The Collaborators' Comeuppance

By Pete D

Published on Apr 24, 2014



After five years of war, the occupation forces were finally repelled from our country. Today was the day of reckoning for the collaborators who profited in someway from that occupation and everyone knew who they were.

My father was the chief of police and probably the toughest man in town and my two older brothers also were proud policemen. I was still in high school. I never approved of my father's and brothers' brutal tactics but it kept the peace in town for the last five years. Today that peace ended.

I was awoken to banging on doors. The local forces were in town and they were going from house to house rounding up men and boys thought to be collaborators. People were on the streets. There was screaming and shouting.

I ran down to the living room and was horrified by what I saw. Strange men with pistols were shouting at my family. My mother and sister were cowering in the corner crying. My father was standing in the middle of the room stark naked! He was standing at attention like a soldier with his hairy chest out and a stoic expression on his face. The only indication that he might be feeling any shame from being naked in front of his family, was that his hands were covering his genitals. My older brother Vlad was undressing revealing his hairy body. He had a trickle of blood under his nose suggesting that he might have resisted, earning a strike to the face.

My other brother was also naked facing the wall leaning on it with outstretched hands. His legs were wide apart and I could see the back of his hairy scrotum hanging obscenely.

As I stood there staring, the three men of my family were ordered to line up. One behind the other.

It was so strange to see them in the middle of our living room naked. I always admired my brother's bodies and hoped that I would develop to look like them. Both of them stocky and well built with hairy chests. My father was also well built but taller. I was always more on the lanky side but maybe that was just due to my youth. I also noticed that my brothers had quite a lot of hair on their behinds and nether regions like my father. They were also all well hung. Its strange that I would be thinking of such things at that moment but I guess it was the out of place nudity which was the most shocking.

The three of them were pushed to stand close together at the front door and one of the gunmen turned his attention to me. He demanded to know who I was. My father told them that I was his youngest son, "just a kid" and in no way involved with the police.

The gunman shouted at me "Strip!"

"No way!" I shouted back. I was quite shy about my body and my mother and sister were in the room. They hadn't seen me naked since I started having pubic hair.

"Now!" he said raising his gun. My father told me to do as he said. I started to unbutton my pyjama top slowly. "Faster!" another gunman shouted and he lunged towards me. He pulled my shirt ripping it. My mother screamed at him to stop but he ripped it right off me. He then grabbed my pyjama bottoms and pushed me backwards so that I fell on my back. He pulled my bottoms off and my pecker was dancing about as I struggled. I couldn't believe it, a few minuted ago I was sleeping in my comfortable bed and now I was lying on my back in my living room with my legs in the air getting stripped naked like I was a baby getting a diaper change. Even worse, my whole family was watching! I reached down to cover myself. I put my hands over my dick and balls but with my legs in the air, I could feel that my ass was on show.

I stood up blushing with my hands covering my package. They then made me line up behind my father and brothers pushing me up close so that my hands covering myself were pushing right up to my brothers hairy ass. I could smell his body odour and feel his sweaty back on my forehead. I guess my bother was as scared as I was.

I had no idea what they were going to do next. Then to my utter amazement, they opened the front door and ordered us to march out. It was a sunny morning and the streets were crowded. As we started walking out I heard cheers from people out there.

"Collaborators!", they shouted. "Hey Police chief show us your dick!", someone else called out. This was followed by a long lewd whistle. "Come on don't be shy, let those hoses swing!" another mocked.

I hesitated in the doorway. I didn't want to walk out into the street nude and be laughed at. I suddenly received a hard slap to my rear-end making me jump out the door. I yelped and reflexively covered my butt with my hands. "Move!" the guard who just slapped me shouted.

"Look even the young one has a big schlong!" someone laughed.

I realized that my brothers and father were already down the pathway and I was standing in our doorway with my hands on my ass and my dick swinging in the breeze for all our neighbours to see. I blushed even more and quickly covered my self as I ran down to take my place behind the other nude men.

As we got to the street, more naked men were joining us. People were gathering at the sides of the street and sitting on porches. Some were crying. Some were screaming but most were laughing and taunting us.

It felt better with more naked men with us so I didn't stick out so much. We were pushing each other trying to move into the centre of the marchers to be more shielded from the angry mob on either side.

I held my head down so I wouldn't see the faces of people I knew.

