitals. It even had a name: erotic electro-stimulation.

Most men who answered my Craigslist ad were around my age; between their mid-30s up to 60-ish and a surprising number of them were married but intensely curious about the possibility of trying this on their own cocks.

I even received responses from older teens. Mind you, most teen males who responded were curious, however, it became obvious after a couple of emails that few of these guys were serious at meeting up and, then, almost all just plain 'chickened out.'

Then, I got a response from a 19-year-old young man who says he's a student at the University of Washington where he plays for the college soccer team. This teen's name was Keevan. He wrote his response explaining his own sexual self-explorations and how he was always looking for something more 'interesting' than what most men were offering with their Craigslist ads. I had a good feeling he was serious he included in his response, "I really enjoy your type of kink!"

Keevan explained he grew up in suburb north of Seattle. I asked him for a quick background bio and he revealed he had lost his father to cancer when he was 12. He was still living at home with his sisters and mother so he couldn't host anything sexual at his place. He explained he had dreams, sexual dreams, involving his wish to get naked with his dad and how he wished he could have masturbated by and with him. He also wished he had brothers or male cousins to share his wonderful discovery of masturbation he had made at the onset of puberty. Being in a house with only women meant no opportunities for this, alas.

Keevan told me he had discovered the joys of fingering his anus while bathing as a young boy and this led to an intense fascination with his penis as he said he 'discovered' that fingering himself would always induce a 'real hard erection.'

He continued, "I then began to imagine that the older boys in my neighborhood would play a game where I was captured, stripped and 'tortured' by having things put up my ass. I would finger myself and I started using things like candles and other rod type things as part of my 'torture.' I would do this for maybe a half hour before my pleading boner would be allowed to cum and then I usually jacked off as my reward for going through a successful torture."

Wow, this young man was really interesting! I couldn't wait to have him at my place, stripped and tied to my bedposts, spread-eagled. and giving him a 'torture' that he and his cock would surely never forget. I should say, the best erotic 'tortures' involve a degree of what Keevan had discovered about himself and in many ways, I was just like him at that same age. It was like I had found another person who was a younger version of myself.

Keevan and I agreed to meet at a Starbucks to check each other out. He told me he would be wearing his old high school letterman's jacket. I was sure I was there a few minutes before he arrived. Right on time, Keevan walks into the Starbucks wearing his school colored jacket and warm-up pants.

He knew what I was wearing and, when he spotted me, he gave a quick smile and quickly joined me at the table I was sitting. After saying hello, nervously, I asked him if I could buy him a coffee which he accepted. It was a nice day outside so we moved outside where we could chat in relative privacy since what we were to discuss may not be everyday conversation.

Keevan was about 6' tall and had a neat and trim haircut; ginger hair, parted down the middle. His face was freckled and had some evidence of wispy hair on his upper lip. His warm-up pants were maybe a size too small and I could tell he had a nice package.

I complimented him on his looks and we talked a little soccer since Seattle has a great MLS team. We then got down to business. He reiterated his real desire for "getting off" in a kinky way and was curious as to what electro-stimulation would feel like his penis and balls. He indicated he did not want it to be painful but erotic. I asked him to trust me and his best interests were always going to be first with me.

I explained that, as the person performing the electro-stim "tortures" on his penis, it is absolutely important for our fun to be erotic for BOTH of us and I was only interested in giving him a mind blowing experience. To test his willingness, I did not reveal exactly how our fun would go down. I did assure him that it would be worth it and encouraged him to think about it. After I slipped him my phone number and address, we shook hands and left in our separate ways.

A couple days later, he called and asked if I was still interested because he told me he sure was. Since it was Monday, I told him he should come over on Saturday around mid-morning. I also told him that, under no circumstances, should he masturbate until our meeting up because I wanted both him and his cock ready and eager to cum. I told him to wear the warm-ups I saw him in at the Starbucks.

He arrived exactly on the agreed time and welcomed him inside. I love punctuality! To put him at ease, I had him sit down in my living room and offered him some bottled water. I encouraged him to ask questions and reassured him he would have control on the limits of his own "torture." As we sat there, across from each other, I did notice a nice tent in his warm-ups. And, Keevan's warm-ups were now sporting a wet spot just below the apex of that tent!

"Are you ready, Keevan?"

He nodded and answered, "Fuck yes! Can't you tell?"

