The Coach

Published on Aug 28, 2015


Coach 8 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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It is not a surprise that my services for Dr. Freddy were so successful. His patients were all either gay or very gay and they wanted to act on their urges. Most were either timid or so deep in the closet they couldn't act. There was a third group of men. They had a bad experience with man sex and hadn't been able to deal with it. Some had been so humiliated and ashamed, they didn't deal with it; they simply dwelt on it.

Dr. Fred called me and said he had a problem patient, Toby Miller. Toby owned a large car dealership after having a successful pro football player career. He had recently assaulted a man who touched him. Witnesses said the man had tripped and grabbed Toby to break his fall. Toby had made restitution to the man and that had blown over, but he knew he had a problem.

His doctor sent him to Dr. Freddy. Toby did not associate with women, but he was violently anti-gay too. The doctor had suspicions. People joke about shrinks, but Freddy was intelligent and perceptive. Freddy was also relaxing and casual. He was non-intimidating, and managed to get Toby to tell him his story.

Toby was always athletic and big. Even when he was on the Junior Varsity team, he practiced with the Varsity team. Several of the older boys on the team raped him. They said it was an initiation. He had been excited to be with the older team members and this devastated him. By the end of the first year on the team, he was too big and too strong to mess with, and this drive to be stronger and better served him well in the major leagues.

That was the good part. He had no interest in girls at all. Men sexually excited him, but he couldn't or wouldn't act on his urges. He could not be aggressive sexually. He did not know where the line separating making a pass and being overly aggressive was. He did nothing. Nothing seemed to be safe for him. Toby possessed a normal sex drive, but was deeply frustrated.

Under Freddy's guidance, Toby finally admitted that men excited him sexually. Eventually, Dr. Freddy told Toby he needed sex lessons. Toby laughed, but Freddy told him he was serious. He explained that Toby was nearly fifty years old and he had not worked things out on his own. That wasn't going to happen without some help.

"Are you talking about a hooker?" Toby asked. He was offended at the suggestion.

"I'm talking about a friend," Freddy explained.

"I don't have a friend I could do it with," Toby protested.

"I know that. I am talking about a friend you haven't met yet," Freddy explained. "The man I am talking about is my friend, and I am pretty sure you will like him. You two are alike in many ways. He is athletic, mature and gay. I want to make sure you understand, I want you to have a sexual friendship."

"He is a friend with benefits?" Toby asked. Freddy laughed.

"That is one way to say it. Some men are great friends with modest benefits. Others are casual acquaintances with massive benefits. It depends on the chemistry," Freddy said. "For you I hope it will be a good friendship with mind-blowing sex. You need something big to get past your hang ups."

I met Toby a week later. He was big and impressive. We shook hands and he came in. "I don't know if I should be here," he said.

"Dr. Freddy can be convincing. As far as I can tell he has good judgement and his recommendations are both sound and beneficial," I said. "Let me be direct. I know why you are here, and I know why I am here. I am not here to trick you or deceive you. I am not here to make you do things you don't want to do. I play things straight."

"That sounds fine," he said. "Why are you here?"

"Well, I could tell you that I like to help people with problems. That is a little true, but the real reason is that I like sex. The chance to do it with a pro football player is the wet dream of half of the gay men in the country," I said. Toby smiled.

"What sort of things do you like to do?" he asked.

"Would I shock you if I said that if it involves a cock, I will do it?" I said. He smiled again.

"It is that simple?"

"For me it is. I am not talking about love here. I am talking about sexual pleasure. You can enjoy the pleasure without entanglements," I said.

"I jerk off," Toby said.

"That is not the same," I said. "Are you willing to give it a try?" He nodded.

"I need to take a shower, will you join me?"

"That isn't a problem. I've showered with the team for years," Toby said.

"Me too, but this time you don't need to pretend you are not looking. If you get hard, it is fine," I said. "It will be different with different ground rules."

We went to my bedroom and we stripped. "For your age, you look good," he said. "Damn you're hairy."

"You don't look much like Justin Bieber yourself," I said. He smiled. "You aren't pretty, but you sure look good. I like masculine men." Toby had been a tackle, so he was massive and muscular. He had a hairy chest and a treasure trail to a thick bush. He had bull balls, and an uncut cock nestled in the bush. By the time we were under the water, I was firming up some. He saw that and looked away.

"Toby, remember it is okay to look," I said. "I just happened to notice you have monster balls. Do you shoot a big load?"

Toby blushed and looked uneasy. Luckily, telling a man he has big genitals can only be so bad. "They make a big mess when I pop," he said.

"Is it the amount of spooge or the distance you shoot it that is a problem?" I asked.

Toby smiled. His cock was beginning to get firm. I could see a little of his cock head as he foreskin retraced.

"Well it is both. I hit the ceiling once in a motel. It was hell to cleanup," he said. "It was disgusting."

