The Coke Man Cumeth

By Rampage

Published on May 16, 2016


It was a hot, sweltering afternoon at the air force base and thunder was in the air. I had just finished dropping off a delivery to the NAAFI (for our friends across the pond that is roughly our equivalent to your PX.) Being a civilian I was known to the uniformed men as "the Coke man" and no one paid much attention to me. Behind the NAAFI Stores was the unloading bay and opposite that, on a piece of waste ground, what looked to be disused latrines. As I was climbing into the cab of my wagon, I glimpsed a very hunky piece of Senior NCO meat walk in there. I pulled my vehicle away from the unloading dock and parked off to one side, under some trees, just out of sight of the office.

I sauntered across to where I had seen the guy and, sure enough, I hit pay dirt. The latrines looked as if they had not been in use for some time but there were urinals on one side and cubicles on the other. I checked around quickly, there was no one about so I slipped in. I could see there was one cubicle in use so I did not have to be a genius to work out where my prey had gone to earth. There was a gap of about a foot between the bottom of the door and the floor so I bent down to see what there was to be seen. Sure enough, I could see his fatigues and boots, which were spread far apart, legs stretched out. I would defy anyone to take a crap positioned like that so I figures he was giving himself a good old time!

I stood at the urinal opposite to his cubicle and took a leak, suspecting he was checking me out through one of the holes drilled into the door. He could also scrutinise me through the crack between the door and its frame. Just to make sure he knew someone was there, I squeezed the head of my dick so that the stream of piss hit the porcelain quite loud. When I'd finished I turned sideways to let him sneak a good look as I shook the last drops from my prick. I stroked it up a bit for him, slapping it from underneath to create enough sound to let him know what I was doing. I deliberately did not look towards the cubicle door as I did not want to scare him off. Besides, I had seen how fit he looked and I wanted him! The thought made my dick even harder and it began oozing sticky.

There was still no sound or movement from him so, if he was watching me, he obviously was not impressed with my show. I kept it going for a few more minutes, then walked into the cubicle next to his. I did not intend to give up on him just yet. I pulled my jeans down round my ankles real quick, so he knew I was not just another grunt, and took up a similar position as his, with my legs apart and with the sunlight coming from windows high up on the back wall, I could see the shadow of his right arm as he stroked his cock. I began working on myself with my left hand and made it obvious to a blind man what I was up to. I started slapping my cock again for him and made a bit of wet squelchy noise for his entertainment. The shadow of his arm told me he was beginning to tug harder, so I bit the bullet and knelt down, facing his cubicle, with my knees about eight inches from the partition. I felt I was far enough back that if he was not going to take me on, I would be OK, but if he moved it was going to be a case of Action Stations!

Sure enough, his shadow indicated to me that he had bent down and was checking me out while still tugging himself. I let him continue like that for maybe half a minute, then I moved forward to give him a better look. He pushed his hand and part of his tattooed arm under the partition and made beckoning gestures with his forefinger. I got the message, made a show of not zipping up my jeans, and stepped out of my cubicle. I tapped lightly on his door and it swung open. I quickly slipped into the cubicle, dropped my jeans and his hand was down on me real quick, stroking me up like he knew what he was after. He reached around me and threw the bolt on the door. Before I knew it, his mouth was sucking me like he was afraid I was going to get up and go. As if I'd do a thing like that to a hunk like him!

One of his hands cupped my balls, squeezing and rolling none too gently, while the other fingered my arse, probing my hot sticky bunghole. He hunkered down, took my heavy seven and a half inches into his warm, moist mouth and had me blowing in seconds. He caught my load of hot thick cum in his mouth but spat it out down the toilet. He stood up facing me and pushed down on my shoulders, forcing me to squat. I needed no urging to swallow his cock and start sucking him. Boy! What a cock that was! He had a good eight inches, fat and thick with a big knob like a helmet. I gagged on the size of it but valiantly took it all the way down my throat, my teeth chewing on the base through a forest of dense black pubic hair, sweaty and smelling of stale piss and dried cum. He was pre-cumming like crazy and it tasted real good. After letting me chomp on his cock for some minutes, he pulled it out of my mouth, turned round, sat back down on the toilet seat and silently mimed for me to sit on his lap.

Without hesitation, I turned round, sat down on to the top of his big sticky dick and slowly lowered myself, sliding that massive solid head into my arsehole and then up my chute. He groaned - quietly - in ecstasy as I jounced up and down on his huge man-meat. As my pussy opened further, I was able to take more of him until he filled my pulsing love tube to the limit. I felt as if he was trying to rip me in two, he was so big. It was without doubt the biggest cock I'd ever had up me until that time. His hands and arms reached round me and pulled my thighs down on him still further as he yelped and filled me with buckets of thick, creamy jism. Five, ten pumps from that massive cock and he was still cummin!

When finally he finished, I stood up and bent forward after he pulled out of me, leaving my aching, leaking arse in full view. He dressed quickly and, before he left, put his hand on my buttocks and worked my cummy arse a little more. "See you here same time next week, Coke man. Here's the padlock for the outside door. Lock up when you go as these latrines were decommissioned six months ago and are officially out of bounds." Then he was gone, leaving me with a bunch of keys and a solid metal padlock.

To be continued......

Next: Chapter 2

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