"You ok?" my eldest brother said to me as I pushed beside him. "I guess" I answered meekly.

"They're a bunch of fucks!", he said. "I don't give a shit about any of them.", I was amazed at his defiance. But Vlad was always tough.

Stop talking a guard shouted and suddenly the man on the other side of me was was whipped. "They're whipping us!" I whined. My father told me to stay calm. He was still walking with his head up and still not showing any shame. Someone threw a clump of mud at him and he slowly wiped it off as he kept walking without even looking to see who it was.

Suddenly we were ordered to stop. "There he is!" someone called out. A guard pointed to my father and told him to come out of the line. My father walked out from the rest of us into a clearing in the crowd in front of some smiling men. He stood there cooly with his hands over his privates but his head held high.

"So this is the tough chief of police.", a chubby little man said. "Yes I am" my father answered. "You mean you were" the fat man answered. Some in the crowd laughed at this.

My father looked the chubby man in the eye and asked him plainly what he wanted. There was a hint of impatience in his voice.

"I want to know why you had me put in jail," the chubby man answered with a sly smile. "You do remember me don't you?"

"I do." answered my father, "I remember that you are a pervert and that's why I put you in jail"

"Oooh" the crowd laughed mockingly.

"Well I'm not a pervert", the chubby man answered. "Im gay alright, but not a pervert. And I was instrumental in getting the assholes who use to occupy this town out of here. I worked with the underground intelligence. You would be surprised how much information can be gleaned when your gay and sleeping around with the right men"

"I don't want to hear about your sick activities." my father said, "Now what do you want with me?" My father was flanked by 2 guards and the little chubby man in front of him.

"Well..", the chubby man started, "I just want to keep helping the resistance and all you collaborators need to be processed before your taken away to the capital to stand trial. So I am simply going to help out by searching you."

My father looked a little alarmed at this and asked why he would need to be searched when he wasn't wearing any clothes.

"Oh come now" explained the chubby man, "you know how men are properly searched. You guys did it all the time" With that the little man pulled out some latex gloves from his pocket and put them on with a dramatic snap. My father's expression became more alarmed and he looked to the guards beside him and around at the unsympathetic faces of the smiling crowd.

"Lets start with your hair". The chubby man reached up and started running his hands through my father's thick hair. My father just stood there and let him do it. What choice did he have?

"What nice dark thick hair you have. Hey you are starting to have some grey at the temples. Now lets look behind your ears" He pulled my fathers head forward. he then caressed my fathers face.

"Such a handsome square jaw"

The man inserted a gloved finger into my fathers mouth and ran it around his gums. My father grimaced at the taste of the man's finger and the crowd cheered the man on. they were loving this. Seeing their previous tough chief of police whom everyone so much feared, now being humiliated by a little chubby man. They were eating it up.

"Now lets see your chest. Hey your starting to have some grey chest hairs... sexy. Are your nipples sensitive? Lets tickle them a little and see." My father flinched as the man stroked his nipples.

"Oh they are getting a little pert now."

The crowd was laughing and my fathers stoic face had changed to a face of anger.

"Put your hands on your head", the little man politely requested. My father who had his hands over his groin this entire time looked around him at the staring faces.

"Oh don't be shy," the chubby man said with mock comfort in his voice. "I'm sure you have nothing to be ashamed of."

My father moved his hands to his head and his genitals swung free. The man looked down at them. "Wow they certainly are rather large."

The crowd whistled and laughed.

"Your armpits are rather smelly, We are going to have to get you cleaned up. Now lets look at these genitals of yours. Keep those hands on your head."

The man kneeled in front of my father who cringed when the man cupped his balls and started rolling them around in his hands.

"Spread your legs a little and squat a bit. I want to get a good feel around here. Very heavy low hanging balls you have. So this is where those virile sons of yours come from. No wonder. Where are they by the way? Are they here?"

My father didn't answer. The chubby man squeezed his balls. I asked you something.

"There" my father squeaked nodding his head in our direction. He was red with anger now and could barely speak as this chubby man gripped his genitals.

"Good." the man said as he pulled back my fathers foreskin. The chubby guy was really man handling my fathers privates as he spoke and it was causing my father to wiggle about uncomfortably. Someone asked if my father was getting hard.

"We will have to get a close look at those sons of yours later too."

"Don't you fucking touch them!" my father growled, "you sick pervert!"