"I know some guys who would love to see that and they would clean it up too," I said.

"I can't believe that," Toby said.

"Believe it, I am one of them!" I said. He looked surprised and got a little harder. He looked down and saw he was half-hard.

"I didn't mean to do that," he said.

"I know you didn't, but your cock has different ideas about what you want. You may have noticed that my cock and your cock are in agreement on that," I said. "By the way, you cock is looking good."

"Yours looks good too," he said. We showered and he relaxed some. We soaped up our privates together and he seemed to like that. My cock reacted the same way his did. We dried off and went to the bedroom.

"What do we do now?" he asked.

"Why don't you lie down on the bed, close your eyes and relax. I will do everything that needs to be done," I said. "I'm going to do things I like to do. If you don't like it, let me know. If you like it, you don't need to say anything. Naked guys can't hide much when they are sexually excited."

We got on the bed and talked. I fluffed up the hair on his chest and then followed the treasure trail to his bush. I cupped his balls in my hand and then stroked his cock. After a minute or so, I leaned over and took his cock head into my mouth.

"You don't need to do that," he said.

"I told you I am doing what I like to do, just relax," I said. He had been oozing buckets of pre-cum so I knew his body was interested even if his mind was unsure. I also knew he was close. I would need to be careful or he would shoot off too soon. I wanted him to have a nice long experience of quality time with his cock.

I took it slow and savored his rich ball juices. They were flowing freely. When he got really close I pulled off completely. I pulled off after twenty minutes of this. We talked and I knew his cock wanted more attention.

"Are you going to finish me off?" he finally asked.

"I can, but there is one thing you have to do," I said. "You need to ask me to suck you. You need to admit to yourself you want me to blow you."

Toby was silent for a minute, and the he asked me to blow him. Four or five minutes later, his cock put on an imitation of the fireworks finale at a 4th of July celebrations. He twitched, shivered and moaned, but most of all he squirted volley after volley of his rich and thick ball cream into my mouth.

He cock head became ultra-sensitive as he ejaculated so I only caressed it with my tongue during a lull. When he was calm, I managed to coax a few extra ejaculations from him. I knew from my own experiences these late spurts weren't as intense as the main one, but they were pleasurable. I pulled off and let him regroup

A few minutes later, he asked, "Do I need to blow you now?"

"You can blow me when you feel that urge. You don't need to do anything," I said. His cock had relaxed and his knob had retreated into his foreskin. He was still drooling a little. As we talked, it began to firm up again.

"What would you like?" I asked. He looked at his enlarging cock and I knew the answer. "You have to tell me what you want. I will do it."

"Would you blow me again?" he asked. I smiled and resumed sucking.

Of course, it was different this time. The pervious orgasm reduced the frantic urge to shoot off. It was more relaxed and intimate this time. I took my time and he clearly had no problem being sucked. While his second orgasm was not as spectacular as the first, it was good and intensely pleasurable for him. It was good for me too.

I asked him if he wanted to try for a third. He smiled and said no. He should go home.

"Toby, you know you are attractive. If you said you wanted ten orgasms, I would be willing. Sex isn't a chore or a duty, it is a joy. It is a joy for everyone involved," I said. "You can call me any time and there is a good chance I can help you out."

"I don't want to be a pest," he said.

"As a card carrying gay man, I can assure you that a good-looking, ex-NFL player who is well hung and horny is not the definition of a pest!" I said.

Freddy had weekly appointments and I hoped Toby would visit me after the next appointment. He came by two days later.

"You must think I am horny as hell," he said.

"Toby, I know you are horny as hell and I see that as an attractive feature!" I replied. "Let's get naked and have some fun."

We went to my bedroom and stripped. He was on the bed a second later. After sucking for five or six minutes, I took a break.

"You like to suck?" he asked. "You took my load the last time. I thought that would be disgusting."

"There is a world of difference between sperm and piss." I said. "I sometimes think God had a sense of humor when he combined the two functions in the same organ. It is odd; pissing on a guy is a great insult. Feeding him your spooge is incredibly intimate. When I first sucked men years ago, I was not into it. I thought the guy should give me warning. It changed when a man I liked fed me. He did give me warning, and I was not fast enough to pull off before he popped, but I took it."

"I'd be afraid of that," Toby said.

"Looking back I think I was fooling myself. I was too slow on purpose. I could have pulled off after one or two squirts. I took them all. I wanted to taste his cream," I said. "I liked him and knowing he had made the stuff in his balls excited me. He had shot off, but I came close to enjoying it as much as he did. It is sort of the ultimate way to know a friend. I don't take everyone's cream. I have to really like him."

"You took mine twice," he said. "You hardly know me."

"Maybe I need to do some explaining. Some guys immediately attract me, other take some time. Masculine men attract me. Precum also get me going. You are masculine and ooze first-rate cock juices. You really got me going," I said. "I was just waiting for you to give me the go ahead to go for the gold."