I have a guest room downstairs that I use for hosting guys that answer my Craigslist ads. I took his hand gently and stood him up. I had him stand in front of me and put my hands gently but firmly on his shoulders and led him down the stairs to my guest bedroom which would become Keevan's "torture room" for about the next hour or so.

We approached the door to the darkened room where I gave him another chance to back out.

"I trust you Will. Look, you didn't want me to jack off so my prick needs release and I am going through with this."

I flicked the light switch on. In front of Keevan's gaze was a twin bed with rope restraints at each of the four posts. All the electro-stim gear was laid out, ready for action and hooked to the controlling device on a small table next to the bed. I, as his tormentor, would occupy a chair with a full view of what was to be a nice teen boy's erect penis being 'tortured.'

Stepping into my role I commanded Keevan to strip completely. He took his shirt off and paused. He asked if I was going to be naked, too, but I ignored his question and ordered him to finish stripping.

He slid his warm-ups to his ankles revealing a rock hard teen cock that was about 7 inches long and pretty thick, thicker than mine. His circumcised boner had an upward curve that nearly embedded itself in his well-endowed, gingered pubic bush and the cockhead was about as thick as his shaft. And the pre-cum was dripping from it formed a stringy bead that flowed down his eager shaft.

I gently fondled Keevan's cock and I remarked, "This is a boner that is to be tortured mercilessly until it cums. Keevan, you and you cock are about to be subjected to an electro-stim torture. Do you have any last questions?"

"No sir!"

"Then let your cock's torture begin!" I said with authority.

"Keevan, lay down on the bed, face up. Arms up above your head and legs spread."

Keevan obliged as commanded. I quickly secured his wrists to the head posts and then tied his ankles to the foot posts. And then I took in the beautiful site of this naked 19-year-old strung out before me with his pleading erection.

"Well, get on with it," Keevan demanded.

I find that the mind senses what the body is feeling much more intensely if one or more senses are taken away. To this end, I placed a blindfold over Keevan's eyes. He did not protest as if he was expecting this. With Keevan blindfolded, At this point, I also stripped myself because, after he was successfully tortured, Keevan stated he wanted to see me in my glory and would love to see me torture myself with the electro-stim as he watched.

I took Keevan's cock into my fingertips and gently coaxed his pre-cum to the tip where I caught it with my middle finger. I placed my finger to his lips and he immediately licked them with his tongue. He let out a soft whimper as he knew what he was tasting.

It was time to prepare this eager cock before me for its torture. I took a rope I used as a cock-tie and snuggly looped it around both his complete genital package; both his cock and ball-sack. I then looped the rope, this time, just around just his ball-sack. Snug enough to keep his nuts from tightening and "migrating" up inside his gut during the sexual excitement that was to come (I hate this when it happens to me!). Now Keevan's beautiful cock was ready for electrode attachment.

I use TENS pads and a specialized butt plug as electrodes to torture myself and, now, Keevan. The TENS pads are medical grade and provide superior contact with the skin which is essential for a nice pleasant electro-stim session. The butt plug is nothing too big for the average guy's hole and the plug was a specialty electrode made for the purpose of focusing the electro-stim on one's prostate.

I gloved up and placed a fair amount of lube on my fingertips and slathered even more lube on the plug. I messaged Keevan's butt hole with one, then two fingers. He sighed and started to breathe deeply and slowly. He begged for more as he cooed and moaned with sexual delight at his hole being violated by me. I took the plug and gently twisted it back and forth until it popped into place.

"OH gosh, I can't believe this is happening," Keevan moaned with delight.

One electrode down and two more to go. I placed a TENS pad at the top of his skin tight, ball restrained scrotum; just below the base of his cock. I then prepared the glans cockhead of Keevan's nice hard erection. Since the ultimate goal is to make my "prisoner" ejaculate, I like to place a 1 inch diameter medicine bottle over a cockhead to catch a guy's pre-cum and spermy ejaculate. Fortunately, Keevan's cockhead was the same size as mine, so this electrode fit perfectly. The final TENS pad was placed where it held the sperm catching bottle in place over Keevan's cock-head and where, more importantly, the pad made contact with his frenulum, the most sensitive part of most guy's penises.

I then went about attaching the wire leads to all three electrodes and Keevan was now ready for his kinky electro-stim "torture."

"Is the prisoner ready?" I asked.

He sighed and meekly replied with a soft 'yes.'

To start any great electro-stim torture, I find that only the skin on the ball-sack and prostate should be done first. Only after pre-cum is flowing readily, should one's penis become stimulated which, in turn will lead to the intense rewarding orgasm. So this was truly an erotic torture, since my 'prisoner' would not be brought to his reward without some erotic ordeals on his prostate and ball-sack, in the beginning.