The man let go of my fathers genitals and stood up.

"Oh I will touch them he said. And not just me. And there is nothing you can do about it"

My father stared at the chubby man like he was about to kill him.

"Anyway Mr Chief of police, Im now going to ask you to turn around."

My father turned around and he caught my eye. He quickly looked away and regained that stoic dignified stare.

"What nice muscular buns you have, Let's have a feel of these hard hairy melons of yours. Oh nice, Yes very nice. Nice hairy crack. Now bend over please. Yes bend over and pull your butt cheeks apart."

The crowd jeered and hooted as my father did this. "Pull them wide! Everyone here wants to see the chief of police's hairy butt hole. Isn't that right?" They cheered their agreement.

"Wider please. Not everyone can see yet. Wider!"

My father was bent over with his hands pulling his butt cheeks wide apart. He was closing his eyes tightly and he was beat red. The man put a finger into the naked man's ass. My father grunted as he did so. The man pushed his finger in more and my poor father let out a moan.

"OH he's a moaner", the chubby man laughed as he finger fucked my father in front of his neighbours and his sons. "This tight ass wont go to waste where he is going." he said to the crowd.

"Get your fat fucking finger out of me you sick fuck!" My father suddenly screamed. "Im going to kill you! Im going to kill all of you!"

"That wont do!" the chubby man shouted and he withdrew his hand violently making my father gasp.

My father stood up and looked around at the crowd. "You have no right to be doing this he shouted. Is this the justice you want? Is this our new rule of law?"

He had lost his cool and he was shouting at the crowd trying to regain his dignity. I felt terrible for him. He was trying to scold them even while he was naked with his dick flopping around and they all just finished watching his anus being stretched. His statements were met by boos and laughter. With a wave of the chubby man's hand guards grabbed my father. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to be talking to us about rule of law. Mr x-police chief! After you brutalized us for 5 years! Bend him over! Hand me a stick! Now the rest of you collaborators watch!"

The crowd went silent and my father was bent over held down by a number of men and his butt was sticking up. After a few lashes with that stick my father's hairy cheeks were turning red. He started grunting louder and louder and finally started screaming. His ass started looking awfully red. I couldn't watch and I turned away. My brother put a hand on my shoulder. After the next few lashes my father wasn't screaming any more. I could hear him whimpering. They finally finished and my father was ordered back into the line. He didn't say a word as he rejoined us and kept his face down.

We were all silent as we were ordered to start marching. The jeering crowds resumed their taunting and my angry brothers were looking around. Soon more front doors were being smashed open and more men were being ordered out. I saw my gym teacher thrown from his house to his front yard. He was a young new teacher who came a few months ago from out of town. What did he have to do with anything? I then some students from the local college being made to undress in the boulevard. I guess more people then you would think were collaborators. Or maybe this was some kind of witch hunt that people were taking advantage of to get revenge on others? I saw a prominent business man and his son being dragged away from their family. The son was swearing and fighting viscously as his clothes were being torn off.

People I recognized were also in the mob. I saw a kid I hate from school pointing at me laughing and I tried to move to the other side of my brothers so he couldn't see me. There was panicking, screaming but mostly cheering and laughing. The scene was becoming increasingly bizarre and frightening as we marched. I saw two scruffy looking nude men holding each other waltzing. They both looked mortified and were holding their faces away from each other with disgust. Despite their attempts they couldn't stop their genitals from rubbing as they did that shameful dance for the crowd's amusement.

A guy from my class was doing naked jumping jacks. A bunch of younger boys were seated in front of him rolling in fits of laughter. I was surprised to see he had such a small dick. With the way he mouthed off at everyone all the time, I would of guessed he had something bigger. I suppose he was always overcompensating. From his distressed blushing facial expression and his little manhood so revealed, I figured his mouthing off days were pretty much over.

As we rounded a corner a I saw a muscular man facing away from us towards a group of smiling men and women. They were staring lewdly at his privates. I couldn't tell for sure but by the way he was gyrating and flexing his meaty buttocks, it looked like he was being made to jerk off for them! Was that possible out in the middle of the street with all those people watching? By his frantic jerking motions it looked like he was trying his best.

Vlad asked me to keep an eye out for his wife as we neared his house. I was afraid to verbalize it but I was wondering what further indignities awaited us.

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