"You could have just continued sucking and you would have had it?" he said.

"I wanted you to let go and give it to me. I know that at some point all orgasms become involuntary," I explained. "I didn't want to take your cum, I want you to give it to me. You do know the object of all of this is for you to enjoy yourself?"

"I know. It's hard for me to let go," Toby said.

"Well, let me try to help you with that," I said as I returned to his cock. He was getting close, but I managed to slow him down. When he finally shot off there was another flood of man seed. He left my house a happy man.

Three days later Toby called again. I said he was welcome to visit, but I had company. "My pal is a member in good standing of the fraternity," I said. "He is playful too. He is Park Ranger from New York."

Much to my surprise Toby said he would come over. He was either getting into gay sex, or so horny he could not pass up the opportunity. I told Randy, my ranger friend, about Toby and he was more than game. He had followed Toby when he was a pro.

Randy was a bearded lumberjack type, he was only five feet eight, but he looked huge. He was in charge of clearing out diseased trees and park clean up. His staff was made up of parolees from the state prison system and Randy led by example. He was a born leader of men and most of his crews wanted to do as much as he did.

I think it was love at first sight for Toby. If you are a gay man who is afraid of being considered gay, Randy was the man for you. He was like the Marlboro man with extra testosterone. Randy liked man sex and was not shy about it. Randy was well equipped, but not exceptional.

As soon as they were naked, they connected. Toby and I were good together. Toby and Randy we like long lost brothers. Randy sucked Toby. As I said, Randy was a leader of men. Toby soon was sucking Randy. Randy then introduced him to the 69 position. When Toby drained his balls into Randy's mouth, Randy's cock fed Toby's mouth a second or two later. Toby had no problem taking and then eating Randy's cream.

I noticed that Randy licked up Toby's post-orgasmic drool lollypop style. Toby did the same to him, but he deep throated the cock a few times to get a bigger gob.

When they rested, I took the opportunity of easing my cock into Randy's ass. I had known Randy for years, so I knew how to do it the way he liked. His hole looked small but he never had a major problem taking me. He said his ass was elastic for a good stud.

Toby's cock quickly recovered from his post-climax deflation as he watched me fuck Randy.

"Toby looks as if he wants to take trip into your rectum," I said to Randy.

"I'd love that Coach," he replied. I pulled out and Toby took my place. Toby moaned as his cock slid into Randy. I had fucked from the rear. I told Randy to roll over so Toby could watch him as they fucked. That was a great success. Randy was openly affectionate and was not afraid to let you know how much he liked sex. Randy always said my cock was one size too big, but I was worth a twinge or too. It was clear to me that Toby's cock was just the right size to ring Randy's chimes. Toby also liked the man attached to the cock too. I am not much of a matchmaker, but I had done well.

Randy had just retired from the park service after 35 years. He was actually on vacation, he had a year of unused vacation, and they gave him six months of it. Randy loved the job, but had a bad back, so it was a forced retirement for health reasons. He was on the way to Miami the next day, but he said he would stop by on the return visit.

Late in the afternoon the next day, Toby knocked on my door. I asked him in. "Is Randy as nice as he seems?" he asked.

"As far as I can tell, he's nicer than he seems to be," I said.

"Are you in love with him?"

"We are more like friends with benefits. We met when it was impossible to be employed by the state and be gay. We are pals who like to screw like rabbits[BW1]," I said. "We are friends as well as playmates."

"Does he fuck you?" Toby asked.

"Sure he does. He likes to top, but then again he likes it all," I said. Toby looked crestfallen.

"If you are thinking what I think you are thinking, it is not a deal breaker," I said.

"I kind of have a thing about not being fucked," he said in what was almost a whisper.

"That is not a problem. He liked what you two did big time. He liked having you in his ass," I said. "Don't worry. That is more than enough."

"I'm afraid to try it," Toby said. "I don't want to turn him off."

"You need to do this with Randy,"

"I'm afraid I might not like it," he said. We talked of a while. Toby wanted me to open him up. He did not exactly want me to fuck him; he wanted to be ready. I suggested that he fuck me, just to remember the reason for the exercise. I was not surprised when he said that might be a good idea. We stripped and I lubricated him. He seemed to like that a lot. I was on the bed. I rolled back and put my legs on his shoulders. He pushed gently and I tried to relax. He pushed harder and it popped in.

Toby was a natural athlete, and he soon was in all the way. He had a good rhythm of thrusting. He had been nervous when he fucked Roddy. He was more relaxed and at ease with me. He could savor the sexual sensations. I am not a virgin and I could sense the sensations intensifying and growing. I wanted him to forget this was a lesson. I wanted him to have plain, old sex. A few minutes later I forgot it was a lesson too. That was about thirty seconds before he forgot. We were two horny men letting off steam.

Next: Chapter 9

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