I started playing an mp3 file of music I call my "boner music file." It is a mixture of smooth and sexy jazz music, other music pieces I find erotically themed, and then songs with what I call 'a good masturbation beat' to them. Every one of these have given me erections over the years since I can remember. And, they are fun to jerk off to, also! (If the reader wishes to know what these songs are, please write and ask.)

The first song up started slow with some soft guitar work. As the complexity of the song built, I turned the dial that controlled what Keevan's captive prostate and ball-sack would feel. And he started to moan with "Oohs and ahs."

I asked, "What are you feeling, Keevan?"

"Oh my gosh, it feels like my `p' spot is vibrating," he answered. I learned that this is what Keevan called his prostate. He continued, "And my balls feel like they are crawling with a million ants!"

"I'm going to increase the level of intensity with the music to see how much you can take. Then I will back off to a point you find comfortably stimulating," I responded.

The first song in the file was climaxing and I ramped up the intensity to a point just under what I personally could stand.

"Good boy, Keevan! Your balls and prostate are taking their torture well."

Keevan squirmed and bucked in his restraints at this level and he pumped his penis in a futile attempt to free his genitals of their torture.

"Oh Keevan, you are starting to pre-cum. Your cock is readying itself for the next phase of its torture," I sadistically remarked.

I gently reduced the volume to a more comfortable erotic level to which I knew he would enjoy. I then set the device on a pulse that alternated two seconds on, two seconds off, repeatedly. Each time the pulse was on, his cock flexed and jerked as he pumped more pre-cum into the small bottle receptacle placed over his cock-head.

"At the end of this next song, your cock's torture will begin and it won't end until you cum. The choice is yours as to how long you and your cock want this but the longer you hold out, the more intensely pleasurable this will be for you, Keevan."

I turned the dials to zero and gently fondled Keevan's balls and lightly scratched the shaft of his penis with my fingernails.

Keevan pleaded, or should I say his penis was pleading, "Please start the torture, I want to cum!"

I pushed play and another of my boner songs started in. The electrode attached to his penis was now engaged so his cock would be subjected to the same tortures as what his prostate and ball-sack had just gone through.

Slowly, torturously, the volume of intensity was ramped up.

"Oh my gosh, this is very torturous! FUCKING NICE, but torturous at the same time."

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Fuck no! My prick feels like it is going to explode in a nice cum soon, though."

Keevan resumed bucking and squirming in his restraints as I kept the intensity at a level of pleasant and exquisite torture.

"Try to hold off Keevan, it will be worth it. Five minutes more. I'll tell you when you can cum."

"Oh shit, I don't know if I can hold off that long."

Again, I gently fondled his balls and penis' shaft.

"Poor Keevan. Your penis is so much looking forward to its reward," I teased.

After five minutes, another song was now playing; one with a good masturbation beat. I turned the pulse setting to match the rhythm of the music.

"Fuck, it's like the device is fucking and `bating me!"

"That's the whole idea, my young man. OK, Keevan, your five minutes is up. Time for you to show me how big a spermy load you saved up for me"

At that, I ramped up the intensity just a little more to help bring him to climax.

"Let it come now, Keevan. Show me how big a man you are. Let your cock have its reward," I coaxed.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum! I'm cumming, oooh, I'm cumming!"

And that's just what Keevan did; he came and thrust his hips upward, and came some more. About six spurts of young man's ejaculate mixed with his pre-cum that had accumulated in the bottle.

I gently and slowly ramped the intensity down on the device until it was off and Keevan's successful and exquisite torture was completed after about 45 minutes.

"I still feel tingling on my cock balls," he remarked as I removed his electrodes.

"Yes, this is normal and tingling you feel will subside after a few minutes. It's kind of like a sexual afterglow," I explained.

I then removed the bottle off his cockhead and both Keevan and I shared sips of his spent ejaculate.

I cleaned his sensitive penis carefully as it softened and released him from his restraints. He removed his blindfold and was now treated to seeing me boned up and ready for my own torture. But that is a writing for another time, as they say.

So that concludes the erotic encounter I had. Hopefully you, as the reader were able to orgasm at the same time as young Keevan did while you read along.

If anybody reading this would like more detailed information on erotic electro-stimulation, please contact me. Also, I welcome any comments and constructive criticisms about my writing. Contact me at:


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